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A wide range of 2′,5′-dideoxy-nucleosides, including 6- substituted purine, pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine and 1-deazapurine derivatives, has been enzymatically prepared using purine nucleoside phosphorylase. Specificity towards cleavage by bacterial versus mammalian purine nucleoside phosphorylase was evaluated.  相似文献   
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a serious complication of pregnancy with potentially life threatening consequences for both mother and baby. Presently there is no test with the required performance to predict which healthy first-time mothers will go on to develop PE. The high specificity, sensitivity, and multiplexed nature of selected reaction monitoring holds great potential as a tool for the verification and validation of putative candidate biomarkersfor disease states. Realization of this potential involves establishing a high throughput, cost effective, reproducible sample preparation workflow. We have developed a semi-automated HPLC-based sample preparation workflow before a label-free selected reaction monitoring approach. This workflow has been applied to the search for novel predictive biomarkers for PE.To discover novel candidate biomarkers for PE, we used isobaric tagging to identify several potential biomarker proteins in plasma obtained at 15 weeks gestation from nulliparous women who later developed PE compared with pregnant women who remained healthy. Such a study generates a number of “candidate” biomarkers that require further testing in larger patient cohorts. As proof-of-principle, two of these proteins were taken forward for verification in a 100 women (58 PE, 42 controls) using label-free SRM. We obtained reproducible protein quantitation across the 100 samples and demonstrated significant changes in protein levels, even with as little as 20% change in protein concentration. The SRM data correlated with a commercial ELISA, suggesting that this is a robust workflow suitable for rapid, affordable, label-free verification of which candidate biomarkers should be taken forward for thorough investigation. A subset of pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSGs) had value as novel predictive markers for PE.The identification of clinically relevant plasma biomarkers with diagnostic and/or predictive value continues to challenge the proteomics field. Whereas once the biomarker pipeline was described as a two part discovery and validation process, there is increasing consensus that an intermediate step is required in which the proteins identified in the discovery phase are technically verified in 50 to 200 samples. This verification step identifies false positives from the discovery phase and allows prioritization of proteins to be taken into large-scale clinical validation studies (1). Although commercial ELISA kits may be used in this phase, these are unavailable for many proteins, are expensive, and may lack specificity. In addition, sample requirements may be too high to perform ELISA on all candidates, especially if many proteins are identified as potential markers by low powered, high penetration discovery workflows.Selected reaction monitoring (SRM)1 mass spectrometry has great potential as an alternative verification method (26) as it can be multiplexed, customized, and is highly specific. This potential has not been exploited to date, largely because of technical issues developing a low-cost, reproducible workflow encompassing plasma and serum preparation and LC/MS analysis with the capability to measure protein levels reproducible in hundreds of samples. With traditional stable isotope dilution SRM (SID-SRM), the high cost of accurately quantified, purified stable isotope encoded peptides or proteins may be prohibitive for the verification of multiple peptides from many proteins. Label-free relatively quantitative methods are increasingly popular in discovery proteomics but to a much lesser extent in targeted SRM studies (7, 8).For any SRM method, sample preparation workflows must balance the extent of enrichment and fractionation to enable quantification of lower abundance proteins, against increased technical variability (which is influenced by the number of sample handling steps) and reduced multiplexed potential as a consequence of fractionating peptides from the protein of interest into several distinct fractions. It is also essential that the true technical variation in the workflow is quantitatively evaluated from freezer to MS analysis, rather than just the variation within the LC-SRM part of the experiment. As a paradigm for a label-free SRM assay, we developed our workflow and applied it to the verification of candidate biomarkers that indicate the risk of pre-eclampsia (PE).PE affects 2–8% of pregnancies, and is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, which may progress to severe maternal complications or death (9). Because delivery of the infant is the only effective intervention, a third of babies are born premature and fetal or newborn mortality is increased three- to 10-fold (10). Its complex etiology involves abnormal placentation, an altered immune response and a sensitized maternal vascular endothelium (11). Prediction of the condition in early pregnancy would allow prevention strategies, such as low dose aspirin, to be targeted to high risk women. In first-time pregnant women, a group particularly at risk, biomarkers continue to fall short of a test that would be useful or cost effective in clinical practice (1214). Better-performing novel biomarkers are required.The aim of this study was to identify candidate predictive biomarkers for PE and then develop a verification assay using mass spectrometry to determine whether these should be taken forward into more extensive and expensive validation studies. Initial discovery experiments were employed using a pooled sample iTRAQ approach using two different MS platforms to increase plasma proteome coverage. Among the set of proteins discovered, we then developed a label-free SRM assay for relative quantification of CXCL7 (Platelet basic protein; PBP) and members of the Pregnancy specific glycoprotein (PSG) family in a 100-sample set from the international SCreeningfOr Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) study (www.scopestudy.net). Our workflow allowed the specificity and linearity of response for each peptide to be determined, along with true technical variability. Although absolute concentration and LOD/LOQ cannot be calculated using this approach, we aimed to test the hypothesis that a label-free SRM approach could provide a rapid, robust, and efficient screen of candidate plasma biomarkers.  相似文献   
In spliceosomes, dynamic RNA/RNA and RNA/protein interactions position the pre-mRNA substrate for the two chemical steps of splicing. Not all of these interactions have been characterized, in part because it has not been possible to arrest the complex at clearly defined states relative to chemistry. Previously, it was shown in yeast that the DEAD/H-box protein Prp22 requires an extended 3′ exon to promote mRNA release from the spliceosome following second-step chemistry. In line with that observation, we find that shortening the 3′ exon blocks cleaved lariat intron and mRNA release in human splicing extracts, which allowed us to stall human spliceosomes in a new post-catalytic complex (P complex). In comparison to C complex, which is blocked at a point following first-step chemistry, we detect specific differences in RNA substrate interactions near the splice sites. These differences include extended protection across the exon junction and changes in protein crosslinks to specific sites in the 5′ and 3′ exons. Using selective reaction monitoring (SRM) mass spectrometry, we quantitatively compared P and C complex proteins and observed enrichment of SF3b components and loss of the putative RNA-dependent ATPase DHX35. Electron microscopy revealed similar structural features for both complexes. Notably, additional density is present when complexes are chemically fixed, which reconciles our results with previously reported C complex structures. Our ability to compare human spliceosomes before and after second-step chemistry has opened a new window to rearrangements near the active site of spliceosomes, which may play roles in exon ligation and mRNA release.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine the bacterial composition of high latitude soils from the Darwin–Hatherton glacier region of Antarctica. Four soil pits on each of four glacial drift sheets were sampled for chemical and microbial analyses. The four drifts—Hatherton, Britannia, Danum, and Isca—ranged, respectively, from early Holocene (10 ky) to mid-Quaternary (ca 900 ky). Numbers of culturable bacteria were low, with highest levels detected in soils from the younger Hatherton drift. DNA was extracted and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries prepared from samples below the desert pavement for each of the four drift sheets. Between 31 and 262 clones were analysed from each of the Hatherton, Britannia, and Danum drifts. Bacterial sequences were dominated by members of the phyla Deinococcus-Thermus, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. Culturable bacteria, including some that clustered with soil clones (e.g., members of the genera Arthrobacter, Adhaeribacter, and Pontibacter), belonged to Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. The isolated bacteria are ideal model organisms for genomic and phenotypic investigations of those attributes that allow bacteria to survive and/or grow in Antarctic soils because they have close relatives that are not tolerant of these conditions.  相似文献   
Closely integrated research between archaeologists and ecologists provides a long-term view of human land use that is rare in the ecological literature, allowing for investigation of activities that lead to enduring environmental outcomes. This extended temporal perspective is particularly important in aridlands where succession occurs slowly and ecosystem processes are mediated by abiotic, geomorphic factors. Numerous studies show that impacts from ancient human actions can persist, but few have explored the types of practices or mechanisms that lead to either transient or long-term environmental change. We compared plant and soil properties and processes from a range of landscape patch types in the Sonoran Desert of the US Southwest that supported different, well-documented prehistoric farming practices from AD 750–1300. Our results show that the types of ancient human activities that leave long-term ecological legacies in aridlands are those that fundamentally alter “slow variables” such as soil properties that regulate the timing and supply of water. Prehistoric Hohokam floodwater-irrigation practices, but not dryland farming techniques, substantially altered soil texture, which was strongly associated with desert plant community and functional composition. However, prehistoric agriculture did not consistently alter long-term nutrient availability and thus had no impact on “fast variables” such as production of seasonal annual plants that are restricted to periods of ample rainfall. In this arid ecosystem, the inverse texture model explained patterns in plant functional composition at large scales, but is less predictive of production of short-lived desert annuals that experience a more mesic precipitation regime.  相似文献   
Background aimsThere is an urgent need for novel therapeutic strategies for relapsed ovarian cancer. Dramatic clinical anti-tumor effects have been observed with interleukin (IL)-2 activated natural killer (NK) cells; however, intravenous delivery of NK cells in patients with ovarian cancer has not been successful in ameliorating disease. We investigated in vivo engraftment of intraperitoneally (IP) delivered NK cells in an ovarian cancer xenograft model to determine if delivery mode can affect tumor cell killing and circumvent lack of NK cell expansion.MethodsAn ovarian cancer xenograft mouse model was established to evaluate efficacy of IP-delivered NK cells. Tumor burden was monitored by bioluminescent imaging of luciferase-expressing ovarian cancer cells. NK cell persistence, tumor burden and NK cell trafficking were evaluated. Transplanted NK cells were evaluated by flow cytometry and cytotoxicity assays.ResultsIP delivery of human NK cells plus cytokines led to high levels of circulating NK and was effective in clearing intraperitoneal ovarian cancer burden in xenografted mice. NK cells remained within the peritoneal cavity 54 days after injection and had markers of maturation. Additionally, surviving NK cells were able to kill ovarian cancer cells at a rate similar to pre-infusion levels, supporting that in vivo functionality of human NK cells can be maintained after IP infusion.ConclusionsIP delivery of NK cells leads to stable engraftment and antitumor response in an ovarian cancer xenograft model. These data support further pre-clinical and clinical evaluation of IP delivery of allogeneic NK cells in ovarian cancer.  相似文献   


Individuals with deficiencies of pulmonary surfactant protein C (SP-C) develop interstitial lung disease (ILD) that is exacerbated by viral infections including respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). SP-C gene targeted mice (Sftpc -/-) lack SP-C, develop an ILD-like disease and are susceptible to infection with RSV.


In order to determine requirements for correction of RSV induced injury we have generated compound transgenic mice where SP-C expression can be induced on the Sftpc -/- background (SP-C/Sftpc -/-) by the administration of doxycycline (dox). The pattern of induced SP-C expression was determined by immunohistochemistry and processing by Western blot analysis. Tissue and cellular inflammation was measured following RSV infection and the RSV-induced cytokine response of isolated Sftpc +/+ and -/- type II cells determined.


After 5 days of dox administration transgene SP-C mRNA expression was detected by RT-PCR in the lungs of two independent lines of bitransgenic SP-C/Sftpc -/- mice (lines 55.3 and 54.2). ProSP-C was expressed in the lung, and mature SP-C was detected by Western blot analysis of the lavage fluid from both lines of SP-C/Sftpc -/- mice. Induced SP-C expression was localized to alveolar type II cells by immunostaining with an antibody to proSP-C. Line 55.3 SP-C/Sftpc -/- mice were maintained on or off dox for 7 days and infected with 2.6x107 RSV pfu. On day 3 post RSV infection total inflammatory cell counts were reduced in the lavage of dox treated 55.3 SP-C/Sftpc -/- mice (p = 0.004). The percentage of neutrophils was reduced (p = 0.05). The viral titers of lung homogenates from dox treated 55.3 SP-C/Sftpc -/- mice were decreased relative to 55.3 SP-C/Sftpc -/- mice without dox (p = 0.01). The cytokine response of Sftpc -/- type II cells to RSV was increased over that of Sftpc +/+ cells.


Transgenic restoration of SP-C reduced inflammation and improved viral clearance in the lungs of SP-C deficient mice. The loss of SP-C in alveolar type II cells compromises their response to infection. These findings show that the restoration of SP-C in Sftpc -/- mice in response to RSV infection is a useful model to determine parameters for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Background aimsAn accurate and reliable assessment of bone marrow engraftment (BME) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is based on the ability to distinguish between recipient and donor cells at selected polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) DNA loci. Buccal cells are an important source of DNA for determining the recipient's constitutional genotype, particularly in patients transplanted before the STR evaluation.MethodsGenomic DNA was extracted from the recipient buccal cells and from isolated CD3+ (T-cell lymphocyte) and CD33+ (myelocyte) cells after HSCT. BME analysis was performed using a STR-based polymerase chain reaction amplification method followed by fragment-size analysis for assessing the recipient-derived or donor-derived composition of cell lineage-specific peripheral blood DNA.ResultsWe identified three cases of complete buccal epithelial cell engraftment after HSCT detected by BME analysis, potentially leading to misinterpretation of testing results if these cells were used as the sole source for determining the recipient's genotype.ConclusionsThese cases suggest that complete engraftment of buccal epithelial cells may be a common finding in patients receiving HSCT, drawing attention to important issues such as the type of samples used for determining a patient's constitutional genotype that may confound testing results. This study also highlights the need for careful interpretation of the BME testing results in the context of the clinical findings.  相似文献   


To determine comparative fracture risk in HIV patients compared with uninfected controls.


A randomised cross-sectional study assessing bone mineral density (BMD), fracture history and risk factors in the 2 groups.


Hospital Outpatients.


222 HIV infected patients and an equal number of age-matched controls. Assessments: Fracture risk factors were assessed and biochemical, endocrine and bone markers measured. BMD was assessed at hip and spine. 10-year fracture probability (FRAX) and remaining lifetime fracture probability (RFLP) were calculated.

Main Outcome Measures

BMD, and history of fractures.


Reported fractures occurred more frequently in HIV than controls, (45 vs. 16; 20.3 vs. 7%; OR=3.27; p=0.0001), and unsurprisingly in this age range, non-fragility fractures in men substantially contributed to this increase. Osteoporosis was more prevalent in patients with HIV (17.6% vs. 3.6%, p<0.0001). BMD was most reduced, and predicted fracture rates most increased, at the spine. Low BMD was associated with antiretroviral therapy (ART), low body mass index and PTH. 10-year FRAX risk was <5% for all groups. RLFP was greater in patients with HIV (OR=1.22; p=0.003) and increased with ART (2.4 vs. 1.50; OR= 1.50; p=0.03).


The increased fracture rate in HIV patients in our relatively youthful population is partly driven by fractures, including non-fragility fractures, in men. Nonetheless, these findings may herald a rise in osteoporotic fractures in HIV patients. An appropriate screening and management response is required to assess these risks and identify associated lifestyle factors that are also associated with other conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  相似文献   
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