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AtT20 (pituitary corticotroph) cells were transfected with either the native or a mutant [AspB10]rat insulin II gene, using a plasmid containing the insulin gene and a neomycin resistance gene under the control of independent constitutive promoters. The cellular immunoreactive insulin (IRI) content ranged from 0.8-440 ng/10(6) cells, with the highest value similar to that found for a rat insulinoma cell line (RIN) and corresponding to approximately 1% that of native pancreatic B-cells. There was a direct correlation between insulin mRNA levels and IRI content and no correlation between mRNA levels and rat insulin II gene copy number. Furthermore, in some lines the insulin II transgene was lost even though the gene encoding neomycin resistance was retained. IRI release was stimulated up to 4-fold by isobutylmethylxanthine in all lines transfected with the native rat insulin II gene, and HPLC analysis showed most IRI as fully processed insulin, with less than 5% as proinsulin. These cells, thus, directed most proinsulin to secretory granules for conversion and regulated release regardless of the absolute amount of IRI expressed. One of the lines transfected with the AspB10 mutant gene (line AA9) released nearly 50% of IRI as proinsulin under basal conditions, with stimulation of insulin, but not proinsulin, release by isobutylmethylxanthine. This confirmed our previous finding of partial diversion of this mutant proinsulin from the regulated to the constitutive pathway. A second line (IC6) expressing the same mutant gene at much higher levels appeared to direct all mutant proinsulin to the regulated pathway, suggesting that for this particular mutant proinsulin, the secretory pathway employed by the transfected cells can be affected by the amount of proinsulin synthesized.  相似文献   
L-pilin variants of Neisseria gonorrhoeae MS11   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Phase- and antigenic variation of pilin expression in Neisseria gonorrhoeae is based on the genetic exchange between silent pilin genes (pilS) and the pilin expression locus (pilE). Similarly, the non-piliated L-variants of strain MS11, which show an increased resistance to certain antibiotics, are the result of recombination with the pilE locus. However, this recombination is atypical in that pilE(L) carries a tandem arrangement of a complete pilin gene and additional partial pilin genes under the control of the same pilE promoter. Since the two pilin gene copies are tandemly arranged and are often in the same translational frame, oversized pilin molecules are produced, which do not assemble into pili. The tandem gene copies introduced in a pilE(L) locus originate from silent loci where they are already joint. Upon reversion to the P+ phenotype the L-variants lose one pilin gene copy from the pilE(L) in a process reminiscent of the deletion events that otherwise lead to the formation of the non-revertible and non-piliated Pn mutants of MS11 gonococci. Thus deletion of pilin genes from pilE can be regarded as a third mechanism of pilin variation in gonococci.  相似文献   
Field studies indicate that the influence of environmental factors on growth rate and size and age at maturity in sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna) is inconsistent over time and suggest that the marked interdemic variation in male body size in this species is the result of genetic variation. However, the role of specific environmental factors in generating phenotypic variation must be studied under controlled conditions unattainable in nature. We raised newborn sailfin mollies from four populations in laboratory aquaria under all possible combinations of two temperatures, three salinities, and two food levels to examine explicitly the influence of these environmental factors. Males were much less susceptible than females to temperature variation and were generally less plastic than females in terms of all three traits. Members of both sexes matured at larger sizes and at later ages in less saline and in cooler environments. Food levels were not sufficiently different to affect the traits we studied. The effects of temperature and salinity were not synergistic. Males from different populations exhibited different average ages and sizes at maturity, but females did not. The magnitudes of the effects we found were not substantial enough to account for the consistent interdemic differences in male and female body size that have been observed previously. Our results also indicate that no single environmental factor is solely responsible for the environmental effects observed in field experiments on growth and development. These studies, together with other work, indicate that the strongest sources of interdemic variation are genetic differences in males and differences in postmaturation growth and survivorship in females.  相似文献   
Cells obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage, or neutrophils of peripheral blood of dog, were incubated with the canine surfactant-associated protein A (SP-A). A significant decrease of the production of Superoxide anion was observed after subsequent stimulation with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) as measured by the lucigenin-dependent chemiluminesence (CL). Several other proteins used for control experiments did not decrease lucigenin-dependent CL, indicating a specific effect of SP-A on phagocytes. Treatment of SP-A with collagenase prior to incubation with neutrophils destroyed the depleting effect on oxygen radical production of PMA-stimulated cells. We propose that SP-A acts as a regulatory factor of the respitatory burst of alveolar macrophages and neutrophils in the lungs. The inhibitory effect of SP-A is down-regulated by collagenase released from stimulated alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   
Analysis of the conservation of functional residues between yeast and Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases) suggested that Asp-97, Glu-98, Asp-102, and Lys-104 are important for the action of E. coli PPase [Lahti, R., Kolakowski, L. F., Heinonen, J., Vihinen, M., Pohjanoksa, K., & Cooperman, B. S. (1990) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1038, 338-345]. We replaced these four residues by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, giving variant PPases DV97, DE97, EV98, DV102, DE102, KI104, and KR104. PPase variants DV97, DV102, and KI104 had no enzyme activity, whereas PPase variants DE97, EV98, DE102, and KR104 had 22%, 33%, 3%, and 3% of the wild-type PPase activity, respectively. This suggests that Asp-97, Asp-102, and Lys-104 are essential for the catalytic activity of E. coli PPase. PPase variants DV98 and KR104 also had an increased sensitivity to heat denaturation; incubation of these mutant PPases at 75 degrees C for 15 min in the presence of 5 mM magnesium ion decreased the activity to 20% and 1%, respectively, of the initial value while 74% of the activity was observed with wild-type PPase. Furthermore, these thermolabile mutant PPases displayed the most profound conformational changes of the PPase variants examined, as demonstrated by the binding of the fluorescent dye Nile red that monitors the hydrophobicity of protein surfaces. Accordingly, Glu-98 and Lys-104 seem to be important for the structural integrity of E. coli PPase.  相似文献   
Two molecular dynamics simulations (100 and 50 ps) of native porcine pancreatic elastase i.e., without bound substrate and with the active site hydrated by a dome of water (630 molecules) have been performed. Dynamical properties of the catalytic tetrad have been examined. While relative conformations of the Asp 102, His 57, and Ser 214 are rather stable in time, the side chain of Ser 195 undergoes several conformational changes. No preferences are observed for the formation of a hydrogen bond between the O gamma-H group (Ser 195) and nitrogen N, (His 57). A cluster of ordered water molecules effectively competes with the H-O gamma group (Ser 195) and thereby prevents the formation of this H bond, which is generally agreed to be crucial for catalysis.  相似文献   
Interaction of the Bacillus sphaericus mosquito larvicidal proteins   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Genes for 51.4- and 41.9-kDa insecticidal proteins of Bacillus sphaericus were separately cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Both proteins were required for toxicity. Approximately equal numbers of cells containing the 51.4- and 41.9-kDa proteins produced the greatest toxicity; excess 41.9-kDa protein did not affect toxicity, whereas excess 51.4-kDa protein reduced activity. Larvae were killed when 41.9-kDa protein was fed up to 24 h after the 51.4-kDa protein, but not when the order of feeding was reversed. Radiolabelled toxins bound in approximately equal amounts to the gastric caecum and posterior midgut of Culex quinquefasciatus larvae. Radiolabelled 51.4-kDa protein was rapidly degraded by ca. 12-13 kDa in the larval gut, while 41.9-kDa protein was degraded by 1-2 kDa. Nonreduced toxin extracted from B. sphaericus produced a band on SDS-PAGE of ca. 68-74 kDa that contained both 51.4- and 41.9-kDa proteins based on sequence analysis, and a band of ca. 51 kDa that contained primarily 41.9-kDa protein. Escherichia coli containing 51.4-kDa protein enhanced toxicity of the latter eluted SDS-PAGE band. These proteins may associate very strongly, and trace amounts of 51.4-kDa protein in preparations of 41.9-kDa protein from B. sphaericus may be responsible for the previously reported toxicity of the latter.  相似文献   
The reported linkage between cutaneous melanoma and the dysplastic nevus syndrome (CM/DNS) to markers located on the distal portion of the short arm of chromosome 1 was examined in three Utah kindreds ascertained for multiple cases of melanoma. Family members in these kindreds were genotyped for the two markers reported to be most closely linked in the Bale study, PND and D1S47. Both melanoma alone and a combined melanoma/DNS phenotype were analyzed; no evidence for linkage was found. By multipoint linkage analysis the CM/DNS locus was excluded from an area of 55 cM containing the PND-D1S47 region. Diagnostic or genetic heterogeneity are alternate explanations for the discrepancy between our observations and those of Bale et al.  相似文献   
Summary Members of the family of African electric fish, Mormyridae, exhibit a novelty response, consisting of an acceleration in the rate of electric organ discharges (EODs), when faced with changes in feedback arising from their EODs. In this study, the novelty responses of three different species of mormyrids to shunts with different electrical characteristics were noted. The three species differed in the frequency contents of their EODs: two species had relatively high spectral frequencies in their EODs (>10 kHz), while the third species had only lower spectral frequencies (< 10 kHz). Primarily resistive shunts elicited novelty response accelerations in all three species, and the magnitudes of these responses, when normalized to the responses obtained for a shunt with no introduced resistance, were comparable for all three species. For primarily capacitive shunts, however, the magnitudes of the normalized responses were different for the three species: the two species with high spectral frequencies in their EODs showed larger normalized responses than the third species which had only low EOD spectral frequencies.The differences in species responses for capacitive shunts, and the similarities in species responses for resistive shunts, suggest that electric fish detect the complex impedance of objects in their near field environment: a circuit model consisting of a fish emitting discharges into the surrounding water, which can be shunted by a variable complex impedance, conforms well to the data. Thus, electrolocation is a frequency dependent sensory process, and this frequency dependency should be considered in any speculation about the adaptive value of different EOD waveforms.Abbreviation EOD electric organ discharge  相似文献   
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