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Summary Ionic conductances of rabbit osteoclasts were investigated using both whole-cell and cell-attached configurations of the patch-clamp recording technique. The predominant conductance found in these cells was an inwardly rectifying K+ conductance. Whole-cell currents showed an N-shaped current-voltage (I–13;V) relation with inward current activated at potentials negative to EK. When external K+ was varied, I-V curves shifted 53 mV/10-fold change in [K+]out, as predicted for a K+-selective channel. Inward current was blocked by Ba2+ and showed a time-dependent decline at negative potentials, which was reduced in Na+-free external solution. Inward single-channel currents were recorded in the cell-attached configuration. Single-channel currents were identified as inward-rectifier K+ channels based on the following observations: (i) Unitary I-V relations rectified, with only inward current resolved. (ii) Unitary conductance () was 31 pS when recorded in the cell-attached configuration with 140 mm K+ in the pipette and was found to be dependent on [K+]. (iii) Addition of Ba2+ to the pipette solution abolished single-channel events. We conclude that rabbit osteoclasts possess inwardly rectifying K+ channels which give rise to the inward current recorded at negative potentials in the whole-cell configuration. This inwardly rectifying K+ current may be responsible for setting the resting membrane potential and for dissipating electrical potential differences which arise from electrogenic transport of protons across the osteoclast ruffled border.This work was supported by The Arthritis Society and the Medical Research Council of Canada. M.E.M.K. was supported by a fellowship, S.J.D. a development Grant and S.M.S. a scholarship from the Medical Research Council. We thank Dr. Zu Gang Zheng for help with scanning microscopy.  相似文献   
Previously we sequenced a partial cDNA clone encoding the 3' region of the message for the membrane receptor form of the heavy (mu) chain of the channel catfish which indicated that the first transmembrane (TM1) exon is spliced directly to the C mu 3 exon and not into a cryptic site within the CH4 exon, as occurs in other vertebrates. Studies utilizing polymerase chain reaction analysis of mRNA and further analysis of cDNA clones now confirm that the only detectable splicing pattern used in micron production by the channel catfish utilizes this C mu 3----TM1 pathway of pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   
Field studies indicate that the influence of environmental factors on growth rate and size and age at maturity in sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna) is inconsistent over time and suggest that the marked interdemic variation in male body size in this species is the result of genetic variation. However, the role of specific environmental factors in generating phenotypic variation must be studied under controlled conditions unattainable in nature. We raised newborn sailfin mollies from four populations in laboratory aquaria under all possible combinations of two temperatures, three salinities, and two food levels to examine explicitly the influence of these environmental factors. Males were much less susceptible than females to temperature variation and were generally less plastic than females in terms of all three traits. Members of both sexes matured at larger sizes and at later ages in less saline and in cooler environments. Food levels were not sufficiently different to affect the traits we studied. The effects of temperature and salinity were not synergistic. Males from different populations exhibited different average ages and sizes at maturity, but females did not. The magnitudes of the effects we found were not substantial enough to account for the consistent interdemic differences in male and female body size that have been observed previously. Our results also indicate that no single environmental factor is solely responsible for the environmental effects observed in field experiments on growth and development. These studies, together with other work, indicate that the strongest sources of interdemic variation are genetic differences in males and differences in postmaturation growth and survivorship in females.  相似文献   
The modified Tanford-Kirkwood theory of Shire et al. for intramolecular electrostatic interactions has been applied to hydrogen ion equilibria of sperm whale ferrimyoglobin, human hemoglobin α-chain and horse cytochrome c. The model employs two sets of parameters derived from the crystalline protein structures, first, the atomic coordinates of charged amino acid residues and, second, static accessibility factors to reflect their solvent exposure. In addition, a consistent set of intrinsic pK values (pKint) for the individual groups is employed. The theoretical pK values at half-titration for individual groups in each protein correspond to the available observed pK values, and the theoretical titration curves compare closely with experimental potentiometric curves.  相似文献   
The complete amino acid sequence of the major component myoglobin from Amazon River dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, was determined by specific cleavage of the protein to obtain large peptides which are readily degraded by the automatic sequencer. Three easily separable peptides were obtained by cleaving the protein with cyanogen bromide at the methionine residues and four peptides were obtained by cleaving the methyl-acetimidated protein with trypsin at the arginine residues. From these peptides over 85% of the sequence was completed. The remainder of the sequence was obtained by fragmentation of the large cyanogen bromide peptide with trypsin. This protein differs from that of the common porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, at seven positions, from that of the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, at 11 positions, and from that of the sperm whale, Physeter catodon, at 15 positions. By comparison of this sequence with the three-dimensional structure of sperm whale myoglobin it appears that those residues close to the heme group are most conserved followed by those in nonhelical regions and lastly by those in the helical segments. All of the substitutions observed in this sequence fit easily into the three-dimensional structure of the sperm whale myoglobin.  相似文献   
Scientists have identified a “diversity gap” in genetic samples and health data, which have been drawn predominantly from individuals of European ancestry, as posing an existential threat to the promise of precision medicine. Inadequate inclusion as articulated by scientists, policymakers, and ethicists has prompted large-scale initiatives aimed at recruiting populations historically underrepresented in biomedical research. Despite explicit calls to increase diversity, the meaning of diversity – which dimensions matter for what outcomes and why – remain strikingly imprecise. Drawing on our document review and qualitative data from observations and interviews of funders and research teams involved in five precision medicine research (PMR) projects, we note that calls for increasing diversity often focus on “representation” as the goal of recruitment. The language of representation is used flexibly to refer to two objectives: achieving sufficient genetic variation across populations and including historically disenfranchised groups in research. We argue that these dual understandings of representation are more than rhetorical slippage, but rather allow for the contemporary collection of samples and data from marginalized populations to stand in as correcting historical exclusion of social groups towards addressing health inequity. We trace the unresolved historical debates over how and to what extent researchers should procure diversity in PMR and how they contributed to ongoing uncertainty about what axes of diversity matter and why. We argue that ambiguity in the meaning of representation at the outset of a study contributes to a lack of clear conceptualization of diversity downstream throughout subsequent phases of the study.  相似文献   
In Europe alone, each year 5500 people require a life‐saving liver transplantation, but 18% die before receiving one due to the shortage of donor organs. Whole organ engineering, utilizing decellularized liver scaffolds repopulated with autologous cells, is an attractive alternative to increase the pool of available organs for transplantation. The development of this technology is hampered by a lack of a suitable large‐animal model representative of the human physiology and a reliable and continuous cell source. We have generated porcine intrahepatic cholangiocyte organoids from adult stem cells and demonstrate that these cultures remained stable over multiple passages whilst retaining the ability to differentiate into hepatocyte‐ and cholangiocyte‐like cells. Recellularization onto porcine scaffolds was efficient and the organoids homogeneously differentiated, even showing polarization. Our porcine intrahepatic cholangiocyte system, combined with porcine liver scaffold paves the way for developing whole liver engineering in a relevant large‐animal model.  相似文献   
Genetic code development by stop codon takeover   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A novel theoretical consideration of the origin and evolution of the genetic code is presented. Code development is viewed from the perspective of simultaneously evolving codons, anticodons and amino acids. Early code structure was determined primarily by thermodynamic stability considerations, requiring simplicity in primordial codes. More advanced coding stages could arise as biological systems became more complex and precise in their replication. To be consistent with these ideas, a model is described in which codons become permanently associated with amino acids only when a codon-anticodon pairing is strong enough to permit rapid translation. Hence all codons are essentially chain-termination or "stop" codons until tRNA adaptors evolve having the ability to bind tightly to them. This view, which draws support from several lines of evidence, differs from the prevalent thinking on code evolution which holds that codons specifying newer amino acids were derived from codons encoding older amino acids.  相似文献   
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