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Habitat degradation and loss can result in population decline and genetic erosion, limiting the ability of organisms to cope with environmental change, whether this is through evolutionary genetic response (requiring genetic variation) or through phenotypic plasticity (i.e., the ability of a given genotype to express a variable phenotype across environments). Here we address the question whether plants from small populations are less plastic or more susceptible to environmental stress than plants from large populations. We collected seed families from small (<100) versus large natural populations (>1,000 flowering plants) of the rare, endemic plant Cochlearia bavarica (Brassicaceae). We exposed the seedlings to a range of environments, created by manipulating water supply and light intensity in a 2 x 2 factorial design in the greenhouse. We monitored plant growth and survival for 300 days. Significant effects of offspring environment on offspring characters demonstrated that there is phenotypic plasticity in the responses to environmental stress in this species. Significant effects of population size group, but mainly of population identity within the population size groups, and of maternal plant identity within populations indicated variation due to genetic (plus potentially maternal) variation for offspring traits. The environment x maternal plant identity interaction was rarely significant, providing little evidence for genetically- (plus potentially maternally-) based variation in plasticity within populations. However, significant environment x population-size-group and environment x population-identity interactions suggested that populations differed in the amount of plasticity, the mean amount being smaller in small populations than in large populations. Whereas on day 210 the differences between small and large populations were largest in the environment in which plants grew biggest (i.e., under benign conditions), on day 270 the difference was largest in stressful environments. These results show that population size and population identity can affect growth and survival differently across environmental stress gradients. Moreover, these effects can themselves be modified by time-dependent variation in the interaction between plants and their environment.  相似文献   
Ribosomal p90rsk is a kinase of central importance in transducing mitogenic signals from an activated receptor to the cell nucleus and for protein synthesis. Here, we analyze the optimal steps to fully describe this kinase in both normal neutrophils and leukemic cell lines. These are: (i) immunological analyses (immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation); (ii) enzyme activity assays (in vitro and "in-gel"); and (iii) immunobiochemical combination methods (immunoprecipitation/kinase assay, immunoprecipitation/"in-gel" assay and ion exchange chromatography/immunoblotting). For the enzyme assays, we describe a novel method to measure ribosomal p90rsk kinase activity "in-gel", based on a renatured-protein method that allows for the direct quantitation of enzyme activity. Finally, we present an algorithm that can be readily implemented to the quantification of the extent of stimulation of a kinase in response to a particular extracellular stimuli. In our case, it was found that activation of p90rsk was higher in proliferating leukemic cells than in mature neutrophils, indicating that a suppression of key signal transduction links could contribute to the maturational arrest typical of acute leukemia. All the techniques and strategies described here for p90rsk could be easily extrapolated to the study of any signal transduction molecule, provided it has a phosphotransferase activity.  相似文献   
The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of a very low-carbohydrate diet on weight loss and biochemical parameters in overweight women. Twenty women completed an 8-week trial that reduced their daily carbohydrate intake from 232 to 71 g (p < 0.05) and reduced energy by 2,644 kJ/day (8,384 to 5,740 kJ, p < 0.001). The average weight loss was 5.0 kg (p < 0.0001), with a net decrease in body mass index of 1.82 kg/m2, a loss of 3.4% body fat (4 kg, p < 0.0001), and a loss of 1.0 kg lean mass (p < 0.05). There were no significant changes in fasting blood glucose, fasting serum insulin, oral glucose tolerance, free or total insulin-like growth factor-1, or total IGFBP-3. Systolicblood pressure decreased by an average of 9.0 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa) (p < 0.01) and diastolic blood pressure decreased by 7 mmHg (p < 0.05). Total cholesterol decreased 1.2 mM (p < 0.001), all of which was accounted for by a decrease in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p < 0.001) with no change in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (baseline, 1.17 mM; week 8, 1.22 mM). Total triacylglycerol decreased 0.6 mM (p < 0.01), and the ratio of triacylglycerol/HDL also significantly decreased (baseline, 1.40; week 8, 0.87; p < 0.001). Serum beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations rose significantly by week 2 and declined thereafter but remained significantly higher than baseline values for the duration of the intervention. Therefore, carbohydrate restriction to 70 g or less with concomitant energy restriction, without changes in protein or fat consumption, promotes weight loss, and improvements in body composition, blood pressure, and blood lipids without compromising glucose tolerance in moderately overweight women.  相似文献   
Interaction between progesterone and the carbohydrate residues of alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein was followed by fluorescence studies using calcofluor white. The fluorophore interacts with polysaccharides and is commonly used in clinical studies. Binding of progesterone to the protein induces a decrease in the fluorescence intensity of calcofluor white, accompanied by a shift to the short wavelengths of its emission maximum. The dissociation constant of the complex was found equal to 8.62 microM. Interaction between progesterone and free calcofluor in solution induces a low decrease in the fluorescence intensity of the fluorophore without any shift of the emission maximum. These results show that in alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein, the binding site of progesterone is very close to the carbohydrate residues. Fluorescence intensity quenching of free calcofluor in solution with cesium ion gives a bimolecular diffusion constant (k(q)) of 2.23 x 10(9) M(-1) s(-1). This value decreases to 0.19 x 10(9) M(-1) s(-1) when calcofluor white is bound to alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein. Binding of progesterone does not modify the value of k(q) of the cesium. Previous studies have shown that the terminal sialic acid residue is mobile, while the other glycannes are rigid [Albani, J. R.; Sillen, A.; Coddeville, B.; Plancke, Y. D.; Engelborghs, Y. Carbohydr. Res. 1999, 322, 87-94]. Red-edge excitation spectra and Perrin plot experiments performed on sialylated and asialylated alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein show that binding of progesterone to alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein does not modify the local dynamics of the carbohydrate residues of the protein.  相似文献   
Free-living and surface-associated microbial communities in sand-packed columns perfused with groundwater were compared by examination of compositional and functional characteristics. The composition of the microbial communities was assessed by bulk DNA extraction, PCR amplification of 16S ribosomal DNA fragments, separation of these fragments by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, and sequence analysis. Community function was assessed by measurement of beta-glucosidase and aminopeptidase extracellular enzyme activities. Free-living populations in the aqueous phase exhibited a greater diversity of phylotypes than populations associated with the solid phase. The attached bacterial community displayed significantly greater beta-glucosidase and aminopeptidase enzyme activities per volume of porous medium than those of the free-living community. On a per-cell basis, the attached community had a significantly higher cell-specific aminopeptidase enzyme activity (1.07 x 10(-7) nmol cell(-1) h(-1)) than the free-living community (5.02 x 10(-8) nmol cell(-1) h(-1)). Conversely, the free-living community had a significantly higher cell-specific beta-glucosidase activity (1.92 x 10(-6) nmol cell(-1) h(-1)) than the surface-associated community (6.08 x 10(-7) nmol cell(-1) h(-1)). The compositional and functional differences observed between these two communities may reflect different roles for these distinct but interacting communities in the decomposition of natural organic matter or biodegradation of xenobiotics in aquifers.  相似文献   
The intensity of the mutualistic relationship between aphids and ants depends mainly on the composition and amount of honeydew. We used the model system Tanacetum vulgare-Metopeurum fuscoviride to study age-related differences in honeydew production and composition and its effect on the mutualism between M. fuscoviride and the ant Lasius niger. First and second instar larvae of M. fuscoviride produced only half of the amount of honeydew as older larvae or adults. There were, however, no differences between age classes in the total honeydew sugar concentration, which averaged approx. 80 μg sugar/μl honeydew. Honeydew sugar composition also did not differ between age classes, and melezitose was the dominant sugar (59% in all classes). The amino acid concentration, by contrast, increased significantly with aphid age, reaching 22.6 nmol per μl honeydew in adult M. fuscoviride. This increase was mainly caused by asparagine and glutamine, while there were no differences in the concentrations of the five other regularly detected amino acids and cystine, respectively. The intensity of ant-attendance was significantly lower in colonies of first and second instar larvae than in colonies of older age classes. Ant-attendance correlated with the amount of honeydew produced, and not with the total amino acid concentration.  相似文献   
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