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Northern elephant seals were hunted to near extinction in the 19th century, yet have recovered remarkably and now number around 175,000. We surveyed 110 seals for single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequence variation at three major histocompatibility (MHC) class II loci (DQA, DQB and DRB) to evaluate the genetic consequences of the population bottleneck at these loci vs. other well-studied genes. We found very few alleles at each MHC locus, significant variation among breeding sites for the DQA locus, and linkage disequilibrium between the DQB and DRB loci. Northern elephant seals are evidently inbred, although there is as yet no evidence of correlative reductions in fitness.  相似文献   
Every heart beat is not equal. As physiological demands of the cardiovascular system change, cardiac myocytes modulate contractile parameters including the rate and force of contraction. Adaptive responses require the sensing of biomechanical signals involving the interface between the contractile cytoskeleton (myofibrils) and the sarcolemma at specialized cell-cell junctions (intercalated discs) and cell-substrate adhesion complexes (costameres). Recent studies have shed insight into how protein complexes within cardiac myocytes sense biomechanical signals, processes required for normal adaptive or pathological responses. This new evidence suggests that complexes associated with the giant, myofibrillar protein titin sense myocyte stretch. Here, we discuss evidence supporting titin being an ideal biomechanical sensor.  相似文献   
Three protistan genomes were analyzed for differential genetic traits that may be associated with biological adaptations to their unique life styles. The microsporidian, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, an obligate intracellular parasite; the ascomycetes, Pneumocystis carinii, considered an opportunistic pathogen; and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a model organism exhibiting a free-living life style, were used in comparisons of genomic architecture, reproductive strategies, and metabolic capacity predicted by the presence of signature genes. Genome size, gene number, and metabolic function decreased as the organisms became more dependent on their hosts. In contrast, gene density and the percentage of genes dedicated to cell growth and division were substantially increased in the genome of E. cuniculi. The obligate life style was associated with reductions in gene number, genome size, and reduced metabolic capacity while the free-living life style was coincident with gene duplications and duplication of large portions of the genome. The genomic characteristics and metabolic capacity of P. carinii were usually intermediate between those of the other two protistan genomes, but unique characteristics such as the presence of a single rDNA locus may indicate that these organisms could be in the process of becoming more host dependent.  相似文献   
Dental traits have long been assumed to be under selection in mammals, based on the macroevolutionary correlation between dental morphology and feeding behaviour. However, natural selection acting on dental morphology has rarely, if ever, been documented in wild populations. We investigated the possibility of microevolutionary selection on dental traits by measuring molar breadth in a sample of Alouatta palliata (mantled howler monkey) crania from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The age at death of the monkeys is an indicator of their fitness, since they were all found dead of natural causes. Howlers with small molars have significantly decreased fitness as they die, on average, at an earlier age (well before sexual maturity) than those with larger molars. This documents the existence of phenotypic viability selection on molar tooth size in the BCI howlers, regardless of causality or heritability. The selection is further shown to occur during the weaning phase of A. palliata life history, establishing a link between this period of increased mortality and selection on a specific morphological feature. These results provide initial empirical support for the long-held assumption that primate molar size is under natural selection.  相似文献   
Recent studies have shown that mechanical forces on airway epithelial cells can induce upregulation of genes involved in airway remodeling in diseases such as asthma. However, the relevance of these responses to airway wall remodeling is still unclear since 1). mechanotransduction is highly dependent on environment (e.g., matrix and other cell types) and 2). inflammatory mediators, which strongly affect remodeling, are also present in asthma. To assess the effects of mechanical forces on the airway wall in a relevant three-dimensional inflammatory context, we have established a tissue culture model of the human airway wall that can be induced to undergo matrix remodeling. Our model contains differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells characterized by tight junctions, cilia formation, and mucus secretion atop a collagen gel embedded with human lung fibroblasts. We found that addition of activated eosinophils and the application of 50% strain to the same system increased the epithelial thickness compared with either condition alone, suggesting that mechanical strain affects airway wall remodeling synergistically with inflammation. This integrated model more closely mimics airway wall remodeling than single-cell, conditioned media, or even two-dimensional coculture systems and is relevant for examining the importance of mechanical strain on airway wall remodeling in an inflammatory environment, which may be crucial for understanding and treating pathologies such as asthma.  相似文献   
Utrophin and dystrophin link cytoskeletal F-actin filaments to the plasmalemma. Genetic strategies to replace defective dystrophin with utrophin in individuals with muscular dystrophy requires full characterization of these proteins. Both contain homologous N-terminal actin-binding motifs composed of a pair of calponin-homology (CH) domains (CH1 and CH2) that are connected by spectrin-repeat modules to C-terminal membrane-binding sequences. Here, electron microscopy and 3D reconstruction of F-actin decorated with utrophin and dystrophin actin-binding constructs were performed using Utr261 (utrophin's CH domain pair), Utr416 (utrophin's CH domains and first spectrin-repeat) and Dys246 (dystrophin's CH domain pair). The lozenge-like utrophin CH domain densities localized to the upper surface of actin subdomain 1 and extended azimuthally over subdomain 2 toward subdomains 3 and 4. The cylinder-shaped spectrin-repeat was located at the end of the CH domain pair and was aligned longitudinally along the cleft between inner and outer actin domains, where tropomyosin is present when on thin filaments. The connection between the spectrin-repeat module and the CH domains defined the orientation of CH1 and CH2 on actin. Resolution of utrophin's CH domains and spectrin-repeats permitted docking of crystal structures into respective EM densities, leading to an atomic model where both CH and spectrin-domains bind actin. The CH domain-actin interaction for dystrophin was found to be more complex than for utrophin. Binding assays showed that Utr261 and Utr416 interacted with F-actin as monomers, whereas Dys246 appeared to associate as a dimer, consistent with a bilobed Dys246 structure observed on F-actin in electron microscope reconstructions. One of the lobes was similar in shape, position and orientation to the monomeric CH domains of Utr261, while the other lobe apparently represented a second set of CH domains in the dimeric Dys246. The extensive contact made by dystrophin on actin may be used in vivo to help muscles dissipate mechanical stress from the contractile apparatus to the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   
CARP, ankrd-2/Arpp, and DARP, are three members of a conserved gene family, referred to here as MARPs (muscle ankyrin repeat proteins). The expression of MARPs is induced upon injury and hypertrophy (CARP), stretch or denervation (ankrd2/Arpp), and during recovery following starvation (DARP), suggesting that they are involved in muscle stress response pathways. Here, we show that MARP family members contain within their ankyrin repeat region a binding site for the myofibrillar elastic protein titin. Within the myofibril, MARPs, myopalladin, and the calpain protease p94 appear to be components of a titin N2A-based signaling complex. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated that all three endogenous MARP proteins co-localize with I-band titin N2A epitopes in adult heart muscle tissues. In cultured fetal rat cardiac myocytes, passive stretch induced differential distribution patterns of CARP and DARP: staining for both proteins was increased in the nucleus and at the I-band region of myofibrils, while DARP staining also increased at intercalated discs. We speculate that the myofibrillar MARPs are regulated by stretch, and that this links titin-N2A-based myofibrillar stress/strain signals to a MARP-based regulation of muscle gene expression.  相似文献   
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) plays a key regulatory role in arterial blood pressure homeostasis. We recently generated mice with selective deletion of the ANP receptor, guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A), in vascular smooth muscle (SMC GC-A knockout (KO) mice) and reported that resting arterial blood pressure was completely normal in spite of clear abolition of the direct vasodilating effects of ANP (Holtwick, R., Gotthardt, M., Skryabin, B., Steinmetz, M., Potthast, R., Zetsche, B., Hammer, R. E., Herz, J., and Kuhn M. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99, 7142-7147). The purpose of this study was to clarify mechanisms compensating for the missing vasodilator responses to ANP. In particular, we analyzed the effect of the endothelial, cGMP-mediated vasodilators C-type natriuretic peptide and nitric oxide (NO). In isolated arteries from SMC GC-A KO mice, the vasorelaxing sensitivity to sodium nitroprusside and the endothelium-dependent vasodilator, acetylcholine, was significantly greater than in control mice. There was no difference in responses to C-type natriuretic peptide or to the activator of cGMP-dependent protein kinase I, 8-para-chlorophenylthio-cGMP. The aortic expression of soluble GC (sGC), but not of endothelial NO synthase or cGMP-dependent protein kinase I, was significantly increased in SMC GC-A KO mice. Chronic oral treatment with the NO synthase inhibitor N(w)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester increased arterial blood pressure, the effect being significantly enhanced in SMC GC-A KO mice. We conclude that SMC GC-A KO mice exhibit a higher vasodilating sensitivity to NO. This can be attributed to an enhanced expression of sGC, whereas the expression and/or activity levels of downstream cGMP-effector pathways are not involved. Increased vasodilating responsiveness to endothelial NO contributes to compensate for the missing vasodilating effect of ANP in SMC GC-A KO mice.  相似文献   
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