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Staphylococcus aureus is a versatile Gram‐positive pathogen that gains increasing importance due to the rapid spreading of resistances. Functional genomics technologies can provide new insights into the adaptational network of this bacterium and its response to environmental challenges. While functional genomics technologies, including proteomics, have been extensively used to study these phenomena in shake flask cultures, studies of bacteria from in vivo settings lack behind. Particularly for proteomics studies, the major bottleneck is the lack of sufficient proteomic coverage for low numbers of cells. In this study, we introduce a workflow that combines a pulse‐chase stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture approach with high capacity cell sorting, on‐membrane digestion, and high‐sensitivity MS to detect and quantitatively monitor several hundred S. aureus proteins from a few million internalised bacteria. This workflow has been used in a proof‐of‐principle experiment to reveal changes in levels of proteins with a function in protection against oxidative damage and adaptation of cell wall synthesis in strain RN1HG upon internalisation by S9 human bronchial epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) is superior compared to stand-alone PET in evaluation of malignancies. Few studies have employed high-resolution structural information to correct PET. We designed a semiautomatic algorithm using CT and PET to obtain a partial volume corrected (PVC) standardized uptake value (SUV) and a combined morphologic and functional parameter (multimodal SUV) for lymph node assessment. Lesions were segmented by a semiautomatic algorithm in CT images. Lesion volume was used for PVC and for calculating the multimodal SUV. The method was applied to 47 lymph nodes (30 patients) characterized as suspicious in 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET-CT. In phantoms, PVC improved significantly the measured uptake of the lesion. In patients, 36 lymph nodes could be segmented without problems; in 11 lesions, a manual interaction was necessary. SUVs before PVC (mean 1.29) increased significantly (p < .0005) after PVC (mean 2.8). If SUV 2.5 was used as a threshold value to distinguish between benign and malignant lesions, 11 of the 47 lesions changed from benign to malignant after the PVC. The mean multimodal SUV was 0.39 mL for the benign lesions and 4.47 mL for the malignant lesions. In this work we presented a method for quantitative analysis of lymph nodes in PET-CT. PVC leads to significant differences in SUV.  相似文献   
Members of Shc (src homology and collagen homology) family, p46shc, p52shc, p66shc have known to be related to cell proliferation and carcinogenesis. Whereas p46shc and p52shc drive the reaction forward, the role of p66shc in cancers remains to be understood clearly. Hence, their expression in cancers needs to be evaluated carefully so that Shc analysis may provide prognostic information in the development of carcinogenesis. In the present study, the expression of p66shc and its associate targets namely Eps8 (epidermal pathway substrate 8), Rac1 (ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate1) and Grb2 (growth factor receptor bound protein 2) were examined in fresh tissue specimens from patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and esophageal adenocarcinoma using western blot analysis. A thorough analysis of both esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma showed p66shc expression to be significantly higher in both types of carcinomas as compared to the controls. The controls of adenocarcinoma show a higher basal expression level of p66shc as compared to the controls of squamous cell carcinoma. The expression level of downstream targets of p66shc i.e., eps8 and rac1 was also found to be consistently higher in human esophageal carcinomas, and hence correlated positively with p66shc expression. However the expression of grb2 was found to be equal in both esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The above results suggest that the pathway operated by p66shc in cancers does not involve the participation of Ras and Grb2 as downstream targets instead it operates the pathway involving Eps8 and Rac1 proteins. From the results it is also suggestive that p66shc may have a role in the regulation of esophageal carcinomas and represents a possible mechanism of signaling for the development of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of esophagus.  相似文献   
Biological signal transduction commonly involves cooperative interactions in the binding of ligands to their receptors. In many cases, ligand concentrations in vivo are close to the value of the dissociation constant of their receptors, resulting in the phenomenon of ligand depletion. Using examples based on rotational bias of bacterial flagellar motors and calcium binding to mammalian calmodulin, we show that ligand depletion diminishes cooperativity and broadens the dynamic range of sensitivity to the signaling ligand. As a result, the same signal transducer responds to different ranges of signal with various degrees of cooperativity according to its effective cellular concentration. Hence, results from in vitro dose-response analyses cannot be applied directly to understand signaling in vivo. Moreover, the receptor concentration is revealed to be a key element in controlling signal transduction and we propose that its modulation constitutes a new way of controlling sensitivity to signals. In addition, through an analysis of the allosteric enzyme aspartate transcarbamylase, we demonstrate that the classical Hill coefficient is not appropriate for characterizing the change in conformational state upon ligand binding to an oligomeric protein (equivalent to a dose-response curve), because it ignores the cooperativity of the conformational change for the corresponding equivalent monomers, which are generally characterized by a Hill coefficient . Therefore, we propose a new index of cooperativity based on the comparison of the properties of oligomers and their equivalent monomers.  相似文献   
The pooid subfamily of grasses includes some of the most important crop, forage and turf species, such as wheat, barley and Lolium. Developing genomic resources, such as whole-genome physical maps, for analysing the large and complex genomes of these crops and for facilitating biological research in grasses is an important goal in plant biology. We describe a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based physical map of the wild pooid grass Brachypodium distachyon and integrate this with whole genome shotgun sequence (WGS) assemblies using BAC end sequences (BES). The resulting physical map contains 26 contigs spanning the 272 Mb genome. BES from the physical map were also used to integrate a genetic map. This provides an independent validation and confirmation of the published WGS assembly. Mapped BACs were used in Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation (FISH) experiments to align the integrated physical map and sequence assemblies to chromosomes with high resolution. The physical, genetic and cytogenetic maps, integrated with whole genome shotgun sequence assemblies, enhance the accuracy and durability of this important genome sequence and will directly facilitate gene isolation.  相似文献   
The molecular basis for the interaction of insulin granules with the cortical cytoskeleton of pancreatic β-cells remains unknown. We have proposed that binding of the granule protein ICA512 to the PDZ domain of β2-syntrophin anchors granules to actin filaments and that the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of β2-syntrophin regulates this association. Here we tested this hypothesis by analyzing INS-1 cells expressing GFP-β2-syntrophin through the combined use of biochemical approaches, imaging studies by confocal and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy as well as electron microscopy. Our results support the notion that β2-syntrophin restrains the mobility of cortical granules in insulinoma INS-1 cells, thereby reducing insulin secretion and increasing insulin stores in resting cells, while increasing insulin release upon stimulation. Using mass spectrometry, in vitro phosphorylation assays and β2-syntrophin phosphomutants we found that phosphorylation of β2-syntrophin on S75 near the PDZ domain decreases its binding to ICA512 and correlates with increased granule motility, while phosphorylation of S90 has opposite effects. We further show that Cdk5, which regulates insulin secretion, phosphorylates S75. These findings provide mechanistic insight into how stimulation displaces insulin granules from cortical actin, thus promoting their motility and exocytosis.  相似文献   
A brief period of ischemia followed by timely reperfusion may lead to prolonged, yet reversible, contractile dysfunction (myocardial stunning). Damage to the myocardium occurs not only during ischemia, but also during reperfusion, where a massive release of oxygen-free radicals (OFR) occurs. We have previously utilized 2-DE and MS to define 57 protein spot changes during brief ischemia/reperfusion (15 min ischemia, 60 min reperfusion; 15I/60R) injury in a rabbit model (White, M. Y., Cordwell, S. J., McCarron, H. C. K., Prasan, A. M. et al., Proteomics 2005, 5, 1395-1410) and shown that the majority of these occur because of physical and/or chemical PTMs. In this study, we subjected rabbit myocardium to 15I/60R in the presence of the OFR scavenger N-(2-mercaptopropionyl) glycine (MPG). Thirty-seven of 57 protein spots altered during 15I/60R remained at control levels in the presence of MPG (15I/60R + MPG). Changes to contractile proteins, including myosin light chain 2 (MLC-2) and troponin C (TnC), were prevented by the addition of MPG. To further investigate the individual effects of ischemia and reperfusion, we generated 2-DE gels from rabbit myocardium subjected to brief ischemia alone (15I/0R), and observed alterations of 33 protein spots, including 18/20 seen in both 15I/60R-treated and 15I/60R + MPG-treated tissue. The tissue was also subjected to ischemia in the presence of MPG (15I/0R + MPG), and 21 spot changes, representing 14 protein variants, remained altered despite the presence of the OFR scavenger. These ischemia-specific proteins comprised those involved in energy metabolism (lactate dehydrogenase and ATP synthase alpha), redox regulation (NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa and GST Mu), and stress response (Hsp27 and 70, and deamidated alpha B-crystallin). We conclude that contractile dysfunction associated with myocardial stunning is predominantly caused by OFR damage at the onset of reperfusion, but that OFR-independent damage also occurs during ischemia. These ischemia-specific protein modifications may be indicative of early myocardial injury.  相似文献   
A high performance liquid chromatographic assay for the quantitative determination of apomorphine in human plasma is described. Sample clean-up and concentration was optimised using solid-phase extraction on C18 cartridges, enabling rapid and sensitive determination of apomorphine and potential metabolites. The limit of apomorphine quantification, using fluorescence detection, was 0.5 ng/mL. The assay was stability-indicating, and allowed the detection of analytes in the presence of commonly co-administered anti-Parkinsonian drugs. Apomorphine was stable in frozen plasma containing 0.14% (w/v) ascorbic acid for 98 days, and through four freeze-thaw cycles. The assay has been used in clinical pharmacokinetic studies of apomorphine in patients with Parkinson's disease, and in preliminary studies of novel apomorphine delivery devices in volunteers.  相似文献   
E. coli GMP synthetase (GMPS) catalyzes the conversion of XMP to GMP. Ammonia, generated in the amino-terminal glutamine amidotransferase (GAT) domain, is transferred by an unknown mechanism to the ATP-pyrophosphatase (ATPP) domain, where it attacks a highly reactive adenyl-XMP intermediate, leading to GMP formation. To study the structural requirements for the activity of E. coli GMPS, we used PCR to generate a protein expression construct that contains the ATPP domain as well as the predicted dimerization domain (DD). The ATPP/DD protein is active in solution, utilizing NH4+ as an NH3 donor. Size-exclusion chromatography demonstrates a dimeric mass for the ATPP/ DD protein, providing the first evidence in solution for the structural organization of the intact GMPS. Kinetic characterization of the ATPP/DD domain protein provides evidence that the presence of the GAT domain can regulate the activity of the ATPP domain.  相似文献   
Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P, 1) regulates vascular barrier and lymphoid development, as well as lymphocyte egress from lymphoid organs, by activating high-affinity S1P1 receptors. We used reversible chemical probes (i) to gain mechanistic insights into S1P systems organization not accessible through genetic manipulations and (ii) to investigate their potential for therapeutic modulation. Vascular (but not airway) administration of the preferred R enantiomer of an in vivo-active chiral S1P1 receptor antagonist induced loss of capillary integrity in mouse skin and lung. In contrast, the antagonist did not affect the number of constitutive blood lymphocytes. Instead, alteration of lymphocyte trafficking and phenotype required supraphysiological elevation of S1P1 tone and was reversed by the antagonist. In vivo two-photon imaging of lymph nodes confirmed requirements for obligate agonism, and the data were consistent with the presence of a stromal barrier mechanism for gating lymphocyte egress. Thus, chemical modulation reveals differences in S1P-S1P1 'set points' among tissues and highlights both mechanistic advantages (lymphocyte sequestration) and risks (pulmonary edema) of therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
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