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In the accompanying paper, a chromosomal localization of the Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome by cytogenetic investigations with fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques at chromosome 16p13.3 is described. We investigated 19 of these patients and their parents (a) to ascertain the parental origin of the chromosome with the deletion in families where such a deletion was detected, (b) to disclose whether uniparental disomy plays a role in etiology, and (c) to compare clinical features in patients with a deletion to those in individuals in whom deletions were not detectable. Molecular studies showed a copy of chromosome 16 from each parent in all 19 patients. Uniparental disomy was also excluded for five other chromosome arms known to be imprinted in mice. None of the probes used for determining the origin of the deleted chromosome proved to be informative. The clinical features were essentially the same in patients with and without visible deletion, with a possible exception for the incidence of microcephaly, angulation of thumbs and halluces, and partial duplication of the halluces. A small deletion at 16p13.3 may be found in some patients with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. Cytogenetically undetectable deletions, point mutations, mosaicism, heterogeneity, or phenocopy by a nongenetic cause are the most probable explanations for the absence of cytogenetic or molecular abnormalities in other patients with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton growth is controlled by multiple environmental drivers, which are all modified by climate change. While numerous experimental studies identify interactive effects between drivers, large-scale ocean biogeochemistry models mostly account for growth responses to each driver separately and leave the results of these experimental multiple-driver studies largely unused. Here, we amend phytoplankton growth functions in a biogeochemical model by dual-driver interactions (CO2 and temperature, CO2 and light), based on data of a published meta-analysis on multiple-driver laboratory experiments. The effect of this parametrization on phytoplankton biomass and community composition is tested using present-day and future high-emission (SSP5-8.5) climate forcing. While the projected decrease in future total global phytoplankton biomass in simulations with driver interactions is similar to that in control simulations without driver interactions (5%–6%), interactive driver effects are group-specific. Globally, diatom biomass decreases more with interactive effects compared with the control simulation (−8.1% with interactions vs. no change without interactions). Small-phytoplankton biomass, by contrast, decreases less with on-going climate change when the model accounts for driver interactions (−5.0% vs. −9.0%). The response of global coccolithophore biomass to future climate conditions is even reversed when interactions are considered (+33.2% instead of −10.8%). Regionally, the largest difference in the future phytoplankton community composition between the simulations with and without driver interactions is detected in the Southern Ocean, where diatom biomass decreases (−7.5%) instead of increases (+14.5%), raising the share of small phytoplankton and coccolithophores of total phytoplankton biomass. Hence, interactive effects impact the phytoplankton community structure and related biogeochemical fluxes in a future ocean. Our approach is a first step to integrate the mechanistic understanding of interacting driver effects on phytoplankton growth gained by numerous laboratory experiments into a global ocean biogeochemistry model, aiming toward more realistic future projections of phytoplankton biomass and community composition.  相似文献   
Summary A new member of the patatin gene family belonging to the class II subfamily was isolated and characterized by DNA sequencing. In order to study the expression profile of this gene, the promoter was fused to the -glucuronidase gene and transferred to potato and tobacco. Histochemical analysis revealed high expression in a few defined cells in potato tubers and in a specific layer of both potato and tobacco root tips. In contrast to the developmentally and metabolically regulated class I patatin gene B33 this gene was not inducible by elevated levels of sucrose. Expression of this chimaeric gene was also found in callus and suspension cultures of potato.  相似文献   
In response to starvation Myxococcus xanthus initiates a developmental program that culminates in fruiting body formation. There are two morphogenetic events in this program, aggregation and sporulation, which are temporally and spatially coordinated by the contact-dependent intercellular C-signal protein (p17). p17 is generated by proteolytic cleavage of the p25 precursor protein, which accumulates in the outer membrane of vegetative and starving cells. However, p17 generation is restricted to starving cells. Here we identify the subtilisin-like protease PopC that is directly responsible for cleavage of p25. PopC accumulates in the cytoplasm of vegetative cells but is selectively secreted during starvation coinciding with the generation of p17. Consequently, p25 and PopC only encounter each other in starving cells. Thus, restriction of p25 cleavage to starving cells occurs by a compartmentalization mechanism that depends on selective secretion of PopC during starvation. Our results provide evidence for regulated proteolysis via regulated secretion.  相似文献   
The filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus is responsible for a lethal disease called invasive aspergillosis that affects immunocompromised patients. This disease, like other human fungal diseases, is generally treated by compounds targeting the primary fungal cell membrane sterol. Recently, glucan synthesis inhibitors were added to the limited antifungal arsenal and encouraged the search for novel targets in cell wall biosynthesis. Although galactomannan is a major component of the A. fumigatus cell wall and extracellular matrix, the biosynthesis and role of galactomannan are currently unknown. By a targeted gene deletion approach, we demonstrate that UDP-galactopyranose mutase, a key enzyme of galactofuranose metabolism, controls the biosynthesis of galactomannan and galactofuranose containing glycoconjugates. The glfA deletion mutant generated in this study is devoid of galactofuranose and displays attenuated virulence in a low-dose mouse model of invasive aspergillosis that likely reflects the impaired growth of the mutant at mammalian body temperature. Furthermore, the absence of galactofuranose results in a thinner cell wall that correlates with an increased susceptibility to several antifungal agents. The UDP-galactopyranose mutase thus appears to be an appealing adjunct therapeutic target in combination with other drugs against A. fumigatus. Its absence from mammalian cells indeed offers a considerable advantage to achieve therapeutic selectivity.  相似文献   
Summary “Travertines” (tufa pinnacles) of the Miocene Riescrater basin have been investigated to test whether carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopes can be used for the recognition of fossil subaquatic spring deposits in high-alkalinity settings. The Ries basin “travertines” have so far been interpreted as a product of subaerial to sublacustrine artesian springs discharging calcareous groundwater into a freshwater or slightly saline lake. However, recent studies on microfacies and fabric development propose a formation at Ca2+-supplying sublacustrine springs of a soda lake. Geochemical analysis of “travertines” of the castle rock Wallerstein, including “sickle-cell” limestones, thrombolites, non-skeletal stromatolites, and speleothems, now support the latter interpretation. High Sr contents surpassing that of the contemporaneously formed dolomitic algal biocherms of the lake shore point to an aragonitic composition of primary precipitates. the δ13C values of diagenetically moderately to weakly altered “travertine” facies types are in the same range of the impact-brecciated Upper Jurassic limestones, thus, are inconsistent with a mixture of soil-derived CO2 and CO3 2− from the Jurassic limestones. In addition, the δ18O values are too high to support a significant contribution of CO3 2− by meteoric waters seeping through marine Jurassic limestones. Instead the δ13C and δ18O values indicate an origin of the CO3 2− from a lake water body characterized by evaporation. This is consistent with a sodium-rich lake water as indicated by high sodium contents of aragonitic algal bioherms of the lake shore. The87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of the “travertine” mound carbonates are consistent with calculated mixing of spring waters discharging from the crystalline basement and lake water high in dissolved inorganic carbon. This points to an origin of the divalent cations from sublacustrine spring waters. In turn,87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of green algal reef carbonates of the lake shore are closer to that of the Upper Jurassic carbonates, due to surface run-off from surrounding limestone uplands.  相似文献   
Left ventricular (LV) remodeling is known to contribute to morbidity and mortality after myocardial infarction (MI). Because LV remodeling is strongly associated with an inflammatory response, we investigated whether or not TLR-4 influences LV remodeling and survival in a mice model of MI. Six days after MI induction, TLR4 knockout (KO)-MI mice showed improved LV function 32 and reduced LV remodeling as indexed by reduced levels of atrial natriuretic factor and total collagen as well as by a reduced heart weight to body weight ratio when compared with WT-MI mice. This was associated with a reduction of protein levels of the intracellular TLR4 adapter protein MyD88 and enhanced protein expression of the anti-hypertrophic JNK in KO-MI mice when compared with wild-type (WT)-MI mice. In contrast, protein activation of the pro-hypertrophic kinases protein kinase Cdelta and p42/44 were not regulated in KO-MI mice when compared with WT-MI mice. Improved LV function, reduced cardiac remodeling, and suppressed intracellular TLR4 signaling in KO-MI mice were associated with significantly improved survival compared with WT-MI mice (62 vs 23%; p < 0.0001). TLR4 deficiency led to improved survival after MI mediated by attenuated left ventricular remodeling.  相似文献   
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