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Osmotically inactive skin Na(+) storage is characterized by Na(+) accumulation without water accumulation in the skin. Negatively charged glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) may be important in skin Na(+) storage. We investigated changes in skin GAG content and key enzymes of GAG chain polymerization during osmotically inactive skin Na(+) storage. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a 0.1% or 8% NaCl diet for 8 wk. Skin GAG content was measured by Western blot analysis. mRNA content of key dermatan sulfate polymerization enzymes was measured by real-time PCR. The Na(+) concentration in skin was determined by dry ashing. Skin Na(+) concentration during osmotically inactive Na(+) storage was 180-190 mmol/l. Increasing skin Na(+) coincided with increasing GAG content in cartilage and skin. Dietary NaCl loading coincided with increased chondroitin synthase mRNA content in the skin, whereas xylosyl transferase, biglycan, and decorin content were unchanged. We conclude that osmotically inactive skin Na(+) storage is an active process characterized by an increased GAG content in the reservoir tissue. Inhibition or disinhibition of GAG chain polymerization may regulate osmotically inactive Na(+) storage.  相似文献   
The role of a cyclooxygenase (COX) II inhibitor in reducing microvascular inflammation and the platelet count associated with interferon (IFN) plus ribavirin therapy of chronic hepatitis C (HCV) was assessed. Three plasma mediators (biomarkers) associated with platelet activation, inflammation and fibrosis were measured. Eighteen IFN na?ve patients were studied. Nine were treated with pegylated IFN alfa-2a (PEG-IFN alpha-2a) plus ribavirin and rofecoxib; nine were treated with PEG-IFN alpha-2a plus ribavirin. A complete blood count, liver panel and HCV-RNA were assayed weekly. Human soluble P-selectin (hs-P-selectin), human interleukin-8 (IL-8), human interleukin-13 (IL-13) and human thrombopoietin (TPO) were assayed at 4 week intervals. The COX II inhibitor reduced the platelet reduction experienced with PEG-IFN alpha-2a treatment of HCV despite a reduction in the plasma TPO level. Hs-P-selectin was increased in both groups. In contrast, human IL-8 levels declined to undetectable levels in virologic responders. Similarly, human IL-13 levels declined with therapy (P < 0.001). These data suggest that: (1) a COX II inhibition is associated with an increase in the platelet count despite a reduction in the TPO level; (2) human IL-8 and human IL-13 but not hs-P-selectin levels decline in those who experience an early virologic response.  相似文献   
cDNA arrays allow quantitative measurement of expression levels for thousands of genes simultaneously. The measurements are affected by many sources of variation, and substantial improvements in the precision of estimated effects accompany adjustments for these effects. Two generic nuisance variations, one associated with the magnitude of expression and the other associated with array location, are common in data from filter arrays. Procedures, like normalization using lowess regression, are effective at reducing variation associated with magnitude, and they have been widely adopted. However, variation associated with location has received less attention. Here, a simple, but effective method based on localized median is expounded for dealing with these nuisance effects, and its properties are discussed. The proposed methodology handles location-dependent variation ("splotches") and magnitude-dependent variation (background and/or saturation) effectively. The procedure is related to lowess when implemented to adjust magnitude-dependent variation, and it performs similarly. The proposed methodology is illustrated with data from the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), where treatment differences in levels of mRNA from rat hepatocytes were assessed using 33P-labeled samples hybridized to cDNA spotted arrays. Normalizing intensities by the median-of-subsets removes systematic variation associated with the location of a gene on the array and/or the level of its expression. This procedure is easy to implement using iteratively reweighted least-squares algorithms. Although less sophisticated than lowess, this procedure works nearly as well for normalizing intensities based upon their magnitude. Unlike lowess, it can adjust for location-dependent effects.  相似文献   
The principal aim of this study was to investigate short- and long-term effects of clinorotation on human endothelial cells (EA hy 926 cell line) using a three-dimensional random positioning machine. Moreover, the impact of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was addressed. Immediately, within one hour and after four and twenty-four hours an increase of apoptotic cells was detected. VEGF significantly inhibited the amount of apoptotic endothelial cells (EC). VEGF reduced the amount of fas-positive EC. Moreover, after 24 hours, proliferating EC grew in form of three-dimensional multicellular spheroids and also as monolayers. The initially formed spheroids (maximum diameter 3 mm) remained stable up to the 15th day of clinorotation. Some spheroids revealed tubular structures. In addition, a clear increase of extracellular matrix proteins such as osteopontin and fibronectin was measured. The three-dimensional clinostat represents an important tool for cell biological experiments. VEGF significantly attenuated the changes of endothelial cells induced by simulated weightlessness in a cell protective manner.  相似文献   
In this work it is shown how anthropological data are among the most needed factors in ergonomical valorization of crew working spaces. Ship's working or living environment involves many unique human factors, which should be specially considered in our case as limitation of crew space. In this work we have chosen ships of different years of construction to prove this tendency. As a micro study, the work posture analysis using the pulling force experiment is performed in order to determine lumbar moment, intra-abdominal pressure as a measure of evaluating and comparing different crew work positions. As a macro-study, the "crew work posture analysis" was carried out by the use of the data collected from real cases. The most probable work postures in different spaces of a ship are classified and after some corrections of the work place the profile and its grade were determined. The "statistical analysis for real ship's spaces" is also performed, as well as another macro study, in order to show some real designed ship spaces from the point of view of the allocated volume.  相似文献   
Vanadium salts such as vanadyl sulfate (VS), potent inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases, have been shown to mimic, augment, and prolong insulin's action. However, the molecular mechanism of responses to these salts is not clear. In the present studies, we examined if VS-induced effects on insulin action are associated with enhancement or augmentation in the activation state of key components of the insulin signaling pathway. Treatment of insulin receptor-overexpressing cells with insulin or VS resulted in a time-dependent transient increase in phosphorylation and activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK 1/2) that peaked at about 5 min, then declined rapidly to about baseline within 30 min. However, when the cells were treated with VS before stimulation with insulin, sustained ERK 1/2 phosphorylation and activation were observed well beyond 60 min. VS treatment also prolonged the insulin-stimulated activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K), which was associated with sustained interaction between insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and the p(85 alpha) subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) in response to insulin. These data indicate that prolongation of insulin-stimulated ERK 1/2 and PI3-K activation by VS is due to a more stable complex formation of IRS-1 with the p(85 alpha) subunit which may, in turn, be responsible for its ability to enhance and extend the biological effects of insulin.  相似文献   
Conventional bacteriology techniques were used to identify enterococci isolates cultured from patients at different hospitals in Tehran during 2000-2001. The identification was confirmed using species-specific PCR targeting the D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase gene. A total of 59 isolates of Enterococcus faecalis were identified. The rates of resistance to different antibiotics were in the following order: penicillin 84%, ciprofloxacin 42%, high-level gentamicin 30%, nitrofurantoin 14%, imipenem 4%, and chloramphenicol 2%. Resistance to ampicillin was found to be rare among the Iranian isolates of E. faecalis. Multi-locus enzyme electrophoresis was then used to analyze the strains. Forty-five electrophoretic types were obtained when 10 enzyme loci were screened. Although the collection of bacterial isolates was limited in time and location, considerable heterogeneity was found. Analysis of strains for linkage disequilibrium demonstrated that the studied population is not clonal, since the index of association was not significantly different from zero (Ia = 0.0296). Enterococcus faecalis isolates recovered from patients in Tehran were genetically diverse and seemed to possess a high potential for genetic recombinations, though none were resistant to vancomycin.  相似文献   
Eighteen binary polymorphisms and 16 multiallelic, short-tandem-repeat (STR) loci from the nonrecombining portion of the human Y chromosome were typed in 718 male subjects belonging to 12 ethnic groups of Pakistan. These identified 11 stable haplogroups and 503 combination binary marker/STR haplotypes. Haplogroup frequencies were generally similar to those in neighboring geographical areas, and the Pakistani populations speaking a language isolate (the Burushos), a Dravidian language (the Brahui), or a Sino-Tibetan language (the Balti) resembled the Indo-European-speaking majority. Nevertheless, median-joining networks of haplotypes revealed considerable substructuring of Y variation within Pakistan, with many populations showing distinct clusters of haplotypes. These patterns can be accounted for by a common pool of Y lineages, with substantial isolation between populations and drift in the smaller ones. Few comparative genetic or historical data are available for most populations, but the results can be compared with oral traditions about origins. The Y data support the well-established origin of the Parsis in Iran, the suggested descent of the Hazaras from Genghis Khan's army, and the origin of the Negroid Makrani in Africa, but do not support traditions of Tibetan, Syrian, Greek, or Jewish origins for other populations.  相似文献   
Prohibitin proteins have been implicated in cell proliferation, aging, respiratory chain assembly and the maintenance of mitochondrial integrity. The prohibitins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Phb1 and Phb2, have strong sequence similarity with their human counterparts prohibitin and BAP37, making yeast a good model organism in which to study prohibitin function. Both yeast and mammalian prohibitins form high-molecular-weight complexes (Phb1/2 or prohibitin/BAP37, respectively) in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Expression of prohibitins declines with senescence, both in mammalian fibroblasts and in yeast. With a total loss of prohibitins, the replicative (budding) life span of yeast is reduced, whilst the chronological life span (the survival of stationary cells over time) is relatively unaffected. This effect of prohibitin loss on the replicative life span is still apparent in the absence of an assembled respiratory chain. It also does not reflect the production of extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA circles (ERCs), a genetic instability thought to be a major cause of replicative senescence in yeast. Examination of cells containing a mitochondrially targeted green fluorescent protein indicates this shortened life span is a reflection of defective mitochondrial segregation from the mother to the daughter in the old mother cells of phb mutant strains. Old mother phb mutant cells display highly aberrant mitochondrial morphology and, frequently, a delayed segregation of mitochondria to the daughter. They often arrest growth with their last bud strongly attached and with the mitochondria adjacent to the septum between the mother and the daughter cell.  相似文献   
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