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Self-incompatibility (SI) in Brassica is controlled sporophytically by the multiallelic S-locus. The SI phenotype of pollen in an S-heterozygote is determined by the relationship between the two S-haplotypes it carries, and dominant/recessive relationships often are observed between the two S-haplotypes. The S-locus protein 11 (SP11, also known as the S-locus cysteine-rich protein) gene has been cloned from many pollen-dominant S-haplotypes (class I) and shown to encode the pollen S-determinant. However, SP11 from pollen-recessive S-haplotypes (class II) has never been identified by homology-based cloning strategies, and how the dominant/recessive interactions between the two classes occur was not known. We report here the identification and molecular characterization of SP11s from six class II S-haplotypes of B. rapa and B. oleracea. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the class II SP11s form a distinct group separated from class I SP11s. The promoter sequences and expression patterns of SP11s also were different between the two classes. The mRNA of class II SP11, which was detected predominantly in the anther tapetum in homozygotes, was not detected in the heterozygotes of class I and class II S-haplotypes, suggesting that the dominant/recessive relationships of pollen are regulated at the mRNA level of SP11s.  相似文献   
Mast cell chymase is known to induce eosinophil migration in vivo and in vitro. In the present study, we investigated possible involvement of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases; extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38, in the chymase-induced eosinophil migration. Human chymase induced a rapid phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 in human eosinophilic leukemia EoL-1 cells, while no phosphorylation was detected in JNK. The chymase-induced phosphorylation of ERK and p38 was inhibited by pertussis toxin. Similar results were obtained in the experiments using mouse chymase and eosinophils. U0126 (the inhibitor for MAP/ERK kinase) suppressed chymase-induced migration of EoL-1 cells and mouse eosinophils. However, SB203580 (p38 inhibitor) and SP600125 (JNK inhibitor) showed little effect on the migration. It is suggested therefore that chymase activates ERK and p38 probably through G-protein-coupled receptor, and that ERK but not p38 cascade may have a crucial role in chymase-induced migration of eosinophils.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the thermal comfort requirements for steps in temperature. Thirty male subjects were exposed for 50 min to a 34 or 37°C condition, and then quickly transferred to a cooler environment of 31, 28, 25, and 22°C for 50 min. Mean skin temperature was continuously measured, and the subjects reported their thermal sensation and comfort sensation every 2 min. Just after the step changes, the mean skin temperature immediately decreased, while the thermal sensation overshot and gradually rose again. Both the skin temperature and the thermal sensation seemed to reach a constant level within about 20 min. However, there were differences in the mean skin temperature and the neutral temperature derived from the correlation between the ambient temperature and the thermal sensation even 50 min after the steps, due to the thermal environmental condition before the changes of temperature. The change in the neutral temperature with time was expressed as two attenuating equations. These equations indicate that there is an obvious difference between the neutral temperatures due to the thermal condition before step changes, and that it takes >50 min after the step changes to reach the steady state. It is expected that these equations predict in quantitative terms the thermal comfort requirements within a given experimental condition.  相似文献   
Although possible biological functions of whey acidic protein (WAP) have been suggested, few studies have focused on investigating the function of WAP. This paper describes evidence for WAP function in lobulo-alveolar development in mammary glands in vivo and in the cell cycle progression of mammary epithelial cells in vitro. Ubiquitous overexpression of WAP transgene impaired only lobulo-alveolar development in the mammary glands of transgenic female mice but not other physiological functions, indicating that the inhibitory function of WAP is specific to mammary alveolar cells. The forced expression of WAP significantly inhibited the proliferation of mouse mammary epithelial cells (HC11 cells and EpH4/K6 cells), whereas it did not affect that of NIH3T3 cells. Co-culturing of WAP-clonal cells and control cells using a transwell insert demonstrated that WAP inhibited the proliferation of HC11 cells through a paracrine action but not that of NIH3T3 cells, and that WAP was able to bind to HC11 cells but not to NIH3T3 cells. Apoptosis was not enhanced in the HC11 cells with stable WAP expression (WAP-clonal HC11 cells). BrdU incorporation and FACScan analyses revealed that cell cycle progression from the G0/G1 to the S phase was inhibited in the WAP-clonal HC11 cells. Among G1 cyclins, the expression of cyclin D1 and D3 was significantly decreased in the WAP-clonal HC11 cells. The present results provide the first documented evidence that WAP plays a negative regulatory role in the cell cycle progression of mammary epithelial cells through an autocrine or paracrine mechanism in vivo.  相似文献   
The H+-translocating pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) is a proton pump that is found in a wide variety of organisms. It consists of a single polypeptide chain that is thought to possess between 14 and 17 transmembrane domains. To determine the topological arrangement of its conserved motifs and transmembrane domains, we carried out a cysteine-scanning analysis by determining the membrane topology of cysteine substitution mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor H+-PPase expressed in Escherichia coli using chemical reagents. First, we prepared a synthetic DNA that encoded the enzyme and constructed a functional cysteine-less mutant by substituting the four cysteine residues. We then introduced cysteine residues individually into 42 sites in its hydrophilic regions and N- and C-terminal segments. Thirty-six of the mutant enzymes retained both pyrophosphatase and H+-translocating activities. Analysis of 29 of these mutant forms using membrane-permeable and -impermeable sulfhydryl reagents revealed that S. coelicolor H+-PPase contains 17 transmembrane domains and that several conserved segments, such as the substrate-binding domains, are exposed to the cytoplasm. Four essential serine residues that were located on the cytoplasmic side were also identified. A marked characteristic of the S. coelicolor enzyme is a long additional sequence that includes a transmembrane domain at the C terminus. We propose that the basic structure of H+-PPases has 16 transmembrane domains with several large cytoplasmic loops containing functional motifs.  相似文献   
The CagA protein of Helicobacter pylori, which is injected from the bacteria into bacteria-attached gastric epithelial cells, is associated with gastric carcinoma. CagA is tyrosine-phosphorylated by Src family kinases, binds the SH2 domain-containing SHP-2 phosphatase in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent manner, and deregulates its enzymatic activity. We established AGS human gastric epithelial cells that inducibly express wild-type or a phosphorylation-resistant CagA, in which tyrosine residues constituting the EPIYA motifs were substituted with alanines. Upon induction, wild-type CagA, but not the mutant CagA, elicited strong elongation of cell shape, termed the "hummingbird" phenotype. Time-lapse video microscopic analysis revealed that the CagA-expressing cells exhibited a marked increase in cell motility with successive rounds of elongation-contraction processes. Inhibition of CagA phosphorylation by an Src kinase inhibitor, PP2, or knockdown of SHP-2 expression by small interference RNA (siRNA) abolished the CagA-mediated hummingbird phenotype. The morphogenetic activity of CagA also required Erk MAPK but was independent of Ras or Grb2. In AGS cells, CagA prolonged duration of Erk activation in response to serum stimulation. Conversely, inhibition of SHP-2 expression by siRNA abolished the sustained Erk activation. Thus, SHP-2 acts as a positive regulator of Erk activity in AGS cells. These results indicate that SHP-2 is involved in the Ras-independent modification of Erk signals that is necessary for the morphogenetic activity of CagA. Our work therefore suggests a key role of SHP-2 in the pathological activity of H. pylori virulence factor CagA.  相似文献   
Dilated cardiomyopathy is characterized by ventricular dilation with systolic dysfunction of cardiac muscle. Recent genetic studies have revealed that mutations in genes for cytoskeleton proteins distributed in the Z-disc and/or intercalated discs of the cardiac muscle are major predictors of cardiomyopathy. However, as mutations in these genes can account for only a part of the patient population, there should be another disease-causing gene(s) for cardiomyopathy. Cypher/ZASP appears to be an ideal candidate for the cardiomyopathy causative gene, because Cypher/ZASP encodes a Z-disc associated protein, and recent studies have demonstrated that Cypher/ZASP knock-out mice develop cardiomyopathy. In this study, we searched for sequence variations in Cypher/ZASP in 96 unrelated Japanese patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. A D626N mutation located within the third LIM domain was identified in a familial case but not found in the unrelated controls. A family study of the patient showed that all affected siblings tested had the same mutation. Clinical information of the affected family members suggested that the mutation was associated with late onset cardiomyopathy. To reveal the biochemical changes due to the mutation, we performed a yeast two-hybrid assay and a pull-down assay. It was demonstrated by both assays that the D626N mutation of Cypher/ZASP increased the affinity of the LIM domain for protein kinase C, suggesting a novel biochemical mechanism of the pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   
It has recently been proposed that synaptotagmin (Syt) VII functions as a plasma membrane Ca2+ sensor for dense-core vesicle exocytosis in PC12 cells based on the results of transient overexpression studies using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Syt VII; however, the precise subcellular localization of Syt VII is still a matter of controversy (plasma membrane versus secretory granules). In this study we established a PC12 cell line "stably expressing" the Syt VII-GFP molecule and demonstrated by immunocytochemical and immunoelectron microscopic analyses that the Syt VII-GFP protein is localized on dense-core vesicles as well as in other intracellular membranous structures, such as the trans-Golgi network and lysosomes. Syt VII-GFP forms a complex with endogenous Syts I and IX, but not with Syt IV, and it colocalize well with Syts I and IX in the cellular processes (where dense-core vesicles are accumulated) in the PC12 cell line. We further demonstrated by an N-terminal antibody-uptake experiment that Syt VII-GFP-containing dense-core vesicles undergo Ca2+ -dependent exocytosis, the same as endogenous Syt IX-containing vesicles. Moreover, silencing of Syt VII-GFP with specific small interfering RNA dramatically reduced high KCl-dependent neuropeptide Y secretion from the stable PC12 cell line (approximately 60% of the control cells), whereas the same small interfering RNA had little effect on neuropeptide Y secretion from the wild-type PC12 cells (approximately 85-90% of the control cells), indicating that the level of endogenous expression of Syt VII molecules must be low. Our results indicate that the targeting of Syt VII-GFP molecules to specific membrane compartment(s) is affected by the transfection method (transient expression versus stable expression) and suggested that Syt VII molecule on dense-core vesicles functions as a vesicular Ca2+ sensor for exocytosis in endocrine cells.  相似文献   
Summary A disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type 1 motifs (ADAMTS) is a family of extracellular proteases and implicated in cleaving proteoglycans, such as aggrecan, versican and brevican. No information is available about expression or localization of these ADAMTSs in teeth. Versican is a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan that is present in a variety of connective tissue including dental pulp, dentin, cementum and periodontal ligaments. The present study was designed to investigate expression of ADAMTSs and versican during rat tooth eruption. Rat maxillary first molars in weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 were examined. The mRNA expression of ADAMTS1, ADAMTS4, ADAMTS5 and versican was localized using in situ hybridization. ADAMTS1, ADAMTS4, ADAMTS5 and versican were expressed in dental pulp cells, odontoblasts, cementoblasts, cementocytes, periodontal ligament cells, osteoblasts and osteocytes. The temporal and spatial expression pattern in these cellular phenotypes was comparable among ADAMTSs and versican. The present study suggests that dental pulp cells, odontoblasts, cementoblasts, cementocytes, periodontal ligament cells, osteoblasts and osteocytes may be involved in both production and degradation of versican with secreting ADAMTS1, ADAMTS4 and ADAMTS5.  相似文献   
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