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Neonatal predation in multispecies aquarium exhibits can prevent detection of captive breeding by wobbegong sharks. We used ultrasonography and isolation strategies to prevent neonatal predation and maximize survival/growth of the dwarf ornate wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus de Vis, 1883). We captured seven free‐living wobbegongs (two males and five females) and subjected each animal to a health assessment which led to the euthanasia of one female with a retained hook. Ultrasonography showed that females were pregnant, one was preovulatory, and one was in a resting phase. Two females (one pregnant) and one male were placed in isolation in each of two tanks. In October 2006, 25 neonates were born overnight with the two litters placed into separate neonate tanks. Over the ~6.5‐month monitoring period, four neonates with reduced body condition died without premonitory signs resulting in a 63.0% annual survival rate. Finite growth rates did not differ between sexes or litters and averaged (±SE) 12.2 (1.5) cm/year and 156.4 (26.4) g/year. At the cessation of monitoring, total length had increased by ~30%, whereas total weight had almost doubled with neonatal body condition in line with free‐living wobbegongs. Our efficacious, six‐step manipulative, the approach should be applicable with all wobbegongs given their reproductive similarities, but we recommend that efforts focus on the dwarf ornate, tasselled and Japanese wobbegongs because all are small in size and have bred in aquaria. Ultimately, this approach should produce self‐sustaining aquarium populations, place less reliance on the wild acquisition and provide animals for other aquaria, population restocking, or scientific research.  相似文献   
Therapeutically exploiting vascular and metabolic endpoints becomes critical to translational cancer studies because altered vascularity and deregulated metabolism are two important cancer hallmarks. The metabolic and vascular phenotypes of three sibling breast tumor lines with different metastatic potential are investigated in vivo with a newly developed quantitative spectroscopy system. All tumor lines have different metabolic and vascular characteristics compared to normal tissues, and there are strong positive correlations between metabolic (glucose uptake and mitochondrial membrane potential) and vascular (oxygen saturations and hemoglobin concentrations) parameters for metastatic (4T1) tumors but not for micrometastatic (4T07) and nonmetastatic (67NR) tumors. A longitudinal study shows that both vascular and metabolic endpoints of 4T1 tumors increased up to a specific tumor size threshold beyond which these parameters decreased. The synchronous changes between metabolic and vascular parameters, along with the strong positive correlations between these endpoints suggest that 4T1 tumors rely on strong oxidative phosphorylation in addition to glycolysis. This study illustrates the great potential of our optical technique to provide valuable dynamic information about the interplay between the metabolic and vascular status of tumors, with important implications for translational cancer investigations.   相似文献   
Despite many studies on Adélie penguin breeding phenology, understanding the drivers of clutch initiation dates (CIDs, egg 1 lay date) is limited or lacks consensus. Here, we investigated Adélie penguin CIDs over 25 years (1991–2016) on two neighboring islands, Torgersen and Humble (<1 km apart), in a rapidly warming region near Palmer Station, Antarctica. We found that sea ice was the primary large‐scale driver of CIDs and precipitation was a secondary small‐scale driver that fine‐tunes CID to island‐specific nesting habitat geomorphology. In general, CIDs were earlier (later) when the spring sea ice retreat was earlier (later) and when the preceding annual ice season was shorter (longer). Island‐specific effects related to precipitation and island geomorphology caused greater snow accumulation and delayed CIDs by ~2 days on Torgersen compared to Humble Island. When CIDs on the islands were similar, conditions were mild with less snow across breeding sites. At Torgersen Island, the negative relationship between CID and breeding success highlights detrimental effects of delayed breeding and/or snow on penguin fitness. Past phenological studies reported a relationship between air temperature and CID, assumed to be related to precipitation, but we found air temperature was more highly correlated to sea ice, revealing a misinterpretation of temperature effects. Finally, contrasting trends in CIDs based on temporal shifts in regional sea ice patterns revealed trends toward earlier CIDs (4–6 day advance) from 1979 to 2009 as the annual ice season shortened, and later CIDs (7–10 day delay) from 2010 to 2016 as the annual ice season lengthened. Adélie penguins tracked environmental conditions with flexible breeding phenology, but their life history remains vulnerable to subpolar weather conditions that can delay CIDs and decrease breeding success, especially on landscapes where geomorphology facilitates snow accumulation.  相似文献   
The coastal temperate rainforests of South and North America are part of the most biomass dense forest biome on the planet. They are also subject to rapid climatic shifts and, subsequently, new disturbance processes – snow loss‐driven mortality and the emergence of fire in historically non‐fire‐exposed areas. Here, we compare and contrast Southern and Northern Hemisphere coastal temperate rainforests of the Americas, two of the largest examples of the biome, via synthesis of current literature, future climate expectations and new downscaling of a global fire model. In terms of snow loss, a rapid decline in winter snow is leading to mass mortality of certain conifer species in the Northern Hemisphere rainforests. High‐elevation Southern Hemisphere forests, which are beginning to see similar declines in snow, may be vulnerable in the future, especially bogs and high‐water content soils. Southern Hemisphere forests are seeing the invasion of fire as an ecological force at mid‐to‐high latitudes, a shift not yet observed in the north but which may become more prominent with ongoing climate change. We suggest that research should focus on the flammability of seral vegetation and bogs under future climate scenarios in both regions. By comparing these two drivers of change across similar gradients in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, this work points to the potential for emerging change in unexpected places in both regions. There is a clear benefit to conceptualising the coastal temperate rainforests of the Americas as two examples of the biome which can inform the other, as change is proceeding in similar directions but at different rates in each region.  相似文献   
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a promising therapy for several immune-mediated conditions but manufacturing a homogeneous and consistent product, especially one that includes cryopreservation, has been challenging. Discarded pediatric thymuses are an excellent source of therapeutic Tregs with advantages including cell quantity, homogeneity and stability. Here we report systematic testing of activation reagents, cell culture media, restimulation timing and cryopreservation to develop a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)–compatible method to expand and cryopreserve Tregs. By comparing activation reagents, including soluble antibody tetramers, antibody-conjugated beads and artificial antigen-presenting cells (aAPCs) and different media, we found that the combination of Dynabeads Treg Xpander and ImmunoCult-XF medium preserved FOXP3 expression and suppressive function and resulted in expansion that was comparable with a single stimulation with aAPCs. Cryopreservation tests revealed a critical timing effect: only cells cryopreserved 1–3 days, but not >3 days, after restimulation maintained high viability and FOXP3 expression upon thawing. Restimulation timing was a less critical process parameter than the time between restimulation and cryopreservation. This systematic testing of key variables provides increased certainty regarding methods for in vitro expansion and cryopreservation of Tregs. The ability to cryopreserve expanded Tregs will have broad-ranging applications including enabling centralized manufacturing and long-term storage of cell products.  相似文献   
The study of biodiversity started as a single unified field that spanned both ecology and evolution and both macro and micro phenomena. But over the 20th century, major trends drove ecology and evolution apart and pushed an emphasis towards the micro perspective in both disciplines. Macroecology and macroevolution re‐emerged as self‐consciously distinct fields in the 1970s and 1980s, but they remain largely separated from each other. Here, we argue that despite the challenges, it is worth working to combine macroecology and macroevolution. We present 25 fundamental questions about biodiversity that are answerable only with a mixture of the views and tools of both macroecology and macroevolution.  相似文献   
Enrollers play a critical yet often overlooked role in clinical research, particularly in informed consent processes. Study retention may depend in part on how complex information is conveyed to potential participants. This qualitative study aimed to assess communicative barriers during consent and enrolment in two South African TB/HIV clinical studies. In particular, we compared our own perceptions of potential challenges to consent with that of thirteen enrollers, gained via reflective journaling and focus group discussions. Some overlap of identified challenges was evident, including terminology, jargon and consent document format. However there were mismatches to identified challenges. Enrollers provided further insights into potential challenges to consent, in particular, blood withdrawal, discussion of sexual issues and misunderstanding of study participation. Enrollers also reported feeling ill‐equipped to provide counselling when participants became distressed. We offer several recommendations for strengthening the inclusion of enrollers in the development of clinical research protocols and consent documents.  相似文献   
Songs mediate mate attraction and territorial defence in songbirds during the breeding season. Outside of the breeding season, the avian vocal repertoire often includes calls that function in foraging, antipredator and social behaviours. Songs and calls can differ substantially in their spectral and temporal content. Given seasonal variation in the vocal signals, the sender–receiver matching hypothesis predicts seasonal changes in auditory processing that match the physical properties of songs during the breeding season and calls outside of it. We tested this hypothesis in white-breasted nuthatches, Sitta carolinensis, tufted titmice, Baeolophus bicolor, and Carolina chickadees, Poecile carolinensis. We measured the envelope-following response (EFR), which quantifies phase locking to the amplitude envelope, and the frequency-following response (FFR), which quantifies phase locking to the temporal fine structure of sounds. Because songs and calls of nuthatches are amplitude modulated at different rates, we predicted seasonal changes in EFRs that match the rates of amplitude fluctuation in songs and calls. In chickadees and titmice, we predicted stronger FFRs during the spring and stronger EFRs during the winter because songs are tonal and calls include amplitude-modulated elements. In all three species, we found seasonal changes in EFRs and FFRs. EFRs varied across seasons and matched the amplitude modulations of songs and calls in nuthatches. In addition, female chickadees had stronger EFRs in the winter than in the spring. In all three species, FFRs during the spring tended to be stronger in females than in males. We also found species differences in EFRs and FFRs in both seasons; EFRs and FFRs tended to be higher in nuthatches than in chickadees and titmice. We discuss the potential mechanisms underlying seasonality in EFRs and FFRs and the implications of our results for communication during the breeding season and outside of it, when these three species form mixed-species flocks.  相似文献   
Microtubule dynamics in cells are regulated by associated proteins that can be either stabilizers or destabilizers. A class of destabilizers that is important in a large number of cellular activities is the microtubule-severing enzymes, yet little is known about how they function. Katanin p60 was the first ATPase associated with microtubule severing. Here, we investigate the activity of katanin severing using a GFP-labeled human version. We quantify the effect of katanin concentration on katanin binding and severing activity. We find that free tubulin can inhibit severing activity by interfering with katanin binding to microtubules. The inhibition is mediated by the sequence of the tubulin and specifically depends on the carboxy-terminal tails. We directly investigate the inhibition effect of tubulin carboxy-terminal tails using peptide sequences of α-, β-, or detyrosinated α-tubulin tails that have been covalently linked to bovine serum albumin. Our results show that β-tubulin tails are the most effective at inhibiting severing, and that detyrosinated α-tubulin tails are the least effective. These results are distinct from those for other severing enzymes and suggest a scheme for regulation of katanin activity in cells dependent on free tubulin concentration and the modification state of the tubulin.  相似文献   
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