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We tested the hypothesis that early Pliocene Australopithecus anamensis was ancestral to A. afarensis by conducting a phylogenetic analysis of four temporally successive fossil samples assigned to these species (from earliest to latest: Kanapoi, Allia Bay, Laetoli, Hadar) using polarized character-state data from 20 morphological characters of the dentition and jaws. If the hypothesis that A. anamensis is ancestral to A. afarensis is true, then character-state changes between the temporally ordered site-samples should be congruent with hypothesized polarity transformations based on outgroup (African great ape) conditions. The most parsimonious reconstruction of character-state evolution suggests that each of the hominin OTUs shares apomorphies only with geologically younger OTUs, as predicted by the hypothesis of ancestry (tree length=31; Consistency Index=0.903). This concordance of stratigraphic and character-state data supports the idea that the A. anamensis and A. afarensis samples represent parts of an anagenetically evolving lineage, or evolutionary species. Each site-sample appears to capture a different point along this evolutionary trajectory. We discuss the implications of this conclusion for the taxonomy and adaptive evolution of these early-middle Pliocene hominins.  相似文献   
The Omo-Turkana Basin, including the hominin fossil sites around Lake Turkana and the sites along the lower reaches of the Omo River, has made and continues to make an important contribution to improving our murky understanding of human evolution. This review highlights the various ways the Omo-Turkana Basin fossil record has contributed to, and continues to challenge, interpretations of human evolution. Despite many diagrams that look suspiciously like comprehensive hypotheses about human evolutionary history, any sensible paleoanthropologist knows that the early hominin fossil record is too meager to do anything other than offer very provisional statements about hominin taxonomy and phylogeny. If history tells us anything, it is that we still have much to learn about the hominin clade. Thus, we summarize the current state of knowledge of the hominin species represented at the Omo-Turkana Basin sites. We then focus on three specific topics for which the fossil evidence is especially relevant: the origin and nature of Paranthropus; the origin and nature of early Homo; and the ongoing debate about whether the pattern of human evolution is more consistent with speciation by cladogenesis, with greater taxonomic diversity or with speciation by anagenetic transformation, resulting in less taxonomic diversity and a more linear interpretation of human evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Fire in the tropical gallery forests of Belize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. Historical records of burning, field observations, and a manipulation experiment were used to evaluate the extent and impact of fire in a system of gallery forests in the Mountain Pine Ridge savanna, Belize. The outer boundaries of gallery forests are fire-prone zones, but fires rarely intrude into these forests. This is attributed to the existence of fire-tolerant trees in the outer zone, which preserve a forest interior of low flammability. Occasional fire incursions are patchily distributed and partially inhibited by slope convexities. Intrusions consume litter and root mats and destroy seedlings and saplings, but create a wide variety of subsequent light regimes depending upon the degree of canopy destruction. At most sites, partial canopy cover persists and seedlings of a subset of forest tree species establish preferentially. Early survivorship of these seedlings is comparable to those established in undamaged forest. Where canopy opening is severe, a secondary succession is initiated, with large numbers of herbaceous plants deriving from the seed bank. Gallery forests contain core zones into which fire very rarely intrudes, and peripheral zones that experience fire incursions that are patchily distributed in space and time. In the latter zones fire incursions play a role comparable to that of canopy gaps in continuous forests, but also create a unique class of micro-habitats to which a subset of tree species is specialized. The fire regime over the recent past in this gallery forest system appears to have had an enriching, rather than a depauperizing, effect on the forest communities, and such systems represent plausible refugia for forest species in fire-prone landscapes.  相似文献   
Abstract. Large isolated trees are a common feature of the agricultural landscape in humid tropical regions originally covered by rain forest. These isolated trees are primarily used as a source of shade for cattle and people. 13 pastures (totalling ca. 80 ha) currently used as cattle pasture were studied. In them, we registered 265 isolated trees belonging to 57 species. 50 trees of the most frequent species (Ficus spp. n = 30 and Nectandra ambigens n = 20) were selected to examine the influence of isolated trees on floristic composition and vegetation structure in the pastures. At each tree, three 4–m2 quadrats were sampled: under the canopy, directly under the canopy perimeter, and beyond the canopy in the open pasture. Under-canopy vegetation was structurally and floristically different from the other two sampling sites. Mean species richness per quadrat was significantly higher under the canopy (17.8 ± 4.3 SD) than at the canopy perimeter (11.2 ± 3.4) and in the open pasture (10.6 ± 3.6) sites. Stem density was higher at under-canopy sites, where greater proportions of endozoochorous and rain-forest species were found. Isolated trees function as nursery plants for rain-forest species by facilitating the establishment of zoochorous species whose seeds are deposited under the tree canopies by frugivorous birds or bats. Our results imply that isolated trees may play a major role in seed dispersal and establishment of native species, which is of consequence for the preservation of rain-forest species in these fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   
Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg, Prorocentrum gracile Schütt and Prorocentrum sigmoides Böhm are planktonic dinoflagellates present along the Mexican Pacific coast. These three species can be treated as a species complex because of similar shape and size. The taxonomy of the group has been based on cell form and size, the presence or absence of apical spines and the ornamentation of the main valves. A morphometric study of samples from 11 locations from the Mexican Pacific coast and from laboratory cultures is presented. The presence of a mucron (small tooth) in the antapical region of P. gracile and P. sigmoides morphotypes was recorded for the first time. Morphotypes were defined using as the main criteria the size of pores in relation to the size of the depressions on the cell’s surface, the presence of a mucron in the posterior end of the cell and the shape of the valve margins. Results show a clear distinction between the morphotype P. micans and the P. gracile–P. sigmoides. P. sigmoides is suggested to be a junior synonym of P. gracile as no convincing characters could distinguish these two morphotypes.  相似文献   
The vertical structure of one hectare of tropical rain forest was studied at Los Tuxtlas, State of Veracruz, Mexico. The structure was analysed at various scales of analysis, using different methodologies e.g. profile diagrams (0.1 ha) and vertical structure diagrams (1 ha). All profile diagrams suggested presence of stratification to some extent. However, simultaneous evaluation of several adjacent profile diagrams showed that the use of one profile diagram only can be very misleading: gaps or layers apparent in a diagram did usually not reflect gaps or layers that could be recognized in the field.Structure diagrams of abundance, basal area and crown cover showed that this forest community is not stratified, with the exception of an understorey layer below 7.5 m dominated by palms. The vertical structure was described using arbitrarily chosen height intervals. From the forest floor to the canopy top basal area, percentage of deciduous species (and individuals), and percentage of compound-leaved species (and individuals), increased, but total number of individuals and number of species decreased. Leaf sizes tended to decrease in the same direction, and crown cover was approximately evenly distributed. Species from different families dominated different parts along the vertical plane. It is concluded that the vertical structure of tropical rain forest can best be described as a complex gradient, involving many community features. Stratification can best be emphasized as a special case of such a gradient.  相似文献   


Tropical forests account for a quarter of the global carbon storage and a third of the terrestrial productivity. Few studies have teased apart the relative importance of environmental factors and forest attributes for ecosystem functioning, especially for the tropics. This study aims to relate aboveground biomass (AGB) and biomass dynamics (i.e., net biomass productivity and its underlying demographic drivers: biomass recruitment, growth and mortality) to forest attributes (tree diversity, community‐mean traits and stand basal area) and environmental conditions (water availability, soil fertility and disturbance).




We used data from 26 sites, 201 1‐ha plots and >92,000 trees distributed across the Neotropics. We quantified for each site water availability and soil total exchangeable bases and for each plot three key community‐weighted mean functional traits that are important for biomass stocks and productivity. We used structural equation models to test the hypothesis that all drivers have independent, positive effects on biomass stocks and dynamics.


Of the relationships analysed, vegetation attributes were more frequently associated significantly with biomass stocks and dynamics than environmental conditions (in 67 vs. 33% of the relationships). High climatic water availability increased biomass growth and stocks, light disturbance increased biomass growth, and soil bases had no effect. Rarefied tree species richness had consistent positive relationships with biomass stocks and dynamics, probably because of niche complementarity, but was not related to net biomass productivity. Community‐mean traits were good predictors of biomass stocks and dynamics.

Main conclusions

Water availability has a strong positive effect on biomass stocks and growth, and a future predicted increase in (atmospheric) drought might, therefore, potentially reduce carbon storage. Forest attributes, including species diversity and community‐weighted mean traits, have independent and important relationships with AGB stocks, dynamics and ecosystem functioning, not only in relatively simple temperate systems, but also in structurally complex hyper‐diverse tropical forests.  相似文献   
Rustic coffee plantations are characterised by the use of numerous wild and cultivated tree species for providing shade to the coffee shrubs. This paper analyses the role of these plantations in wild tree conservation through the examination of their patterns of floristic variation in southern Mexico. The studied plantations included a total of 45 plant species, most of which were wild tree species, including both mature forest and pioneer taxa. An extrapolation of the species accumulation curve among stands indicated that the whole system, composed of more than 100 coffee plantations, may harbour as many as 34 species of wild trees. The floristic structure of rustic coffee plantations was highly variable. This variation is a result of a combination of factors such as human management, original stand cover and the asynchrony in development stage of different plantations. This promotes a large -diversity in the system. Thus, although a single plantation may have a limited potential to preserve wild tree species, it is the whole ensemble of floristically heterogeneous plantations which renders this agroforestry system valuable for plant diversity conservation, particularly in a region where native forest vegetation has almost disappeared.  相似文献   
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