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The androgen receptor (AR) is a hormone receptor that plays a critical role in prostate cancer, and depletion of its ligand has long been the cornerstone of treatment for metastatic disease. Here, we evaluate the AR ligand-binding domain (LBD) as an immunological target, seeking to identify HLA-A2-restricted epitopes recognized by T cells in prostate cancer patients. Ten AR LBD-derived, HLA-A2-binding peptides were identified and ranked with respect to HLA-A2 affinity and were used to culture peptide-specific T cells from HLA-A2+ prostate cancer patients. These T-cell cultures identified peptide-specific T cells specific for all ten peptides in at least one patient, and T cells specific for peptides AR805 and AR811 were detected in over half of patients. Peptide-specific CD8+ T-cell clones were then isolated and characterized for prostate cancer cytotoxicity and cytokine expression, identifying that AR805 and AR811 CD8+ T-cell clones could lyse prostate cancer cells in an HLA-A2-restricted fashion, but only AR811 CTL had polyfunctional cytokine expression. Epitopes were confirmed using immunization studies in HLA-A2 transgenic mice, in which the AR LBD is an autologous antigen with an identical protein sequence, which showed that mice immunized with AR811 developed peptide-specific CTL that lyse HLA-A2+ prostate cancer cells. These data show that AR805 and AR811 are HLA-A2-restricted epitopes for which CTL can be commonly detected in prostate cancer patients. Moreover, CTL responses specific for AR811 can be elicited by direct immunization of A2/DR1 mice. These findings suggest that it may be possible to elicit an anti-prostate tumor immune response by augmenting CTL populations using AR LBD-based vaccines.  相似文献   
Rowland O  Jones JD 《Genome biology》2001,2(1):reviews1001.1-reviews10013
DNA microarrays are being used to comprehensively examine gene expression networks during the plant defense response that is triggered when a plant encounters a pathogen or an elicitor molecule. In addition to identifying new genes induced during defense, these studies are providing new insights into the complex pathways governing defense gene regulation.  相似文献   
Androgen binding was studied in cytosol of human fibroblasts at 4 degrees C. When 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) was the ligand, a curvilinear Scatchard plot was seen, which was resolved into two components: I the androgen receptor (AR), Kd = 0.12-0.44 nM, and II a low affinity species, Kd = 6.3-28 nM. The same cytosol demonstrated only type I binding for 3H-methyltrienolone (MTr), Kd = 0.10-0.40 nM. The AR, i.e., 3H-MTr binding activity, eluted at 440,000 d by gel filtration chromatography in pre-labeling and post-labeling experiments. When the ligand was 3H-DHT, binding activity in the 10,000-45,000 d range was seen in addition to AR. Thus, saturable nonreceptor steroid binding was seen for DHT but not for MTr. The latter is the preferred ligand for the study of the AR in this system.  相似文献   
The Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy versus Stenting Trial (CREST) is a prospective, randomized, multicenter clinical trial of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) versus carotid artery stenting (CAS) as prevention for stroke in patients with symptomatic stenosis greater than or equal to 50%. CREST is sponsored by the US National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), with additional support by a device manufacturer, and will provide data to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for evaluation of a stent device. Because of budget constraints for CREST, Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) reimbursement for hospital costs incurred by CREST patients will be essential. The involvement of academic scientists, industry, and three separate government agencies (NIH, FDA, HCFA) has presented many challenges in conducting the trial. A review of the pathways followed to meet these challenges may be helpful to others seeking to facilitate sharing of the costs and burdens of conducting innovative clinical research.  相似文献   
The study was a Phase II randomized study to evaluate the efficacy of new agents for the treatment of advanced gastric carcinoma. Patients were randomized to receive single agent chemotherapy with mitoxantrone, etoposide, aclacinomycin-A or spirogermanium. The patients were stratified by prior use of chemotherapy, prior doxorubicin use and ECOG performance status. Patients with a history of cardiac disease or prior doxorubicin exceeding a dose of 400 mg/m2 were restrictively randomized to sopirogermanium or etoposide only. One hundred and fourteen patients were registered for the study. Among 98 evaluable patients there were only two partial responses (both in the etoposide arm), and one complete response in the mitoxantrone arm. The median survival on the study was 3.3 months. One hundred and six patients were analyzable for toxicity. There were four treatment-related deaths and four life-threatening toxicities. Because of low response rates and relatively high toxicities the studied compounds were not deemed worth further investigation for advanced gastric cancer.  相似文献   
The patterns of synonymous codon usage in 91 Drosophila melanogaster genes have been examined. Codon usage varies strikingly among genes. This variation is associated with differences in G+C content at silent sites, but (unlike the situation in mammalian genes) these differences are not correlated with variation in intron base composition and so are not easily explicable in terms of mutational biases. Instead, those genes with high G+C content at silent sites, resulting from a strong "preference" for a particular subset of the codons that are mostly C- ending, appear to be the more highly expressed genes. This suggests that G+C content is reduced in sequences where selective constraints are weaker, as indeed seen in a pseudogene. These and other data discussed are consistent with the effects of translational selection among synonymous codons, as seen in unicellular organisms. The existence of selective constraints on silent substitutions, which may vary in strength among genes, has implications for the use of silent molecular clocks.   相似文献   
Analyses of complete cytochrome b sequences from all species of cranes (Aves: Gruidae) reveal aspects of sequence evolution in the early stages of divergence. These DNA sequences are > or = 89% identical, but expected departures from random substitution are evident. Silent, third- position pyrimidine transitions are the dominant substitution type, with transversion comprising only a small fraction of sequence differences. Substitution patterns are not clearly manifested until divergence has reached a moderate level (> 3%), as expected for a stochastic process. Variation in the frequency of mismatch types among lineages decreases at larger divergences, but the level of bias does not decay. Divergence varies up to fivefold among gene regions but is not correlated with structural domain. All protein structural domains except extramembrane 4 display < 20% variable residues. Regions corresponding to putative functional domains show the excepted conservation of amino acids, although the C-terminal portion of the Q0 reaction center displays several nonconservative replacements. Phylogenetic analyses incorporating substitution asymmetries produced mixed results. Distances estimated with multiple parameters (transition, codon-position, composition, and pyrimidine-transition biases) yielded identical additive tree topologies with comparable bootstrap values, all consistent with uncontroversial species relationships. Maximum likelihood analysis incorporating these biases, as well as equally weighted parsimony analysis, produced similar results. Static, differential weighting for parsimony did not improve the phylogenetic signal but produced unusual trees with low bootstraps. The overall rate of nucleotide substitution varies slightly but significantly among cranes, and calibration of distances against fossil dates suggests divergence rates of 0.7%-1.7% per million years.   相似文献   
R1 is a non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposable element that inserts into a specific sequence of insect 28S ribosomal RNA genes. We have previously shown that this element has been maintained through vertical transmission in the melanogaster species subgroup of Drosophila. To address whether R1 elements have been vertically transmitted for longer periods of evolutionary time, the analysis has been extended to 11 other species from four species groups of the genus Drosophila (melanogaster, obscura, testecea, and repleta). All sequenced elements appeared functional on the basis of the preservation of their open-reading frames and consistently higher rate of substitution at synonymous sites relative to replacement sites. The phylogenetic relationships of the R1 elements from all species analyzed were congruent with the species phylogenies, suggesting that the R1 elements have been vertically transmitted since the inception of the Drosophila genus, an estimated 50-70 Mya. The stable maintenance of R1 through the germ line appears to be the major mechanism for the widespread distribution of these elements in Drosophila. In two species, D. neotestecea of the testecea group and D. takahashii of the melanogaster group, a second family of R1 elements was also present that differed in sequence by 46% and 31%, respectively, from the family that was congruent with the species phylogeny. These second families may represent occasional horizontal transfers or, alternatively, they could reflect the ability of R1 elements to diverge into new families within a species and evolve independently.   相似文献   
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