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Foraging theory has typically been concerned with the acquisition of a single resource even though organisms from mammals to protozoa are capable of balancing their requirements for multiple resources. Existing theory concerning multiple nutrients from multiple foods does not predict the sequence of food selection. We constructed an optimisation model of the simplest case of two foods containing differing amounts of two nutrients. We begin with the well-supported assumption that reproductive value declines with the distance from target nutrient intake. We show that nutrient space divides into two distinct areas where the animal should exclusively consume one food or the other. The organism thus initially concentrates on one food type until the border between the areas is reached and then moves as closely as possible along the border to approach the target. This strategy is commonly observed in a range of organisms, suggesting that the assumed fitness function is common.  相似文献   
Mutations in the skeletal muscle α-actin gene (ACTA1) cause congenital myopathies including nemaline myopathy, actin aggregate myopathy and rod-core disease. The majority of patients with ACTA1 mutations have severe hypotonia and do not survive beyond the age of one. A transgenic mouse model was generated expressing an autosomal dominant mutant (D286G) of ACTA1 (identified in a severe nemaline myopathy patient) fused with EGFP. Nemaline bodies were observed in multiple skeletal muscles, with serial sections showing these correlated to aggregates of the mutant skeletal muscle α-actin-EGFP. Isolated extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles were significantly weaker than wild-type (WT) muscle at 4 weeks of age, coinciding with the peak in structural lesions. These 4 week-old mice were ~30% less active on voluntary running wheels than WT mice. The α-actin-EGFP protein clearly demonstrated that the transgene was expressed equally in all myosin heavy chain (MHC) fibre types during the early postnatal period, but subsequently became largely confined to MHCIIB fibres. Ringbinden fibres, internal nuclei and myofibrillar myopathy pathologies, not typical features in nemaline myopathy or patients with ACTA1 mutations, were frequently observed. Ringbinden were found in fast fibre predominant muscles of adult mice and were exclusively MHCIIB-positive fibres. Thus, this mouse model presents a reliable model for the investigation of the pathobiology of nemaline body formation and muscle weakness and for evaluation of potential therapeutic interventions. The occurrence of core-like regions, internal nuclei and ringbinden will allow analysis of the mechanisms underlying these lesions. The occurrence of ringbinden and features of myofibrillar myopathy in this mouse model of ACTA1 disease suggests that patients with these pathologies and no genetic explanation should be screened for ACTA1 mutations.  相似文献   
Methane emissions from peat bogs are mitigated by methanotrophs, which live in symbiosis with peat moss (e.g. Sphagnum). Here, we investigate the influence of temperature and resultant changes in methane fluxes on Sphagnum and methanotroph‐related biomarkers, evaluating their potential as proxies in ancient bogs. A pulse‐chase experiment using 13C‐labelled methane in the field clearly showed label uptake in diploptene, a biomarker for methanotrophs, demonstrating in situ methanotrophic activity in Sphagnum under natural conditions. Peat cores containing live Sphagnum were incubated at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C for two months, causing differences in net methane fluxes. The natural δ13C values of diploptene extracted from Sphagnum showed a strong correlation with temperature and methane production. The δ13C values ranged from ?34‰ at 5°C to ?41‰ at 25°C. These results are best explained by enhanced expression of the methanotrophic enzymatic isotope effect at higher methane concentrations. Hence, δ13C values of diploptene, or its diagenetic products, potentially provide a useful tool to assess methanotrophic activity in past environments. Increased methane fluxes towards Sphagnum did not affect δ13C values of bulk Sphagnum and its specific marker, the C23 n‐alkane. The concentration of methanotroph‐specific bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs), aminobacteriohopanetetrol (aminotetrol, characteristic for type II and to a lesser extent type I methanotrophs) and aminobacteriohopanepentol (aminopentol, a marker for type I methanotrophs) showed a non‐linear response to increased methane fluxes, with relatively high abundances at 25°C compared to those at 20°C or below. Aminotetrol was more abundant than aminopentol, in contrast to similar abundances of aminotetrol and aminopentol in fresh Sphagnum. This probably indicates that type II methanotrophs became prevalent under the experimental conditions relative to type I methanotrophs. Even though BHP concentrations may not directly reflect bacterial activity, they may provide insight into the presence of different types of methanotrophs.  相似文献   
The effects of an anti-P-selectin monoclonal antibody (MAb, PB1.3; Cytel Corporation) on neoendothelialization; neoendothelial function, as evidenced by acetylcholine-induced relaxation (nitric oxide formation); and intimal hyperplasia following embolectomy catheter-induced injury to the rabbit thoracic aorta were investigated. Catheter injury was induced in two groups of New Zealand White rabbits. One group received no treatment, while the second group received short-term treatment with the MAb (i.p., immediately before and 12 h after induction of catheter injury). A third group underwent a sham operation and served as uninjured controls. Following sacrifice at 2 weeks after injury, aortic rings were assessed for degree of intimal hyperplasia, neoendothelial morphology (scanning electron microscopy), and acetylcholine-induced relaxation. Aortic tissue from catheter-injured animals that received treatment exhibited improved neoendothelial morphology, as compared with tissue from untreated but catheterized animals; however, no statistically significant attenuation of the hyperplastic response or improvement in the attenuated neoendothelial-dependent acetylcholine-induced relaxant response that is characteristic of neoendothelium that forms after catheter denudation was observed. These data suggest that short-term attenuation of P-selectin-mediated polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN)/endothelium, PMN/platelet interactions, and/or thrombin formation beneficially affects neoendothelialization of the vascular wall following balloon catheter-induced injury.  相似文献   
The Internet is enabling greater access to spectral imaging publications, spectral graphs, and data than that was available a generation ago. The spectral imaging systems discussed in this issue of Cytometry work because reagent and hardware spectra are reproducible, reusable, and provide input to spectral unmixing and spectral components recognition algorithms. These spectra need to be readily available in order to determine what to purchase, how to use it, and what the output means. We refer to several commercially sponsored and academic spectral web sites and discuss our spectral graphing and data sites. Sites include fluorescent dye graph servers from Invitrogen/Molecular Probes, BD Biosciences, Zeiss/Bio-Rad Cell Sciences, and filter set servers from Chroma Technology and Omega Optical. Several of these sites include data download capabilities. Recently, two microscope manufacturers have published on their web sites transmission curves for select objective lenses-crucial data for anyone doing multiphoton excitation microscopy. Notable among the academic sites, PhotoChemCAD 2.0 has over 200 dyes and a downloadable database/graphing program, and the USC-A Chemistry UV-vis Database displays absorption spectra of many dyes and indicators used in clinical histology and pathology. Our Fluorescent Spectra graphing/calculator site presents dyes, filters, and illumination data from many of these and additional sources. PubSpectra is our free download site which uses Microsoft Excel files as standardized human/machine readable format with over 2,000 biomedical spectra. The principle that data is not subject to copyright provides a framework in which all scientific data should be made freely accessible.  相似文献   
Microorganisms frequently contaminate jet fuel and cause corrosion of fuel tank metals. In the past, jet fuel contaminants included a diverse group of bacteria and fungi. The most common contaminant was the fungus Hormoconis resinae. However, the jet fuel community has been altered by changes in the composition of the fuel and is now dominated by bacterial contaminants. The purpose of this research was to determine the composition of the microbial community found in fuel tanks containing jet propellant-8 (JP-8) and to determine the potential of this community to cause corrosion of aluminum alloy 2024 (AA2024). Isolates cultured from fuel tanks containing JP-8 were closely related to the genus Bacillus and the fungi Aureobasidium and Penicillium. Biocidal activity of the fuel system icing inhibitor diethylene glycol monomethyl ether is the most likely cause of the prevalence of endospore forming bacteria. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and metallographic analysis of AA2024 exposed to the fuel tank environment indicated that the isolates caused corrosion of AA2024. Despite the limited taxonomic diversity of microorganisms recovered from jet fuel, the community has the potential to corrode fuel tanks.  相似文献   
Alphavbeta3 integrin is a crucial factor involved in a variety of physiological processes, such as cell growth and migration, tumor invasion and metastasis, angiogenesis, and wound healing. Alphavbeta3 integrin exerts its effect by regulating endothelial cell (EC) migration, proliferation, and survival. Inhibiting the function of alphavbeta3 integrin, therefore, represents a potential anti-cancer, anti-thrombotic, and anti-inflammatory strategy. In this study, we tested an RNA aptamer, Apt-alphavbeta3 that binds recombinant alphavbeta3 integrin, for its ability to bind endogenous alphavbeta3 integrin on the surface of cells in culture and to subsequently affect cellular response. Our data illustrate that Apt-alphavbeta3 binds alphavbeta3 integrin expressed on the surface of live HUVECs. This interaction significantly decreases both basal and PDGF-induced cell proliferation as well as inhibition of cell adhesion. Apt-alphavbeta3 can also reduce PDGF-stimulated tube formation and increase HUVEC apoptosis through inhibition of FAK phosphorylation pathway. Our results demonstrate that by binding to its target, Apt-alphavbeta3 can efficiently inhibit human EC proliferation and survival, resulting in reduced angiogenesis. It predicts that Apt-alphavbeta3 could become useful in both tumor imaging and the treatment of tumor growth, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and inflammation.  相似文献   
The quality of a chosen partner can be one of the most significantfactors affecting an animal's long-term reproductive success.We investigate optimal mate choice rules in an environment wherethere is both local variation in the quality of potential mateswithin each local mating pool and spatial (or temporal) variationin the average quality of the pools themselves. In such a situation,a robust rule that works well across a variety of environmentswill confer a significant reproductive advantage. We formulatea full Bayesian model for updating information in such a varyingenvironment and derive the form of the rule that maximizes expectedreward in a spatially varying environment. We compare the theoreticalperformance of our optimal learning rule against both fixedthreshold rules and simpler near-optimal learning rules andshow that learning is most advantageous when both the localand environmental variances are large. We consider how optimalsimple learning rules might evolve and compare their evolutionwith that of fixed threshold rules using genetic algorithmsas minimal models of the relevant genetics. Our analysis pointsup the variety of ways in which a near-optimal rule can be expressed.Finally, we describe how our results extend to the case of temporallyvarying environments.  相似文献   
Small colony variants constitute a slow-growing subpopulation of bacteria with distinctive phenotypic and pathogenic traits. Phenotypically, small colony variants have a slow growth rate, atypical colony morphology and unusual biochemical characteristics, making them a challenge for clinical microbiologists to identify. Clinically, small colony variants are better able to persist in mammalian cells and are less susceptible to antibiotics than their wild-type counterparts, and can cause latent or recurrent infections on emergence from the protective environment of the host cell. This Review covers the phenotypic, genetic and clinical picture associated with small colony variants, with an emphasis on staphylococci, for which the greatest amount of information is available.  相似文献   
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