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Gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) undergo a terrestrial postweaning fast (PWF) that depletes energy reserves acquired during the suckling interval. Plasticity in PWF duration may ensure that pups of variable body condition depart for sea with adequate energy reserves. To test this hypothesis, we examined body condition of 30 gray seal pups at weaning and monitored their PWF duration. On average, fat accounted for 47.3% +/- 0.7% of their 53.2 +/- 1.3-kg weaning mass. Although fasting duration averaged 21 +/- 1.1 d (n = p28), there was considerable variation in fasting duration (9 to > 31 d) and the resulting age when pups departed to sea (26 to > 49 d). Percent fat at weaning(38.6%-54.6%) was positively correlated with fasting duration(n = 28, r = 0.376, P = 0.0489). In contrast, total body gross energy (735.3-1,447.4 MJ) and body mass (39.0-66.0 kg) were not correlated with fasting duration. Thus, body composition,not overall body reserves, predicted fasting duration, but the effect was weak, indicating that other factors also account for the observed variation in fasting duration. We speculate that pups with greater percent fat more effectively utilized lipid and conserved protein while meeting metabolic costs throughout the PWF. As a result, fatter pups extended the PWF duration,which may be critical for development of diving physiology and may have facilitated their survivorship to age 1.  相似文献   
Thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), a NADPH-dependent disulfide oxidoreductase, is vital in numerous cellular processes including defence against reactive oxygen species, cell proliferation and signal transduction. TrxRs occur in 2 forms, a high Mr enzyme characterized by those of mammals, the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and some worms, and a low Mr form is present in bacteria, fungi, plants and some protozoan parasites. Our hypothesis is that the differences between the forms can be exploited in the development of selective inhibitors. In this study, cyclodextrin- and sulfonic acid-derived organotelluriums known to inhibit mammalian TrxR were investigated for their relative efficacy against P. falciparum TrxR (PfTrxR), a high Mr enzyme, and Trichomonas vaginalis TrxR (TvTrxR), a low Mr form of TrxR. The results suggest that selective inhibition of low Mr TrxRs is a feasible goal.  相似文献   


Stem cell expansion and differentiation is the foundation of emerging cell therapy technologies. The potential applications of human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) are wide ranging, but a normal cytogenetic profile is important to avoid the risk of tumor formation in clinical trials. FDA approved clinical trials are being planned and conducted for hNPC transplantation into the brain or spinal cord for various neurodegenerative disorders. Although human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are known to show recurrent chromosomal abnormalities involving 12 and 17, no studies have revealed chromosomal abnormalities in cultured hNPCs. Therefore, we investigated frequently occurring chromosomal abnormalities in 21 independent fetal-derived hNPC lines and the possible mechanisms triggering such aberrations.

Methods and Findings

While most hNPC lines were karyotypically normal, G-band karyotyping and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses revealed the emergence of trisomy 7 (hNPC+7) and trisomy 19 (hNPC+19), in 24% and 5% of the lines, respectively. Once detected, subsequent passaging revealed emerging dominance of trisomy hNPCs. DNA microarray and immunoblotting analyses demonstrate epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) overexpression in hNPC+7 and hNPC+19 cells. We observed greater levels of telomerase (hTERT), increased proliferation (Ki67), survival (TUNEL), and neurogenesis (βIII-tubulin) in hNPC+7 and hNPC+19, using respective immunocytochemical markers. However, the trisomy lines underwent replicative senescence after 50–60 population doublings and never showed neoplastic changes. Although hNPC+7 and hNPC+19 survived better after xenotransplantation into the rat striatum, they did not form malignant tumors. Finally, EGF deprivation triggered a selection of trisomy 7 cells in a diploid hNPC line.


We report that hNPCs are susceptible to accumulation of chromosome 7 and 19 trisomy in long-term cell culture. These results suggest that micro-environmental cues are powerful factors in the selection of specific hNPC aneuploidies, with trisomy of chromosome 7 being the most common. Given that a number of stem cell based clinical trials are being conducted or planned in USA and a recent report in PLoS Medicine showing the dangers of grafting an inordinate number of cells, these data substantiate the need for careful cytogenetic evaluation of hNPCs (fetal or hESC-derived) before their use in clinical or basic science applications.  相似文献   


Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis (SDSE) is an emerging global pathogen that can colonize and infect humans. Although most SDSE isolates possess the Lancefield group G carbohydrate, a significant minority have the group C carbohydrate. Isolates are further sub-typed on the basis of differences within the emm gene. To gain a better understanding of their molecular epidemiology and evolutionary relationships, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis was performed on SDSE isolates collected from Australia, Europe and North America.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The 178 SDSE isolates, representing 37 emm types, segregate into 80 distinct sequence types (STs) that form 17 clonal complexes (CCs). Eight STs recovered from all three continents account for >50% of the isolates. Thus, a small number of STs are highly prevalent and have a wide geographic distribution. Both ST and CC strongly correlate with group carbohydrate. In contrast, eleven STs were associated with >1 emm type, suggestive of recombinational replacements involving the emm gene; furthermore, 35% of the emm types are associated with genetically distant STs. Data also reveal a history of extensive inter- and intra-species recombination involving the housekeeping genes used for MLST. Sequence analysis of single locus variants identified through goeBURST indicates that genetic change mediated by recombination occurred ∼4.4 times more frequently than by point mutation.


A few genetic lineages with an intercontinental distribution dominate among SDSE causing infections in humans. The distinction between group C and G isolates reflects recent evolution, and no long-term genetic isolation between them was found. Lateral gene transfer and recombination involving housekeeping genes and the emm gene are important mechanisms driving genetic variability in the SDSE population.  相似文献   
Amyloid fibrils, originally associated with neurodegenerative diseases, are now recognized to have interesting mechanical properties. By using synchrotron x-ray diffraction at high pressure in a diamond anvil cell we determined the bulk modulus of TTR105-115 amyloid fibrils in water and in silicone oil to be 2.6 and 8.1 GPa, respectively. The compression characteristics of the fibrils are quite different in the two media, revealing the presence of cavities along the axis of the fibrils, but not between the β-sheets, which are separated by a dry interface as in a steric zipper motif. Our results emphasize the importance of peptide packing in determining the structural and mechanical properties of amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   
Reproductive tactics and migratory strategies in Pacific and Atlantic salmonines are inextricably linked through the effects of migration (or lack thereof) on age and size at maturity. In this review, we focus on the ecological and evolutionary patterns of freshwater maturation in salmonines, a key process resulting in the diversification of their life histories. We demonstrate that the energetics of maturation and reproduction provides a unifying theme for understanding both the proximate and ultimate causes of variation in reproductive schedules among species, populations, and the sexes. We use probabilistic maturation reaction norms to illustrate how variation in individual condition, in terms of body size, growth rate, and lipid storage, influences the timing of maturation. This useful framework integrates both genetic and environmental contributions to conditional strategies for maturation and, in doing so, demonstrates how flexible life histories can be both heritable and subject to strong environmental influences. We review evidence that the propensity for freshwater maturation in partially anadromous species is predictable across environmental gradients at geographic and local spatial scales. We note that growth is commonly associated with the propensity for freshwater maturation, but that life-history responses to changes in growth caused by temperature may be strikingly different than changes caused by differences in food availability. We conclude by exploring how contemporary management actions can constrain or promote the diversity of maturation phenotypes in Pacific and Atlantic salmonines and caution against underestimating the role of freshwater maturing forms in maintaining the resiliency of these iconic species.  相似文献   
A lactobacilli dominated microbiota in most pre and post-menopausal women is an indicator of vaginal health. The objective of this double blinded, placebo-controlled crossover study was to evaluate in 14 post-menopausal women with an intermediate Nugent score, the effect of 3 days of vaginal administration of probiotic L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14 (2.5×109 CFU each) on the microbiota and host response. The probiotic treatment did not result in an improved Nugent score when compared to when placebo. Analysis using 16S rRNA sequencing and metabolomics profiling revealed that the relative abundance of Lactobacillus was increased following probiotic administration as compared to placebo, which was weakly associated with an increase in lactate levels. A decrease in Atopobium was also observed. Analysis of host responses by microarray showed the probiotics had an immune-modulatory response including effects on pattern recognition receptors such as TLR2 while also affecting epithelial barrier function. This is the first study to use an interactomic approach for the study of vaginal probiotic administration in post-menopausal women. It shows that in some cases multifaceted approaches are required to detect the subtle molecular changes induced by the host to instillation of probiotic strains.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02139839  相似文献   
根据2009—2014年在江苏近海北部海域(34.00°—35.13°N,119.40°—121.50°E)的底拖网调查数据,结合综合性指标和多元统计分析等方法研究了该海域的鱼类群落结构随时间的变化.结果表明: 江苏近海海域共有鱼类68种,相对资源量波动较大,站位平均渔获质量的变化范围为0.75~1.62 kg·h-1,站位平均渔获尾数显著下降,变化范围为203~370 ind·h-1. 2009—2014年江苏近海的鱼类群落平均营养级指数在3.58~3.72,2009—2010年相对较低,2011—2014年在3.70以上波动.2009—2014年鱼类群落的平均个体大小在2.93~11.18 g之间波动上升,变化趋势与平均营养级基本一致.聚类分析和非度量多维标度排序分析表明,研究期间大致分为2009—2010和2011—2014年两个年份组.组间分歧种主要有尖海龙、小头栉孔虾虎鱼和玉筋鱼等.对前后两个年份组的分析表明,中上层、浮游生物食性鱼类优势度增加,冷温种和本地种优势度下降.表明江苏近海海域鱼类群落结构发生了较为明显的演替.针对演替规律提出了渔业管理的建议,为渔业资源的合理利用提供理论参考.  相似文献   
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