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Mc Millan , Calvin . (U. Texas, Austin.) Salt tolerance within a Typha population. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(7): 521–526. Illus. 1959.—Typha in a disturbed salt flat near Lincoln, Nebraska, provided material for an examination of population dynamics. Within the population, clones of T. angustifolia L. tended to occupy the drier sites and those of T. latifolia L. occupied the sites of greater moisture probability. Clones of intermediate morphological characteristics were distributed with both T. angustifolia and T. latifolia. Rhizomes taken from the clones were grown in various NaCl solutions in the greenhouse. Results indicated greatest salt tolerance by T. angustifolia and least salt tolerance by T. latifolia. The intermediate, probably hybrid, clones were intermediate in salt tolerance. Seeds of the 3 clone-types germinated over the same range of salt concentration. The seeds of all 3 types withstood 4 months submergence in a 2% salt solution and germinated upon being returned to tap water. In the salt flat habitat, the clones of T. latifolia were not vigorous during the years 1956–1957 and many died or were reduced considerably in area of occupancy. The clones of T. angustifolia remained vigorous and flowered over the same period. The intermediate clones were vigorous and increased their coverage, primarily in areas that were occupied prior to 1956 by T. latifolia. The spatial adjustments within the population probably resulted from the selective action of increased salt concentration accompanying the drier conditions of 1956 and 1957.  相似文献   
When diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae homozygous for the temperature-sensitive cell division cycle mutation cdc6-1 are grown at a semipermissive temperature they exhibit elevated genomic instability, as indicated by enhanced mitotic gene conversion, mitotic intergenic recombination, chromosomal loss, chromosomal gain, and chromosomal rearrangements. Employing quantitative Southern analysis of chromosomes separated by transverse alternating field gel electrophoresis (TAFE), we have demonstrated that 2N-1 cells monosomic for chromosome VII, owing to the cdc6-1 defect, show slow growth and subsequently yield 2N variants that grow at a normal rate in association with restitution of disomy for chromosome VII. Analysis of TAFE gels also demonstrates that cdc6-1/cdc6-1 diploids give rise to aberrant chromosomes of novel lengths. We propose an explanation for the genomic instability induced by the cdc6-1 mutation, which suggests that hyper-recombination, chromosomal loss, chromosomal gain and chromosomal rearrangements reflect aberrant mitotic division by cdc6-1/cdc6-1 cells containing chromosomes that have not replicated fully.  相似文献   
A transpic technique was developed to transfer embryos to 352 sheep and 4 deer recipients using a laparoscope, a modified pair of Allis forceps and a modified Cassou aspic normally used for laparoscopic uterine insemination. The overall proportion of uncomplicated transfers in Experiment 1 in 216 recipient ewes was 90.7% (range between groups 80 to 100%), 3.7% of the transfers were presumed to be loss of embryos during expulsion from the transpic, and 5.6% were apparent transfers into the uterine wall. In Experiment 2,83% of transfers into 136 ewe recipients were uncomplicated, 5% were presumed to be loss of embryos during expulsion, 1% was apparent transfer into the uterine wall, and 11% involved 2 attempts at transfer. Only 34% of 116 recipients receiving low-quality frozen-thawed embryos were pregnant and 24% of the 226 embryos survived to term. In contrast, high pregnancy rates (>80%) and embryo survival rates (>70%) were achieved following uncomplicated and twice attempted transfers of fresh embryos. Pregnancy rates and embryo survival rates were low (<2%) following the presumed loss of embryos during expulsion and apparent transfers into the uterine wall. All 4 deer transfers were uncomplicated and 2 2 good-quality embryos survived to term compared with 0 2 low-medium quality embryos. The transpic technique is a moderately invasive technique which permits fast (15 to 20/h) and reliable transfer of embryos in small ruminants. With appropriate care, nearly all of the embryos can be correctly placed in the uterus, and high pregnancy rates and embryo survival rates can be achieved using this technique.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the role of residues inside and outside the peptide binding cleft of the L2 molecule in peptide presentation to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), we constructed a series of point mutations in the L d gene. We determined the effects of the mutations in the Ld molecule on the binding and recognition of an Ld-restricted CTL epitope derived from the nucleoprotein (NP) of the lymphocytic phoriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Each of the mutations within the Ld peptide binding cleft resulted in a complete loss of CTL recognition. Addition of the LCMV NP peptide to cells expressing these mutants did not increase surface Ld expression, suggesting that the mutations altered peptide binding. Mutations involving pockets D and E within the cleft affected LCMV peptide binding and recognition as drastically as those in pocket B, which was predicted to interact with a main anchor residue of the peptide. In striking contrast, the mutations located outside the cleft did not change either recognition or binding. These results demonstrate that the Ld residues in the peptide binding cleft are the main determinants dictating LCMV NP peptide binding, and that the residues in each of the pockets within the cleft play a role in this interaction. Surprisingly, one mutation outside the peptide binding cleft, T92S, abrogated CTL lysis of target cells treated with the LCMV NP peptide, but not virus-infected cells. These data show that this mutation selectively altered the presentation of the LCMV NP peptide introduced to the cell exogenously, but not endogenously. This implies that the pathway by which peptides associate with class I molecules within the cell differs from that of exogenous peptide binding.  相似文献   
The production of extracellular pectic isoenzymes by seven strains of soft rot bacteria, Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora, E.c. atroseptica and E. chrysanthemi , when grown in media containing four different pectic substances with different degrees of methylation or with potato tuber cell-wall extract was examined by isoelectric focusing activity staining. In addition to the isoenzymes of pectate lyase, polygalacturonase and pectin methyl esterase produced constitutively or following induction by polygalacturonic acid (PGA) and coded by known genes, between two and seven novel isoenzymes of the three enzymes with a wider pI range were apparently induced by the pectins and cell-wall extract. Pectin lyase, which is induced in vitro by DNA-damaging agents, was not produced in the absence of mitomycin C in a medium containing PGA but up to two isoenzymes were found with pectin or cell-wall extract. In contrast, cellulase isoenzyme production was not affected by pectin or cell-wall extract. A greater number of novel isoenzymes of all pectic enzymes except pectin lyase tended to be produced in media containing Link pectin, which is PGA methylated to 98%, than the other pectic substances and cell-wall extract. Pectate lyase and polygalacturonase were induced by pectin lyase-degraded products of highly methylated pectin but not by PGA in an E. chrysanthemi strain with all its known pei and peh genes mutated. The results suggest that the production of novel pectic isoenzymes could be related to the presence of CH+3 groups and that their induction differs from that for isomers induced by PGA-degraded products and DNA-damaging agents or produced constitutively.  相似文献   
When diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae homozygous for the temperature-sensitive cell division cycle mutation cdc6-1 are grown at a semipermissive temperature they exhibit elevated genomic instability, as indicated by enhanced mitotic gene conversion, mitotic intergenic recombination, chromosomal loss, chromosomal gain, and chromosomal rearrangements. Employing quantitative Southern analysis of chromosomes separated by transverse alternating field gel electrophoresis (TAFE), we have demonstrated that 2N-1 cells monosomic for chromosome VII, owing to the cdc6-1 defect, show slow growth and subsequently yield 2N variants that grow at a normal rate in association with restitution of disomy for chromosome VII. Analysis of TAFE gels also demonstrates that cdc6-1/cdc6-1 diploids give rise to aberrant chromosomes of novel lengths. We propose an explanation for the genomic instability induced by the cdc6-1 mutation, which suggests that hyper-recombination, chromosomal loss, chromosomal gain and chromosomal rearrangements reflect aberrant mitotic division by cdc6-1/cdc6-1 cells containing chromosomes that have not replicated fully.  相似文献   
A system of exon "modules" was produced from the functionally rearranged epsilon-heavy gene isolated from the rat IgE-secreting immunocytoma IR162. The five individual exons, encoding the variable and constant region domains, were isolated and subcloned into the multiple cloning site of a pair of plasmid vectors with opposed orientation multiple cloning sites. The use of opposed orientation multiple cloning sites and the flanking restriction enzyme sites contained therein allows for the modular manipulation of the gene. These exon modules were initially used to reconstruct the epsilon-heavy chain gene into the native configuration to demonstrate the efficacy of the modular system for synthesis of IgE. Upon transfection into the rat myeloma cell line Y3, the reconstructed gene produced a polypeptide that associated with the endogenous light chain polypeptide and was secreted from the cell as tetrameric IgE. All physical and functional characterizations indicate that the IgE molecule produced is indistinguishable from native IR162 IgE. This modular system of exons will facilitate the manipulation of IgE structure through the systematic assembly of different epsilon-heavy chain mutant constructions. The resulting novel IgE proteins will be very useful to study the molecular nature of the interaction of IgE with its Fc receptor.  相似文献   
Unfixed cryostat sections of rat liver were incubated to demonstrate D-amino acid oxidase activity at the ultrastructural level. Incubation was performed by mounting the sections on a semipermeable membrane which was stretched over a gelled incubation medium containing D-proline as substrate and cerium ions as capture reagent for hydrogen peroxide. After an incubation period of 30 min, ultrastructural morphology was retained to such an extent that the final reaction product could be localized in peroxisomes, whereas the crystalline core remained unstained. Control incubations were performed in the absence of substrate; the lack of final reaction product in peroxisomes indicated the specificity of the reaction. We conclude that the semipermeable membrane technique opens new perspectives for localization of enzyme activities at the ultrastructural level without prior tissue fixation, thus enabling localization of the activity of soluble and/or labile enzymes.  相似文献   
Extracellular polygalacturonase (PG) and two pectate lyase isoenzymes (PLI and PLII) produced by a 48 h culture of Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica in pectate-based medium were purified 2027, 2036 and 2374-fold respectively to homogeneity with corresponding 59%, 61% and 32% recovery. This was achieved first by ion exchange chromatography on a S-Sepharose fast flow column with 20 mmol/1 Tris at pH 8.0 followed by elution of bound proteins with a 1 mol/1 NaCl gradient which separated PG from PL. The two enzymes were then further purified to homogeneity (assessed by SDS-PAGE) by selective adsorption chromatography on a hydroxyapatite column equilibrated with distilled water; PG was eluted with a 3 mol/1 KCl gradient and PLI with a 3 mol/1 KCl gradient followed by a 1.2 mol/1 PO4 buffer pH 6.5 gradient to elute PLII. The Mr of the three enzymes determined by SDS-PAGE was 39 kDa and the pI values for PG, PLI and PII were 10.3, 10.3 and 10.0 respectively as determined by isoelectric focusing (IEF)-gel electrophoresis followed by activity staining.  相似文献   
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