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The moss Syntrichia caninervis is the dominant soil bryophyte in a blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) community in the southern Nevada Mojave Desert, with a mean cover of 6.3%. A survey of the 10-ha study site revealed an expressed ramet sex ratio of 14♀ : 1♂ (N = 890), with 85% of ramets not expressing sex over their life span, and an expressed population sex ratio of 40♀ : 2♂ : 1♀♂ (female : male : mixed-sex, N = 89), with 52% of populations not expressing sex. A greater incidence of sex expression was associated with shaded microsites, higher soil moisture content, and taller ramets. Shaded microsites had higher surface soil moisture levels than exposed microsites. In the exposed microhabitat, surface soil moisture was positively correlated with ramet height but not with sex expression. Male ramets and populations were restricted to shaded microhabitats, whereas female ramets and populations were found in both shaded and exposed microhabitats, suggesting gender specialization. The rarity of mature sporophytes, found in 0% of the ramets sampled and in only 3% of the populations, is probably due to the rarity of mixed-sex populations. We hypothesize that mixed-sex populations are rare because of factors relating to male rarity and that the differential cost of sex expression reduces the clonal growth capacity of male individuals.  相似文献   
Two competing hypotheses relating to thermostress were proposed to understand skewed sex ratios in Syntrichia caninervis, a reproductive investment hypothesis and a wildfire selection hypothesis.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Expected life history trade-offs associated with sex differences in reproductive investment are often undetected in seed plants, with the difficulty arising from logistical issues of conducting controlled experiments. By controlling genotype, age and resource status of individuals, a bryophyte was assessed for sex-specific and location-specific patterns of vegetative, asexual and sexual growth/reproduction across a regional scale.


Twelve genotypes (six male, six female) of the dioecious bryophyte Bryum argenteum were subcultured to remove environmental effects, regenerated asexually to replicate each genotype 16 times, and grown over a period of 92 d. Plants were assessed for growth rates, asexual and sexual reproductive traits, and allocation to above- and below-ground regenerative biomass.

Key Results

The degree of sexual versus asexual reproductive investment appears to be under genetic control, with three distinct ecotypes found in this study. Protonemal growth rate was positively correlated with asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction, whereas asexual reproduction was negatively correlated (appeared to trade-off) with vegetative growth (shoot production). No sex-specific trade-offs were detected. Female sex-expressing shoots were longer than males, but the sexes did not differ in growth traits, asexual traits, sexual induction times, or above- and below-ground biomass. Males, however, had much higher rates of inflorescence production than females, which translated into a significantly higher (24x) prezygotic investment for males relative to females.


Evidence for three distinct ecotypes is presented for a bryophyte based on regeneration traits. Prior to zygote production, the sexes of this bryophyte did not differ in vegetative growth traits but significantly differed in reproductive investment, with the latter differences potentially implicated in the strongly biased female sex ratio. The disparity between males and females for prezygotic reproductive investment is the highest known for bryophytes.  相似文献   
Although bacteria are ubiquitous in the near-surface atmosphere and they can have important effects on human health, airborne bacteria have received relatively little attention and their spatial dynamics remain poorly understood. Owing to differences in meteorological conditions and the potential sources of airborne bacteria, we would expect the atmosphere over different land-use types to harbor distinct bacterial communities. To test this hypothesis, we sampled the near-surface atmosphere above three distinct land-use types (agricultural fields, suburban areas and forests) across northern Colorado, USA, sampling five sites per land-use type. Microbial abundances were stable across land-use types, with ∼105–106 bacterial cells per m3 of air, but the concentrations of biological ice nuclei, determined using a droplet freezing assay, were on average two and eight times higher in samples from agricultural areas than in the other two land-use types. Likewise, the composition of the airborne bacterial communities, assessed via bar-coded pyrosequencing, was significantly related to land-use type and these differences were likely driven by shifts in the sources of bacteria to the atmosphere across the land-uses, not local meteorological conditions. A meta-analysis of previously published data shows that atmospheric bacterial communities differ from those in potential source environments (leaf surfaces and soils), and we demonstrate that we may be able to use this information to determine the relative inputs of bacteria from these source environments to the atmosphere. This work furthers our understanding of bacterial diversity in the atmosphere, the terrestrial controls on this diversity and potential approaches for source tracking of airborne bacteria.  相似文献   


Many fish species experience long periods of fasting in nature often associated with seasonal reductions in water temperature and prey availability or spawning migrations. During periods of nutrient restriction, changes in metabolism occur to provide cellular energy via catabolic processes. Muscle is particularly affected by prolonged fasting as myofibrillar proteins act as a major energy source. To investigate the mechanisms of metabolic reorganisation with fasting and refeeding in a saltwater stage of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) we analysed the expression of genes involved in myogenesis, growth signalling, lipid biosynthesis and myofibrillar protein degradation and synthesis pathways using qPCR.


Hierarchical clustering of gene expression data revealed three clusters. The first cluster comprised genes involved in lipid metabolism and triacylglycerol synthesis (ALDOB, DGAT1 and LPL) which had peak expression 3-14d after refeeding. The second cluster comprised ADIPOQ, MLC2, IGF-I and TALDO1, with peak expression 14-32d after refeeding. Cluster III contained genes strongly down regulated as an initial response to feeding and included the ubiquitin ligases MuRF1 and MAFbx, myogenic regulatory factors and some metabolic genes.


Early responses to refeeding in fasted salmon included the synthesis of triacylglycerols and activation of the adipogenic differentiation program. Inhibition of MuRF1 and MAFbx respectively may result in decreased degradation and concomitant increased production of myofibrillar proteins. Both of these processes preceded any increase in expression of myogenic regulatory factors and IGF-I. These responses could be a necessary strategy for an animal adapted to long periods of food deprivation whereby energy reserves are replenished prior to the resumption of myogenesis.  相似文献   
Stark  Lloyd  McLetchie  Nicholas  Mishler  Brent 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(2):183-196
Ten sporophytic populations of Syntrichiacaninervis contained an average of 22 individualscm–2, with a sex ratio of 7.9 Female:1 Male: 3.1 Nonexpressing(N = 300). In each of the populations, female individuals outnumberedmale individuals. A representative population size of 50 × 25cm was estimated to contain 27,250 organically distinct individualplants. Given the wide disparity in reproductive investment in this dioeciousspecies, sex-specific traits were investigated at the level of the individualinbiomass, total stem length, number of ramets, number of branches, length ofannual growth interval, length of longest ramet, age, number of inflorescences,number of ramets expressing sex, and consecutive seasons of sex expression. Theonly significant sex dimorphism recorded was in consecutive seasons of sexexpression, with nonsporophytic female individuals exhibiting a higherfrequencythan males. However, nonexpressing individuals had lower biomass, shorter totalstem length, fewer branches, and shorter ramets than males and females, andfewer ramets than female individuals. When the biomass of female and maleindividuals was controlled for inflorescence number, no significant differencesbetween the sexes in biomass were found. There appears to be a threshold sizefor sex expression, with all individuals above 2.0 mg dry weightexpressing sex (N = 108). Biomass and total stem length are strongpositive correlates (r = 0.88), and individual biomass is a betterpredictor of the number of inflorescences produced per individual than is stemlength (r = 0.85 vs. r = 0.69, respectively). Independent of stemlength, individual biomass had a positive and significant relationship withinflorescence number; however, independent of individual biomass, stem lengthwas not associated with inflorescence number. Overall sex expression was 0.74(individual level) and 0.65 (ramet level). The functional sex ratio wasassessedat the inflorescence level, and ranged from 9.7:1, to14.9:1 over the most recent four years. Fertilization frequencywas 0.69 (individual level) and 0.34 (perichaetial level). Over the last threeyears, 63% of all fertilized perichaetia resulted in an abortivesporophyte.  相似文献   
Local competition for space across a wide array of taxa typically involves three mechanisms that we denote here as expansion (spreading into unoccupied habitat), lottery (replacing dead competitors), and overgrowth (encroaching on competitors along zones of contact). By formulating and analysing a simple, general model incorporating these features, we identify ecological conditions and life‐history features that lead to stable coexistence or competitive exclusion (with or without initial‐condition dependence) and gain insight by linking these to case studies in the literature. We demonstrate the importance of contact inhibition, a little‐studied feature of overgrowth, and we show how life‐history tradeoffs may influence and be influenced by local competition for space. The general model we present can help indicate whether local interactions are sufficient to explain patterns of coexistence or exclusion and can serve as the foundation for more specific, realistic models of spatial competition.  相似文献   
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