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DNA fragments containing multiple internucleotidic phosphorothioate diesters, prepared by either chemical or enzymatic syntheses, are amenable to labeling with the fluorophore monobromobimane. With the incorporation of phosphorothioate diesters at each internucleotidic site, multiple fluorophores, ideally one for each nucleotide residue, can be covalently attached to the DNA fragment. The presence of multiple labels can be expected to interfere with analysis techniques, such as polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. To avoid such problems, the fluorophores are introduced in a "postassay" fashion, that is, while the fragments are still embedded within the gel matrix. The detection limit (to the naked eye) for multiply labeled single-stranded DNA containing hundreds of base residues is in the low femtomole range. DNA containing greater than 1000 base residues can be visualized in some cases in the subfemtomole range without the use of sophisticated electronic instrumentation.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that the mechanism of the vasodilator action of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) involves biotransformation to nitric oxide. A sensitive chemiluminescence method for nitric oxide determination was used to test this hypothesis. In four experiments, bovine pulmonary artery (BPA) was incubated with GTN (0.1 mM) in Krebs' solution (2 mL) containing 30 mM KCl, and in anaerobic conditions using 95% Ar - 5% CO2, in a sealed micro-Fernbach flask (6.2-mL volume). After incubation for 2, 5, 10, or 20 min at 37 degrees C, 400-microL aliquots of headspace gas were removed and injected into a redox chemiluminescence detector. Nitric oxide formation was first measurable at 5 min (76 +/- 53 pmol/g wet wt. BPA), and increased with incubation time (174 +/- 46 pmol/g wet wt. BPA after 10 min and 310 +/- 67 pmol/g wet wt. BPA after 20 min). This is the first direct chemical measurement of nitric oxide formation during interaction of GTN with vascular smooth muscle. These data support the concept that GTN is a nitrovasodilator prodrug acting via the formation of nitric oxide.  相似文献   
Yucca elata andHesperaloe funifera possess long, thin fibers that have potential for making specialty papers. The objective of this study is to examine patterns ofintraspecific variation in fiber properties in these two species. InYucca elata most of the variation in fiber length is found within populations where fiber length is highly correlated with leaf length. In contrast, inHesperaloe funifera there is significant variation between populations and random variation in fiber lengths within most populations. Within-plant variation inHesperaloe was also examined. Fiber length does not vary between leaves of different ages but does vary within leaves. Fibers from the base of the leaf are shorter and wider than those from the middle and distal sections; fibers from distal sections are narrowest.  相似文献   
Short tracts of the homopolymer dA.dT confer intrinsic curvature on the axis of the DNA double helix. This phenomenon is assumed to be a consequence of such tracts adopting a stable B'-DNA conformation that is distinct from B-form structure normally assumed by other DNA sequences. The more stable B' structure of dA.dT tracts has been attributed to several possible stabilizing factors: (1) optimal base stacking interactions consequent upon the high propeller twist, (2) bifurcated hydrogen bonds between adjacent dA.dT base-pairs, (3) stacking interactions involving the dT methyl groups, and finally (4) a putative spine of ordered water molecules in the minor groove. DNA oligodeoxynucleotides have been synthesized that enable these hypotheses to be tested; of particular interest is the combination of effects due to bifurcation (2) and methylation of the pyrimidines nucleotides (3). The data indicate that neither bifurcated hydrogen bonds nor pyrimidine methyl groups nor both are essential for DNA curvature. The data further suggest that the influence of the minor groove spine of hydration on the B'-formation is small. The experiments favor the hypothesis that base stacking interactions are the dominant force in stabilizing the B'-form structure.  相似文献   
Globin mRNA, translated in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell-free protein synthesizing system prepared from a [psi+ rho+] strain, primarily directed the synthesis of alpha- and beta-globin. A third globin mRNA-specific polypeptide was also synthesized, representing approximately 10% of the total translation products. This polypeptide (beta') was synthesized by translational read-through of the beta- globin mRNA UGA terminator and was mediated primarily by an endogenous tRNA coded for by the mitochondria. This mitochondrial tRNA, when charged, could be preferentially bound, in high salt, to benzoylated DEAE-cellulose, a characteristic of a tRNATrp. The synthesis of beta- mediated by this mitochondrial tRNATrp was significantly reduced when the translation system was prepared from an isogenic [psi-] strain. Evidence for a nuclear-coded tRNA, also able to suppress the beta-globin mRNA UGA terminator in [psi+] but not [psi-] lysates, was also obtained. The presence of these endogenous UGA suppressor activities in the yeast cell-free system should allow successful in vitro translation of mitochondrial mRNAs.  相似文献   
Thin section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy have been used to characterize the changes in membrane morphology of reaggregating cultures of chick optic tectum. The cells are rounded and freely dispersed at 0 hr after dissociation. Between 2 and 6 hr the cells become closely apposed on all sides by other cells and form small aggregates. At this time punta adhaerentia junctions and focal densities are seen along the membranes of neighboring cells. Between 1 and 5 days in vitro (DIV) neurites containing growth cone regions are present. At 5 DIV the first synaptic contacts are observed. Between 7 and 14 DIV, the number of synaptic contacts increase and fewer growth cone regions are observed. As early as 7 DIV profiles are observed which strongly resemble both astrocytic and oligodendroglial cell somata and processes. Freeze-fracture analysis of aggregates at 0–4 hr reveals a sparse particle distribution on the P and E faces of apposed cells. By 1 DIV small clusters of loosely packed, large sized particles are seen on the P face of apposed cell membranes which may represent junctional contacts. Apparent coated vesicle fusion sites are common on the P face at 1–2 DIV. By 7 DIV, E face particle arrays are seen on cell bodies and neurites which correspond to specializations characteristic of excitatory synaptic junctions. By 8–10 DIV particle arrays are seen on the P face of post-synaptic membrane which may represent inhibitory synaptic contacts. Other types of particle specializations seen in freeze-fracture replicas include: specializations characteristic of gap junctions between cells and orthogonal assemblies of particles thought to be characteristic of astrocytes.  相似文献   
In adult animals, beta-adrenergic receptors are involved in the regulation of myocardial contractility and heart rate. Their properties in the fetal and early neonatal period have not been adequately investigated. We have directly characterized beta-adrenergic receptors in rabbit fetal and neonatal myocardial membranes by a radioligand binding assay utilizing 125I-hydroxybenzylpindolol (I-HYP), a potent, non-specific, beta-adrenergic antagonist, I-HYP binding sites were detected as early as the 21st day of gestation (term 31 days). The binding was rapid, saturable and reversible. The dissociation constant, KD, as determined by Scatchard plots, ranged from 30 pM to 50 pM. There was a progressive increase in the density of the receptor sites with advancing gestation. Competition studies with beta-agonists and antagonists showed that the order of potency in inhibiting I-HYP binding was consistent with a beta 1-subtype of beta-adrenergic receptors. We conclude that the progressive increase in density of beta-adrenergic receptors in rabbit fetal myocardium parallels similar maturational processes occurring in other tissues with advancing gestation. It may also account for the reported developmental changes in fetal myocardial contractility.  相似文献   
Bromoacetyl[methyl-3H]choline is a highly specific label for the reduced acetylcholine binding site on the acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica. Only one of two binding sites per receptor monomer is susceptible to labeling. The labeled site is on the α chain of the receptor.  相似文献   
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