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1. The effects of changes in habitat size and quality on the expected population density and the expected time to extinction of Sorex araneus are studied by means of mathematical models that incorporate demographic stochasticity.
2. Habitat size is characterized by the number of territories, while habitat quality is represented by the expected number of offspring produced during the lifetime of an individual.
3. The expected population density of S. araneus is shown to be mainly influenced by the habitat size. The expected time to extinction of S. araneus populations due to demographic stochasticity, on the other hand, is much more affected by the habitat quality.
4. In a more general setting we demonstrate that, irrespective of the actual species under consideration, the likelihood of extinction as a consequence of demographic stochasticity is more effectively countered by increasing the reproductive success and survival of individuals then by increasing total population size.  相似文献   
This report describes BioDry (patent pending), a method for reliably preserving the biomolecules associated with aquatic microbial biomass samples, without the need of hazardous materials (e.g. liquid nitrogen, preservatives, etc.), freezing, or bulky storage/sampling equipment. Gel electrophoresis analysis of nucleic acid extracts from samples treated in the lab with the BioDry method indicated that molecular integrity was protected in samples stored at room temperature for up to 30 days. Analysis of 16S/18S rRNA genes for presence/absence and relative abundance of microorganisms using both 454-pyrosequencing and TRFLP profiling revealed statistically indistinguishable communities from control samples that were frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after collection. Seawater and river water biomass samples collected with a portable BioDry “field unit", constructed from off-the-shelf materials and a battery-operated pumping system, also displayed high levels of community rRNA preservation, despite a slight decrease in nucleic acid recovery over the course of storage for 30 days. Functional mRNA and protein pools from the field samples were also effectively conserved with BioDry, as assessed by respective RT-PCR amplification and western blot of ribulose-1-5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Collectively, these results demonstrate that BioDry can adequately preserve a suite of biomolecules from aquatic biomass at ambient temperatures for up to a month, giving it great potential for high resolution sampling in remote locations or on autonomous platforms where space and power are limited.  相似文献   
Melanoma cells can adopt two functionally distinct forms, amoeboid and mesenchymal, which facilitates their ability to invade and colonize diverse environments during the metastatic process. Using quantitative imaging of single living tumor cells invading three-dimensional collagen matrices, in tandem with unsupervised computational analysis, we found that melanoma cells can switch between amoeboid and mesenchymal forms via two different routes in shape space—an apolar and polar route. We show that whereas particular Rho-family GTPases are required for the morphogenesis of amoeboid and mesenchymal forms, others are required for transitions via the apolar or polar route and not amoeboid or mesenchymal morphogenesis per se. Altering the transition rates between particular routes by depleting Rho-family GTPases can change the morphological heterogeneity of cell populations. The apolar and polar routes may have evolved in order to facilitate conversion between amoeboid and mesenchymal forms, as cells are either searching for, or attracted to, particular migratory cues, respectively.  相似文献   
We report on a new population of gorillas discovered in November 2002 in the Ebo Forest, Littoral Province, Cameroon. We observed A group of q7 gorillas directly for 83 min, and they were in auditory range for 155 min. Further evidence of gorilla presence included 8 nest groups totaling 38 nests, distinctive feeding signs accompanied by footprints, and a gorilla cranium collected from the nearby village of Iboti. This newly discovered gorilla population is geographically intermediate between the 2 extant populations of western gorillas: Gorilla gorilla gorilla, the most populous gorilla subspecies living in Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Congo-Brazzaville, Central African Republic and Cameroon to the south of the Sanaga River, and G. g. diehli or the Cross River gorilla, a small population of ca. 250 individuals on the Cameroon-Nigeria border. It is not possible to assign the new gorilla population to either subspecies on the basis of measurements of the single male cranium. Genetic analyses of freshly shed hairs, collected from gorilla nests, may help to resolve the taxonomic status of the Ebo gorillas.  相似文献   
The non-coding intergenic regions of Hox genes are remarkably conserved among mammals. To determine the usefulness of this sequence for phylogenetic comparisons, we sequenced an 800-bp fragment of the Hoxc9–Hoxc8 intergenic region from several species belonging to different mammalian clades. Results obtained from the phylogenetic analysis are congruent with currently accepted mammalian phylogeny. Additionally, we found a TC mini satellite repeat polymorphism unique to felines. This polymorphism may serve as a useful marker to differentiate between mammalian species or as a genetic marker in feline matings. This study demonstrates usefulness of a comparative approach employing non-coding regions of Hox gene complexes.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Recent neuroimaging studies have found that several areas of the human brain, including parietal regions, can respond multimodally. But given single-cell evidence that responses in primate parietal cortex can be motor-related, some of the human multimodal activations might reflect convergent activation of potentially motor-related areas, rather than multimodal representations of space independent of motor factors. Here we crossed sensory stimulation of different modalities (vision or touch, in left or right hemifield) with spatially directed responses to such stimulation by different effector-systems (saccadic or manual). RESULTS: The fMRI results revealed representations of contralateral space in both the posterior part of the superior parietal gyrus and the anterior intraparietal sulcus that activated independently of both sensory modality and motor response. Multimodal saccade-related or manual-related activations were found, by contrast, in different regions of parietal cortex. CONCLUSIONS: Whereas some parietal regions have specific motor functions, others are engaged during the execution of movements to the contralateral hemifield irrespective of both input modality and the type of motor effector.  相似文献   
Sea urchin sperm motility is modulated by sperm-activating peptides. One such peptide, speract, induces changes in intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). High resolution imaging of single sperm reveals that speract-induced changes in [Ca2+]i have a complex spatiotemporal structure. [Ca2+]i increases arise in the tail as periodic oscillations; [Ca2+]i increases in the sperm head lag those in the tail and appear to result from the summation of the tail signal transduction events. The period depends on speract concentration. Infrequent spontaneous [Ca2+]i transients were also seen in the tail of unstimulated sperm, again with the head lagging the tail. Speract-induced fluctuations were sensitive to membrane potential and calcium channel blockers, and were potentiated by niflumic acid, an anion channel blocker. 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, which potentiates the cGMP/cAMP-signaling pathways, abolished the [Ca2+]i fluctuations in the tail, leading to a very delayed and sustained [Ca2+]i increase in the head. These data point to a model in which a messenger generated periodically in the tail diffuses to the head. Sperm are highly polarized cells. Our results indicate that a clear understanding of the link between [Ca2+]i and sperm motility will only be gained by analysis of [Ca2+]i signals at the level of the single sperm.  相似文献   
Several studies have investigated the effects of logging on primate population density, and attempted to relate density differences to changes in vegetation composition. As population density in some forest primates may be considerably influenced by dietary quality, it is important to understand how the effects of vegetation changes commonly associated with logging influence primate feeding ecology. Results are presented from a study carried out in the Budongo Forest Reserve in Uganda to investigate differences in blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) feeding ecology in forest blocks with different logging history. Dietary composition differed between logged and unlogged forest, with a higher proportion of unripe fruit consumed in logged forest. By contrast, the proportion of young leaves, invertebrates and seeds in the diet was higher in unlogged forest. Variations in the intake of fruit was also higher in unlogged forest, but feeding patterns on other dietary items were more selective. These differences in diet reflect differences in availability of different categories of food items, as determined by tree species composition, abundance and plant phenological patterns. The observed differences between feeding ecology in logged and unlogged forest are discussed in relation to primate feeding ecology and habitat composition in Budongo.  相似文献   
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