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Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is known to be implicated in the pathogenesis of endotoxemia and septic shock. The liver is the first vital organ to exhibit pathological alterations in shock. The present studies include immunoelectron microscopic localization of tissue fibronectin and cytochemical localization of calcium and enzymes in hepatocytes of animals with LPS-induced endotoxemia or cecal ligation-induced septic shock. The results showed increased staining of fibronectin in the basal (perisinusoidal) surfaces and in the cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex of hepatocytes in rats with endotoxemia or septic shock. Intracellular calcium content was significantly increased in the LPS-treated or septic rats. Calcium pyroantimonate precipitate was deposited predominantly on the outer surfaces of the RER of hepatocytes. In addition, diminution or depletion of glycogen, reduction of catalase-containing peroxisomes, increase of G-6-Pase activity, and depletion of cytochrome c oxidase in many mitochondria were also observed in hepatocytes of experimental animals. The overall results suggest that LPS stimulates: (a) hepatic synthesis and secretion of fibronectin; (b) uptake of calcium by hepatocytes; and (c) G-6-Pase activity. LPS treatment also leads to reduced numbers of peroxisomes and depletion of cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   
Monodominant forests are a widespread feature of the humid and wet lowland tropics, but little is known about their origins or factors mediating their persistence. Nonetheless, escape from significant vertebrate and invertebrate seed predation plays a prominent role in most hypotheses. The seeds of Pentaclethra macroloba (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) have long been thought to be virtually immune to predation, contributing to its local dominance in the canopy of some Mesoamerican forests. Here, we describe herbivory by the larvae of Carmenta surinamensis (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) on the seeds of P. macroloba, and report the results of studies designed to clarify how this interaction influences germination, seedling growth, and mortality. To this end, we collected P. macroloba seeds at 30‐d intervals for 5 mo along a rain forest transect in Costa Rica. The seeds were monitored in a shade house for 30 d. Adult moths were reared from 43.6 percent of seeds, and significantly affected germination and mortality, and all measures of growth (number of leaves, seedling height, seed and seedling mass at 30 d, and 30‐d change in seed and seedling mass). Based on these observations, we conclude that seed boring by C. surinamensis is a potentially important factor influencing population dynamics in P. macroloba, and warrants further investigation for its prospective role in regulating local abundance in this locally dominant and ecologically significant tree.  相似文献   
Two strains of the parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVM), the immunosuppressive (MVMi) and the prototype (MVMp) strains, display disparate in vitro tropism and in vivo pathogenicity. We report the crystal structures of MVMp virus-like particles (MVMp(b)) and native wild-type (wt) empty capsids (MVMp(e)), determined and refined to 3.25 and 3.75 A resolution, respectively, and their comparison to the structure of MVMi, also refined to 3.5 A resolution in this study. A comparison of the MVMp(b) and MVMp(e) capsids showed their structures to be the same, providing structural verification that some heterologously expressed parvovirus capsids are indistinguishable from wt capsids produced in host cells. The structures of MVMi and MVMp capsids were almost identical, but local surface conformational differences clustered from symmetry-related capsid proteins at three specific domains: (i) the icosahedral fivefold axis, (ii) the "shoulder" of the protrusion at the icosahedral threefold axis, and (iii) the area surrounding the depression at the icosahedral twofold axis. The latter two domains contain important determinants of MVM in vitro tropism (residues 317 and 321) and forward mutation residues (residues 399, 460, 553, and 558) conferring fibrotropism on MVMi. Furthermore, these structural differences between the MVM strains colocalize with tropism and pathogenicity determinants mapped for other autonomous parvovirus capsids, highlighting the importance of common parvovirus capsid regions in the control of virus-host interactions.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of training leading to repetition failure in the performance of 2 different tests: 6 repetition maximum (6RM) bench press strength and 40-kg bench throw power in elite junior athletes. Subjects were 26 elite junior male basketball players (n = 12; age = 18.6 +/- 0.3 years; height = 202.0 +/- 11.6 cm; mass = 97.0 +/- 12.9 kg; mean +/- SD) and soccer players (n = 14; age = 17.4 +/- 0.5 years; height = 179.0 +/- 7.0 cm; mass = 75.0 +/- 7.1 kg) with a history of greater than 6 months' strength training. Subjects were initially tested twice for 6RM bench press mass and 40-kg Smith machine bench throw power output (in watts) to establish retest reliability. Subjects then undertook bench press training with 3 sessions per week for 6 weeks, using equal volume programs (24 repetitions x 80-105% 6RM in 13 minutes 20 seconds). Subjects were assigned to one of two experimental groups designed either to elicit repetition failure with 4 sets of 6 repetitions every 260 seconds (RF(4 x 6)) or allow all repetitions to be completed with 8 sets of 3 repetitions every 113 seconds (NF(8 x 3)). The RF(4 x 6) treatment elicited substantial increases in strength (7.3 +/- 2.4 kg, +9.5%, p < 0.001) and power (40.8 +/- 24.1 W, +10.6%, p < 0.001), while the NF(8 x 3) group elicited 3.6 +/- 3.0 kg (+5.0%, p < 0.005) and 25 +/- 19.0 W increases (+6.8%, p < 0.001). The improvements in the RF(4 x 6) group were greater than those in the repetition rest group for both strength (p < 0.005) and power (p < 0.05). Bench press training that leads to repetition failure induces greater strength gains than nonfailure training in the bench press exercise for elite junior team sport athletes.  相似文献   
Two targeted chromogenic octapeptide combinatorial libraries, comprised of 38 pools each containing 361 different peptides, were used to analyze the enzyme/substrate interactions of five plasmepsins. The first library (P1 library) was based on a good synthetic aspartic peptidase substrate [Westling, J., Cipullo, P., Hung, S. H., Saft, H., Dame, J. B., and Dunn, B. M. (1999) Protein Sci. 8, 2001-2009; Scarborough, P. E., and Dunn, B. M. (1994) Protein Eng. 7, 495-502] and had the sequence Lys-Pro-(Xaa)-Glu-P1*Nph-(Xaa)-Leu. The second library (P1' library) incorporated results with the plasmepsins from the first library and had the sequence Lys-Pro-Ile-(Xaa)-Nph*P1'-Gln-(Xaa). In both cases, P1 and P1' were fixed residues for a given peptide pool, where Nph was a para-nitrophenylalanine chromogenic reporter and Xaa was a mixture of 19 different amino acids. Kinetic assays monitoring the rates of cleavage of these libraries revealed the optimal P1 and P1' residues for the five plasmepsins as hydrophobic substitutions. Extended specificity preferences were obtained utilizing liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to analyze the cleavage products produced by enzyme-catalyzed digestion of the best pools of each peptide library. LC-MS analysis of the P1-Phe and P1'-Phe pools revealed the favored amino acids at the P3, P2, P2', and P3' positions. These analyses have provided new insights on the binding preferences of malarial digestive enzymes that were used to design specific methyleneamino peptidomimetic inhibitors of the plasmepsins. Some of these compounds were potent inhibitors of the five plasmepsins, and their possible binding modes were analyzed by computational methods.  相似文献   
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is an inherited myocardial disorder associated with arrhythmias, heart failure, and sudden death. To date, mutations in four genes encoding major desmosomal proteins (plakoglobin, desmoplakin, plakophilin-2, and desmoglein-2) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of ARVD/C. We screened 77 probands with ARVD/C for mutations in desmocollin-2 (DSC2), a gene coding for a desmosomal cadherin. Two heterozygous mutations--a deletion and an insertion--were identified in four probands. Both mutations result in frameshifts and premature truncation of the desmocollin-2 protein. For the first time, we have identified mutations in desmocollin-2 in patients with ARVD/C, a finding that is consistent with the hypothesis that ARVD/C is a disease of the desmosome.  相似文献   
The Bcr-Abl oncoprotein plays a major role in the development and progression of chronic myeloid leukemia and is a determinant of chemotherapy resistance occurring during the blast crisis phase of the disease. The aim of this article was to investigate the possibility of combating the resistance to apoptosis caused by Bcr-Abl by inducing an alternative cell death process. As a model of chronic myeloid leukemia, we employed Bcr-Abl-transfected mouse progenitor 32D cells with low and high Bcr-Abl expression levels corresponding to drug-sensitive and drug-resistant cells, respectively. The drug curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a known potent inducer of cell death in many cancer cells, was investigated for efficacy with Bcr-Abl-expressing cells. Curcumin strongly inhibited cell proliferation and affected cell viability by inducing apoptotic symptoms in all tested cells; however, apoptosis was a relatively late event. G(2)-M cell cycle arrest, together with increased mitotic index and cellular and nuclear morphology resembling those described for mitotic catastrophe, was observed and preceded caspase-3 activation and DNA fragmentation. Mitosis-arrested cells displayed abnormal chromatin organization, multipolar chromosome segregation, aberrant cytokinesis, and multinucleated cells-morphologic changes typical of mitotic catastrophe. We found that the mitotic cell death symptoms correlated with attenuated expression of survivin, a member of the chromosomal passenger complex, and mislocalization of Aurora B, the partner of survivin in the chromosomal passenger complex. Inhibition of survivin expression with small interfering RNA exhibited similar mitotic disturbances, thus implicating survivin as a major, albeit not the only, target for curcumin action. This study shows that curcumin can overcome the broad resistance to cell death caused by expression of Bcr-Abl and suggests that curcumin may be a promising agent for new combination regimens for drug-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   
Understanding the genetic basis of adaptation in response to environmental variation is fundamental as adaptation plays a key role in the extension of ecological niches to marginal habitats and in ecological speciation. Based on the assumption that some genomic markers are correlated to environmental variables, we aimed to detect loci of ecological relevance in the alpine plant Arabis alpina L. sampled in two regions, the French (99 locations) and the Swiss (109 locations) Alps. We used an unusually large genome scan [825 amplified fragment length polymorphism loci (AFLPs)] and four environmental variables related to temperature, precipitation and topography. We detected linkage disequilibrium among only 3.5% of the considered AFLP loci. A population structure analysis identified no admixture in the study regions, and the French and Swiss Alps were differentiated and therefore could be considered as two independent regions. We applied generalized estimating equations (GEE) to detect ecologically relevant loci separately in the French and Swiss Alps. We identified 78 loci of ecological relevance (9%), which were mainly related to mean annual minimum temperature. Only four of these loci were common across the French and Swiss Alps. Finally, we discuss that the genomic characterization of these ecologically relevant loci, as identified in this study, opens up new perspectives for studying functional ecology in A. alpina, its relatives and other alpine plant species.  相似文献   
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