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BACKGROUND: Nuclear texture analysis measures phenotypic changes in chromatin distribution within a cell nucleus, while the alkaline Comet assay is a sensitive method for measuring the extent of DNA breakage in individual cells. The authors aim to use both methods to provide information about the sensitivity of cells to ionizing radiation. METHODS: The alkaline Comet assay was performed on six human bladder carcinoma cell lines and one human urothelial cell line exposed to gamma-radiation doses from 0 to 10 Gy. Nuclear chromatin texture analysis of 40 features was then performed in the same cell lines exposed to 0, 2, and 6 Gy to explore if nuclear phenotype was related to radiation sensitivity. RESULTS: Comet assay results demonstrated that the cell lines exhibited different levels of radiosensitivity and could be divided into a radiosensitive and a radioresistant group at >6 Gy. Using stepwise discriminant analysis, a subset of important nuclear texture features that best discriminated between sensitive and resistant cell lines were identified A classification function, defined using these features, correctly classified 81.75% of all cells into their radiosensitive or radioresistant groups based on their pretreatment chromatin phenotype. Posttreatment chromatin changes also varied between cell lines, with sensitive cell lines showing a relaxed chromatin conformation following radiation, whereas resistant cell lines exhibited chromatin condensation. CONCLUSIONS: The authors conclude that the alkaline Comet assay and nuclear texture methodologies may prove to be valuable aids in predicting the response of tumor cells to radiotherapy.  相似文献   
Three pharmacological agents in use as “potassium-sparing” drugs have been tested by serial measurements of total exchangeable potassium (KE) during 4 to 12 weeks of oral diuretic therapy in hypertensive subjects. Triamterene seemed ineffective in the dosage used (50 mg twice daily). Spironolactone (25 mg twice daily) reduced K loss to a considerable extent, while Slow-K (32 mEq daily) completely reversed previous KE deficits. Plasma K levels were a poor indication of degree of KE restoration.  相似文献   
The coevolution of interacting species can lead to codependent mutualists. Little is known about the effect of selection on partners within verses apart from the association. Here, we determined the effect of selection on bacteria (Xenorhabdus nematophila) both within and apart from its mutualistic partner (a nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae). In nature, the two species cooperatively infect and kill arthropods. We passaged the bacteria either together with (M+), or isolated from (M?), nematodes under two different selection regimes: random selection (S?) and selection for increased virulence against arthropod hosts (S+). We found that the isolated bacteria evolved greater virulence under selection for greater virulence (M?S+) than under random selection (M?S?). In addition, the response to selection in the isolated bacteria (M?S+) caused a breakdown of the mutualism following reintroduction to the nematode. Finally, selection for greater virulence did not alter the evolutionary trajectories of bacteria passaged within the mutualism (M+S+ = M+S?), indicating that selection for the maintenance of the mutualism was stronger than selection for increased virulence. The results show that selection on isolated mutualists can rapidly breakdown beneficial interactions between species, but that selection within a mutualism can supersede external selection, potentially generating codependence over time.  相似文献   
Human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) is a zinc-metalloenzyme that catalyzes the reversible interconversion of CO2 and HCO3-. The rate-limiting step of this catalysis is the transfer of a proton between the Zn-bound solvent molecule and residue His64. In order to fully characterize the active site structural features implicated in the proton transfer mechanism, the refined X-ray crystal structure of uncomplexed wild type HCA II to 1.05 A resolution with an Rcryst value of 12.0% and an Rfree value of 15.1% has been elucidated. This structure provides strong clues as to the pathway of the intramolecular proton transfer between the Zn-bound solvent and His64. The structure emphasizes the role of the solvent network, the unique positioning of solvent molecule W2, and the significance of the dual conformation of His64 in the active site. The structure is compared with molecular dynamics (MD) simulation calculations of the Zn-bound hydroxyl/His64+ (charged) and the Zn-bound water/His64 (uncharged) HCA II states. A comparison of the crystallographic anisotropic atomic thermal parameters and MD simulation root-mean-square fluctuation values show excellent agreement in the atomic motion observed between the two methods. It is also interesting that the observed active site solvent positions in the crystal structure are also the most probable positions of the solvent during the MD simulations. On the basis of the comparative study of the MD simulation results, the HCA II crystal structure observed is most likely in the Zn-bound water/His64 state. This conclusion is based on the following observations: His64 is mainly (80%) orientated in an inward conformation; electron density omit maps infer that His64 is not charged in an either inward or outward conformation; and the Zn-bound solvent is most likely a water molecule.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that a synthetic, unglycosylated analogue of the N-terminal peptide from link protein can function as a growth factor and up-regulate proteoglycan biosynthesis in explant cultures of normal human articular cartilage from a wide age range of subjects (McKenna et al., Arthritis Rheum. 41 (1998) 157-162). The present work further shows that link peptide increased proteoglycan synthesis by cartilage cultured in both the presence and absence of serum, suggesting that the mechanism of up-regulation may be different from that of insulin-like growth factors. The proteoglycans synthesised during stimulation with link peptide were of normal hydrodynamic size and the ratio of core protein to glycosaminoglycan side chains and the proportions of the large proteoglycan aggrecan to the small proteoglycans, decorin and biglycan, remained constant. Aggrecan molecules were equally capable of forming aggregates as those from control tissues and the relative proportions of decorin and biglycan were unchanged showing that both were co-ordinately up-regulated. These results confirmed that this novel peptide is a potent stimulator of proteoglycan synthesis by articular cartilage and showed that the newly synthesised proteoglycans were of normal composition.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Exon sequences upstream of splice sites play a critical role in mRNA processing, which is dependent on spliceosome interactions with these sites. Using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), we targeted these and other sequences of the proinflammatory tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) gene because it is multiply spliced and has been difficult to regulate with ODN in the past. ODN targeting exon sequences upstream of the donor splice sites of internal exons 2 (ORF4) and 3 (ORF6) significantly reduced TNF-alpha levels in stimulated U937 cells by 62%+/-7% and 51%+/-9%, respectively, in a dose-dependent manner but did not affect interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels. In contrast, ODN targeting the exon sequences downstream of the acceptor splice sites of exons 1, 2, and 3 failed to reduce TNF-alpha levels significantly under the same conditions. End-phosphorothioated ORF4 (ORF4-PE) significantly reduced TNF-alpha mRNA levels by greater than 80% (p < 0.001) and protein levels by 60% (p < 0.001) in U937 cells. ORF4-PE reduced newly synthesized TNF-alpha protein levels by >80% in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated human macrophages, by greater than 60% in phorbol myristate acetate/phyto-hemagglutinin (PMA/PHA)-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and by approximately 50% in LPS-stimulated murine monocytes. These results suggest that exon sequences flanking donor splice sites are highly susceptible target domains for antisense inhibition of TNF-alpha gene expression.  相似文献   
Predators can strongly influence disease transmission and evolution, particularly when they prey selectively on infected hosts. Although selective predation has been observed in numerous systems, why predators select infected prey remains poorly understood. Here, we use a mathematical model of predator vision to test a long‐standing hypothesis about the mechanistic basis of selective predation in a Daphnia–microparasite system, which serves as a model for the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases. Bluegill sunfish feed selectively on Daphnia infected by a variety of parasites, particularly in water uncolored by dissolved organic carbon. The leading hypothesis for selective predation in this system is that infection‐induced changes in the transparency of Daphnia render them more visible to bluegill. Rigorously evaluating this hypothesis requires that we quantify the effect of infection on the visibility of prey from the predator''s perspective, rather than our own. Using a model of the bluegill visual system, we show that three common parasites, Metschnikowia bicuspidata, Pasteuria ramosa, and Spirobacillus cienkowskii, decrease the transparency of Daphnia, rendering infected Daphnia darker against a background of bright downwelling light. As a result of this increased brightness contrast, bluegill can see infected Daphnia at greater distances than uninfected Daphnia—between 19% and 33% further, depending on the parasite. Pasteuria and Spirobacillus also increase the chromatic contrast of Daphnia. These findings lend support to the hypothesis that selective predation by fish on infected Daphnia could result from the effects of infection on Daphnia''s visibility. However, contrary to expectations, the visibility of Daphnia was not strongly impacted by water color in our model. Our work demonstrates that models of animal visual systems can be useful in understanding ecological interactions that impact disease transmission.  相似文献   
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