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The anti-gp41 virus neutralizing monoclonal antibody 2F5 was infused into chimpanzees, which were then given an intravenous challenge with a primary human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) isolate. In two control animals, the infection was established immediately, as evidenced by positive cell-associated DNA PCR and serum RNA PCR tests within 1 week, seroconversion by 4 weeks, and development of lymphadenopathy in this acute phase. Serum RNA PCR tests were negative in one of the two antibody-infused animals until week 8 and in the other antibody-infused animal until week 12; both animals seroconverted at week 14. The peak of measurable virus-specific serum RNA was delayed until week 16 in one antibody-infused animal. Virus-specific RNA in the other animal did not reach levels comparable to those in the other animals through 1 year of follow-up studies. Virus was isolated from the week 16 blood sample from one infused animal. Virus was not isolated from peripheral blood of the second animal but was isolated from lymph node cells taken at week 36. The infection of untreated chimpanzees with this primary isolate appears robust. Use of this isolate should widen the scope of possible experiments in the chimpanzee model. This antibody infusion study indicates that neutralizing antibody, when present at the time of challenge, affects the timing and level of infection and remains influential after it can no longer be detected in the peripheral circulation. It is possible that preexisting, neutralizing antibodies (passively administered or actively elicited) affect the course of acute-phase virus replication in humans. It remains to be established whether these immunologically mediated early effects will influence the course of HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   
Early origin of foraminifera suggested by SSU rRNA gene sequences   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
Foraminifera are one of the largest groups of unicellular eukaryotes with probably the best known fossil record. However, the origin of foraminifera and their phylogenetic relationships with other eukaryotes are not well established. In particular, two recent reports, based on ribosomal RNA gene sequences, have reached strikingly different conclusions about foraminifera's evolutionary position within eukaryotes. Here, we present the complete small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of three species of foraminifera. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences indicates that they branch very deeply in the eukaryotic evolutionary tree: later than those of the amitochondrial Archezoa, but earlier than those of the Euglenozoa and other mitochondria-bearing phyla. Foraminifera are clearly among the earliest eukaryotes with mitochondria, but because of the peculiar nature of their SSU genes we cannot be certain that they diverged first, as our data suggest.   相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) are central enzymes involved in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. During this process, ubiquitin (Ub) and the E2 protein form an unstable E2-Ub thiolester intermediate prior to the transfer of ubiquitin to an E3-ligase protein and the labeling of a substrate for degradation. A series of complex interactions occur among the target substrate, ubiquitin, E2, and E3 in order to efficiently facilitate the transfer of the ubiquitin molecule. However, due to the inherent instability of the E2-Ub thiolester, the structural details of this complex intermediate are not known. RESULTS: A three-dimensional model of the E2-Ub thiolester intermediate has been determined for the catalytic domain of the E2 protein Ubc1 (Ubc1(Delta450)) and ubiquitin from S. cerevisiae. The interface of the E2-Ub intermediate was determined by kinetically monitoring thiolester formation by 1H-(15)N HSQC spectra by using combinations of 15N-labeled and unlabeled Ubc1(Delta450) and Ub proteins. By using the surface interface as a guide and the X-ray structures of Ub and the 1.9 A structure of Ubc1(Delta450) determined here, docking simulations followed by energy minimization were used to produce the first model of a E2-Ub thiolester intermediate. CONCLUSIONS: Complementary surfaces were found on the E2 and Ub proteins whereby the C terminus of Ub wraps around the E2 protein terminating in the thiolester between C88 (Ubc1(Delta450)) and G76 (Ub). The model supports in vivo and in vitro experiments of E2 derivatives carrying surface residue substitutions. Furthermore, the model provides insights into the arrangement of Ub, E2, and E3 within a ternary targeting complex.  相似文献   
The vertebrate gut harbors a vast community of bacterial mutualists, the composition of which is modulated by the host immune system. Many gastrointestinal (GI) diseases are expected to be associated with disruptions of host-bacterial interactions, but relatively few comprehensive studies have been reported. We have used the rhesus macaque model to investigate forces shaping GI bacterial communities. We used DNA bar coding and pyrosequencing to characterize 141,000 sequences of 16S rRNA genes obtained from 100 uncultured GI bacterial samples, allowing quantitative analysis of community composition in health and disease. Microbial communities of macaques were distinct from those of mice and humans in both abundance and types of taxa present. The macaque communities differed among samples from intestinal mucosa, colonic contents, and stool, paralleling studies of humans. Communities also differed among animals, over time within individual animals, and between males and females. To investigate changes associated with disease, samples of colonic contents taken at necropsy were compared between healthy animals and animals with colitis and undergoing antibiotic therapy. Communities from diseased and healthy animals also differed significantly in composition. This work provides comprehensive data and improved methods for studying the role of commensal microbiota in macaque models of GI diseases and provides a model for the large-scale screening of the human gut microbiome.  相似文献   
Current and potential shortfalls in the number of radiation scientists stand in sharp contrast to the emerging scientific opportunities and the need for new knowledge to address issues of cancer survivorship and radiological and nuclear terrorism. In response to these challenges, workshops organized by the Radiation Research Program (RRP), National Cancer Institute (NCI) (Radiat. Res. 157, 204-223, 2002; Radiat. Res. 159, 812-834, 2003), and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) (Nature, 421, 787, 2003) have engaged experts from a range of federal agencies, academia and industry. This workshop, Education and Training for Radiation Scientists, addressed the need to establish a sustainable pool of expertise and talent for a wide range of activities and careers related to radiation biology, oncology and epidemiology. Although fundamental radiation chemistry and physics are also critical to radiation sciences, this workshop did not address workforce needs in these areas. The recommendations include: (1) Establish a National Council of Radiation Sciences to develop a strategy for increasing the number of radiation scientists. The strategy includes NIH training grants, interagency cooperation, interinstitutional collaboration among universities, and active involvement of all stakeholders. (2) Create new and expanded training programs with sustained funding. These may take the form of regional Centers of Excellence for Radiation Sciences. (3) Continue and broaden educational efforts of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO), the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), and the Radiation Research Society (RRS). (4) Foster education and training in the radiation sciences for the range of career opportunities including radiation oncology, radiation biology, radiation epidemiology, radiation safety, health/government policy, and industrial research. (5) Educate other scientists and the general public on the quantitative, basic, molecular, translational and applied aspects of radiation sciences.  相似文献   
We report the X-ray crystal structures and rate constants for proton transfer in site-specific mutants of human carbonic anhydrase III (HCA III) that place a histidine residue in the active-site cavity: K64H, R67H, and K64H-R67N HCA III. Prior evidence from the exchange of 18O between CO2 and water measured by mass spectrometry shows each mutant to have enhanced proton transfer in catalysis compared with wild-type HCA III. However, His64 in K64H and K64H-R67N HCA III have at most a capacity for proton transfer that is only 13% that of His64 in HCA II. This reduced rate in mutants of HCA III is associated with a constrained side-chain conformation of His64, which is oriented outward, away from the active-site zinc in the crystal structures. This conformation appears stabilized by a prominent pi stacking interaction of the imidazole ring of His64 with the indole ring of Trp5 in mutants of HCA III. This single orientation of His64 in K64H HCA III predominates also in a double mutant K64H-R67N HCA III, indicating that the positive charge of Arg67 does not influence the observed conformation of His64 in the crystal structure. Hence, the structures and catalytic activity of these mutants of HCA III containing His64 account only in small part for the lower activity of this isozyme compared with HCA II. His67 in R67H HCA III was also shown to be a proton shuttle residue, having a capacity for proton transfer that was approximately four times that of His64 in K64H HCA III. This is most likely due to its proximity and orientation inward towards the zinc-bound solvent. These results emphasize the significance of side chain orientation and range of available conformational states as characteristics of an efficient proton shuttle in carbonic anhydrase.  相似文献   
Outcrossing is predicted to facilitate more rapid adaptation than self-fertilization as a result of genetic exchange between genetically variable individuals. Such genetic exchange may increase the efficacy of selection by breaking down Hill-Robertson interference, as well as promoting the maintenance of within-lineage genetic diversity. Experimental studies have demonstrated the selective advantage of outcrossing in novel environments. Here, we assess the specific role of genetic variation in the evolution of outcrossing. We experimentally evolved genetically variable and inbred populations of mixed mating (outcrossing and self-fertilizing) Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes under novel ecological conditions—specifically the presence of the virulent parasite Serratia marcescens. Outcrossing rates increased in genetically variable host populations evolved in the presence of the parasite, whereas parasite exposure in inbred populations resulted in reduced rates of host outcrossing. The host populations with genetic variation also exhibited increased fitness in the presence of the parasite over eight generations, whereas inbred populations did not. This increase in fitness was primarily the result of adaptation to the parasite, rather than recovery from initial inbreeding depression. Therefore, the benefits of outcrossing were only manifested in the presence of genetic variation, and outcrossing was favored over self-fertilization as a result. As predicted, the benefits of outcrossing under novel ecological conditions are a product of genetic exchange between genetically diverse lineages.  相似文献   
Serpins regulate coagulation and inflammation, binding serine proteases in suicide-inhibitory complexes. Target proteases cleave the serpin reactive center loop scissile P1–P1′ bond, resulting in serpin-protease suicide-inhibitory complexes. This inhibition requires a near full-length serpin sequence. Myxomavirus Serp-1 inhibits thrombolytic and thrombotic proteases, whereas mammalian neuroserpin (NSP) inhibits only thrombolytic proteases. Both serpins markedly reduce arterial inflammation and plaque in rodent models after single dose infusion. In contrast, Serp-1 but not NSP improves survival in a lethal murine gammaherpesvirus68 (MHV68) infection in interferon γ-receptor-deficient mice (IFNγR−/−). Serp-1 has also been successfully tested in a Phase 2a clinical trial. We postulated that proteolytic cleavage of the reactive center loop produces active peptide derivatives with expanded function. Eight peptides encompassing predicted protease cleavage sites for Serp-1 and NSP were synthesized and tested for inhibitory function in vitro and in vivo. In engrafted aorta, selected peptides containing Arg or Arg-Asn, not Arg-Met, with a 0 or +1 charge, significantly reduced plaque. Conversely, S-6 a hydrophobic peptide of NSP, lacking Arg or Arg-Asn with −4 charge, induced early thrombosis and mortality. S-1 and S-6 also significantly reduced CD11b+ monocyte counts in mouse splenocytes. S-1 peptide had increased efficacy in plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 serpin-deficient transplants. Plaque reduction correlated with mononuclear cell activation. In a separate study, Serp-1 peptide S-7 improved survival in the MHV68 vasculitis model, whereas an inverse S-7 peptide was inactive. Reactive center peptides derived from Serp-1 and NSP with suitable charge and hydrophobicity have the potential to extend immunomodulatory functions of serpins.  相似文献   
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