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Colonoscopy is a rewarding new technique with a potential for early and more accurate diagnosis. One hundred and seventy colonoscopies carried out over the past three years showed or confirmed colonic cancer in 14 patients, and solitary or multiple colonic polyps were found in 28 cases, of which 18 were excised endoscopically. A large villous adenoma was diagnosed in one patient, and the absence of a suspected sinister lesion was shown by direct examination and biopsy in 110 cases. There were 17 examination failures, including two perforations of the bowel. Colonoscopy complements rather than supplants barium enema examination and will make diagnostic laparotomy for colonic lesions unnecessary. The use of the diathermy snare allows endoscopic removal of colonic polyps and should greatly reduce the need for formal surgery in these cases. The financial saving to the Health Service will greatly outweigh the expense of the procedure, but it should be undertaken only in well organised centres as a specialist service for selected patients. In skilled hands it is safe, but potential hazards exist for the inexperienced endoscopist.  相似文献   
During the course of this 12 year field study body masses of 11 hatchling echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus multiaculeatus) and 25 pouch young between the ages of 5 and 60 days were recorded. Body mass increased from 0.3 to approximately 50 g in the first half of pouch life. It then quadrupled before young were placed in a burrow at 45 to 55 days of age. There was a positive correlation between the body mass of the female and that of her young at weaning. From 33 subadult echidnas located, tagged and radio tracked during this study, body masses of 10 were monitored to sexual maturity, i.e. when first encountered in a courtship train. Minimum age of sexual maturity ranged between 5 and 12 years. As subadults, there was no difference between mean body masses of males and females. At sexual maturity, mean body mass of females was significantly higher. No correlation was found between age at sexual maturity and body mass nor was there a significant difference in age of males and females at sexual maturity.  相似文献   


The finite element method (FEM) is a powerful mathematical tool to simulate and visualize the mechanical deformation of tissues and organs during medical examinations or interventions. It is yet a challenge to build up an FEM mesh directly from a volumetric image partially because the regions (or structures) of interest (ROIs) may be irregular and fuzzy.


A software package, ImageParser, is developed to generate an FEM mesh from 3-D tomographic medical images. This software uses a semi-automatic method to detect ROIs from the context of image including neighboring tissues and organs, completes segmentation of different tissues, and meshes the organ into elements.


The ImageParser is shown to build up an FEM model for simulating the mechanical responses of the breast based on 3-D CT images. The breast is compressed by two plate paddles under an overall displacement as large as 20% of the initial distance between the paddles. The strain and tangential Young's modulus distributions are specified for the biomechanical analysis of breast tissues.


The ImageParser can successfully exact the geometry of ROIs from a complex medical image and generate the FEM mesh with customer-defined segmentation information.
Hybridization between taxonomically similar species is an often-overlooked mechanism limiting the recovery of threatened and endangered species. We present molecular genetic data for the first time demonstrating that Canada lynx and bobcats hybridize in the wild. We verify that two microsatellite loci Lc106 and Lc110 have non-overlapping allele ranges between Canada lynx and bobcats, and that three putative lynx from Minnesota contain DNA from both bobcats and lynx. Additionally, we use a published test for the 16S rRNA region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to determine the maternal species; all hybrids had lynx mothers. Fifteen per cent (3/20) of our putative lynx samples were hybrids, although these data are not from a representative sampling effort. Hybridization may be an under-appreciated factor limiting the distribution and recovery of lynx. The presence of hybrids is thus a new factor in the population management of both species with potential implications for hunting and trapping of bobcats.  相似文献   


The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) plays an important regulatory role in the immune system. Four polymorphisms in the GR gene are associated with differences in glucocorticoid (GC) sensitivity; the minor alleles of the polymorphisms N363 S and BclI are associated with relative hypersensitivity to GCs, while those of the polymorphisms ER22/23EK and 9β are associated with relative GC resistance. Because differences in GC sensitivity may influence immune effector functions, we examined whether these polymorphisms are associated with the susceptibility to develop Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and RA disease severity.  相似文献   
An old question about regeneration is whether it is an ancestral character which is a general property of living matter, or whether it represents a set of specific adaptations to the different circumstances faced by different types of animal. In this review, some recent results on regeneration are assessed to see if they can throw any new light on this question. Evidence in favour of an ancestral character comes from the role of Wnt and bone morphogenetic protein signalling in controlling the pattern of whole‐body regeneration in acoels, which are a basal group of bilaterian animals. On the other hand, there is some evidence for adaptive acquisition or maintenance of the regeneration of appendages based on the occurrence of severe non‐lethal predation, the existence of some novel genes in regenerating organisms, and differences at the molecular level between apparently similar forms of regeneration. It is tentatively concluded that whole‐body regeneration is an ancestral character although has been lost from most animal lineages. Appendage regeneration is more likely to represent a derived character resulting from many specific adaptations.  相似文献   
1 Numerous studies have explored the role of semiochemicals in the behaviour of bark beetles (Scolytidae). 2 Multiple‐funnel traps are often used to elucidate these behavioural responses. Sufficient sample sizes are obtained by using large numbers of traps to which treatments are randomly assigned once, or by frequent collection of trap catches and subsequent re‐randomization of treatments. 3 Recently, there has been some debate about the potential for trap contamination to occur when semiochemical treatments (baits), and not trap‐treatment units (traps and baits), are re‐randomized among existing traps. Due to the volatility of many semiochemicals, small levels of contamination could potentially confound results. 4 A literature survey was conducted to determine the frequency of re‐randomizing semiochemical treatments (baits) vs. trap‐treatment units (traps and baits) in scolytid trapping bioassays. An experiment was then conducted to determine whether differences in the response of Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte to attractant‐baited traps exist between the two methods. 5 The majority of papers examined reported use of a large number of fixed replicates (traps) rather than re‐randomization of treatments at frequent intervals. Seventy‐five percent of papers for which re‐randomization methods could be determined reported relocation of semiochemical treatments (baits) only. 6 No significant differences in trap catch were observed among multiple‐funnel traps aged with D. brevcomis baits (Phero Tech Inc., Canada) for 0, 30 and 90 days, suggesting that contamination did not influence the results. 7 It is concluded that re‐randomizing baits is a viable cost‐effective option to re‐randomizing trap and bait units.  相似文献   
Around 30% of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts successfully survived passage through Loch Meig, a reservoir in the north of Scotland, en route to the sea. However, this survival rate was in turn dependent on the timing of migration, with the earliest migrants in the spring having the best chance of survival. This could have implication for fisheries management, since the estimation of smolt downstream survival may be influenced by which time period of the smolt run is analysed.  相似文献   
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