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Legionella pneumophila is an ubiquitous opportunistic intracellular pathogen that replicates readily in thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages from genetically susceptible A/J mice. Treatment of macrophage cultures in vitro with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induced resistance of the macrophages to infection by Legionella as compared with control macrophages treated with medium alone. Addition of small amounts of monoclonal antibody to TNF-alpha restored susceptibility of the macrophages. Furthermore, antibody to the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) alpha/beta increased resistance, but recombinant IL-1 had little effect. Such decreased susceptibility to Legionella growth in anti-IL-1 antibody-treated cultures corresponded with enhanced levels of TNF-alpha in the supernatants of the treated cells. An antibody to another proinflammatory cytokine with known immunoregulatory properties (i.e., IL-6) had little or no effect on the ability of the macrophages to be infected by Legionella and, furthermore, treatment with recombinant IL-6, similar to recombinant IL-1, did not modify the ability of the cells to be infected in vitro. These results indicate that TNF-alpha is important in controlling L. pneumophila replication, and IL-1 can regulate TNF-alpha levels, affecting susceptibility of macrophages to infection with an intracellular opportunistic pathogen like Legionella.  相似文献   
Recently we cloned and described ERp29, a novel 29-kDa endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein that is widely expressed in rat tissues. Here we report our original isolation of ERp29 from dental enamel cells, and the comprehensive sequence analysis that correlated ERp29 with its cognate cDNA, both in enamel cells and liver. Fractionation of enamel cells using a new freeze-thaw procedure showed that ERp29 partitioned with known reticuloplasmins, and not with soluble proteins from mitochondria or cytosol. The absence of ERp29 in secreted enamel matrix indicated that the C-terminal tetrapeptide (KEEL motif) confers effective ER-retention in enamel cells. ERp29 behaved as a single species (approximately 40 kDa) during size-exclusion chromatography of liver reticuloplasm, suggesting that most ERp29 is not stably associated with other proteins. Immunoblot analysis showed that ERp29 was up-regulated during enamel secretion and expressed most highly in secretory tissues, indicative of a role in secretory-protein synthesis. Unlike other reticuloplasmins, ERp29 was down-regulated during enamel mineralization and thereby dissociated from a calcium-handling role. Tissue-specific variations in ERp29 molecular abundance were revealed by quantification of reticuloplasmin mole ratios. In conclusion: (a) ERp29 is a novel reticuloplasmin of general functional importance; (b) a unique role in protein processing is implicit from the distinctive expression patterns and molecular structure; (c) ERp29 is primarily involved in normal protein secretory events, not the ER stress response; (d) a major role is likely in tissues where ERp29 was equimolar with established molecular chaperones and foldases. This study implicates ERp29 as a new member of the ER protein-processing machinery, and identifies tissues where the physiological role of ERp29 is most likely to be clearly manifested.  相似文献   
The genetic structure of lineages can provide important information for delineating “evolutionarily significant units” (ESUs) for conservation, and for planning actions to protect and restore taxa threatened with extinction. Speyeria zerene hippolyta, the Oregon silverspot butterfly, is a U.S.A. federally threatened subspecies that is the focus of considerable conservation effort, but whose evolutionary relationships with other Speyeria taxa are not well-understood. We conducted a genetic analysis of nine Speyeria species and 25 subspecies from western U.S.A., using both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Our goal was to determine whether such data supported (a) S. z. hippolyta’s designation as an ESU, and (b) the current morphologically-based taxonomy of Speyeria spp. Our data for S. z. hippolyta were equivocal; while nuclear markers resolved all these individuals into a single clade, mtDNA data suggested the existence of two clades. Aside from S. cybele, which was consistently supported as monophyletic, our data provided little support for most of the species currently recognized for western U.S. Speyeria, including S. zerene, and even less for the many subspecies designations. These genetic findings stand in contrast to the morphological differences recognized by experts, and suggest a relatively recent origin for many of these taxa. Two of 66 individuals screened for Wolbachia infection tested positive for this symbiont. Our results provide no persuasive evidence that S. z. hippolyta should lose its status as an ESU, but they have important implications for ongoing management actions such as population augmentation.  相似文献   
Malaria is a devastating disease. For transmission to occur, Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, must complete a complex developmental cycle in its mosquito vector. Thus, the mosquito is a potential target for disease control. Plasmodium ookinetes, which develop within the mosquito midgut, must first cross the midgut's peritrophic matrix (PM), a thick extracellular sheath that completely surrounds the blood meal. The PM poses a partial, natural barrier against parasite invasion of the midgut and it is speculated that modifications to the PM may lead to a complete barrier to infection. However, such strategies require thorough characterization of the structure of the PM. Here, we describe for the first time, the complete PM proteome of the main malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae. Altogether, 209 proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. Among them were nine new chitin-binding peritrophic matrix proteins, expanding the list from three to twelve peritrophins. Lastly, we provide a model for the putative interactions among the proteins identified in this study.  相似文献   
The cellular prion protein (PrPC) consists of a flexible N-terminal tail (FT, aa 23–128) hinged to a membrane-anchored globular domain (GD, aa 129–231). Ligation of the GD with antibodies induces rapid neurodegeneration, which is prevented by deletion or functional inactivation of the FT. Therefore, the FT is an allosteric effector of neurotoxicity. To explore its mechanism of action, we generated transgenic mice expressing the FT fused to a GPI anchor, but lacking the GD (PrPΔ141–225, or “FTgpi”). Here we report that FTgpi mice develop a progressive, inexorably lethal neurodegeneration morphologically and biochemically similar to that triggered by anti-GD antibodies. FTgpi was mostly retained in the endoplasmic reticulum, where it triggered a conspicuous unfolded protein response specifically activating the PERK pathway leading to phosphorylation of eIF2α and upregulation of CHOP ultimately leading to neurodegeration similar to what was observed in prion infection.  相似文献   
The overlapping roles of the predominant Notch receptors in vascular smooth muscle cells, Notch2 and Notch3, have not been clearly defined in vivo. In this study, we use a smooth muscle‐specific deletion of Notch2 together with a global Notch3 deletion to produce mice with combinations of mutant and wild‐type Notch2/3 alleles in vascular smooth muscle cells. Mice with complete loss of Notch3 and smooth muscle‐expressed Notch2 display late embryonic lethality and subcutaneous hemorrhage. Mice without smooth muscle‐Notch2 and only one wild‐type copy of Notch3 die within one day of birth and present with vascular defects, most notably patent ductus arteriosus (DA) and aortic dilation. These defects were associated with decreased expression of contractile markers in both the DA and aorta. These results demonstrate that Notch2 and Notch3 have overlapping roles in promoting development of vascular smooth muscle cells, and together contribute to functional closure of the DA. genesis 53:738–748, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The long allele variant of the serotonin transporter (SERT, 5‐HTT) gene‐linked polymorphic region (5‐HTTLPR) is associated with higher levels of 5‐HTT expression and reduced risk of developing affective disorders. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this protective effect. One hypothesis is that 5‐HTT expression influences aversive information processing, with reduced negative cognitive bias present in those with higher 5‐HTT expression. Here we investigated this hypothesis using genetically‐modified mice and a novel aversive learning paradigm. Mice with high levels of 5‐HTT expression (5‐HTT over‐expressing, 5‐HTTOE mice) and wild‐type mice were trained to discriminate between three distinct auditory cues: one cue predicted footshock on all trials (CS+); a second cue predicted the absence of footshock (CS?); and a third cue predicted footshock on 20% of trials (CS20%), and was therefore ambiguous. Wild‐type mice exhibited equivalently high levels of fear to the CS+ and CS20% and minimal fear to the CS?. In contrast, 5‐HTTOE mice exhibited high levels of fear to the CS+ but minimal fear to the CS? and the CS20%. This selective reduction in fear to ambiguous aversive cues suggests that increased 5‐HTT expression reduces negative cognitive bias for stimuli with uncertain outcomes.  相似文献   
With collaboration between chemistry, X-ray crystallography, and molecular modeling, we designed and synthesized a series of novel piperazine sulfonamide BACE1 inhibitors. Iterative exploration of the non-prime side and S2′ sub-pocket of the enzyme culminated in identification of an analog that potently lowers peripheral Aβ40 in transgenic mice with a single subcutaneous dose.  相似文献   
Social connectivity is important for measuring the fitness of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). While interactions in fission-fusion societies vary between individuals, studies show that repeated interactions enhance reproduction and foraging success. Injuries that potentially remove an individual from its association network may disrupt these interactions. Using data from the long-term resident dolphin community in Sarasota Bay, Florida, we investigated how anthropogenic injuries affect the dolphins' social associations by examining the differences before and after injury to individuals. We examined group size, strength, eigenvector centrality, clustering coefficient, and number of triangles and analyzed whether the animal's sex, age class, type of injury, or human intervention affected these values. We found that while group size did not change, injured dolphins had fewer preferred associates (HWI > 0.14) and were found in more fluid groups immediately after injury, but started returning to normal association levels after 2 years. This initial decrease in connectivity was not related to the age, sex, type of injury, or intervention. Despite the fluidity in individual associations, the strongest bonds remained stable, those between mothers and calves and those between male alliance partners. These findings provide some of the first information relating injuries and social networks for animals.  相似文献   
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