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The neurokinin A-like immunoreactivity in an extract of rabbit small intestine was resolved into two molecular forms by gel permeation chromatography. These components were purified to apparent homogeneity by reverse-phase HPLC. The primary structure of the larger component was established as the following: Asp-Ala-Gly-His-Gly-Gln-Ile-Ser-His-Lys-Arg-His-Lys-Thr-Asp-Ser-Phe-Val- Gly-Leu - Met.NH2. This amino acid sequence represents residues (72-92) of gamma-preprotachykinin, as predicted from the nucleotide sequence of a cloned cDNA from the rat. The peptide, termed neuropeptide-gamma, lacks residues (3-17) of neuropeptide K, and this segment is specified exactly by exon 4 in the preprotachykinin gene. The smaller form of neurokinin A-like immunoreactivity was identical to neurokinin A. Neuropeptide K was not present in the extract, demonstrating that the pathways of post-translational processing of beta- and gamma-preprotachykinins in the rabbit gut are different.  相似文献   
Comparative mutagenesis of 1,N6-ethenoadenine (εA) and 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), two endogenous DNA lesions that are also formed by exogenous DNA damaging agents, have been evaluated in HeLa and xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) cell extracts. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the duplex M13mp2SV vector containing these lesions established that there was significant inhibition of replication fork movement past εA, whereas 8-oxoG caused only minor stalling of fork progression. In extracts of HeLa cells, εA was weakly mutagenic inducing all three base substitutions in approximately equal frequency, whereas 8-oxoG was 10-fold more mutagenic inducing primarily G→T transversions. These data suggest that 8-oxoG is a miscoding lesion that presents a minimal, if any, block to DNA replication in human cells. We hypothesized that bypass of εA proceeded principally by an error-free mechanism in which the undamaged strand was used as a template, since this lesion strongly blocked fork progression. To examine this, we determined the sequence of replication products derived from templates in which a G was placed across from the εA. Consistent with our hypothesis, 93% of the progeny were derived from replication of the undamaged strand. When translesion synthesis occurred, εA→T mutations increased 3-fold in products derived from the mismatched εA: G construct compared with those derived from the εA: T construct. More efficient repair of εA in the εA: T construct may have been responsible for lower mutation frequency. Primer extension studies with purified pol η have shown that this polymerase is highly error-prone when bypassing εA. To examine if pol η is the primary mutagenic translesion polymerase in human cells, we determined the lesion bypass characteristics of extracts derived from XPV cells, which lack this polymerase. The εA: T construct induced εA→G and εA→C mutant frequencies that were approximately the same as those observed using the HeLa extracts. However, εA→T events were increased 5-fold relative to HeLa extracts. These data support a model in which pol η-mediated translesion synthesis past this adduct is error-free in the context of semiconservative replication in the presence of fidelity factors such as PCNA.  相似文献   
Summary VIP- and substance P-like immunoreactivities were found in considerable concentrations (VIP: 17.3±4.8 pmol/g, mean ± SEM; substance P:11.1±1.8 pmol/g) in the uveal portion of the guinea pig eye.d Immunocytochemistry localised these two regulatory peptides to nerve fibres found principally in a plexus in the iris (substance P) and in an extensive network surrounding the blood vessels of the choroid (VIP). A remarkable anatomical demarcation of the two types of peptide-containing nerves was established by the staining of substance P-containing nerves, which stops at the level of the ciliary body. This uveal area is known to be involved in the ocular responses to nociceptive stimuli. At the ultrastructural level, immunoreactivity for both peptides was localised to distinct subpopulations of p-type nerves, distinguishable by the size of their large dense-cored vesicles. Those immunoreactive for VIP were significantly larger (p<0.0005) than those immunoreactive for substance P (95±7 nm and 82±9 nm respectively; mean ± SD). Interruption of the trigeminal pathway produced a remarkable decrease of substance P immunoreactivity in the anterior portion of the uvea (9.1±1.5 pmol/g, mean ± SEM, control; 5.3±1.3 pmol/g, denervated), but not of VIP immunoreactivity in the choroid. Following colchicine treatment, VIP-immunoreactive neuronal cell bodies were localised in the choroid. The separate anatomical localisations and distributions of the two uveal peptides appear to be related to their different origins and functional roles in the response of the eye to noxious stimuli.To whom offprint requests should be sent  相似文献   
Pyruvate kinase has been purified from codfish muscle. The ratio of phosphotransferase and oxalacetate decarboxylase activities remains relatively constant throughout purification steps. These two activities are dependent as well as sensitive to sulfhydryl reagents. In the presence of dithioerythritol, only one molecular form of pyruvate kinase is detected. However, the enzyme exists as four pseudoisozymes in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. The pseudoisozymes of codfish pyruvate kinase are interconvertible under the influence of sulfhydryl reagents.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disease, mainly effecting the elderly population. The cause of OA seems to be an imbalance in catabolic and anabolic factors that develops with age. IL-1 is a catabolic factor known to induce cartilage damage, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is an anabolic factor that can counteract many IL-1-induced effects. In old mice, we observed reduced responsiveness to TGF-beta-induced IL-1 counteraction. We investigated whether expression of TGF-beta and its signaling molecules altered with age. To mimic the TGF-beta deprived conditions in aged mice, we assessed the functional consequence of TGF-beta blocking. We isolated knee joints of mice aged 5 months or 2 years, half of which were exposed to IL-1 by intra-articular injection 24 h prior to knee joint isolation. Immunohistochemistry was performed, staining for TGF-beta1, -2 or -3, TGF-betaRI or -RII, Smad2, -3, -4, -6 and -7 and Smad-2P. The percentage of cells staining positive was determined in tibial cartilage. To mimic the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice, young mice were injected with IL-1 and after 2 days Ad-LAP (TGF-beta inhibitor) or a control virus were injected. Proteoglycan (PG) synthesis (35S-sulfate incorporation) and PG content of the cartilage were determined. Our experiments revealed that TGF-beta2 and -3 expression decreased with age, as did the TGF-beta receptors. Although the number of cells positive for the Smad proteins was not altered, the number of cells expressing Smad2P strongly dropped in old mice. IL-1 did not alter the expression patterns. We mimicked the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice by TGF-beta inhibition with LAP. This resulted in a reduced level of PG synthesis and aggravation of PG depletion. The limited response of old mice to TGF-beta induced-IL-1 counteraction is not due to a diminished level of intracellular signaling molecules or an upregulation of intracellular inhibitors, but is likely due to an intrinsic absence of sufficient TGF-beta receptor expression. Blocking TGF-beta distorted the natural repair response after IL-1 injection. In conclusion, TGF-beta appears to play an important role in repair of cartilage and a lack of TGF-beta responsiveness in old mice might be at the root of OA development.  相似文献   
Chemical analysis of rhinovirus 14 revealed a ribonucleic acid (RNA) content of 29.8% and a high adenylic acid content (35%). A partial specific volume of 0.682 cm3/g was obtained for the rhinovirion. Rhinovirus and poliovirus had identical sedimentation coefficients of 158S. A diffusion coefficient of 1.71 × 10−7 cm2/sec was consistent with a hydrated diameter of 25 nm for the rhinovirion. The calculated molecular weights of the rhinovirion and its genome were 7.1 × 106 and 2.1 × 106 daltons, respectively. Sedimentation analysis of infectious RNA confirmed the similarity of the molecular size of the poliovirus and rhinovirus genomes.  相似文献   
Background:Previous studies have shown that planned home birth is associated with a decreased likelihood of intrapartum intervention with no difference in neonatal outcomes compared with planned hospital birth. The purpose of our study was to evaluate different birth settings by comparing neonatal mortality, morbidity and rates of birth interventions between planned home and planned hospital births in Ontario, Canada.Methods:We used a provincial database of all midwifery-booked pregnancies between 2006 and 2009 to compare women who planned home birth at the onset of labour to a matched cohort of women with low-risk pregnancies who had planned hospital births attended by midwives. We conducted subgroup analyses by parity. Our primary outcome was stillbirth, neonatal death (< 28 d) or serious morbidity (Apgar score < 4 at 5 min or resuscitation with positive pressure ventilation and cardiac compressions).Results:We compared 11 493 planned home births and 11 493 planned hospital births. The risk of our primary outcome did not differ significantly by planned place of birth (relative risk [RR] 1.03, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.68–1.55). These findings held true for both nulliparous (RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.62–1.73) and multiparous women (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.49–2.05). All intrapartum interventions were lower among planned home births.Interpretation:Compared with planned hospital birth, planned home birth attended by midwives in a jurisdiction where home birth is well-integrated into the health care system was not associated with a difference in serious adverse neonatal outcomes but was associated with fewer intrapartum interventions.In Ontario, Canada, the College of Midwives of Ontario has regulated midwifery since 1994, and increasing numbers of women with low obstetrical risk and their newborns receive care in a publicly funded, midwifery-led continuity of care model.1 Midwives have admission and discharge privileges at their local hospitals and are able to consult or transfer care to other health care providers if required. In Ontario, midwives attend a small proportion of all births in the province (10%), and about 20% of the births they attend take place at home.2 A comprehensive record is maintained for every woman and infant in a midwife’s care. Until 2009, this record was submitted to the provincial Ministry of Health and Long-term Care (MOHLTC) through the Ontario Midwifery Program to access reimbursement for care provided.In the last century, Western culture has come to view hospital birth as safer than home birth.3 Recently, however, the value of hospital birth for all women with low-risk pregnancies has come into question; it has been suggested that in the absence of benefit, a planned hospital birth for this population may increase the use of intrapartum interventions, including cesarean delivery.47 Even though recent studies comparing planned home and hospital births have had moderate sample sizes, they are individually limited in their ability to report definitively on rare outcomes such as death. Owing to a lack of evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to show that restricting a woman’s freedom to choose a place of birth prevents harm, the authors of a 2012 Cochrane review of planned hospital versus planned home births concluded that home birth services with collaborative medical backup should be established and offered to women with low-risk pregnancies in all jurisdictions.8 This conclusion, along with findings from the large English Birthplace Cohort Study,4 may be what prompted the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in England to update its intrapartum care guidelines to recommend that, for women at low risk of birth-associated complications, home birth should be considered a generally safe option.9 With the paucity of information derived from RCTs,8 observational studies are essential to continue to inform and monitor maternal and infant outcomes for women at low obstetrical risk who plan home or hospital birth, and to continue to provide pregnant women with quality information about choice of birthplace.The primary purpose of this retrospective cohort study was to determine the risk of stillbirth or neonatal death or serious neonatal morbidity among women at low obstetrical risk whose deliveries were attended by midwives and who had planned a home birth at the onset of labour, compared with women at low obstetrical risk who planned a hospital birth at the onset of labour. In addition, we also compared the incidence of maternal death and morbidity, birth interventions and breastfeeding between planned home births and planned hospital births.  相似文献   
The occurrence and distribution of neuropeptide Y has been determined in the rat female genitourinary tract by radioimmunoassay and chromatographic analysis. Within the bladder, higher concentrations of neuropeptide Y were found in the trigone (48.8±5.2 pmol/g) than in the dome (36.0±2.1 pmol/g). In the genital tract, highest concentrations were identified in the vagina (41.4±2.1 pmol/g). Treatment of rats with 6-hydroxydopamine resulted in significant depletion of neuropeptide Y concentrations in both parts of the bladder, together with vagina, uterine horn and fallopian tube. No change was observed in the cervix, uterine body and ovary. Concentrations of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide were unaffected by treatment with 6-hydroxydopamine except in the area of the cervix where concentrations rose from 64.1±5.7 pmol/g to 133.6±15.1 pmol/g (p<0.05). There was a generalised, but statistically insignificant rise in substance P concentrations.  相似文献   
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