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Nabi  IR; Dennis  JW 《Glycobiology》1998,8(9):947-953
The increased polylactosamine glycosylation of LAMP-2 in MDCK cells cultured for 1 day relative to cells cultured for 3 days has been correlated with its slower rate of Golgi transit (Nabi and Rodriguez- Boulan, 1993, Mol. Biol. Cell., 4, 627-635). To determine if the differential polylactosamine glycosylation of LAMP-2 is a consequence of glycosyltransferase expression levels, the activities of beta1- 6GlcNAc-TV, beta1-3GlcNAc-T(i), beta1-2GlcNAc-TI, beta1, 4Gal-T, alpha2- 6sialyl-T, and alpha2-3sialyl-T were assayed and no significant differences in the activities of these enzymes in 1 and 3 day cell extracts were detected. During MDCK epithelial polarization, the Golgi apparatus undergoes morphological changes and apiconuclear Golgi networks were more evident in 3 day cells. Treatment with nocodazole disrupted Golgi networks and generated numerous Golgi clusters in both 1 day and 3 day cells. In the presence of nocodazole the differential migration of LAMP-2 in 1 and 3 day MDCK cells was maintained and could be eliminated by treatment with endo-beta-galactosidase, indicating that gross Golgi morphology did not influence the extent of LAMP-2 polylactosamine glycosylation. Nocodazole treatment did, however, result in the faster migration of LAMP-2 which was not due to modification of core N-glycans as the precursor form of the glycoprotein migrated with an identical molecular size. Following incubation at 20 degrees C, which prevents the exit of proteins from the trans-Golgi network, the molecular size of LAMP-2 increased to a similar extent in both 1 and 3 day MDCK cells. Extending the time of incubation at 20 degrees C did not influence the size of LAMP-2, demonstrating that its glycosylation is modified not by its retention within the Golgi but rather by its equivalent slower Golgi passage at the lower temperature in both 1 and 3 day cells. An identical effect was observed in nocodazole treated cells, demonstrating that Golgi residence time determines the extent of LAMP-2 polylactosamine glycosylation, even in isolated Golgi clusters.   相似文献   
When a trait's effect on fitness depends on its interaction with other traits, the resultant selection is correlational and may lead to the integration of functionally related traits. In relation to sexual selection, when an ornamental trait interacts with phenotypic quality to determine mating success, correlational sexual selection should generate genetic correlations between the ornament and quality, leading to the evolution of honest signals. Despite its potential importance in the evolution of signal honesty, correlational sexual selection has rarely been measured in natural populations. In the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), males with experimentally elevated values of a plumage trait (whiteness in the tail or "tail white") are more attractive to females and dominant in aggressive encounters over resources. We used restricted maximum-likelihood analysis of a long-term dataset to measure the heritability of tail white and two components of body size (wing length and tail length), as well as genetic correlations between pairs of these traits. We then used multiple regression to assess directional, quadratic, and correlational selection as they acted on tail white and body size via four components of lifetime fitness (juvenile and adult survival, mating success, and fecundity). We found a positive genetic correlation between tail white and body size (as measured by wing length), which indicates past correlational selection. Correlational selection, which was largely due to sexual selection on males, was also found to be currently acting on the same pair of traits. Larger males with whiter tails sired young with more females, most likely due to a combination of female choice, which favors males with whiter tails, and male-male competition, which favors both tail white and larger body size. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show both genetic correlations between sexually selected traits and currently acting correlational sexual selection, and we suggest that correlational sexual selection frequently may be an important mechanism for maintaining the honesty of sexual signals.  相似文献   
Consistency in gold chloride staining is essential for anatomical analysis of sensory nerve endings. The gold chloride stain for this purpose has been modified by many investigators, but often yields inconsistent staining, which makes it difficult to differentiate structures and to determine nerve ending distribution in large tissue samples. We introduce additional steps and major changes to the modified Gairns’ protocol. We controlled the temperature and mixing rate during tissue staining to achieve consistent staining and complete solution penetration. We subjected samples to sucrose dehydration to improve cutting efficiency. We then exposed samples to a solution containing lemon juice, formic acid and paraformaldehyde to produce optimal tissue transparency with minimal tissue deformity. We extended the time for gold chloride impregnation 1.5 fold. Gold chloride was reduced in the labrum using 25% formic acid in water for 18 h and in the capsule using 25% formic acid in citrate phosphate buffer for 2 h. Citrate binds gold nanoparticles, which minimizes aggregation in the tissue. We stored samples in fresh ultrapure water at 4° C to slow reduction and to maintain color contrast in the tissue. Tissue samples were embedded in Tissue Tek and sectioned at 80 and 100 μm instead of using glycerin and teasing the tissue apart as in Gairns’ modified gold chloride method. We attached sections directly to gelatin subbed slides after sectioning with a cryostat. The slides then were processed and coverslipped with Permount. Staining consistency was demonstrated throughout the tissue sections and neural structures were clearly identifiable.  相似文献   
Studies measuring natural selection acting via different components of fitness may provide insight into such central questions in evolutionary biology as the evolution of life histories and sexual dimorphism. It is often desirable to combine estimates of selection at different episodes to understand how they interact to produce total lifetime selection. When selective episodes are sequential, total directional selection may be calculated by summing directional selection across episodes. However, it is unclear whether lifetime nonlinear (e.g., stabilizing, disruptive, or correlational) selection may be similarly calculated using estimates of quadratic selection from sequential episodes. Here, I show that lifetime quadratic selection depends not only upon the sum total of quadratic selection across episodes but also upon the pattern of directional selection across episodes. In certain cases, the effects of directional selection across episodes may cancel one another, leading to no net directional selection but strong stabilizing selection. This result suggests that true stabilizing selection may be more common than previously thought, especially when the entire life cycle is considered. The equations derived here are easily applicable to empirical data, as is illustrated both with a simulated dataset and with a reanalysis of a study of quadratic selection in dark‐eyed juncos.  相似文献   
To determine the specificity and efficacy of [(3)H]ouabain binding as a quantitative measure of the Na(+) pump (Na(+), K(+)-ATPase) and as a marker for the localization of pumps involved in transepithelial Na(+)-transport, we analyzed the interaction of [(3)H]ouabain with its receptor in pig kidney epithelial (LLC-PK(1)) cells. When these epithelial cells are depleted of Na(+) and exposed to 2 muM [(3)H]ouabain in a Na(+)-free medium, binding is reduced by 90 percent. When depleted of K(+) and incubated in a K(+)- free medium, the ouabain binding rate is increase compared with that measured at 5 mM. This increase is only demonstable when Na(+) is present. The increased rate could be attributed to the predominance of the Na(+)-stimulated phosphorylated form of the pump, as K(+) is not readily available to stimulate dephosphorylation. However, some binding in the K(+)-free medium is attributable to pump turnover (and therefore, recycling of K(+)), because analysis of K(+)-washout kinetics demonstrated that addition of 2 muM ouabain to K(+)-depleted cells increased the rate of K(+) loss. These results indicate that in intact epithelial cells, unlike isolated membrane preparations, the most favorable condition for supporting ouabain binding occurs when the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase is operating in the Na(+)-pump mode or is phosphorylated in the presence of Na(+). When LLC-PK(1) cells were exposed to ouabain at 4 degrees C, binding was reduced by 97 percent. Upon rewarming, the rate of binding was greater than that obtained on cells kept at a constant 37 degrees C. However, even at this accelerated rate, the time to reach equilibrium was beyond what is required for cells, swollen by exposure to cold, to recover normal volume. Thus, results from studies that have attempted to use ouabain to eliminate the contribution of the conventional Na(+) pump to volume recovery must be reevaluated if the exposure to ouabain was done in the cold or under conditions in which the Na(+) pump is not operating.  相似文献   
Pneumonia is a common cause of morbidity and mortality and the most frequent source of sepsis. Bacteria that try to invade normally sterile body sites are recognized by innate immune cells through pattern recognition receptors, among which toll-like receptors (TLRs) feature prominently. Interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R)–associated kinase (IRAK)-M is a proximal inhibitor of TLR signaling expressed by epithelial cells and macrophages in the lung. To determine the role of IRAK-M in host defense against bacterial pneumonia, IRAK-M-deficient (IRAK-M−/−) and normal wild-type (WT) mice were infected intranasally with Klebsiella pneumoniae. IRAK-M mRNA was upregulated in lungs of WT mice with Klebsiella pneumonia, and the absence of IRAK-M resulted in a strongly improved host defense as reflected by reduced bacterial growth in the lungs, diminished dissemination to distant body sites, less peripheral tissue injury and better survival rates. Although IRAK-M−/− alveolar macrophages displayed enhanced responsiveness toward intact K. pneumoniae and Klebsiella lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in vitro, IRAK-M−/− mice did not show increased cytokine or chemokine levels in their lungs after infection in vivo. The extent of lung inflammation was increased in IRAK-M−/− mice shortly after K. pneumoniae infection, as determined by semiquantitative scoring of specific components of the inflammatory response in lung tissue slides. These data indicate that IRAK-M impairs host defense during pneumonia caused by a common gram-negative respiratory pathogen.  相似文献   
Indirect genetic effects (IGEs), which occur when phenotypic expression in one individual is influenced by genes in another conspecific individual, may have a drastic effect on evolutionary response to selection. General evolutionary models of IGEs have been developed using two distinct theoretical frameworks derived from maternal effects theory. The first framework is trait-based and focuses on how phenotypes are influenced by specific traits in a social partner, with the strength of interactions defined by the matrix Ψ. The second framework partitions total genetic variance into components representing direct effects, indirect effects, and the covariance between them, without identifying specific social traits responsible for IGEs. The latter framework has been employed more commonly by empiricists because the methods for estimating variance components are relatively straightforward. Here, we show how these two theoretical frameworks are related to each other and derive equations that can be used to translate between them. This translation leads to a generalized method that can be used to estimate Ψ via standard quantitative genetic breeding designs or pedigrees from natural populations. This method can be used in a very general set of circumstances and is widely applicable to all IGEs, including maternal effects and other interactions among relatives.  相似文献   
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