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Between 1971 and 1981, 58 (2.8%) of 2037 amniocenteses performed in Vancouver revealed chromosome abnormalities, 25 of which were trisomy 21. Of the 58 referrals that yielded abnormalities, 37 (63.8%) were for a maternal age of 38 years or more. The rates of detection of such abnormalities for single-year intervals of maternal age beyond 35 years were comparable to those calculated from pooled data obtained in multicentre studies in the United States, Canada and Europe.  相似文献   


Uncircumcised boys are at higher risk for urinary tract infections than circumcised boys. Whether this risk varies with the visibility of the urethral meatus is not known. Our aim was to determine whether there is a hierarchy of risk among uncircumcised boys whose urethral meatuses are visible to differing degrees.


We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study in one pediatric emergency department. We screened 440 circumcised and uncircumcised boys. Of these, 393 boys who were not toilet trained and for whom the treating physician had requested a catheter urine culture were included in our analysis. At the time of catheter insertion, a nurse characterized the visibility of the urethral meatus (phimosis) using a 3-point scale (completely visible, partially visible or nonvisible). Our primary outcome was urinary tract infection, and our primary exposure variable was the degree of phimosis: completely visible versus partially or nonvisible urethral meatus.


Cultures grew from urine samples from 30.0% of uncircumcised boys with a completely visible meatus, and from 23.8% of those with a partially or nonvisible meatus (p = 0.4). The unadjusted odds ratio (OR) for culture growth was 0.73 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.35–1.52), and the adjusted OR was 0.41 (95% CI 0.17–0.95). Of the boys who were circumcised, 4.8% had urinary tract infections, which was significantly lower than the rate among uncircumcised boys with a completely visible urethral meatus (unadjusted OR 0.12 [95% CI 0.04–0.39], adjusted OR 0.07 [95% CI 0.02–0.26]).


We did not see variation in the risk of urinary tract infection with the visibility of the urethral meatus among uncircumcised boys. Compared with circumcised boys, we saw a higher risk of urinary tract infection in uncircumcised boys, irrespective of urethral visibility.Urinary tract infections are one of the most common serious bacterial infections in young children.16 Prompt diagnosis is important, because children with urinary tract infection are at risk for bacteremia6 and renal scarring.1,7 Uncircumcised boys have a much higher risk of urinary tract infection than circumcised boys,1,3,4,6,812 likely as a result of heavier colonization under the foreskin with pathogenic bacteria, which leads to ascending infections.13,14 The American Academy of Pediatrics recently suggested that circumcision status be used to select which boys should be evaluated for urinary tract infection.1 However, whether all uncircumcised boys are at equal risk for infection, or whether the risk varies with the visibility of the urethral opening, is not known. It has been suggested that a subset of uncircumcised boys with a poorly visible urethral opening are at increased risk of urinary tract infection,1517 leading some experts to consider giving children with tight foreskins topical cortisone or circumcision to prevent urinary tract infections.13,1821We designed a study to challenge the opinion that all uncircumcised boys are at increased risk for urinary tract infections. We hypothesized a hierarchy of risk among uncircumcised boys depending on the visibility of the urethral meatus, with those with a partially or nonvisible meatus at highest risk, and those with a completely visible meatus having a level of risk similar to that of boys who have been circumcised. Our primary aim was to compare the proportions of urinary tract infections among uncircumcised boys with a completely visible meatus with those with a partially or nonvisible meatus.  相似文献   
The expectation that cell-mediated immunity is important in the control of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infection led us to test a DNA vaccine administered alone or with cytokines that favored the development of a Th1 immune response. The vaccine consisted of two plasmids, one expressing the gag/pol genes and the other expressing the env gene of FeLV-A/Glasgow-1. The genetic adjuvants were plasmids encoding the feline cytokines interleukin-12 (IL-12), IL-18, or gamma interferon (IFN-gamma). Kittens were immunized by three intramuscular inoculations of the FeLV DNA vaccine alone or in combination with plasmids expressing IFN-gamma, IL-12, or both IL-12 and IL-18. Control kittens were inoculated with empty plasmid. Following immunization, anti-FeLV antibodies were not detected in any kitten. Three weeks after the final immunization, the kittens were challenged by the intraperitoneal inoculation of FeLV-A/Glasgow-1 and were then monitored for a further 15 weeks for the presence of virus in plasma and, at the end of the trial, for latent virus in bone marrow. The vaccine consisting of FeLV DNA with the IL-12 and IL-18 genes conferred significant immunity, protecting completely against transient and persistent viremia, and in five of six kittens protecting against latent infection. None of the other vaccines provided significant protection.  相似文献   
The current options available to BRCA1 mutation carriers can be classified as either cancer risk reduction or increased disease surveillance. Risk reduction might be preferable to young women. Increased surveillance might be more attractive to women when their cancer risk is highest. The aim of this report is to estimate the sensitivity, specificity and ability to detect carriers for a population-based BRCA1 testing program with eligibility based on family history of cancer, and examine the effect of age on the program's performance. A computer model was used to simulate the incidence of breast and ovarian cancer in a woman's family, based on her BRCA1 mutation carrier status. Age-specific estimates of the sensitivity and specificity for family history as an indicator of mutation status were applied to local population figures. Sensitivity of the program increased with the age of the proband and the size of her family. Sensitivity ranged from 0.33 for 20-year-olds with small families, to 0.98 for 60-year-olds with large families. Specificity was greater than 0.95, regardless of a woman's age or family size. If 0.12% of people carry a BRCA1 mutation, a province-wide testing program for people aged 20-69 with referrals based only on family history would have a sensitivity of 0.55. Only 2% of the genetic test results would be positive. The acceptability of a genetic testing program depends on its sensitivity and specificity, and on the options available to women who are found to carry a mutation. Compared with variation due to family size, the program sensitivity and specificity does not differ substantially amongst the various age groups.  相似文献   
The soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is a pathogen of insects and nematodes and is very closely related to, if not the same species as, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis. The defining characteristic of B. thuringiensis that sets it apart from B. cereus and B. anthracis is the production of crystal (Cry) proteins, which are pore-forming toxins or pore-forming proteins (PFPs). Although it is known that PFPs are important virulence factors since their elimination results in reduced virulence of many pathogenic bacteria, the functions by which PFPs promote virulence are incompletely understood. Here we study the effect of Cry proteins in B. thuringiensis pathogenesis of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We find that whereas B. thuringiensis on its own is not able to infect C. elegans, the addition of the PFP Cry protein, Cry5B, results in a robust lethal infection that consumes the nematode host in 1-2 days, leading to a "Bob" or bag-of-bacteria phenotype. Unlike other infections of C. elegans characterized to date, the infection by B. thuringiensis shows dose-dependency based on bacterial inoculum size and based on PFP concentration. Although the infection process takes 1-2 days, the PFP-instigated infection process is irreversibly established within 15 minutes of initial exposure. Remarkably, treatment of C. elegans with Cry5B PFP is able to instigate many other Bacillus species, including B. anthracis and even "non-pathogenic" Bacillus subtilis, to become lethal and infectious agents to C. elegans. Co-culturing of Cry5B-expressing B. thuringiensis with B. anthracis can result in lethal infection of C. elegans by B. anthracis. Our data demonstrate that one potential property of PFPs is to sensitize the host to bacterial infection and further that C. elegans and probably other roundworms can be common hosts for B. cereus-group bacteria, findings with important ecological and research implications.  相似文献   
Xenopus laevis melanophores stably expressing 7-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors were established and evaluated, either as a primary screening utility for antagonists of the human calcium receptor, or as a screen to assign function to binding inhibitors of human cannabinoid receptors. Stably or transiently expressing melanophores responded selectively to respective effectors of the human calcium, cannabinoid, and neurokinin-1 receptors. Several selective cannabinoid receptor-binding inhibitors of known potency were characterized as agonists or antagonists of the human peripheral cannabinoid (CB(2)) receptor. The results were consistent with changes in cAMP content of hCB(2)-transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells challenged with the same CB(2)-binding antagonists. A stable melanophore cell line expressing the human calcium receptor was used to screen a compound collection directly for functional antagonists, several of which were confirmed as antagonists in secondary screens by stimulating parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion from bovine parathyroid cells. The percentage of hits in this cell-based screen was reasonably low (1.2%), indicating minimal interference due to toxic effects and validating melanophores as a primary screening modality. Also described is the development of a novel procedure for cryopreservation and reconstitution of cells retaining functional human receptors. ()  相似文献   
We have examined 26 Canadian families with hereditary breast or ovarian cancer for linkage to markers flanking the BRCA1 gene on chromosome 17q12–q21. Of the 15 families that contain cases of ovarian cancer, 94% were estimated to be linked to BRCA1. In contrast, there was no overall evidence of linkage in the group of 10 families with breast cancer without ovarian cancer. A genetic recombinant in a breast-ovarian cancer family indicates a placement of BRCA1 telomeric to D17S776, and helps to define the region of assignment of the cancer susceptibility gene. Other cancers of interest that appeared in the BRCA1-linked families included primary peritoneal cancer, cancer of the fallopian tube, and malignant melanoma.  相似文献   
Confined chorionic mosaicism in prenatal diagnosis   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Summary Confined chorionic mosaicism, detected commonly on chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and occasionally in cultured amniotic fluid cells, is described in five pregnancies that showed confined chorionic mosaicism for trisomies 12, 13, 14, 17 and a marker chromosome. Cytogenetic findings in these pregnancies support the conclusion that within chorion some chromosomal mosaicism are confined to the trophectoderm derivatives while others to the extra-embryonic mesoderm. The etiology of confined chorionic mosaicism is discussed in relation to a significant role of multiple cell lineages contributing to the early development of placenta. The need is indicated for the use of both direct and long-term cultures in CVS prenatal diagnosis, and for the confirmatory testing of fetal blood or amniotic fluid in cases where mosaicism is detected in chorionic villi.  相似文献   
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