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The rhinoceros is an endangered species related to the horse family. Little is known of its reproductive endocrinology. The objectives of this study were to partially purify rhinoceros pituitary hormones, determine which assays could be used for their assessment, and to ascertain whether rhinoceros LH possesses the intrinsic FSH activity of equine LH. A single pituitary each from a White (1.3 g) and a Black (1.2 g) Rhinoceros was homogenized and extracted (pH 9.5), then subjected to pH and salt fractionation, and ion-exchange chromatography (DEAE and Sephadex SP-C50) to yield partially purified fractions of LH, FSH, growth hormone (GH), and prolactin (PRL). LH was readily measured by a rat Leydig cell assay (0.1-1% x equine LH) and an RIA using a monoclonal antibody to bovine LH (6-11% x equine LH). FSH activity detected in the LH by either an FSH RIA or a calf testis radioreceptor assay (RRA) was extremely low. No FSH activity could be detected in the White Rhinoceros pituitary "FSH" fraction, but was readily detected in the Black Rhinoceros fraction (RIA: 0.2% x equine FSH: RRA: 0.8% x equine FSH). The presence of GH and PRL was determined by SDS-PAGE and Western blots. Results showed a single immunoreactive GH band and multiple immunoreactive PRL bands. Adsorption with Concanavalin A-Sepharose indicated that some of the PRL bands are glycosylated.  相似文献   
This study describes the presence of immunoactive and bioactive eCG-like material in full-term placentas of both domestic horses and zebras. Term placental extracts were immunoreactive in an LH monoclonal antibody RIA, and methods successfully used previously for the purification of eCG and eLH were employed to further concentrate the immunoreactive materials to the point where additional characterization studies could be performed. Sufficient equine material was obtained to perform a final fractionation on a concanavalin A Sepharose column yielding an unadsorbed fraction, e17A, and an adsorbed fraction, e17B. There was insufficient zebra material, z5D, for this step. HPLC gel filtration coupled with LH immunoassays of the column eluates showed all the final placental fractions to be highly heterogeneous, but a discrete peak of immunoactivity was found in one of the two equine fractions (e17B) and in the zebra fraction (z5D). The HPLC gel filtration elution volumes for e17B and z5D suggest that they have a smaller molecular size than either eCG or eLH but almost the same size as ovine LH. Both e17B and z5D were bioactive in the rat Leydig cell assay for LH but low in potency compared to eCG or eLH; e17A was inactive at very high doses (5 micrograms). This latter fraction, however, cross-reacted in an eCG alpha RIA to a much greater extent (6 times) than e17B, suggesting that it may be an incompletely formed or degraded alpha subunit. RIAs for LH, eCG, and eCG beta suggest that epitopes distinctive for these molecules are also present or similar to those in the term placental materials.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Six samples of pregnant zebra (z) serum from the first and second trimesters of pregnancy were analyzed by RIA and shown to have chorionic gonadotropin levels comparable to that of the mare (0.9-5.3 micrograms/ml); first trimester levels in most cases were higher than second trimester levels. A pool of the sera (10 ml) was fractionated by methods previously employed for the purification of equine (e) and donkey (d) chorionic gonadotropin to achieve a concentration of the zebra chorionic gonadotropin (zCG). A yield of 1.0 mg of glycoprotein was obtained. HPLC analysis of the material indicated the content of zCG to be about 7%. Its molecular size as judged by Ve/Vo values is smaller than eCG, greater than ovine LH, and about the same as equine LH. The zCG was tested in RIAs for LH and eCG, radioreceptor assays (RRA) for LH and FSH, and the rat testis Leydig cell assay for LH. Comparisons were made with equine and donkey chorionic gonadotropin, and equine and zebra LH. The results, preliminary because the preparation is not of high purity, showed that zCG is bioactive as an LH; immunologically similar to eCG, eLH, dCG, and zLH; and competes in RRAs for LH but not FSH receptors. It differs, therefore, from eCG and eLH--which have high levels of intrinsic FSH activity, and is more like dCG, dLH, and zLH--all of which have minimal if any FSH activity.  相似文献   
Circulating immune complexes were detected in serum and sputum of patients with cystic fibrosis (C.F.). There were extensive deposits of immunoglobulins and complement immune complexes in several of the C.F. organs, especially the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, but not in the kidneys. Significant concentrations of IgG and of complement complexes could be eluted from the lungs of the C.F. patients but not from those of controls. Studies involving immunoabsorption, autoradiography, and molecular sieving through Sephadex G-200 columns identified both bovine serum albumin and staphylococcal α-haemolysin as two of the antigens present in the immune complexes. The sedimentation constant of the immune complexes was about 8S to 11S. The clinical significance of these immune complexes and the wide variety of antibodies detected in C.F. patients are discussed.  相似文献   
Classically, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ (PPARβ/δ) function was thought to be restricted to enhancing adipocyte differentiation and development of adipose-like cells from other lineages. However, recent studies have revealed a critical role for PPARβ/δ during skeletal muscle growth and regeneration. Although PPARβ/δ has been implicated in regulating myogenesis, little is presently known about the role and, for that matter, the mechanism(s) of action of PPARβ/δ in regulating postnatal myogenesis. Here we report for the first time, using a PPARβ/δ-specific ligand (L165041) and the PPARβ/δ-null mouse model, that PPARβ/δ enhances postnatal myogenesis through increasing both myoblast proliferation and differentiation. In addition, we have identified Gasp-1 (growth and differentiation factor-associated serum protein-1) as a novel downstream target of PPARβ/δ in skeletal muscle. In agreement, reduced Gasp-1 expression was detected in PPARβ/δ-null mice muscle tissue. We further report that a functional PPAR-responsive element within the 1.5-kb proximal Gasp-1 promoter region is critical for PPARβ/δ regulation of Gasp-1. Gasp-1 has been reported to bind to and inhibit the activity of myostatin; consistent with this, we found that enhanced secretion of Gasp-1, increased Gasp-1 myostatin interaction and significantly reduced myostatin activity upon L165041-mediated activation of PPARβ/δ. Moreover, we analyzed the ability of hGASP-1 to regulate myogenesis independently of PPARβ/δ activation. The results revealed that hGASP-1 protein treatment enhances myoblast proliferation and differentiation, whereas silencing of hGASP-1 results in defective myogenesis. Taken together these data revealed that PPARβ/δ is a positive regulator of skeletal muscle myogenesis, which functions through negatively modulating myostatin activity via a mechanism involving Gasp-1.  相似文献   
The level of the viral cII protein has been proposed to be the crucial determinant in the lysis-lysogeny decision of bacteriophage lambda. A new Escherichia coli locus (hflB) has been identified in which a mutation (hflB29) leads to high frequency of lysogeny by lambda. A double mutant defective in both hflB and the previously identified hflA gene displays a more severe Hfl- phenotype than either single mutant. The hflB locus is at 69 minutes on the E. coli map, 85% co-transducible with argG. The hflB29 mutation results in increased stability of the phage cII protein (increasing its half-life twofold) and is recessive to hflB+. We conclude that the hflB+ locus is a negative regulator of cII, perhaps coding for or regulating a protease that acts on cII. In addition, we observe that the can1 mutation, an alteration of the cII gene that results in enhanced lysogenization, leads to increased stability of cII protein. These observations reinforce the view that the level of cII is a key factor in the lysis-lysogeny decision of lambda.  相似文献   
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