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Apicoplasts are vestigial plastids in apicomplexan parasites like Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria. Apicomplexan parasites are dependant on their apicoplasts for synthesis of various molecules that they are unable to scavenge in sufficient quantity from their host, which makes apicoplasts attractive drug targets. Proteins known as plastid phosphate translocators (pPTs) are embedded in the outer apicoplast membrane and are responsible for the import of carbon, energy and reducing power to drive anabolic synthesis in the organelle. We investigated how a pPT is targeted into the outer apicoplast membrane of the human malaria parasite P. falciparum. We showed that a transmembrane domain is likely to act as a recessed signal anchor to direct the protein into the endomembrane system, and that a tyrosine in the cytosolic N-terminus of the protein is essential for targeting, but one or more, as yet unidentified, factors are also essential to direct the protein into the outer apicoplast membrane.  相似文献   


Highly sensitive and specific urine-based tests to detect either primary or recurrent bladder cancer have proved elusive to date. Our ever increasing knowledge of the genomic aberrations in bladder cancer should enable the development of such tests based on urinary DNA.


DNA was extracted from urine cell pellets and PCR used to amplify the regions of the TERT promoter and coding regions of FGFR3, PIK3CA, TP53, HRAS, KDM6A and RXRA which are frequently mutated in bladder cancer. The PCR products were barcoded, pooled and paired-end 2 x 250 bp sequencing performed on an Illumina MiSeq. Urinary DNA was analysed from 20 non-cancer controls, 120 primary bladder cancer patients (41 pTa, 40 pT1, 39 pT2+) and 91 bladder cancer patients post-TURBT (89 cancer-free).


Despite the small quantities of DNA extracted from some urine cell pellets, 96% of the samples yielded mean read depths >500. Analysing only previously reported point mutations, TERT mutations were found in 55% of patients with bladder cancer (independent of stage), FGFR3 mutations in 30% of patients with bladder cancer, PIK3CA in 14% and TP53 mutations in 12% of patients with bladder cancer. Overall, these previously reported bladder cancer mutations were detected in 86 out of 122 bladder cancer patients (70% sensitivity) and in only 3 out of 109 patients with no detectable bladder cancer (97% specificity).


This simple, cost-effective approach could be used for the non-invasive surveillance of patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancers harbouring these mutations. The method has a low DNA input requirement and can detect low levels of mutant DNA in a large excess of normal DNA. These genes represent a minimal biomarker panel to which extra markers could be added to develop a highly sensitive diagnostic test for bladder cancer.  相似文献   
Cell surface protein of Pseudomonas (Hydrogenomonas) facilis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Intact cells of Pseudomonas facilis contain one major molecular weight class of protein that is exposed at the cell surface as revealed by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination with (125)I. All molecular weight classes of protein in derived cell envelope preparations are apparently saturated by iodination by lactoperoxidase after prolonged sonic treatment. The molecular weight of the predominantly exposed protein in intact cells is approximately 16,000, which is the minimal molecular weight of a cell envelope protein that precipitates as a complex with phospholipid from extracts of P. facilis. The isolation of labeled phospholipoprotein (PLP) after labeling intact cells with (125)I corroborates previous experiments which suggested a surface location for the protein portion of the phospholipoprotein (P(PLP)). Solvent extraction of cells and immunological evidence, including studies with ferritin-coupled antibodies, indicate that P(PLP) is located at the cell surface and may also be within the cell envelope. These experiments suggest that P(PLP) is the major cell surface protein in P. facilis.  相似文献   
Immunologically Cross-Reacting Proteins in Cell Walls of Many Bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibodies to a protein present in the cell envelope of Hydrogenomonas facilis agglutinate many gram-negative bacteria and a few gram-positive bacteria. Immunodiffusion studies of extracts from the various organisms tested indicate the presence of components sharing antigenic determinants with the cell envelope protein in all bacteria which can be agglutinated and a few that cannot. Cross-reacting components were not detected in extracts of Mycoplasma laidlawii, Anacystis nidulans, and several eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   
The terminal hairpin sequences of the linear double-stranded DNA genome of the leporipoxvirus Shope fibroma virus (SFV) has been cloned in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in recombination-deficient Escherichia coli as a palindromic insert within circular plasmid vectors. This sequence configuration is equivalent to the inverted repeat structure detected as a telomeric replicative intermediate during poxvirus replication in vivo. Previously, it has been shown that when circular plasmids containing this palindromic insert were transfected into SFV-infected cells, efficient replication and resolution generated linear minichromosomes with bona fide viral hairpin termini (A. M. DeLange, M. Reddy, D. Scraba, C. Upton, and G. McFadden, J. Virol. 59:249-259, 1986). To localize the minimal target DNA sequence required for efficient resolution, a series of staggered unidirectional deletions were constructed at both ends of the inverted repeat. Analyses of the resolution efficiencies of the various clones indicate that up to 240 base pairs (bp) centered at the symmetry axis were required for maximal resolution to minichromosomes. To investigate the role of the AT-rich central axis sequences, which in SFV include 8 nonpalindromic bp, a unique AflII site at the symmetry axis was exploited. Bidirectional deletions extending from this AflII site and insertions of synthetic oligonucleotides into one of the deletion derivatives were constructed and tested in vivo. The efficiency with which these plasmids resolved to linear minichromosomes with hairpin termini has enabled us to define the minimal target DNA sequence as two inverted copies of an identical DNA sequence between 58 and 76 bp in length. The nonpalindromic nucleotides, which, after resolution, constitute the extrahelical residues characteristic of native poxviral telomeres, were not required for resolution. The close resemblance of the SFV core target sequence to the analogous region from the orthopoxvirus vaccinia virus is consistent with a conserved mechanism for poxviral telomere resolution.  相似文献   
Ca2+ is implicated as a messenger in coupling various environmental stimuli, such as gravity and light, to response. In recent years, it has become evident that Ca2+ plays a central role in all three phases of gravitropism – perception, transduction and response. The root cap, which is known to contain high amounts of Ca2+ and calmoduin, is the primary site of gravity preeception. The possible role of phosphoinositide turnovr and Ca2+ and Ca2+ calmodulin-dependent enzymes such as Ca2+– ATPase and protein kinases in gravitropsim is discussed. A model is proposed to describe the role of Ca2+ in both normal and light-dependnt gravity response in roots.  相似文献   
Finite difference analysis of respiratory heat transfer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A numerical computer model of heat and water transfer within the tracheobronchial tree of humans was developed based on an integral formulation of the first law of thermodynamics. Simulation results were compared with directly measured intraluminal airway temperature profiles previously obtained in normal human subjects, and a good correlation was demonstrated. The model was used to study aspects of regional pulmonary heat transfer and to predict the outcomes of experiments not yet performed. The results of these simulations show that a decrease in inspired air temperature and water content at fixed minute ventilation produces a proportionately larger increase in heat loss from extrathoracic airways relative to intrathoracic, whereas an increase in minute ventilation at fixed inspired air conditions produces the opposite pattern, with cold dry air penetrating further into the lung, and that changes in breathing pattern (tidal volume and frequency) at fixed minute ventilation and fixed inspiratory-to-expiratory (I/E) ratio do not affect local air temperature profiles and heat loss, whereas changes in I/E ratio at fixed minute ventilation do cause a significant change.  相似文献   
Free ribulose hisphosphate (RuBP4?) rather than its magnesium complex (RuBP-Mg2?) was the apparent substrate for spinach ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The apparent Km for total RuBP (pH 8.0 at 30° C) increased with increasing Mg2+ concentrations from 11.6 μM at 13.33 mM Mg2+ to 32.6 μM at 40.33 mM Mg2+. Similarly the apparent Km for RuBP-Mg2? complex increased with increasing Mg2+ from 9.4 μM at 13.33 mM Mg2+ to 29.7 μM at 40.33 mM Mg2+. However, the Km values for uncomplexed RuBP4? were independent of the (saturating) concentration of Mg2+ (Km=2.2 μM). The Vmax did not vary with the changing concentrations of Mg2+. In contrast, the Km for total RuBP remained constant with varying Mg2+ concentrations (Km=59.5 μM) for the enzyme from R. rubrum. The apparent Km for the RuBP-Mg2? complex decreased with increasing Mg2+ concentrations from 16.0 μM at 7.5 mM Mg2+ to 5.9 μM at 27.5 mM Mg2+. The initial velocity for the C. vinosum enzyme was also found to be independent of the (saturating) concentration of Mg2+ when total RuBP was varied in the assay. Thus the response to total RuBP by these two bacterial enzymes, which markedly differ in structure, was closely similar.  相似文献   
Although functional histamine receptors have generally been restricted to those human T lymphocytes expressing suppressor cell functions, more recent evidence suggests that histamine receptor-bearing human T lymphocytes are functionally heterogeneous and capable of other immunomodulatory activities. Lymphocyte chemoattractant factor (LCF) is a cationic sialoprotein with an apparent m.w. of 56,000, whose production is limited to histamine-type 2 receptor-bearing human T cells. LCF is selectively chemokinetic for T lymphocytes, and presumably contributes to the recruitment of unsensitized effector lymphocytes at inflammatory sites. In addition to LCF, Sephadex G-100 gel filtration of histamine-induced lymphocyte supernatants revealed two regions of migration inhibitory activity for human blood T and rat splenic lymphocytes. These regions corresponded to m.w. of 70,000 to 80,000 (LyMIF75K) and 30,000 to 40,000 (LyMIF35K). LyMIF75K had a single pI of 7.5 to 8.0, and its biologic activity was sensitive to trypsin but not to neuraminidase or heat (56 degrees C). LyMIF35K had a single pI of 8.5 to 8.8, and its biologic activity was sensitive to neuraminidase and heat but not to trypsin. These LyMIFs therefore appeared to be distinct from one another and physicochemically different from other migration inhibitory lymphokines. All three lymphokine activities appeared within 4 hr of incubation. The minimum concentration of histamine required to stimulate production of the LyMIF was 10(-6) M. Lymphocytes that did not adhere to a histamine affinity matrix were unable to produce either LyMIF upon subsequent stimulation with histamine or concanavalin A (Con A). Lymphocytes incubated with histamine and diphenhydramine produced LCF but neither LyMIF, whereas cells incubated with histamine in the presence of cimetidine produced both LyMIF but not LCF. These data suggest that a subset of lymphocytes defined by the presence of histamine-type 1 receptors are capable of producing two distinct species of lymphocyte migration inhibitory activity. These cells may contribute to the immobilization of effector T lymphocytes chemokinetically attracted to certain inflammatory sites.  相似文献   
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