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Humoral immunity is that aspect of specific immunity that is mediated by B lymphocytes and involves the neutralizing of pathogens by means of antibodies attaching to the pathogen's binding sites. Antibodies bind to and block ligand sites on the pathogen which prevents these sites from attaching to target cell receptors and so cell entry is inhibited. Many studies investigate the role of humoral immunity for protection against chlamydial challenge and they have shown that neutralization of the chlamydial body requires a large number of attached antibodies. Steric hindrance greatly influences the number of available sites that may be bound, reducing relative occupancy well below 100%. We model steric effects of antibody Fab fragment attachment indicating that they must be taken into consideration to accurately model valency, the number of available binding sites. We derive a partial differential equation for the number of antibody Fabs and host cell receptors that are aggregated to extracellular chlamydial elementary bodies. We consider steric effects in describing the size distribution of aggregates. Our theory is in good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of binding. We use our theoretical prediction for the valency in a model for the in-host population dynamics of a chlamydial infection and we fit our model to experimental data.  相似文献   
We have studied the spatial distribution of IS1 elements in the genomes of natural isolates comprising the ECOR reference collection of Escherichia coli. We find evidence for nonrandomness at three levels. Many pairs of IS1 elements are in much closer proximity (< 10 kb) than can be accounted for by chance. IS1 elements in close proximity were identified by long-range PCR amplification of the genomic sequence between them. Each amplified region was sequenced and its map location determined by database screening of DNA hybridization. Among the ECOR strains with at least two IS1 elements, 54% had one or more pairs of elements separated by < 10 kb. We propose that this type of clustering is a result of "local hopping," in which we assume that a significant proportion of tranposition events leads to the insertion of a daughter IS element in the vicinity of the parental element. A second level of nonrandomness is found in strains with a modest number of IS1 elements that are mapped through the use of inverse PCR to amplify flanking genomic sequences: in these strains, the insertion sites tend to be clustered over a smaller region of chromosome than would be expected by chance. A third level of nonrandomness is observed in the composite distribution of IS elements across strains: among 20 mapped IS1 elements, none were found in the region of 48-77 minutes, a significant gap. One region of the E. coli chromosome, at 98 min, had a cluster of IS1 elements in seven ECOR strains of diverse phylogenetic origin. We deduce from sequence analysis that this pattern of distribution is a result of initial insertion in the most recent common ancestor of these strains and therefore not a hot spot of insertion. Analysis using long- range PCR with primers for IS2 and IS3 also yielded pairs of elements in close proximity, suggesting that these elements may also occasionally transpose by local hopping.   相似文献   
The wings and abdomens of dysgenic and nondysgenic control flies were scored for the presence of clones of cells mutant for first and third chromosome markers. These exceptional clones can arise from mitotic recombination, de novo mutation or deletion, and P-M hybrid dysgenesis has been shown to increase the frequency of parallel processes occurring in germ-line cells. Particular attention was given to careful genetic and molecular characterization of all stocks and to providing adequate and appropriate controls so that even very small increases in somatic clone frequency due to P-M hybrid dysgenesis would be detected. No difference was found in the frequency, size distribution or anatomical distribution of mutant somatic clones correlated to hybrid dysgenesis, confirming previous indications. The potential adaptive significance of a germ-line restriction of P-M hybrid dysgenesis is discussed.  相似文献   
Two genetic procedures were used to obtain amino acid replacements in the lacZ-encoded beta-galactosidase in Escherichia coli. Amino acid replacements could be obtained without regard to their effects on lactase activity by selecting spontaneous mutations that relieved the strong polarity of six nonsense mutations. When streaked on MacConkey- lactose indicator plates, approximately 75% of these mutants gave strong red lactose-fermenting colonies, and 25% gave white nonfermenting colonies. Mutants from 11 other nonsense codons were isolated directly using MacConkey-lactose indicator plates, on which positive color indication requires only 0.5% of the wildtype lactase activity. Among the total of 17 codons, 25 variant beta-galactosidases were identified using electrophoresis and thermal denaturation studies. The fitness effects of these variant beta-galactosidases were determined using competition experiments conducted with lactose as the sole nutrient limiting the growth rate in chemostat cultures. Three of the replacements were deleterious, one was selectively advantageous, and the selective effects of the remaining 21 were undetectable under conditions in which the smallest detectable selection coefficient was approximately 0.4%/generation.   相似文献   
The insertion of axonally transported fucosyl glycoproteins into the axolemma of regenerating nerve sprouts was examined in rat sciatic motor axons at intervals after nerve crush. [(3)H]Fucose was injected into the lumbar ventral horns and the nerves were removed at intervals between 1 and 14 d after labeling. To follow the fate of the “pulse- labeled” glycoproteins, we examined the nerves by correlative radiometric and EM radioautographic approaches. The results showed, first, that rapidly transported [(3)H]fucosyl glycoproteins were inserted into the axolemma of regenerating sprouts as well as parent axons. At 1 d after delivery, in addition to the substantial mobile fraction of radioactivity still undergoing bidirectional transport within the axon, a fraction of label was already associated with the axolemma. Insertion of labeled glycoproteins into the sprout axolemma appeared to occur all along the length of the regenerating sprouts, not just in sprout terminals. Once inserted, labeled glycoproteins did not undergo extensive redistribution, nor did they appear in sprout regions that formed (as a result of continued outgrowth) after their insertion. The amount of radioactivity in the regenerating nerves decreased with time, in part as a result of removal of transported label by retrograde transport. By 7-14 d after labeling, radioautography showed that almost all the remaining radioactivity was associated with axolemma. The regenerating sprouts retained increased amounts of labeled glycoproteins; 7 or 14 d after labeling, the regenerating sprouts had over twice as much of radioactivity as comparable lengths of control nerves or parent axons. One role of fast axonal transport in nerve regeneration is the contribution to the regenerating sprout of glycoproteins inserted into the axolemma; these membrane elements are added both during longitudinal outgrowth and during lateral growth and maturation of the sprout.  相似文献   
Horizontal transmission has been well documented as a major mechanism for the dissemination of mariner-like elements (MLEs) among species. Less well understood are mechanisms that limit vertical transmission of MLEs resulting in the "spotty" or discontinuous distribution observed in closely related species. In this article we present evidence that the genome of the common ancestor of the melanogaster species subgroup of Drosophila contained an MLE related to the mellifera (honey bee) subfamily. Horizontal transmission, approximately 3-10 MYA, is strongly suggested by the observation that the sequence of the MLE in Drosophila erecta is 97% identical in nucleotide sequence with that of an MLE in the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. The D. erecta MLE has a spotty distribution among species in the melanogaster subgroup. The element has a high copy number in D. erecta and D. orena, a moderate copy number in D. teissieri and D. yakuba, and was apparently lost ("stochastic loss") in the lineage leading to D. melanogaster, D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia. In D. erecta, most copies are concentrated in the heterochromatin. Two copies from D. erecta, denoted De12 and De19, were cloned and sequenced, and they appear to be nonfunctional ("vertical inactivation"). It therefore appears that the predominant mode of MLE evolution is vertical inactivation and stochastic loss balanced against occasional reinvasion of lineages by horizontal transmission.   相似文献   
In Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, salt stress induces the accumulation of proline and a specific isoform of the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) prior to the switch from C3 to Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). To determine whether plant growth regulators initiate or imitate these responses, we have compared the effects elicited by NaCl, abscisic acid (ABA), and cytokinins using PEPCase and proline levels as diagnostic tools. Exogenously applied ABA is a poor substitute for NaCl in inducing proline and CAM-specific PEPCase accumulation. Even though ABA levels increase 8- to 10-fold in leaves during salt stress, inhibition of ABA accumulation does not affect these salt-induced responses. In contrast, the addition of cytokinins (6-benzylaminopurine, zeatin, 2-isopentyladenine) mimic salt by greatly increasing proline and PEPCase amounts. Endogenous zeatin levels remain unchanged during salt stress. We conclude: (a) The salt-induced accumulation of proline and PEPCase is coincident with, but is not attributable to, the rise in ABA or zeatin concentration. (b) For the first time, cytokinins and NaCl are implicated as independent initiators of a sensing pathway that signals leaves to alter PEPCase gene expression. (c) During stress, the sensing of osmotic imbalances leading to ABA, proline, and CAM-specific PEPCase accumulation may be mediated directly by NaCl.  相似文献   
We have isolated a nuclear mutant (tsp-1) of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii which is resistant to thiostrepton, an antibiotic that blocks bacterial protein synthesis. The tsp-1 mutant grows slowly in the presence or absence of thiostrepton, and its chloroplast ribosomes, although resistant to the drug, are less active than chloroplast ribosomes from the wild type. Chloroplast ribosomal protein L-23 was not detected on stained gels or immunoblots of total large subunit proteins from tsp-1 probed with antibody to the wild-type L-23 protein from C. reinhardtii. Immunoprecipitation of proteins from pulse-labeled cells showed that tsp-1 synthesizes small amounts of L-23 and that the mutant protein is stable during a 90 min chase. Therefore the tsp-1 phenotype is best explained by assuming that the mutant protein synthesized is unable to assemble into the large subunit of the chloroplast ribosome and hence is degraded over time. L-23 antibodies cross-react with Escherichia coli r-protein L11, which is known to be a component of the GTPase center of the 50S ribosomal subunit. Thiostrepton-resistant mutants of Bacillus megaterium and B. subtilis lack L11, show reduced ribosome activity, and have slow growth rates. Similarities between the thiostreptonresistant mutants of bacteria and C. reinhardtii and the immunological relatedness of Chlamydomonas L-23 to E. coli L11 suggest that L-23 is functionally homologous to the bacterial r-protein L11.  相似文献   
Nine patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in relapse were treated with a course of cytosine arabinoside followed immediately by a course of L-asparaginase. Eight patients achieved complete remission of their disease. This combination of drugs is sufficiently effective to suggest that further trial is needed. It is possible that the combination has a synergistic effect.  相似文献   
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