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The sugar nucleotide analogue UDP-glucosamine was found to function as a sugar donor in microsomal preparations of both chick-embryo cells and rat liver, yielding dolichyl monophosphate glucosamine (Dol-P-GlcN). This was characterized by t.l.c. and retention by DEAE-cellulose. Glucosamine was the only water-soluble product released on mild acid hydrolysis. Dol-P-GlcN did not serve as substrate by transferring its glucosamine moiety to dolichol-linked oligosaccharide. Competition experiments between UDP-[3H]glucose and UDP-glucosamine showed Dol-P-[3H]glucose synthesis to be depressed by 56 or 73% in microsomes from chick-embryo cells and rat liver respectively. The concentrations of the UDP-sugars in this experiment were comparable with those occurring in galactosamine-metabolizing liver. These findings suggest that Dol-P-GlcN, formed as a metabolite of D-galactosamine, may interfere with Dol-P-dependent reactions.  相似文献   
Conceptuses were obtained from pony mares on each day of pregnancy between Days 12 and 28, and on Days 39, 45, 65 and 100. Endometrium was obtained from mares at Days 12, 14, 16, 18, 39, 45, 65 and 100 of pregnancy, and from non-pregnant mares during anoestrus, during transition into the breeding season, at oestrus, or during dioestrus. Tissues were incubated in vitro for 24 h with L-[3H]leucine. Proteins synthesized and released into the culture medium were analysed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE) and fluorography. Conceptuses obtained before Day 14 after ovulation released a characteristic pattern of labelled proteins. These included two groups of apparent isoelectric variants of relative molecular weights (Mr) 30,000-40,000 (pI values 4.5-5.5 and 6-7), one group of Mr approximately 22,000 (pI 6.5-7), and large protein(s) that did not enter the 10% polyacrylamide gel. After Day 14 the array of labelled proteins had changed and resembled that produced by isolated yolk sac at the later stages of pregnancy studied. Included amongst these were several acidic polypeptides with Mr 20,000 (pI 5-6). The endometrial samples released an array of non-dialysable polypeptides into the culture medium. Fluorograms could be assigned to one of three general groups, with endometrium from mares within each group producing similar patterns of labelled proteins. The first group consisted of anoestrous, transitional and ovariectomized mares, and mares at oestrus or Day 1 or Day 18 after ovulation. The second group was comprised of mares at Days 12-16 of dioestrus or Days 12-18 of pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Exposure to penicillin G of exponentially growing cultures of group A streptococci growing in chemically defined medium (CDM) can lead to extensive loss of culture turbidity. Significant reductions in culture turbidity did not accompany comparable treatments of group A streptococci growing in Todd-Hewitt broth (THB). Studies with THB and a high-molecular-weight (greater than 12,000) fraction of THB demonstrated that components in this complex medium inhibited the efflux of RNA hydrolysis products from otherwise intact cells. Hydrolysis products accumulated intracellularly and inhibited the extensive hydrolysis of RNA and consequently the loss of culture turbidity. Results of survival studies with cultures of group A streptococci exposed to penicillin G in THB demonstrated that this treatment protocol produces conditions of phenotypic tolerance relative to exposure in CDM. In combination, these findings provide further support for the hypothesis of RNA hydrolysis as the bactericidal mechanism of penicillin G action in this nonlytic death phenotype.  相似文献   
Regulation of rhodopsin dephosphorylation by arrestin   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We have characterized the opsin phosphatase activities in extracts of rod outer segments and determined their relationship to known protein phosphatases. The opsin phosphatase activity in the extracts was not due to protein phosphatases 1, 2B, or 2C because it was neither stimulated by Mg2+ or Ca2+/calmodulin nor inhibited by protein phosphatase inhibitors-1 or -2. Opsin phosphatase activity in rod outer segment extracts was potently inhibited by okadaic acid (IC50 approximately 10 nM), a preferential inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A. Moreover, during chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose, the opsin phosphatase activity co-eluted with three peaks of protein phosphatase 2A activity, termed protein phosphatases 2A0, 2A1, and 2A2. The opsin phosphatase activity of each peak was stimulated by polylysine, a known activator of protein phosphatase 2A. Finally, treatment of rod outer segment extracts with 80% ethanol at room temperature converted the activity from a high molecular weight form characteristic of the protein phosphatase 2A0, 2A1, and 2A2 species to a low molecular weight form characteristic of the protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit. We conclude that protein phosphatase 2A is likely to be the physiologically relevant rhodopsin phosphatase. The 48-kDa rod outer segment protein arrestin (S-antigen) was found to inhibit the dephosphorylation of freshly photolyzed rhodopsin by protein phosphatase 2A but did not inhibit the dephosphorylation of unbleached rhodopsin. Arrestin has no effect on the dephosphorylation of phorphorylase a, indicating that the effect was substrate-directed. It appears that dephosphorylation of the photoreceptor protein phosphorhodopsin occurs only after decay of the photoactivated protein and that this may be regulated in vivo by arrestin. The binding of arrestin to photolyzed phosphorylated rhodopsin, i.e. the binding of a regulatory protein to a protein phosphatase substrate to form a complex resistant to dephosphorylation represents a novel mechanism for the regulation of protein phosphatase 2A.  相似文献   
Predation on Protozoa: its importance to zooplankton   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Protozoa are an important component of both the nano- and microplanktonin marine and freshwater environments and are preyed upon byzooplankton, including suspension-feeding cope pods, some gelatinouszoopiankters and some first-feeding fish larvae. The clearancerates of suspension-feeding zooplankton for ciliates, in particular,are higher than for most phytoplankton. For at least some suspension-feedingzooplankton, protozoans are calculated to be quantitativelyan important component of the diet during certain seasons. Inlaboratory studies, protozoan components in the diet appearto enhance growth and survival of certain life-history stagesor enhance fecundity. These data suggest that protozoans arequalitatively as well as quantitatively important in the dietsof marine zooplankton. Most studies of predation on Protozoahave focused on the euphotic zone in nearshore waters. Predationon Protozoa is expected, however, to be particularly importantboth quantitatively and qualitatively in marine environmentsand seasons in which primary production is dominated by cells<5 µm in size, such as nearshore environments afterthe spring phytoplankton bloom, in oligotrophic waters, andin environments dominated by detritus-dominated food webs, suchas the deep sea. In detritus-dominated food webs, Protozoa maybe a source of essential nutrients and may thus facilitate utilizationof bacterial and detrital carbon by metazoan plankton.  相似文献   
The ontogeny of protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), serotonin (5–HT), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and calcitonin (CT) immunoreactivity was evaluated in small-granule endocrine cells of hamster laryngotracheal epithelium from fetal day 11 to adulthood. Two centrifugal (proximal-to-distal) patterns of differentiation occur. The first pattern begins during fetal life. Endocrine cells, single and clustered in groups (presumptive- or protoneuroepithelial bodies, pNEBs), initially co-localize immunostaining for PGP 9.5, 5–HT, and CGRP in the larynx and proximal 2/3 of the trachea on day 12 and spread to the caudal trachea on day 13. 5–HT disappears fleetingly during the 24 h preceding birth; otherwise immunoreactivity for all three substances persists into adulthood. The clusters of endocrine cells survive beyond birth but are so diluted by expansion of the nonendocrine epithelium as to become inconspicuous. Since innervation was not actually observed, these clusters may persist as pNEBs, without developing connections to afferent or efferent nerve fibers. The second pattern concerns single small-granule cells stainable for CGRP but not for 5–HT. These cells first appear in the larynx and cartilaginous part of the cranial trachea on postnatal day 3, and in the middle and caudal trachea, on day 5. The cells increase in number on day 7. In adults, they predominate among endocrine cells of the cartilaginous region. A subset of these cells begins to co-express CT proximally on postnatal day 10, reaching the caudal end of the trachea by 3 weeks. A few elements of the older 5–HT-positive population may also become immunoreactive for CT in juvenile hamsters.  相似文献   
The catalytic role of the cofactor phosphate moiety at the active site of glycogen phosphorylase has been the subject of many investigations including solution-state high-resolution 31P-NMR studies. In this study the pyridoxal phosphate moiety in both the inactive and active forms of microcrystalline phosphorylase b has been investigated by high-resolution 31P magic-angle spinning NMR. The symmetry of the shielding tensor in model compounds at varying degrees of ionization is investigated and the results indicate a marked difference between the dianionic and monoanionic model compounds. Consequently the observed similarity in the principal tensor components describing the shielding tensor of the phosphorus nuclei present at the active site of both the R- and T-state conformations suggests that there is no change in ionization site upon activation in contrast to suggestions based upon isotropic shifts. Since previous relaxation measurements have pointed to the need to consider motional influences in such systems, several plausible models are considered. Subject to the assumption of congruency between the principal axis system describing the shielding interaction and molecular frame determined by the molecular symmetry axes, we conclude that the phosphate cofactor is dianionic in both forms.  相似文献   
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