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Rates of childhood obesity in have reached alarming proportions in many countries. Sixteen percent of school-aged children and adolescents in the U.S. are overweight. Legislation implemented in 2004 in the U.S. requires local education agencies (LEAs) that sponsor school meal programs to establish local wellness policies to address childhood obesity. Project PA, a collaboration between a state agency and a university providing school-based interventions focuses on the school environment and policy changes. Interventions have targeted foodservice personnel, administrators, teachers, parents and students. In two recent projects schools assessed their school nutrition environments, developed nutrition policies, and implemented strategies to encourage healthier food selections. Schools identified weaknesses in the areas of marketing and communication of policies. Media attention on the childhood obesity facilitated policy changes. Time and cost were identified as barriers to policy development and there were concerns about weak enforcement of policies. These themes are discussed.  相似文献   
In a Maryland survey of Huntington disease, the prevalence in blacks was unexpectedly high and equal to that in whites. Age at onset was earlier in blacks, and their clinical features, at all ages at onset, were similar to those seen in juvenile-onset Huntington disease. Blacks had more severe bradykinesia and abnormalities of eye movement and less frequent psychiatric disorder, particularly depression.  相似文献   
When certain basic globular proteins are mixed with nucleic acids near a critical concentration ratio, large, low density scattering centers of about 109 particle weight are created. Scattering from these complexes is altered when thermally inactivated proteins are substituted for enzymes in their native, globular conformation. Scattering data from heat-treated ribonuclease and lysozyme mixed with four different synthetic homopolyribonucleotides are reported. The concentration of nucleic acid necessary to produce maximum scattering from a heat-treated protein sample is shown to be a direct indication of the amount of enzyme that remains biologically active after being heated.  相似文献   
Dynamic ocean management (DOM) is a critical approach for protecting highly migratory species amid environmental variability and change. We conducted an adapted systematic review to assess how animal movement and environmental data are used in DOM applications, identifying key data traits, barriers, and research priorities. Animal tag data inform initial assessments of species distributions, development of habitat models, near real-time model inputs, and iterative model evaluation for dynamic management. In documented examples, effective translation of scientific insights into dynamic management products has resulted from early communication between researchers and stakeholders, integration of environmental and fisheries-dependent data into advanced habitat modeling approaches, and reformatting of outputs for interdisciplinary needs. However, challenges persist around data gaps, science-policy translation, and technical capacity limitations. Our findings highlight the importance of intentional, collaborative data collection, translation, and sharing to enable dynamic, climate-resilient management of migratory species. We demonstrate DOM's adaptability and provide guidance for researchers and practitioners to contribute and use impactful data that informs responsive management decision-making.  相似文献   
A high-resolution structure of a ligand-bound, soluble form of human monoglyceride lipase (MGL) is presented. The structure highlights a novel conformation of the regulatory lid-domain present in the lipase family as well as the binding mode of a pharmaceutically relevant reversible inhibitor. Analysis of the structure lacking the inhibitor indicates that the closed conformation can accommodate the native substrate 2-arachidonoyl glycerol. A model is proposed in which MGL undergoes conformational and electrostatic changes during the catalytic cycle ultimately resulting in its dissociation from the membrane upon completion of the cycle. In addition, the study outlines a successful approach to transform membrane associated proteins, which tend to aggregate upon purification, into a monomeric and soluble form.  相似文献   
Preferential flow in hillslope systems through subsurface networks developed from a range of botanical, faunal and geophysical processes have been observed and inferred for decades and may provide a large component of the bulk transport of water and solutes. However, our dominant paradigm for understanding and modelling hillslope hydrologic processes is still based on the Darcy–Richards matric flow framework, now with a set of additional methods to attempt to reproduce some of the aggregate function of the two‐phase system of network and matrix flow. We call for a community effort to design and implement a set of well planned experiments in different natural and constructed hillslopes, coupled with the development of new theory and methods to explicitly incorporate and couple the co‐evolution of subsurface flow networks as intrinsic components of hydrological, ecological and geomorphic systems. This is a major community challenge that can now benefit from new experimental infrastructure, renewal of older infrastructure and recent advances in sensor systems and computational capacity but will also require a sustained and organized interdisciplinary approach. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although typically assumed to degrade performance, random fluctuations, or noise, can sometimes improve information processing in non-linear systems. One such form of 'stochastic facilitation', stochastic resonance, has been observed to enhance processing both in theoretical models of neural systems and in experimental neuroscience. However, the two approaches have yet to be fully reconciled. Understanding the diverse roles of noise in neural computation will require the design of experiments based on new theory and models, into which biologically appropriate experimental detail feeds back at various levels of abstraction.  相似文献   
In the acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line NB4, Bcl-2 downregulation occurred as a late event of retinoid-induced differentiation. In the maturation-resistant NB4-R1 subclone, retinoids failed to downregulate Bcl-2 even in the situation of apoptosis massively induced by pan-agonists and RXR-selective agonists. We observed that NB4 and NB4-R1 cells differed with respect to the intracellular localization of Bcl-2 which showed a perinuclear localization in NB4-R1 cells, while Bax was broadly expressed in the cytoplasm and to only a minor extent in the perinuclear area. Therefore, the distinct intracellular localization of Bcl-2 and Bax was in general nonoverlaping. Bcl-2 remained massively expressed until cell disruption. Bax was not significantly upregulated in cells committed to death. However, Bax localization changed from a diffuse pattern to concentrate in few specific cytoplasmic area at a stage preceding the formation of apoptotic bodies. A human Bcl-2 transgene was transiently overexpressed in NB4-R1 cells which showed increased resistance to apoptosis induced by retinoids. Stably transfected clones of NB4-R1 cells showed an increased expression of Bcl-2 and a marked resistance to apoptosis. Interestingly, the overexpression of Bcl-2 restored a pattern of uniform Bcl-2 labeling in the cytoplasm and, remarkably, the colocalization of Bcl-2 with Bax. This work demonstrates that the ability of retinoid-induced cells to undergo apoptosis depends on the level of expression and the functional interaction between Bcl-2 and Bax.  相似文献   
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