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Evidence for the non-indolic nature of the new citrus auxinis presented on the basis of fluorometric properties, thin-layerchromatography, Ehrlich's colour reaction, paper electrophoresis,and the infra-red spectra determinations. Citrus auxin had alower Rf in TLC than IAA, did not give the typical indole reactionwith Ehrlich's reagent, and behaved differently in electrophoresis.The infra-red spectra also provided preliminary informationconcerning chemical structure. The hypothesis that indolic compoundsconstitute the only natural auxins in higher plants should berevised in view of this evidence that a non-indole auxin existsin higher plants.  相似文献   
Histone H2B ubiquitination is a dynamic modification that promotes methylation of histone H3K79 and H3K4. This crosstalk is important for the DNA damage response and has been implicated in cancer. Here, we show that in engineered yeast strains, ubiquitins tethered to every nucleosome promote H3K79 and H3K4 methylation from a proximal as well as a more distal site, but only if in a correct orientation. This plasticity indicates that the exact location of the attachment site, the native ubiquitin-lysine linkage and ubiquitination cycles are not critical for trans-histone crosstalk in vivo. The flexibility in crosstalk also indicates that other ubiquitination events may promote H3 methylation.  相似文献   
The Neotropical catfishes of the genus Auchenipterus Valenciennes (1840) are reviewed. The genus is hypothesized to be a monophyletic assemblage on the basis of the shared presence of grooves in the ventral surface of the head that accommodate adducted mental barbels. A possible second synapomorphy, the presence of papillae on the dorsal and medial surface of the ossified maxillary barbel of mature males, is tentatively advanced pending discovery of adult males of three species. Contrary to previous hypotheses which considered Auchenipterus to consist of a maximum of five species, we recognize 11 species, including two previously undescribed forms, A. britskii and A. menezesi: Auchenipterus is broadly distributed through the Rio Orinoco, Rio Amazonas, and Rio de La Plata basins, and the coastal drainages of the Guianas, with one species in the Rio Pindare-Mirim and Rio Parnaiba basins of northeastern Brazil. Auchenipterus nuchalis, previously thought to be broadly distributed across the range of the genus, is found to rather have a restricted distribution in the eastern portions of the Amazon basin, the lower portions of the Rio Tocantins, and lower courses of some rivers in Suriname and French Guiana. Citations of A. nuchalis from elsewhere in the range of the genus are of other species. Euanemus Müller & Troschel (1842) and Ceratocheilus Miranda Ribeiro (1918) are considered synonyms of Auchenipterus. Euanemus colymbetes Müller & Troschel (1842) is considered a synonym of Auchenipterus (fen/ata Valenciennes (1840), and A. paysanduanus Devincenzi (1933) is placed into the synonymy of A. nigripinnis Boulenger (1895). A neotype is designated for Hypopthalmus nuchalis Spix & Agassiz (1829). Lectotypes are designated for Euanemus colymbetes and Auchenipterus nigripinnis.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Predators, including insect parasitoids, often eavesdrop on prey signals, and as a result, predation can have important effects on the evolution of prey signalling behaviour.
2. The phonotactic parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea , uses the calling songs of male field crickets to locate their field crickets hosts. In the western USA, this fly parasitises the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps . Previous work with one fly population suggested that female flies, like female field crickets, preferentially orient to male songs with higher chirp rates and longer chirp durations, although a limited range of male song types was used in this previous study. The current study, with a different fly population, used field-based, two-speaker choice tests to examine: (1) the effect of male chirp rate and chirp duration on fly attraction, using a natural range of song types; and (2) the relative importance of these song types in host selection by the flies.
3. Three lines of evidence suggested that chirp rate is more important than chirp duration in host selection. (a) The flies consistently preferred higher chirp rates but only sometimes preferred longer chirp durations. (b) The flies consistently preferred higher chirp rate/shorter chirp duration songs to lower chirp rate/longer chirp duration songs. (c) Preferences for longer chirp durations could be eliminated by increasing the amplitude of the less attractive song type, while preferences for higher chirp rates could only sometimes be eliminated by increasing the amplitude of the less attractive song type.
4. Fly predation may favour lower chirp rates and shorter chirp durations in G. lineaticeps , and may have resulted in stronger selection on chirp rate than on chirp duration.  相似文献   
Activity following arousal in winter in North American vespertilionid bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Many bat species hibernate to conserve energy during winter and like all hibernators they commonly arouse. During these arousals, some bats may undertake activities away from the hibernation site. Systematic ecological studies of the frequency and purpose of winter activity in temperate zone bats of North America are rare and much of the literature involves observations of single individuals or unmarked populations.
  • 2 We review the available literature on winter activity among North American vespertilionid bats to highlight the paucity of data on this subject and to stimulate future research. Due to the lack of repeated, systematic studies on most North American species, the conclusions drawn are general or pertain only to parts of the geographical range of any species.
  • 3 We suggest that winter activity is ubiquitous among temperate zone bats, but the degree and purpose of activity varies greatly between and within species. In general, cave‐dwelling bats tend to be relatively inactive compared with tree and foliage roosting bats during winter.
  • 4 Cave‐dwelling and tree cavity‐dwelling species do not appear to feed, but they do drink and occasionally copulate during the hibernation period. Species that hibernate in foliage or leaf litter are the most active species during winter and may feed and drink throughout winter, although they probably do not copulate because of their solitary nature.
  • 5 We encourage researchers to conduct studies on all aspects of winter activity for North American vespertilionids across wide latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. We suggest studies in the near future be focused on estimating the energetic costs and benefits of winter activity through determination of the frequency and intensity of winter feeding activity and more thorough examinations of movements within and among caves. Studies on common, wide‐ranging species have the potential to illuminate large‐scale patterns and differences and should be favoured over studies on rarer species.
We developed single-point genome signature tags (SP-GSTs), a generally applicable, high-throughput sequencing-based method that targets specific genes to generate identifier tags from well-defined points in a genome. The technique yields identifier tags that can distinguish between closely related bacterial strains and allow for the identification of microbial community members. SP-GSTs are determined by three parameters: (i) the primer designed to recognize a conserved gene sequence, (ii) the anchoring enzyme recognition sequence, and (iii) the type IIS restriction enzyme which defines the tag length. We evaluated the SP-GST method in silico for bacterial identification using the genes rpoC, uvrB, and recA and the 16S rRNA gene. The best distinguishing tags were obtained with the restriction enzyme Csp6I upstream of the 16S rRNA gene, which discriminated all organisms in our data set to at least the genus level and most organisms to the species level. The method was successfully used to generate Csp6I-based tags upstream of the 16S rRNA gene and allowed us to discriminate between closely related strains of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis. This concept was further used successfully to identify the individual members of a defined microbial community.  相似文献   


Questions regarding the distribution of stress in the proximal human femur have never been adequately resolved. Traditionally, by considering the femur in isolation, it has been believed that the effect of body weight on the projecting neck and head places the superior aspect of the neck in tension. A minority view has proposed that this region is in compression because of muscular forces pulling the femur into the pelvis. Little has been done to study stress distributions in the proximal femur. We hypothesise that under physiological loading the majority of the proximal femur is in compression and that the internal trabecular structure functions as an arch, transferring compressive stresses to the femoral shaft.  相似文献   
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