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Four cDNA probes for the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) were used to investigate the sheep MHC, in conjunction with serological typing for ovine lymphocyte antigen (OLA). Lymphocytes from a family (two parents and five offspring) of Romanov sheep were subjected to genomic DNA digestion by the restriction endonuclease Eco RI, followed by gel electrophoresis. A single Southern blot representing all seven individuals was then consecutively hybridized with the class I, alpha-DC, beta-DR, and C4 probes, which were originally designed to identify HLA class I, class II (DC and DR), and C4 products, respectively. Using each of the three class I/class II probes, several bands showing DNA polymorphism were detected. The segregation of these bands in the five offspring exactly paralleled the OLA haplotype segregation established by serological typing. A further eight individuals carrying haplotypes which were phenotypically identical to those in the above-mentioned family showed bands in the corresponding positions when tested with the same three probes. Using the C4 probe, no polymorphism was detected in these fifteen individuals.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - OLA ovine lymphocyte antigen - kbp kilobase pair(s) - MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism  相似文献   
Synopsis Laboratory studies were conducted on 15 schools of blackchin shiners, Notropis heterodon, to determine if they altered their structure in response to changing environmental demands. The hypothesis tested was that fish schools should sacrifice a flat, hydrodynamically efficient structure in favour of an unobstructed visual field in the presence of a predator by staggering in the vertical plane. Ten schools were exposed for two weeks to a simple environment with only a current. For the next two-week period a predator was added. Five control schools were exposed to the simple environment for both two-week periods. Six of the ten treated schools increased their staggering in the vertical dimension as predicted while none of the control schools changed. This result was suggestive that hydrodynamic advantages were sacrificed. Respirometer experiments indicated these fish were capable of achieving some hydrodynamic benefits from schooling but these benefits may be a function of fish size.  相似文献   
Summary Alpha-1-microglobulin is a low molecular weight (approximately 30 000 d) glycoprotein present in biological fluids. It is heterogeneous in charge. A monoclonal antibody was used to investigate the tissue distribution of the protein in normal human tissues and cell lines by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques. The protein was demonstrable in cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage, in thymus and T cell dependent areas of spleen, lymph node and tonsils. It was detected in several lymphoid or nonlymphoid cell lines but not in peripheral blood lymphocytes. The microglobulin was also detectable in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. Finally, it was observed in glandular secretions (sudoral glands and mucosal glands of the digestive tract) where it may be associated with IgA. Possible explanations for the highly divergent results previously reported with polyclonal antisera to 1 microglobulin are discussed.  相似文献   
J Anglister  T Frey  H M McConnell 《Biochemistry》1984,23(22):5372-5375
The nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of an Fab fragment of a monoclonal antibody specifically directed against a nitroxide spin-label hapten have been recorded at different concentrations of the hapten. The hybridoma producing this antibody was grown on deuterated phenylalanine, tryptophan, and 3,5-dideuteriotyrosine or 2,6-dideuteriotyrosine. Difference spectra--without hapten minus with hapten--were calculated for each concentration of hapten. The difference spectra reveal five well-resolved singlet proton resonance signals from tyrosine deuterated in the 3,5-positions (H 2,6 Tyr) and nine from tyrosine deuterated in the 2,6-positions (H 3,5 Tyr). The measured intensities of these signals as a function of combining site occupation have been interpreted in terms of a theory involving intrinsic line widths (T2), the hapten off-rate (k), and distances to the paramagnetic center. Good agreement with theory is found for all of the isolated proton signals. The best estimate of k is 350 s-1; distances in the range 13 to less than 9 A are calculated. Extension of this analysis to other amino acids is discussed.  相似文献   
A technique is described and demonstrated for measuring the orientation distribution of fluorescent molecules in a two-dimensional system. A laser beam is totally internally reflected at the interface between a glass slide and an aqueous solution, which creates a thin layer of evanescent illumination that excites fluorescent molecules near the interface. Molecules with absorption dipoles at different tilts from the normal to the interface are preferentially excited when the laser polarization is rotated. Approximately one-half of the emitted fluorescence is collected with an inverted microscope using a high-aperture objective. The fluorescence vs. polarization curve yields the value of an order parameter that is related to the orientation distribution of absorption dipoles. This technique is applied to phospholipid monolayers made at an air/water interface and transferred to hydrophobic glass microscope slides. Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine monolayers were doped with 2 mol% phosphatidylethanolamine labeled with the fluorescent moiety nitrobenzoxadiazole, either on an acyl chain or on the head group. The measured value of the order parameter for the head-labeled probe decreases as a function of the surface pressure at which the monolayer is transferred to the slide, as the surface pressure increases from 10 to 40 dyne/cm. The measured value of the order parameter for the chain-labeled probe is high for all coating pressures. These results can be interpreted in terms of probe partitioning into coexistent fluid and solid domains. Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine monolayers were doped with 2 mol% chain-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine, either free or covalently conjugated to a small peptide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Dopamine (DA) and DA agonists have been shown to exert a protective role against the formation of duodenal ulcers. The effect of stimulation of DA receptors on the development of stress-induced gastric ulcers is currently unknown. Accordingly, we evaluated the effect of several DA agonists on the development of gastric ulcers induced by 3 h of cold + restraint stress (CRS) in rats. Apomorphine, d-amphetamine, methylphenidate, and threo-dl-p-hydroxymethylphenidate (an hydroxylated analog of methylphenidate), significantly reduced both the incidence and severity of CRS-induced gastric ulcers. The gastric cytoprotection afforded by these agents was dose-related, and completely antagonized by pretreatment with the peripheally acting DA antagonist domperidone. Because domperidone blocks peripheral, but not central, DA receptors, and since the entry of threo-dl-p-hydroxymethylphenidate across the blood-brain barrier into the brain is restricted to a great extent, we conclude that stimulation of peripheral DA receptors is primarily involved in the gastric cytoprotection induced by dopamimetics.The pathogenesis of stress-induced gastric ulcers remains largely unknown, and significant efforts have been made over the last decade to functionally characterize some of the factors involved in the etiology of this disease. Considerable attention has been focused on gastric acid secretion, but its primary role in stress-induced gastric ulcer disease remains uncertain. In fact, agents which effectively inhibit or neutralize gastric acid secretion such as cimetidine or antacids do not necessarily exert protection against stress-induced gastric ulcers (1,2). Moreover, in our original studies with neurotensin, a brain and gastrointestinal peptide, we have found that central administration of this neuropeptide, which completely prevents the development of cold + restraint stress (CRS)-induced gastric ulcers, does not appreciably alter gastric acid secretion (2). These findings support the contention that gastric acid secretion may not be an important factor in the development of this type of gastric ulcer.There is, however, considerable evidence that the automatic nervous system plays an intermediary role in the development of these ulcers (3,4). In this regard, surgical or pharmacological blockade of the vagal (cholinergic) division of the autonomic nervous system prevents the appearance of stress-associated gastric ulcers (5,6). Direct stimulation of catecholamine receptors, or indirect activation via increased sympathetic outflow to the periphery (7,4,8–11) appears to produce a salutary effect of stress-induced gastric ulcers.Szabo and his associates (12, 13, 14) have extensively studied the anti ulcer effects of dopamine (DA) in duodenal ulcer formation. Whether DA also modifies the development of stress-induced gastric ulcers is currently unknown.We have therefore evaluated the effect of selected DA receptor agonists and antagonists on CRS-induced gastric ulcer formation in rats.  相似文献   
An advantage of aprotic polar solvent systems in the study of monomer interactions relevant to the macromolecular state is demonstrated with the measurement of nucleoside amino proton exchange rates in DMSO/water mixtures. The DMSO/water solvent provides the first unequivocal observation of general acid catalysis of nucleic acid amino proton exchange, which is undetectable in aqueous solution due to the formation of the endocyclic protonated nucleobase. Suppression of nucleobase protonation in the presence of buffer acid is a consequence of anion desolvation in the aprotic solvent. The detected route of general acid catalysis is demonstrated as a consequence of Watson-Crick H-bonding, leading to the implication that amino chemistry is modulated in the helical state to decrease amino proton lifetime in the closed macromolecular context of conformational information obtained by hydrogen exchange methods. This useful property of the aprotic solvent can be extended to monomeric studies pertaining to specific local site interactions affecting the function and conformation of proteins and nucleic acids.  相似文献   
A total of 134 enterotoxigenicEscherichia coli (ETEC) of serogroups O25, O27, O148, and O159 were tested in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the colonization factor antigens I (CFA/I), CFA/II (coli surface antigens CS1, 2 and 3) and putative colonization factor (PCF) 8775 (CS4, 5 and 6). CS6 was detected without CS4 or CS5 in 94% of the strains of serogroup O25, 86% of strains of serogroup O27, 87% of strains of serogroup O148, and 29% of strains of serogroup, O159. The frequency with which CS6 occurs in ETEC of common serotypes without the antigens CS4 or CS5 suggests that it might be a colonization factor.  相似文献   
Synopsis An approximately monthly sampling programme in Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury, New Zealand, from January 1974 to April 1976 yielded 487 eels. The stomachs were fixed in 10% neutralised formalin and the contents examined. Preliminary analysis indicated that the mollusc Potamopyrgus antipodarum, the isopod Austridotea annectens, the mysid Tenagomysis chiltoni, the amphipod Paracalliope fluviatilis, the midge larva Chironomus zealandicus and the teleosts Retropinna retropinna, Galaxias maculatus and Gobiomorphus cotidianus together made up the bulk of the diet. The pre-ingested dry weight (i.e. the reconstructed weight) of the most important of these prey species was obtained by relating the length of a digestion resistant part to actual dry weight in field collected specimens. Regression equations for this relationship in each season enabled the reconstructed dry weight of each stomach item to be calculated. In some instances reconstructed weight was less than the actual digested dry weight of the prey specimen. In every case the larger value was used. This method is referred to as Combination Dry Weight (CDW) and is believed to be new. These data, used in conjunction with the energy content of the species concerned, enabled the caloric dietary contribution of each prey species to be determined. Comparison of relative contribution to eel diet between CDW and energy values calculated from CDW and bomb calorimetry revealed large differences. Marked variations in diet between ⩽40 cm, 40.1–50 cm, and>50.1 cm size classes were also shown. Eels ≤40 cm feed primarily on invertebrates and become progressively more piscivorous as they grow. Eels >50.1 cm are almost entirely piscivorous. Seasonal differences in diet also exist within each size class examined.  相似文献   
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