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Asymmetrical distribution of CpG in an 'average' mammalian gene.   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
The frequency and distribution of the rare dinucleotide CpG was examined in 15 mammalian genes. CpG is highly methylated at cytosine in mammalian DNA (1,2) and 5-methylcytosine (5mC) is thought to undergo a transition mutation via deamination to produce thymine (3). This would result in the accumulation of TpG and CpA and depletion of CpG during evolution (4). Consistent with this hypothesis, the gene sample of 26,541 dinucleotides contained CpG at 40% the frequency expected by base composition and the CpG transition products, TpG+CpA, were significantly elevated at 124% of expected random frequency. However, because CpG occurs at only 25% of expected random frequency in the genome, the sampled genes were considerably enriched in this dinucleotide. CpGs were asymmetrically distributed in sequences flanking the genes. 5'-flanking sequences were enriched in CpG at 135% of the frequency expected assuming a symmetrical distribution of all the CpGs in the sampled genes (p less than 0.01), while 3'-flanking regions were depleted in CpG at 40% of expected values (p less than 0.0001). This asymmetry may reflect the role of 5-methylcytosine in gene expression. In contrast the frequencies of GpC and GpT+ ApC did not differ significantly from that predicted by base composition and these dinucleotides were not asymmetrically distributed.  相似文献   
Restriction endonucleases for pulsed field mapping of bacterial genomes.   总被引:67,自引:17,他引:67  
Fundamental to many bacterial genome mapping strategies currently under development is the need to cleave the genome into a few large DNA fragments that can be resolved by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Identification of endonucleases that infrequently cut a genome is of key importance in this process. We show that the tetranucleotide CTAG is extremely rare in most bacterial genomes with G+C contents above 45%. As a consequence, most of the sixteen bacterial genomes we have tested are cleaved less than once every 100,000 base pairs by one or more endonucleases that have CTAG in their recognition sequences: Xba I (TCTAGA), Spe I (ACTAGT), Avr II (CCTAGG) and Nhe I (GCTAGC). Similarly, CCG and CGG are the rarest trinucleotides in many genomes with G+C content of less than 45%. Thus, Sma I (CCCGGG), Rsr II (CGGWCCG), Nae I (GCCGGC) and Sac II (CCGCGG) are often suitable endonucleases for producing fragments that average over 100,000 base pairs from such genomes. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of the fragments that result from cleavage with endonucleases that cleave only a few times per genome should assist in the physical mapping of many prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   
Virulence and persistence in the BALB/c mouse gut was tested for 32 strains of Salmonella enterica for which genome sequencing is complete or underway, including 17 serovars within subspecies I (enterica), and two representatives of each of the other five subspecies. Only serovar Paratyphi C strain BAA1715 and serovar Typhimurium strain 14028 were fully virulent in mice. Three divergent atypical Enteritidis strains were not virulent in BALB/c, but two efficiently persisted. Most of the other strains in all six subspecies persisted in the mouse intestinal tract for several weeks in multiple repeat experiments although the frequency and level of persistence varied considerably. Strains with heavily degraded genomes persisted very poorly, if at all. None of the strains tested provided immunity to Typhimurium infection. These data greatly expand on the known significant strain-to-strain variation in mouse virulence and highlight the need for comparative genomic and phenotypic studies.  相似文献   
The location of major quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to stem and leaf [Na+] and [K+] was previously reported in chromosome 7 using two connected populations of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of tomato. HKT1;1 and HKT1;2, two tomato Na+‐selective class I‐HKT transporters, were found to be closely linked, where the maximum logarithm of odds (LOD) score for these QTLs located. When a chromosome 7 linkage map based on 278 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used, the maximum LOD score position was only 35 kb from HKT1;1 and HKT1;2. Their expression patterns and phenotypic effects were further investigated in two near‐isogenic lines (NILs): 157‐14 (double homozygote for the cheesmaniae alleles) and 157‐17 (double homozygote for the lycopersicum alleles). The expression pattern for the HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 alleles was complex, possibly because of differences in their promoter sequences. High salinity had very little effect on root dry and fresh weight and consequently on the plant dry weight of NIL 157‐14 in comparison with 157‐17. A significant difference between NILs was also found for [K+] and the [Na+]/[K+] ratio in leaf and stem but not for [Na+] arising a disagreement with the corresponding RIL population. Their association with leaf [Na+] and salt tolerance in tomato is also discussed.  相似文献   
Polymorphisms in genomic fingerprints generated by arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) can distinguish between slightly divergent strains of any organism. Single oligodeoxyribonucleotide (oligo) primers have been used to generate such fingerprints, with the same primer being present at the 5' end of both strands for every PCR product. We used three arbitrary oligos, individually and in pairs, to generate six different genomic fingerprints of the same mouse genomic DNAs. Fewer than half of the products in genomic fingerprints generated using the oligos in pairs were the same as those produced by AP-PCR using one of the three oligos alone. Thus, a few oligos could be used in a very large number of single and pairwise combinations, each producing a distinct AP-PCR fingerprint with the potential to identify new polymorphisms. For example, 50 oligos can be used in a matrix of pairwise combinations to produce 2,500 fingerprints, in which at least half the data can be expected to be unique to each pair. We demonstrate this principle by using two oligos, alone and together, to generate three sets of fingerprints and map thirteen polymorphisms in the C57BL/6J x DBA/2J set of recombinant inbred mice.  相似文献   
Recently, a significant epigenetic component in the pathology of suicide has been realized. Here we investigate candidate functional SNPs in epigenetic‐regulatory genes, DNMT1 and DNMT3B, for association with suicide attempt (SA) among patients with co‐existing psychiatric illness. In addition, global DNA methylation levels [5‐methyl cytosine (5‐mC%)] between SA and psychiatric controls were quantified using the Methylflash Methylated DNA Quantification Kit. DNA was obtained from blood of 79 suicide attempters and 80 non‐attempters, assessed for DSM‐IV Axis I disorders. Functional SNPs were selected for each gene (DNMT1; n = 7, DNMT3B; n = 10), and genotyped. A SNP (rs2424932) residing in the 3′ UTR of the DNMT3B gene was associated with SA compared with a non‐attempter control group (P = 0.001; Chi‐squared test, Bonferroni adjusted P value = 0.02). Moreover, haplotype analysis identified a DNMT3B haplotype which differed between cases and controls, however this association did not hold after Bonferroni correction (P = 0.01, Bonferroni adjusted P value = 0.56). Global methylation analysis showed that psychiatric patients with a history of SA had significantly higher levels of global DNA methylation compared with controls (P = 0.018, Student's t‐test). In conclusion, this is the first report investigating polymorphisms in DNMT genes and global DNA methylation quantification in SA risk. Preliminary findings suggest that allelic variability in DNMT3B may be relevant to the underlying diathesis for suicidal acts and our findings support the hypothesis that aberrant DNA methylation profiles may contribute to the biology of suicidal acts. Thus, analysis of global DNA hypermethylation in blood may represent a biomarker for increased SA risk in psychiatric patients.  相似文献   
Human infection with non-typhoidal Salmonella serovars (NTS) infrequently causes invasive systemic disease and bacteremia. To understand better the nature of invasive NTS (iNTS), we studied the gene content and the pathogenicity of bacteremic strains from twelve serovars (Typhimurium, Enteritidis, Choleraesuis, Dublin, Virchow, Newport, Bredeney, Heidelberg, Montevideo, Schwarzengrund, 9,12:l,v:- and Hadar). Comparative genomic hybridization using a Salmonella enterica microarray revealed a core of 3233 genes present in all of the iNTS strains, which include the Salmonella pathogenicity islands 1–5, 9, 13, 14; five fimbrial operons (bcf, csg, stb, sth, sti); three colonization factors (misL, bapA, sinH); and the invasion gene, pagN. In the iNTS variable genome, we identified 16 novel genomic islets; various NTS virulence factors; and six typhoid-associated virulence genes (tcfA, cdtB, hlyE, taiA, STY1413, STY1360), displaying a wider distribution among NTS than was previously known. Characterization of the bacteremic strains in C3H/HeN mice showed clear differences in disease manifestation. Previously unreported characterization of serovars Schwarzengrund, 9,12:l,v:-, Bredeney and Virchow in the mouse model showed low ability to elicit systemic disease, but a profound and elongated shedding of serovars Schwarzengrund and 9,12:l,v:- (as well as Enteritidis and Heidelberg) due to chronic infection of the mouse. Phenotypic comparison in macrophages and epithelial cell lines demonstrated a remarkable intra-serovar variation, but also showed that S. Typhimurium bacteremic strains tend to present lower intracellular growth than gastroenteritis isolates. Collectively, our data demonstrated a common core of virulence genes, which might be required for invasive salmonellosis, but also an impressive degree of genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity, highlighting that bacteremia is a complex phenotype, which cannot be attributed merely to an enhanced invasion or intracellular growth of a particular strain.  相似文献   
The endosomal LeNHX2 ion transporter exchanges H+ with K+ and, to lesser extent, Na+. Here, we investigated the response to NaCl supply and K+ deprivation in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) overexpressing LeNHX2 and show that transformed tomato plants grew better in saline conditions than untransformed controls, whereas in the absence of K+ the opposite was found. Analysis of mineral composition showed a higher K+ content in roots, shoots and xylem sap of transgenic plants and no differences in Na+ content between transgenic and untransformed plants grown either in the presence or the absence of 120 mm NaCl. Transgenic plants showed higher Na+/H+ and, above all, K+/H+ transport activity in root intracellular membrane vesicles. Under K+ limiting conditions, transgenic plants enhanced root expression of the high‐affinity K+ uptake system HAK5 compared to untransformed controls. Furthermore, tomato overexpressing LeNHX2 showed twofold higher K+ depletion rates and half cytosolic K+ activity than untransformed controls. Under NaCl stress, transgenic plants showed higher uptake velocity for K+ and lower cytosolic K+ activity than untransformed plants. These results indicate the fundamental role of K+ homeostasis in the better performance of LeNHX2 overexpressing tomato under NaCl stress.  相似文献   
Invasive bighead (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and silver carp (H. molitrix) are reproductively isolated in their native range, but form a bimodal, multigenerational hybrid swarm within the Mississippi River Basin (MRB). Despite observed F1 hybrid superiority in experimental settings, effects of postzygotic selection on bighead and silver carp hybrids have not been tested in a natural system. Individual parent and hybrid genotypes were resolved at 57 species‐specific loci and used to evaluate postzygotic selection for body condition (Wr) and female reproductive potential (presence of spawning stage gonads and gonadosomatic index [GSI]) in the MRB during 2009–2011. Body condition in the Marseilles Reach, Illinois River declined with a decrease in species‐specific allele frequency from 1.0 to 0.4 for each species and early generation hybrids (F1, F2, and first‐generation backcross) had lower mean Wr than late generation hybrids (2nd+ generation backcrosses) and parentals. Proportions of stage IV and stage V (spawning stage) female gonads differed between bighead and silver carp, but not among parentals and their early and late generation hybrids within the MRB. Mean GSI values did not differ between parentals and hybrids. Because reproductive potential did not differ between hybrids and parentals, our results suggest that early generation hybrids occur in low frequency either as a factor of poor condition (Wr) and postreproductive survival, infrequent reproductive encounters by parental bighead and silver carp, or selection pressures acting on juvenile or immature life stages. Our results suggest that a combination of genetic and environmental factors may contribute to the postzygotic success of bighead and silver carp hybrids in the Mississippi River Basin.  相似文献   
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