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Abstract— The metabolism of [14C]choline has been studied in the isolated perfused phrenic nerve-diaphragm of the rat. We obtained no evidence that acetylcholine was synthesized from labelled choline in this system. There was extensive incorporation of the choline into phosphatidylcholine and its precursors, cytidinediphosphocholine (CDP-choline) and phosphocholine. Autoradiographic studies indicated that the lipids of myelin sheaths and nerve endings were the primary sites labelled.  相似文献   
The embryo defective (emb) mutants in maize genetically define a unique class of loci that is required for embryogenesis but not endosperm development, allowing dissection of two developmental processes of seed formation. Through characterization of the emb14 mutant, we report here that Emb14 gene encodes a circular permuted, YqeH class GTPase protein that likely functions in 30S ribosome formation in plastids. Loss of Emb14 function in the null mutant arrests embryogenesis at the early transition stage. Emb14 was cloned by transposon tagging and was confirmed by analysis of four alleles. Subcellular localization indicated that the EMB14 is targeted to chloroplasts. Recombinant EMB14 is shown to hydrolyze GTP in vitro (Km = 2.42 ± 0.3 μm ). Emb14 was constitutively expressed in all tissues examined and high level of expression was found in transition stage embryos. Comparison of emb14 and WT indicated that loss of EMB14 function severely impairs accumulation of 16S rRNA and several plastid encoded ribosomal genes. We show that an EMB14 transgene complements the pale green, slow growth phenotype conditioned by mutations in AtNOA1, a closely related YqeH GTPase of Arabidopsis. Taken together, we propose that the EMB14/AtNOA1/YqeH class GTPases function in assembly of the 30S subunit of the chloroplast ribosome, and that this function is essential to embryogenesis in plants.  相似文献   
Fire seasons have become increasingly variable and extreme due to changing climatological, ecological, and social conditions. Earth observation data are critical for monitoring fires and their impacts. Herein, we present a whole-system framework for identifying and synthesizing fire monitoring objectives and data needs throughout the life cycle of a fire event. The four stages of fire monitoring using Earth observation data include the following: (1) pre-fire vegetation inventories, (2) active-fire monitoring, (3) post-fire assessment, and (4) multi-scale synthesis. We identify the challenges and opportunities associated with current approaches to fire monitoring, highlighting four case studies from North American boreal, montane, and grassland ecosystems. While the case studies are localized to these ecosystems and regional contexts, they provide insights for others experiencing similar monitoring challenges worldwide. The field of remote sensing is experiencing a rapid proliferation of new data sources, providing observations that can inform all aspects of our fire monitoring framework; however, significant challenges for meeting fire monitoring objectives remain. We identify future opportunities for data sharing and rapid co-development of information products using cloud computing that benefits from open-access Earth observation and other geospatial data layers.  相似文献   
The mammalian central nervous system (CNS) is comprised of billions of neurons and glia that are intertwined with an elaborate network of blood vessels. These various neural and vascular cell types actively converse with one another to form integrated, multifunctional complexes, termed neurovascular units. Cell-cell communication within neurovascular units promotes normal CNS development and homeostasis, and abnormal regulation of these events leads to a variety of debilitating CNS diseases. This review will summarize (1) cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate physiological assembly and maintenance of neurovascular units; and (2) signaling events that induce pathological alterations in neurovascular unit formation and function. An emphasis will be placed on neural-vascular cell adhesion events mediated by integrins and their extracellular matrix (ECM) ligands. I will highlight the role of a specific adhesion and signaling axis involving αvβ8 integrin, latent transforming growth factor β''s (TGFβ''s), and canonical TGFβ receptors. Possible functional links between components of this axis and other signal transduction cascades implicated in neurovascular development and disease will be discussed. Comprehensively understanding the pathways that regulate bidirectional neural-vascular cell contact and communication will provide new insights into the mechanisms of neurovascular unit development, physiology and disease.Key words: αvβ8 integrin, latent TGFβ, neurovascular unit, brain angiogenesis, cerebral hemorrhage  相似文献   
A new Zea mays viviparous seed mutant, viviparous15 (vp15), was isolated from the UniformMu transposon-tagging population. In addition to precocious germination, vp15 has an early seedling lethal phenotype. Biochemical analysis showed reduced activities of several enzymes that require molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) in vp15 mutant seedlings. Because MoCo is required for abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis, the viviparous phenotype is probably caused by ABA deficiency. We cloned the vp15 mutant using a novel high-throughput strategy for analysis of high-copy Mu lines: We used MuTAIL PCR to extract genomic sequences flanking the Mu transposons in the vp15 line. The Mu insertions specific to the vp15 line were identified by in silico subtraction using a database of MuTAIL sequences from 90 UniformMu lines. Annotation of the vp15-specific sequences revealed a Mu insertion in a gene homologous to human MOCS2A, the small subunit of molybdopterin (MPT) synthase. Molecular analysis of two allelic mutations confirmed that Vp15 encodes a plant MPT synthase small subunit (ZmCNX7). Our results, and a related paper reporting the cloning of maize viviparous10, demonstrate robust cloning strategies based on MuTAIL-PCR. The Vp15/CNX7, together with other CNX genes, is expressed in both embryo and endosperm during seed maturation. Expression of Vp15 appears to be regulated independently of MoCo biosynthesis. Comparisons of Vp15 loci in genomes of three cereals and Arabidopsis thaliana identified a conserved sequence element in the 5' untranslated region as well as a micro-synteny among the cereals.  相似文献   
Perennial woodland herbs in the genus Thalictrum exhibit high diversity of floral morphology, including four breeding and two pollination systems. Their phylogenetic position, in the early-diverging eudicots, makes them especially suitable for exploring the evolution of floral traits and the fate of gene paralogs that may have shaped the radiation of the eudicots. A current limitation in evolution of plant development studies is the lack of genetic tools for conducting functional assays in key taxa spanning the angiosperm phylogeny. We first show that virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) of a PHYTOENE DESATURASE ortholog (TdPDS) can be achieved in Thalictrum dioicum with an efficiency of 42% and a survival rate of 97%, using tobacco rattle virus (TRV) vectors. The photobleached leaf phenotype of silenced plants significantly correlates with the down-regulation of endogenous TdPDS (P<0.05), as compared to controls. Floral silencing of PDS was achieved in the faster flowering spring ephemeral T. thalictroides. In its close relative, T. clavatum, silencing of the floral MADS box gene AGAMOUS (AG) resulted in strong homeotic conversions of floral organs. In conclusion, we set forth our optimized protocol for VIGS by vacuum-infiltration of Thalictrum seedlings or dormant tubers as a reference for the research community. The three species reported here span the range of floral morphologies and pollination syndromes present in Thalictrum. The evidence presented on floral silencing of orthologs of the marker gene PDS and the floral homeotic gene AG will enable a comparative approach to the study of the evolution of flower development in this group.  相似文献   
The identification of molecular markers that are closely linked to gene(s) in Gossypium barbadense L. accession GB713 that confer a high level of resistance to reniform nematode (RN), Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford & Oliveira, would be very useful in cotton breeding programs. Our objectives were to determine the inheritance of RN resistance in the accession GB713, to identify SSR markers linked with RN resistance QTLs, and to map these linked markers to specific chromosomes. We grew and scored plants for RN reproduction in the P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1, and BC1P2 generations from the cross of GB713 × Acala Nem-X. The generation means analysis using the six generations indicated that one or more genes were involved in the RN resistance of GB713. The interspecific F2 population of 300 plants was genotyped with SSR molecular markers that covered most of the chromosomes of Upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Results showed two QTLs on chromosome 21 and one QTL on chromosome 18. One QTL on chromosome 21 was at map position 168.6 (LOD 28.0) flanked by SSR markers, BNL 1551_162 and GH 132_199 at positions 154.2 and 177.3, respectively. A second QTL on chromosome 21 was at map position 182.7 (LOD 24.6) flanked by SSR markers BNL 4011_155 and BNL 3279_106 at positions 180.6 and 184.5, respectively. Our chromosome 21 map had 61 SSR markers covering 219 cM. One QTL with smaller genetic effects was localized to chromosome 18 at map position 39.6 (LOD 4.0) and flanked by SSR markers BNL 1721_178 and BNL 569_131 at positions 27.6 and 42.9, respectively. The two QTLs on chromosome 21 had significant additive and dominance effects, which were about equal for each QTL. The QTL on chromosome 18 showed larger additive than dominance effects. Following the precedent set by the naming of the G. longicalyx Hutchinson & Lee and G. aridum [(Rose & Standley) Skovsted] sources of resistance, we suggest the usage of Ren barb1 and Ren barb2 to designate these QTLs on chromosome 21 and Ren barb3 on chromosome 18.  相似文献   
Efficient construction of large-scale linkage maps is highly desired in current gene mapping projects. To evaluate the performance of available approaches in the literature, four published methods, the insertion (IN), seriation (SER), neighbor mapping (NM), and unidirectional growth (UG) were compared on the basis of simulated F2 data with various population sizes, interferences, missing genotype rates, and mis-genotyping rates. Simulation results showed that the IN method outperformed, or at least was comparable to, the other three methods. These algorithms were also applied to a real data set and results showed that the linkage order obtained by the IN algorithm was superior to the other methods. Thus, this study suggests that the IN method should be used when constructing large-scale linkage maps.  相似文献   
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