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We are characterizing a suiteof Pisum sativum mutants that alter inflorescence architecture to construct a model for the genetic regulation of inflorescence development in a plant with a compound raceme. Such a model, when compared with those created forAntirrhinum majus andArabidopsis thaliana, both of which have simple racemes, should provide insight into the evolution of the development of inflorescence architecture. The highly conserved nature of cloned genes that regulate reproductive development in plants and the morphological similarities among our mutants and those identified inA. majus andA. thaliana enhance the probability that a developmental genetics approach will be fruitful. Here we describe sixP. sativum mutants that affect morphologically and architecturally distinct aspects of the inflorescence, and we analyze interactions among these genes. Both vegetative and inflorescence growth of the primary axis is affected byUNIFOLIA TA, which is necessary for the function ofDETERMINATE (DET).DET maintains indeterminacy in the first-order axis. In its absence, the meristem differentiates as a stub covered with epidermal hairs.DET interacts withVEGETATIVE1 (VEG1).VEG1 appears essential for second-order inflorescence (I2) development.veg1 mutants fail to flower or differentiate the I2 meristem into a rudimentary stub,det veg1 double mutants produce true terminal flowers with no stubs, indicating that two genes must be eliminated for terminal flower formation inP. sativum, whereas elimination of a single gene accomplishes this inA. thaliana andA. majus. NEPTUNE also affects I2 development by limiting to two the number of flowers produced prior to stub formation. Its role is independent ofDET, as indicated by the additive nature of the double mutantdet nep. UNI, BROC, and PIM all play roles in assigning floral meristem identity to the third-order branch.pim mutants continue to produce inflorescence branches, resulting in a highly complex architecture and aberrant flowers.uni mutants initiate a whorl of sepals, but floral organogenesis is aberrant beyond that developmental point, and the double mutantuni pim lacks identifiable floral organs. A wild-type phenotype is observed inbroc plants, butbroc enhancesthe pim phenotype in the double mutant, producing inflorescences that resemble broccoli. Collectively these genes ensure that only the third-order meristem, not higher- or lower-order meristems, generates floral organs, thus precisely regulating the overall architecture of the plant. Gene symbols used in this article: For clarity a common symbolization is used for genes of all species discussed in this article. Genes are symbolized with italicized capital letters. Mutant alleles are represented by lowercase, italicized letters. In both cases, the number immediately following the gene symbol differentiates among genes with the same symbol. If there are multiple alleles, a hyphen followed by a number is used to distinguish alleles. Protein products are represented by capital letters without italics.  相似文献   
Six hundred and eleven random-source dogs (338 male, 273 female) one year of age or older, from six sections of the city of Recife, Pernambuco, were examined antemortem for circulating microfilariae Dirofilaria immitis and Dipetalonema reconditum adult heartworm (D. immitis) antigen, and examined postmortem for adult heartworms. The prevalence of heartworm infection was 2.3% (14/611), as determined by necropsy for adult worms, and 1% (6/611) had circulating microfilariae of D. immitis; thus, 57.1% of the heartworm-infected dogs had occult infections. The results of serological testing indicated that 1.3% (8/611) of the dogs were positive for adult heartworm antigen. A total of 42 (6.9%) of the dogs had microfilariae of D. reconditum; 40 of these had only D. reconditum and two additional dogs had microfilariae of both species, D. immitis and D. reconditum.  相似文献   
Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH) is transported by lipoproteins in plasma and is thought to possess both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative activity. It has been reported that PAF-AH is recovered primarily in small, dense LDL and HDL following ultracentrifugal separation of lipoproteins. In the present studies, we aimed to further define the distribution of PAF-AH among lipoprotein fractions and subfractions, and to determine whether these distributions are affected by the lipoprotein isolation strategy (FPLC versus sequential ultracentrifugation) and LDL particle distribution profile. When lipoproteins were isolated by FPLC, the bulk (~85%) of plasma PAF-AH activity was recovered within LDL-containing fractions, whereas with ultracentrifugation, there was a redistribution to HDL (which contained ~18% of the activity) and the d>1.21 g/ml fraction (which contained ~32%). Notably, re-ultracentrifugation of isolated LDL did not result in any further movement of PAF-AH to higher densities, suggesting the presence of dissociable and nondissociable forms of the enzyme on LDL. Differences were noted in the distribution of PAF-AH activity among LDL subfractions from subjects exhibiting the pattern A (primarily large, buoyant LDL) versus pattern B (primarily small, dense LDL) phenotype. In the latter group, there was a relative depletion of PAF-AH activity in subfractions in the intermediate to dense range (d=1.039–1.047 g/ml) with a corresponding increase in enzyme activity recovered within the d>1.21 g/ml ultracentrifugal fraction. Thus, there appears to be a greater proportion of the dissociable form of PAF-AH in pattern B subjects. In both populations, most of the nondissociable activity was recovered in a minor small, dense LDL subfraction. Based on conjugated dienes as a measure of lipid peroxidation, variations in PAF-AH activity appeared to contribute to variations in oxidative behavior among ultracentrifugally isolated LDL subfractions. The physiologic relevance of PAF-AH dissociability and the minor PAF-AH-enriched oxidation-resistant LDL subpopulation remains to be determined.  相似文献   
We have reported that bed rest suppressed the release of bioassayable growth hormone (BGH) that normally occurs after an acute bout of unilateral plantar flexor exercise (G. E. McCall, C. Goulet, R. E. Grindeland, J. A. Hodgson, A. J. Bigbee, and V. R. Edgerton. J. Appl. Physiol. 83: 2086-2090, 1997). In the present study, the effects of spaceflight on the hormonal responses to this exercise protocol were examined. Four male astronauts on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Shuttle Transport System (STS-78) mission completed the exercise protocol before, during, and after a 17-day spaceflight. The maximal voluntary contraction torque output at the onset of exercise was similar on all test days. Before spaceflight, plasma BGH increased 114-168% from pre- to postexercise. During spaceflight and after 2 days recovery at normal gravity (1 G), the BGH response to exercise was absent. After 4 days of recovery, this response was restored. Plasma concentrations of immunoassayable growth hormone were similar at all time points. The preexercise plasma immunoassayable insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels were elevated after 12 or 13 days of microgravity, and a approximately 7% postexercise IGF-I increase was independent of this spaceflight effect. The suppression of the BGH response to exercise during spaceflight indicates that some minimum level of chronic neuromuscular activity and/or loading is necessary to maintain a normal exercise-induced BGH release. Moreover, these results suggest that there is a muscle afferent-pituitary axis that can modulate BGH release.  相似文献   
While human genetic variation is limited due to a bottleneck on the origin of the species ~200 kya, cultural traits can change more rapidly, and may do so in response to the variation in human habitats. Does cultural diversification simulate a natural experiment in evolution much like biodiversity so that cultural divergences and convergences can be interpreted in terms of the differences and similarities of local environments? Or is cultural diversity simply the result of human behavioral flexibility? Although the majority of cultural data comes from the tips of the hominin phylogeny, anthropologists can follow the example of evolutionary ecologists, who often compare the endpoints of phylogenies when that is all that is available. This article compares 97 contemporary indigenous language communities from around the world, and 24 of their cultural traditions, to help determine whether human cultures and their cultural traits are proportionately dispersed, as predicted by the neutral theory of biodiversity, or whether they show non-proportionalities that could be explained with evolutionary reasoning.  相似文献   


Homologous recombination mediated by the λ-Red genes is a common method for making chromosomal modifications in Escherichia coli. Several protocols have been developed that differ in the mechanisms by which DNA, carrying regions homologous to the chromosome, are delivered into the cell. A common technique is to electroporate linear DNA fragments into cells. Alternatively, DNA fragments are generated in vivo by digestion of a donor plasmid with a nuclease that does not cleave the host genome. In both cases the λ-Red gene products recombine homologous regions carried on the linear DNA fragments with the chromosome. We have successfully used both techniques to generate chromosomal mutations in E. coli K-12 strains. However, we have had limited success with these λ-Red based recombination techniques in pathogenic E. coli strains, which has led us to develop an enhanced protocol for recombineering in such strains.  相似文献   
Human thymidine phosphorylase (HTP), also known as platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor (PD-ECGF), is overexpressed in certain solid tumors where it is linked to poor prognosis. HTP expression is utilized for certain chemotherapeutic strategies and is also thought to play a role in tumor angiogenesis. We determined the structure of HTP bound to the small molecule inhibitor 5-chloro-6-[1-(2-iminopyrrolidinyl) methyl] uracil hydrochloride (TPI). The inhibitor appears to mimic the substrate transition state, which may help explain the potency of this inhibitor and the catalytic mechanism of pyrimidine nucleotide phosphorylases (PYNPs). Further, we have confirmed the validity of the HTP structure as a template for structure-based drug design by predicting binding affinities for TPI and other known HTP inhibitors using in silico docking techniques. This work provides the first structural insight into the binding mode of any inhibitor to this important drug target and forms the basis for designing novel inhibitors for use in anticancer therapy.  相似文献   
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