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The ability to construct molecular motifs with predictable properties in aqueous solution requires an extensive knowledge of the relationships between structure and energetics. The design of metal binding motifs is currently an area of intense interest in the bioorganic community. To date synthetic motifs designed to bind metal ions lack the remarkable affinities observed in biological systems. To better understand the structural basis of metal ion affinity, we report here the thermodynamics of binding of divalent zinc ions to wild-type and mutant carbonic anhydrases and the interpretation of these parameters in terms of structure. Mutations were made both to the direct His ligand at position 94 and to indirect, or second-shell, ligands Gln-92, Glu-117, and Thr-199. The thermodynamics of ligand binding by several mutant proteins is complicated by the development of a second zinc binding site on mutation; such effects must be considered carefully in the interpretation of thermodynamic data. In all instances modification of the protein produces a complex series of changes in both the enthalpy and entropy of ligand binding. In most cases these effects are most readily rationalized in terms of ligand and protein desolvation, rather than in terms of changes in the direct interactions of ligand and protein. Alteration of second-shell ligands, thought to function primarily by orienting the direct ligands, produces profoundly different effects on the enthalpy of binding, depending on the nature of the residue. These results suggest a range of activities for these ligands, contributing both enthalpic and entropic effects to the overall thermodynamics of binding. Together, our results demonstrate the importance of understanding relationships between structure and hydration in the construction of novel ligands and biological polymers.  相似文献   
Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria have been shown to be widespread among filarial worms and could thus play some role in the biology of these nematodes. Indeed, tetracycline has been shown to inhibit both the development of adult worms from third-stage larvae and the development of the microfilaraemia in jirds infected with Brugia pahangi. The possibility that these effects are related to the bacteriostatic activity of tetracycline on Wolbachia symbionts should be considered. Here we show that tetracycline treatment is very effective in blocking embryo development in two filarial nematodes, B. pahangi and Dirofilaria immitis. Embryo degeneration was documented by TEM, while the inhibition of the transovarial transmission of Wolbachia was documented by PCR. Phylogenetic analysis on the ssrDNA sequence of the Wolbachia of B. pahangi confirms that the phylogeny of the bacterial endosymbionts is consistent with that of the host worms. The possibility that tetracycline inhibition of embryo development in B. pahangi and D. immitis is determined by cytoplasmic incompatibility is discussed.  相似文献   
It is well established that for most people linguistic processing is primarily a left hemisphere activity, whereas recent evidence has shown that basic odor perception is more lateralized to the right hemisphere. Importantly, under certain conditions, emotional responding also shows right hemisphere laterality. Hedonic (pleasantness) assessments constitute basic level emotional responses. Given that olfaction is predominantly ipsilateral in function, it was hypothesized that odor pleasantness evaluations may be accentuated by right nostril perception and that odor naming would be superior with left nostril perception. To test this prediction we presented eight familiar neutral-mildly pleasant odors for subjects to sniff through the left and right nostrils. Subjects smelled each odor twice (once through each nostril) at two different sessions, separated by 1 week. At each session subjects provided pleasantness, arousal and naming responses to each odorant. Results revealed that odors were rated as more pleasant when sniffed through the right nostril and named more correctly when sniffed through the left. No effects for arousal were obtained. These findings are consistent with previously demonstrated neural laterality in the processing of olfaction, emotion and language, and suggest that a local and functional convergence may exist between olfaction and emotional processing.  相似文献   
Hu J  McCall CM  Ohta T  Xiong Y 《Nature cell biology》2004,6(10):1003-1009
Cullins assemble a potentially large number of ubiquitin ligases by binding to the RING protein ROC1 to catalyse polyubiquitination, as well as binding to various specificity factors to recruit substrates. The Cul4A gene is amplified in human breast and liver cancers, and loss-of-function of Cul4 results in the accumulation of the replication licensing factor CDT1 in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos and ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated human cells. Here, we report that human UV-damaged DNA-binding protein DDB1 associates stoichiometrically with CUL4A in vivo, and binds to an amino-terminal region in CUL4A in a manner analogous to SKP1, SOCS and BTB binding to CUL1, CUL2 and CUL3, respectively. As with SKP1-CUL1, the DDB1-CUL4A association is negatively regulated by the cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated protein, CAND1. Recombinant DDB1 and CDT1 bind directly to each other in vitro, and ectopically expressed DDB1 bridges CDT1 to CUL4A in vivo. Silencing DDB1 prevented UV-induced rapid CDT1 degradation in vivo and CUL4A-mediated CDT1 ubiquitination in vitro. We suggest that DDB1 targets CDT1 for ubiquitination by a CUL4A-dependent ubiquitin ligase, CDL4A(DDB1), in response to UV irradiation.  相似文献   
Human Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 and TLR2 receptors recognize LPS or lipoteichoic acid (LTA), respectively. Prolonged exposure of human macrophages/monocytes to bacterial LPS induces a state of adaptation/tolerance to subsequent LPS challenge. Inflammatory gene expressions such as IL-1beta and TNF-alpha are selectively repressed, while certain anti-inflammatory genes such as secretory IL-1R antagonist are still induced in LPS-adapted/tolerant cells. In this report, we demonstrate that LPS-tolerized human promonocytic THP-1 cells develop cross-tolerance and no longer respond to LTA-induced IL-1beta/TNF-alpha production, indicating that disruption of common intracellular signaling is responsible for the decreased IL-1beta/TNF-alpha production. We observe that down-regulation of IL-1R-associated kinase (IRAK) protein level and kinase activity closely correlates with the development of cross-tolerance. IRAK protein levels and kinase activities in LPS-tolerized cells remain low and hyporesponsive to subsequent LPS or LTA challenges. We also demonstrate that THP-1 cells with prolonged LTA treatment develop LTA tolerance and do not express IL-1beta/TNF-alpha upon further LTA challenge. Strikingly, cells tolerized with LTA are only refractory to subsequent LTA challenge and can still respond to LPS stimulation. Correspondingly, stimulation of TLR2 by LTA, although activating IRAK, does not cause IRAK degradation. IRAK from LTA-tolerized cells can be subsequently activated and degraded by further LPS challenge, but not LTA treatment. Our studies reveal that LTA-induced tolerance is distinct compared with that of LPS tolerance, and is likely due to disruption of unique TLR2 signaling components upstream of MyD88/IRAK.  相似文献   
All animals can learn to some extent and it should not be surprising to discover that important vectors can also be influenced by experience. The potential effect of memory on vector behaviour, particularly vectorial capacity, has barely been investigated. Yet, how a population of blood-feeding insects distributes between available resources has important epidemiological consequences. Several recent studies have shown that behaviour during oviposition site-selection, host location and even host choice can be influenced by the environment or by experience after eclosion. The significance of these studies and their consequences for epidemiology and control are considered here.  相似文献   
DNA polymerases beta (pol beta ) and eta (pol eta ) are the only two eukaryotic polymerases known to efficiently bypass cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts in vitro. Frameshift errors are an important aspect of mutagenesis. We have compared the types of frameshifts that occur during translesion synthesis past cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts in vitro by pol beta and pol eta on a template containing multiple runs of nucleotides flanking a single platinum-GG adduct. Translesion synthesis past platinum adducts by pol beta resulted in approximately 50% replication products containing single-base deletions. For both adducts the majority of -1 frameshifts occurred in a TTT sequence 3-5 bp upstream of the DNA lesion. For pol eta, all of the bypass products for both cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts contained -1 frameshifts in the upstream TTT sequence and most of the products of replication on oxaliplatin-damaged templates had multiple replication errors, both frameshifts and misinsertions. In addition, on platinated templates both polymerases generated replication products 4-8 bp shorter than the full-length products. The majority of short cisplatin-induced products contained an internal deletion which included the adduct. In contrast, the majority of oxaliplatin-induced short products contained a 3' terminal deletion. The implications of these in vitro results for in vivo mutagenesis are discussed.  相似文献   
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