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Warmer climates boost cyanobacterial dominance in shallow lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dominance by cyanobacteria hampers human use of lakes and reservoirs worldwide. Previous studies indicate that excessive nutrient loading and warmer conditions promote dominance by cyanobacteria, but evidence from global scale field data has so far been scarce. Our analysis, based on a study of 143 lakes along a latitudinal transect ranging from subarctic Europe to southern South America, shows that although warmer climates do not result in higher overall phytoplankton biomass, the percentage of the total phytoplankton biovolume attributable to cyanobacteria increases steeply with temperature. Our results also reveal that the percent cyanobacteria is greater in lakes with high rates of light absorption. This points to a positive feedback because restriction of light availability is often a consequence of high phytoplankton biovolume, which in turn may be driven by nutrient loading. Our results indicate a synergistic effect of nutrients and climate. The implications are that in a future warmer climate, nutrient concentrations may have to be reduced substantially from present values in many lakes if cyanobacterial dominance is to be controlled.  相似文献   
Interleukin-6 (IL-6), an important cytokine involved in a number of biological processes, is consistently elevated during periods of stress. The mechanisms responsible for the induction of IL-6 under these conditions remain uncertain. This study examined the effect of alpha-adrenergic blockade on the IL-6 response to acute and chronic high-altitude exposure in women both at rest and during exercise. Sixteen healthy, eumenorrheic women (aged 23.2 +/- 1.4 yr) participated in the study. Subjects received either alpha-adrenergic blockade (prazosin, 3 mg/day) or a placebo in a double-blinded, randomized fashion. Subjects participated in submaximal exercise tests at sea level and on days 1 and 12 at altitude (4,300 m). Resting plasma and 24-h urine samples were collected throughout the duration of the study. At sea level, no differences were found at rest for plasma IL-6 between groups (1.5 +/- 0.2 and 1.2 +/- 0.3 pg/ml for placebo and blocked groups, respectively). On acute ascent to altitude, IL-6 levels increased significantly in both groups compared with sea-level values (57 and 84% for placebo and blocked groups, respectively). After 12 days of acclimatization, IL-6 levels remained elevated for placebo subjects; however, they returned to sea-level values in the blocked group. alpha-Adrenergic blockade significantly lowered the IL-6 response to exercise both at sea level (46%) and at altitude (42%) compared with placebo. A significant correlation (P = 0.004) between resting IL-6 and urinary norepinephrine excretion rates was found over the course of time while at altitude. In conclusion, the results indicate a role for alpha-adrenergic regulation of the IL-6 response to the stress of both short-term moderate-intensity exercise and hypoxia.  相似文献   
Aggregation process affects the ability of Lactobacillus crispatus, a probiotic, to survive into the gastro-intestinal environment and to adhere to the intestinal mucosa. To elucidate mechanisms underlying this process, a comparative proteomic study was carried out on a wild type strain M247 and its spontaneous isogenic mutant Mu5, which had lost the aggregative phenotype. Results highlighted an overall lower amount of enzymes involved in carbohydrate transport and metabolism in strain M247 compared to strain Mu5, suggesting a reduction in the general growth rate, probably caused by nutrient limitation in cell aggregates, coherently with the phenotypic traits of the strains. Moreover, the up-regulation of a putative elongation factor Tu in the wild type M247 strain could suggest a role of this particular protein in the adhesion mechanism of L. crispatus.  相似文献   
Celiac disease is a permanent immune-mediated food intolerance triggered by ingestion of wheat gliadins in genetically susceptible individuals. It has been reported that tissue transglutaminase plays an important role in the onset of celiac disease by converting specific glutamine residues within gliadin fragments into glutamic acid residues. This process increases binding affinity of gliadin peptides to HLA-DQ2/DQ8 molecules, thus enhancing the immune response. The aim of the present study was to achieve a detailed structural characterization of modifications induced by transglutaminase on gliadin peptides. Therefore, structural analyses were carried out on a recombinant alpha-gliadin and on a panel of 26 synthetic peptides, overlapping the complete protein sequence. Modified glutamine residues were identified by means of advanced mass-spectrometric methodologies on the basis of MALDI-TOF-MS and tandem mass spectrometry. Results led to the identification of 19 of 94 glutamine residues present in the recombinant alpha-gliadin, which were converted into glutamic acid residues by a transglutaminase-mediated reaction. This allowed us to achieve a global view of the modifications induced by the enzyme on this protein. Furthermore, results gathered could likely be utilized as relevant information for a better understanding of processes leading to T-cell recognition of gliadin peptides involved in celiac disease.  相似文献   
A method based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was developed for the simultaneous determination of 3-(3,5-diclorophenyl)-5-ethenyl-5-methyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione (vinclozolin) and 3-(3,5-diclorophenyl)-N-(1-methylethyl)-2,4-dioxo-1-imidazolidinecarboxamide (iprodione) in human urine. Urine samples containing vinclozolin and iprodione were collected by solid phase extraction using C(18) cartridges. The chromatographic separation was achieved on a Spherisorb ODS2 (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 microm) column with an isocratic mobile phase of acetonitrile-water (60:40, v/v). Detection was UV absorbance at 220 nm. The calibration graphs were linear from 30 to 1000 ng/mL for the two fungicides. Intra- and inter-day R.S.D. did not exceed 2.9%. The quantitation limit was 50 ng/mL for vinclozolin and 30 ng/mL for iprodione, respectively.  相似文献   
The mean body size of limnetic cladocerans decreases from cold temperate to tropical regions, in both the northern and the southern hemisphere. This size shift has been attributed to both direct (e.g. physiological) or indirect (especially increased predation) impacts. To provide further information on the role of predation, we compiled results from several studies of subtropical Uruguayan lakes using three different approaches: (i) field observations from two lakes with contrasting fish abundance, Lakes Rivera and Rodó, (ii) fish exclusion experiments conducted in in-lake mesocosms in three lakes, and (iii) analyses of the Daphnia egg bank in the surface sediment of eighteen lakes. When fish predation pressure was low due to fish kills in Lake Rivera, large-bodied Daphnia appeared. In contrast, small-sized cladocerans were abundant in Lake Rodó, which exhibited a typical high abundance of fish. Likewise, relatively large cladocerans (e.g. Daphnia and Simocephalus) appeared in fishless mesocosms after only 2 weeks, most likely hatched from resting egg banks stored in the surface sediment, but their abundance declined again after fish stocking. Moreover, field studies showed that 9 out of 18 Uruguayan shallow lakes had resting eggs of Daphnia in their surface sediment despite that this genus was only recorded in three of the lakes in summer water samples, indicating that Daphnia might be able to build up populations at low risk of predation. Our results show that medium and large-sized zooplankton can occur in subtropical lakes when fish predation is removed. The evidence provided here collectively confirms the hypothesis that predation, rather than high-temperature induced physiological constraints, is the key factor determining the dominance of small-sized zooplankton in warm lakes.  相似文献   
We have previouslydocumented the importance of the sympathetic nervous system inacclimatizing to high altitude in men. The purpose ofthis investigation was to determine the extent to which -adrenergicblockade affects the sympathoadrenal responses to exercise during acutehigh-altitude exposure in women. Twelve eumenorrheic women (24.7 ± 1.3 yr, 70.6 ± 2.6 kg) were studied at sea level and onday 2 of high-altitude exposure (4,300-m hypobaric chamber)in either their follicular or luteal phase. Subjects performed twograded-exercise tests at sea level (on separate days) on a bicycleergometer after 3 days of taking either a placebo or an -blocker (3 mg/day prazosin). Subjects also performed two similar exercise testswhile at altitude. Effectiveness of blockade was determined byphenylephrine challenge. At sea level, plasma norepinephrine levelsduring exercise were 48% greater when subjects were -blockedcompared with their placebo trial. This difference was only 25% whensubjects were studied at altitude. Plasma norepinephrine values weresignificantly elevated at altitude compared with sea level but to agreater extent for the placebo (59%) vs. blocked (35%) trial. Amore dramatic effect of both altitude (104% placebo vs. 95%blocked) and blockade (50% sea level vs. 44% altitude) wasobserved for plasma epinephrine levels during exercise. No phasedifferences were observed across any condition studied. It wasconcluded that -adrenergic blockade 1) resulted in acompensatory sympathoadrenal response during exercise at sea level andaltitude, and 2) this effect was more pronounced for plasma epinephrine.

Summary We report a case of a 5-month-old female with sporadic monolateral retinoblastoma (RB) with a constitutional de novo complex autosomal translocation involving chromosomes 8, 13 and 15 resulting in a deletion of chromosome 13q14 confirmed by esterase D assay. The translocation of the terminal portion of chromosome 8 has been observed by in situ hybridization with c-myc and thyroglobulin probes.  相似文献   
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