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Aerobic physical capacity plays an important role in reducing morbidity and mortality rates in subjects with cardiovascular diseases. This action is often related to an improvement in the autonomic modulation of heart rate variability (HRV). However, controversies remain regarding the effects of physical training on cardiac autonomic control in healthy subjects. Therefore, our objective was to investigate whether aerobic capacity interferes with the autonomic modulation of HRV and whether gender differences exist.


Healthy men and women (N=96) were divided into groups according to aerobic capacity: low (VO2: 22-38 ml/kg-1 min-1), moderate (VO2: 38-48 ml/kg-1 min-1) and high (VO2 >48 ml/kg-1 min-1.) We evaluated the hemodynamic parameters and body composition. The autonomic modulation of HRV was investigated using spectral analysis. This procedure decomposes the heart rate oscillatory signal into frequency bands: low frequency (LF=0.04-0.15Hz) is mainly related to sympathetic modulation, and high frequency (HF=0.15-0.5Hz) corresponds to vagal modulation.


Aerobic capacity, regardless of gender, determined lower values of body fat percentage, blood pressure and heart rate. In turn, the spectral analysis of HRV showed that this parameter did not differ when aerobic capacity was considered. However, when the genders were compared, women had lower LF values and higher HF values than the respective groups of men.


The results suggest that aerobic physical capacity does not interfere with HRV modulation; however, the cardiac modulatory balance differs between genders and is characterized by a greater influence of the autonomic vagal component in women and by the sympathetic component in men.  相似文献   
Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by next generation sequencing (ChIP-seq) is a technique of choice for studying protein-DNA interactions. ChIP-seq has been used for mapping protein-DNA interactions and allocating histones modifications. The procedure is tedious and time consuming, and one of the major limitations is the requirement for high amounts of starting material, usually millions of cells. Automation of chromatin immunoprecipitation assays is possible when the procedure is based on the use of magnetic beads. Successful automated protocols of chromatin immunoprecipitation and library preparation have been specifically designed on a commercially available robotic liquid handling system dedicated mainly to automate epigenetic assays. First, validation of automated ChIP-seq assays using antibodies directed against various histone modifications was shown, followed by optimization of the automated protocols to perform chromatin immunoprecipitation and library preparation starting with low cell numbers. The goal of these experiments is to provide a valuable tool for future epigenetic analysis of specific cell types, sub-populations, and biopsy samples.  相似文献   
Shigella flexneri is an intracellular pathogen that can escape from phagosomes to reach the cytosol, and polymerize the host actin cytoskeleton to promote its motility and dissemination. New work has shown that proteins involved in actin-based motility are also linked to autophagy, an intracellular degradation process crucial for cell autonomous immunity. Strikingly, host cells may prevent actin-based motility of S. flexneri by compartmentalizing bacteria inside ‘septin cages’ and targeting them to autophagy. These observations indicate that a more complete understanding of septins, a family of filamentous GTP-binding proteins, will provide new insights into the process of autophagy. This report describes protocols to monitor autophagy-cytoskeleton interactions caused by S. flexneri in vitro using tissue culture cells and in vivo using zebrafish larvae. These protocols enable investigation of intracellular mechanisms that control bacterial dissemination at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism level.  相似文献   
The origin and function of rodlet cells (RCs) are still a matter of discussion. Whereas the exogenous hypothesis considers them parasites, the endogenous hypothesis regards them as a genuine fish cell population with a secretory and/or leukocyte function. In order to shed more light on these questions we focused on the location and appearance of RCs during carp (Cyprinus carpio) ontogeny. Typical RCs were seen at 5days post fertilisation (dpf) between kidney and intestine, at 6dpf in the intestine and at 8dpf in both anterior and posterior kidney and in the abdominal cavity among the mesothelial cells. The RC number increased with age and after 14dpf they were also present in gills. The early appearance of the RCs during carp ontogeny support the endogenous hypothesis stating that RCs are genuine constituents of fish tissue and suggest that they are 'immune cells'. The fact that the RCs of the gills secrete their content into the surrounding water, combined with the strategic location around blood vessels in kidney and within intestinal epithelium, would also support an important role in host defense. To investigate whether RC numbers in gills and kidney are related to typical fluctuations in the physiology during stress and infection we counted their number in gills and kidney after parasite infection and stress. In the gills the number of RCs increased after infection but did not change after stress while in the kidney their number increased after stress and no significant changes were observed after infection.  相似文献   
Mazon H  Marcillat O  Forest E  Vial C 《Biochemistry》2003,42(46):13596-13604
In the presence of ADP, Mg(2+), creatine, and the planar nitrate ion, creatine kinase isoenzymes undergo significant structural changes accompanying the formation of a very stable transition state analogue complex (TSAC). We have compared, by using hydrogen/deuterium exchange followed by proteolysis of the labeled enzyme and mass spectrometric analysis of the peptic peptides, the backbone dynamics fluctuations of the free enzyme and those of the TSAC. In most peptides, exchange is not affected by ligand binding, except that observed in seven areas located in or at the entrance to the active site, where some protection is detected. On the basis of a comparison with the three-dimensional structures of free or liganded guanidino kinases, four of these peptides (residues 54-72, 226-234, 287-311, and 315-333) can be considered part of the substrate binding site. The other three (residues 162-186, 193-201, and 202-224) are not directly involved in the binding of substrates and are located in a dynamic domain, which allows the enzyme to properly align the substrates for optimal catalysis.  相似文献   
Mazon H  Marcillat O  Forest E  Smith DL  Vial C 《Biochemistry》2004,43(17):5045-5054
Our understanding of the mechanism of protein folding can be improved by the characterization of folding intermediate states. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence measurements of equilibrium GdmHCl-induced unfolding of MM-CK allow for the construction of a "phase diagram", which shows the presence of five different conformational states, including three partially folded intermediates. However, only three states are detected by using pulsed-labeled H-D exchange analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. One of them is the native state, and the two other species are present in proportions strongly dependent on the GdmHCl concentration and denaturation time. The low-mass peak is due to a largely exchange-incompetent state, which has gained only approximately 10 deuteriums more than the native protein. This population of MM-CK molecules has undergone a small conformational change induced by low GdmHCl concentrations. However, this limited change is in itself not sufficient to inactivate the enzyme or is easily reversible. The high-mass peak corresponds to a population of MM-CK that is fully deuterated. The comparison of fluorescence, activity, and H-D exchange measurements shows that the maximally populated intermediate at 0.8 M GdmHCl has the characteristics of a molten globule. It has no activity; it has 55% of its native alpha-helices and a maximum fluorescence emission wavelength of approximately 341 nm, and it binds ANS strongly. However, no protection against exchange is detected under the conditions used in this work. This paradox, the presence of significant residual secondary and tertiary structures detected by optical probes and the total deuteration of its amide protons detected by H-D exchange and mass spectrometry, could be explained by a highly dynamic MM-CK molten globule.  相似文献   
Although having highly similar primary to tertiary structures, the different guanidino kinases exhibit distinct quaternary structures: monomer, dimer or octamer. However, no evidence for communication between subunits has yet been provided, and reasons for these different levels of quaternary complexity that can be observed from invertebrate to mammalian guanidino kinases remain elusive. Muscle creatine kinase is a dimer and disruption of the interface between subunits has been shown to give rise to destabilized monomers with slight residual activity; this low activity could, however, be due to a fraction of protein molecules present as dimer. CK monomer/monomer interface involves electrostatic interactions and increasing salt concentrations unfold and inactivate this enzyme. NaCl and guanidine hydrochloride show a synergistic unfolding effect and, whatever the respective concentrations of these compounds, inactivation is associated with a dissociation of the dimer. Using an interface mutant (W210Y), protein concentration dependence of the NaCl-induced unfolding profile indicates that the active dimer is in equilibrium with an inactive monomeric state. Although highly similar to muscle CK, horse shoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) arginine kinase (AK) is enzymatically active as a monomer. Indeed, high ionic strengths that can monomerize and inactivate CK, have no effect on AK enzymatic activity or on its structure as judged from intrinsic fluorescence data. Our results indicate that expression of muscle creatine kinase catalytic activity is dependent on its dimeric state which is required for a proper stabilization of the monomers.  相似文献   
Vanillyl-alcohol oxidase (VAO; EC contains a covalently 8alpha-histidyl bound FAD, which represents the most frequently encountered covalent flavin-protein linkage. To elucidate the mechanism by which VAO covalently incorporates the FAD cofactor, apo VAO was produced by using a riboflavin auxotrophic Escherichia coli strain. Incubation of apo VAO with FAD resulted in full restoration of enzyme activity. The rate of activity restoration was dependent on FAD concentration, displaying a hyperbolic relationship (K(FAD )= 2.3 microM, k(activation) = 0.13 min(-1)). The time-dependent increase in enzyme activity was accompanied by full covalent incorporation of FAD, as determined by SDS/PAGE and ESI-MS analysis. The results obtained show that formation of the covalent flavin-protein bond is an autocatalytic process, which proceeds via a reduced flavin intermediate. Furthermore, ESI-MS experiments revealed that, although apo VAO mainly exists as monomers and dimers, FAD binding promotes the formation of VAO dimers and octamers. Tandem ESI-MS experiments revealed that octamerization is not dependent on full covalent flavinylation.  相似文献   
Putrescine oxidase from Rhodococcus erythropolis NCIMB 11540 (PuO(Rh)) is a soluble homodimeric flavoprotein of 100 kDa, which catalyzes the oxidative deamination of putrescine and some other aliphatic amines. The initial characterization of PuO(Rh) uncovered an intriguing feature: the enzyme appeared to contain only one noncovalently bound FAD cofactor per dimer. Here we show that this low FAD/protein ratio is the result of tight binding of ADP, thereby competing with FAD binding. MS analysis revealed that the enzyme is isolated as a mixture of dimers containing two molecules of FAD, two molecules ADP, or one FAD and one ADP molecule. In addition, based on a structural model of PuO(Rh) that was built using the crystal structure of human monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B), we constructed an active mutant enzyme, PuO(Rh) A394C, that contains covalently bound FAD. These findings show that the covalent FAD-protein linkage can be formed autocatalytically and hint to a new-found rationale for covalent flavinylation: covalent flavinylation may have evolved to prevent binding of ADP or related cellular compounds, which would prohibit formation of flavinylated and functional enzyme.  相似文献   
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