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Investigation of the Greek ancestry of populations from northern Pakistan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three populations from northern Pakistan, the Burusho, Kalash, and Pathan, claim descent from soldiers left behind by Alexander the Great after his invasion of the Indo-Pak subcontinent. In order to investigate their genetic relationships, we analyzed nine Alu insertion polymorphisms and 113 autosomal microsatellites in the extant Pakistani and Greek populations. Principal component, phylogenetic, and structure analyses show that the Kalash are genetically distinct, and that the Burusho and Pathan populations are genetically close to each other and the Greek population. Admixture estimates suggest a small Greek contribution to the genetic pool of the Burusho and Pathan and demonstrate that these two northern Pakistani populations share a common Indo-European gene pool that probably predates Alexanders invasion. The genetically isolated Kalash population may represent the genetic pool of ancestral Eurasian populations of Central Asia or early Indo-European nomadic pastoral tribes that became sequestered in the valleys of the Hindu Kush Mountains.  相似文献   
American bollworm (ABW), Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), is considered as a major pest of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, all over the globe. Due to its destructive feeding nature and continuous consumption of the same chemicals, it devolved resistant against many insecticides. Therefore, a combined application of bio- and synthetic-pesticide need to evaluate against this pest. The entomopathogenic viruses like nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV), a member of baculoviruses, can be the potential candidates for better control against ABW. The present study was conducted to assess the comparative efficacy of NPV and Spinosad 240SC (with the concentration of 250 mL · ha ̄?) against ABW in the controlled environment. The ABW was treated with different concentrations of NPV and Spinosad separately and in a combination of NPV with 0.1% Spinosad. The results revealed that highest concentrations showed highest mortality (95%) followed by 95%, 92%, 84%, 82% and 78% mortality at 1 × 109, 1 × 108, 1 × 107, 1 × 106 and 1 × 105 POBs, respectively. Spinosad when mixed in diet give 100% mortality at 0.8% followed by 50.87%, 42.10%, 29.82%, 26.31% and 22.80% mortality at 0.4%, 0.2%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 0.025% respectively. The results of this study revealed that microbial control of ABW through NPV is an effective tool. The repeated use of synthetic pesticides caused the resurgence of many insect pests, and this study results would provide useful insight to build a framework for future investigations for the management of many major insect pests.  相似文献   
Three isolates of H9N2 Avian Influenza viruses (AIV) were isolated from chickens in Guangxi province. Eight pairs of specific primers were designed and synthesized according to the sequences of H9N2 at GenBank. phylogenetic analysis showed a high degree of homology between the Guangxi isolates and isolates from Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces, suggesting that the Guangxi isolates originated from the same source. However, the eight genes of the three isolates from Guangxi were not in the same sublineages in their respective phylogenetic trees, which suggests that they were products of natural reassortment between H9N2 avian influenza viruses from different sublineages. The 9 nucleotides ACAGAGATA which encode amino acids T, G, I were absent between nucleotide 205 and 214 in the open reading frame of the NA gene in the Guangxi isolates. AIV strains that infect human have, in their HA proteins, leucine at position 226. The analysis of deduced amino acid sequence of HA proteins showed that position 226 of these isolates contained glycine instead of leucine, suggesting that these three isolates differ from H9N2 AIV strains isolated from human infections.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine hemodynamic responses to graded muscle reflex engagement in human subjects. We studied seven healthy human volunteers [24 +/- 2 (SE) yr old; 4 men, 3 women] performing rhythmic handgrip exercise [40% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)] during ambient and positive pressure exercise (+10 to +50 mmHg in 10-mmHg increments every minute). Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), and mean blood velocity were recorded. Plasma lactate, hydrogen ion concentration, and oxyhemoglobin saturation were measured from venous blood. Ischemic exercise resulted in a greater rise in both MSNA and MAP vs. nonischemic exercise. These heightened autonomic responses were noted at +40 and +50 mmHg. Each level of positive pressure was associated with an immediate fall in flow velocity and forearm perfusion pressure. However, during each minute, perfusion pressure increased progressively. For positive pressure of +10 to +40 mmHg, this was associated with restoration of flow velocity. However, at +50 mmHg, flow was not restored. This inability to restore flow was seen at a time when the muscle reflex was clearly engaged (increased MSNA). We believe that these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that before the muscle reflex is clearly engaged, flow to muscle is enhanced by a process that raises perfusion pressure. Once the muscle reflex is clearly engaged and MSNA is augmented, flow to muscle is no longer restored by a similar rise in perfusion pressure, suggesting that active vasoconstriction within muscle is occurring at +50 mmHg.  相似文献   
In greenhouse experiments, we investigated the potentials of Piriformospora indica (Pi) to penetrate and colonise roots of wheat and to induce beneficial effects on growth as well as to reduce seedlings damping-off disease of wheat caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum (Fo). By microscopy we observed the intracellular hyphae within root cortex cells of 7–14 day-old plants and chlamydospores within root cortex cells of 14–28 day-old plants and within root hair cells of 21–28 day-old plants. Moreover, diagnostic PCR based on the β-tubulin gene marker confirmed the presence of Pi in roots of inoculated plants. Also, we found that plants inoculated with Pi exhibited a better growth of roots and shoots as well as early flowering as compared with non-treated plants. Moreover, Pi conferred tolerance of wheat to seedlings damping-off i.e. by reducing the harmful effects of Fo on infected plants.  相似文献   
We have previously developed a software package called PrimerHunter to design primers for PCR-based virus subtyping. In this study, 9 pairs of primers were designed with PrimerHunter and successfully used to differentiate the 9 neuraminidase (NA) genes of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) in multiple PCR-based assays. Furthermore, primer pools were designed and successfully used to decrease the number of reactions needed for NA subtyping from 9 to 4. The quadruplicate primer-pool method is cost-saving, and was shown to be suitable for the NA subtyping of both cultured AIVs and uncultured AIV swab samples. The primers selected for this study showed excellent sensitivity and specificity in NA subtyping by RT-PCR, SYBR green-based Real-time PCR and Real-time RT-PCR methods. AIV RNA of 2 to 200 copies (varied by NA subtypes) could be detected by these reactions. No unspecific amplification was displayed when detecting RNAs of other avian infectious viruses such as Infectious bronchitis virus, Infectious bursal disease virus and Newcastle disease virus. In summary, this study introduced several sensitive and specific PCR-based assays for NA subtyping of AIVs and also validated again the effectiveness of the PrimerHunter tool for the design of subtyping primers.  相似文献   
Two forms (CANP1 and CANP2) of a calcium activated neutral protease (CANP) have been purified to near homogeneity from calf brain synaptosomes and spinal cord. The procedure involves ammonium sulfate fractionation of the brain synaptosome or spinal cord cytosol followed by chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, Hydroxylapatite and -casein-CH-Sepharose 4B affinity gel. The molecular mass of each of the proteases is 78,000 as judged on SDS-PAGE. A protein with apparent molecular mass of 17,000 copurifies with each of the proteases. CANP1 was maximally active at 600 M while CANP2 exhibited maximum activity at about 2 M Ca2+. Both of the proteases were inhibited by sulfhydryl modifying agents and leupeptin.  相似文献   
Hydroxysteroid (17beta) dehydrogenase 10 (HSD10) is a mitochondrial multifunctional enzyme encoded by the HSD17B10 gene. Missense mutations in this gene result in HSD10 deficiency, whereas a silent mutation results in mental retardation, X-linked, syndromic 10 (MRXS10). Here we report a novel missense mutation found in the HSD17B10 gene, namely c.194T>C transition (rs104886492), brought about by the loss of two forked methyl groups of valine 65 in the HSD10 active site. The affected boy, who possesses mutant HSD10 (p.V65A), has a neurological syndrome with metabolic derangements, choreoathetosis, refractory epilepsy and learning disability. He has no history of acute decompensation or metabolic acidosis whereas his urine organic acid profile, showing elevated levels of 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyrate and tiglylglycine, is characteristic of HSD10 deficiency. His HSD10 activity was much lower than the normal control level, with normal β-ketothiolase activity. The c.194T>C mutation in HSD17B10 can be identified by the restriction fragment polymorphism analysis, thereby facilitating the screening of this novel mutation in individuals with intellectual disability of unknown etiology and their family members much easier. The patient's mother is an asymptomatic carrier, and has a mixed ancestry (Hawaiian, Japanese and Chinese). This demonstrates that HSD10 deficiency patients are not confined to a particular ethnicity although previously reported cases were either Spanish or German descendants.  相似文献   
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