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The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is wreaking havoc throughout the world and has rapidly become a global health emergency. A central question concerning COVID-19 is why some individuals become sick and others not. Many have pointed already at variation in risk factors between individuals. However, the variable outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infections may, at least in part, be due also to differences between the viral subspecies with which individuals are infected. A more pertinent question is how we are to overcome the current pandemic. A vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 would offer significant relief, although vaccine developers have warned that design, testing and production of vaccines may take a year if not longer. Vaccines are based on a handful of different designs (i), but the earliest vaccines were based on the live, attenuated virus. As has been the case for other viruses during earlier pandemics, SARS-CoV-2 will mutate and may naturally attenuate over time (ii). What makes the current pandemic unique is that, thanks to state-of-the-art nucleic acid sequencing technologies, we can follow in detail how SARS-CoV-2 evolves while it spreads. We argue that knowledge of naturally emerging attenuated SARS-CoV-2 variants across the globe should be of key interest in our fight against the pandemic.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas isolates from tropical environments have been underexplored and may form an untapped reservoir of interesting secondary metabolites. In this study, we compared Pseudomonas and cyclic lipopeptide (CLP) diversity in the rhizosphere of a cocoyam root rot disease (CRRD) suppressive soil in Boteva, Cameroon with those from four conducive soils in Cameroon and Nigeria. Compared with other soils, Boteva andosols were characterized by high silt, organic matter, nitrogen and calcium. Besides, the cocoyam rhizosphere at Boteva was characterized by strains belonging mainly to the P. koreensis and P. putida (sub)groups, with representations in the P. fluorescens, P. chlororaphis, P. jessenii and P. asplenii (sub)groups. In contrast, P. putida isolates were prominent in conducive soils. Regarding CLP diversity, Boteva was characterized by strains producing 11 different CLP types with cocoyamide A producers, belonging to the P. koreensis group, being the most abundant. However, putisolvin III-V producers were the most dominant in the rhizosphere of conducive soils in both Cameroon and Nigeria. Furthermore, we elucidated the chemical structure of putisolvin derivatives—putisolvin III-V, and described its biosynthetic gene cluster. We show that high Pseudomonas and metabolic diversity may be driven by microbial competition, which likely contributes to soil suppressiveness to CRRD.  相似文献   
Predation is a ubiquitous and strong selective pressure on living organisms. Transparency is a predation defence widespread in water but rare on land. Some Lepidoptera display transparent patches combined with already cryptic opaque patches. A recent study showed that transparency reduced detectability of aposematic prey with conspicuous patches. However, whether transparency has any effect at reducing detectability of already cryptic prey is still unknown. We conducted field predation experiments with free avian predators where we monitored and compared survival of a fully opaque grey artificial form (cryptic), a form including transparent windows and a wingless artificial butterfly body. Survival of the transparent forms was similar to that of wingless bodies and higher than that of fully opaque forms, suggesting a reduction of detectability conferred by transparency. This is the first evidence that transparency decreases detectability in cryptic terrestrial prey. Future studies should explore the organization of transparent and opaque patches in animals and their interplay on survival, as well as the costs and other potential benefits associated with transparency on land.  相似文献   
There is growing international interest in better managing soils to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) content to contribute to climate change mitigation, to enhance resilience to climate change and to underpin food security, through initiatives such as international ‘4p1000’ initiative and the FAO's Global assessment of SOC sequestration potential (GSOCseq) programme. Since SOC content of soils cannot be easily measured, a key barrier to implementing programmes to increase SOC at large scale, is the need for credible and reliable measurement/monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) platforms, both for national reporting and for emissions trading. Without such platforms, investments could be considered risky. In this paper, we review methods and challenges of measuring SOC change directly in soils, before examining some recent novel developments that show promise for quantifying SOC. We describe how repeat soil surveys are used to estimate changes in SOC over time, and how long‐term experiments and space‐for‐time substitution sites can serve as sources of knowledge and can be used to test models, and as potential benchmark sites in global frameworks to estimate SOC change. We briefly consider models that can be used to simulate and project change in SOC and examine the MRV platforms for SOC change already in use in various countries/regions. In the final section, we bring together the various components described in this review, to describe a new vision for a global framework for MRV of SOC change, to support national and international initiatives seeking to effect change in the way we manage our soils.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo analyze electromyographic (EMG) patterns and isokinetic muscle performance of shoulder abduction movement in individuals who sustained a cerebrovascular accident (CVA).DesignTwenty-two individuals who sustained a CVA and 22 healthy subjects volunteered for EMG activity and isokinetic shoulder abduction assessments. EMG onset time, root mean square (RMS) for upper trapezius and deltoid muscles, as well as the isokinetic variables of peak torque, total work, average power and acceleration time were compared between limbs and groups.ResultsThe paretic side showed a different onset activation pattern in shoulder abduction, along with a lower RMS for both muscles (21.8 ± 13.4% of the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) for the deltoid and 25.9 ± 15.3% MVIC for the upper trapezius, about 50% lower than the control group). The non-paretic side showed a delay in both muscles activation and a lower RMS for the deltoid (32.2 ± 13.7% MVIC, about 25% lower than the control group). Both sides of the group of individuals who sustained a CVA presented a significantly lower isokinetic performance compared to the control group (paretic side ~60% lower; non-paretic side ~35% lower).ConclusionsShoulder abduction muscle performance is impaired in both paretic and non-paretic limbs of individuals who sustained a CVA.  相似文献   


Lantibiotics are heat-stable peptides characterized by the presence of thioether amino acid lanthionine and methyllanthionine. They are capable to inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus or Bacillus cereus, the causative agents of food-borne diseases or nosocomial infections. Lantibiotic biosynthetic machinery is encoded by gene cluster composed by a structural gene that codes for a pre-lantibiotic peptide and other genes involved in pre-lantibiotic modifications, regulation, export and immunity.


Bacillus amyloliquefaciens GA1 was found to produce an antimicrobial peptide, named amylolysin, active on an array of Gram-positive bacteria, including methicillin resistant S. aureus. Genome characterization led to the identification of a putative lantibiotic gene cluster that comprises a structural gene (amlA) and genes involved in modification (amlM), transport (amlT), regulation (amlKR) and immunity (amlFE). Disruption of amlA led to loss of biological activity, confirming thus that the identified gene cluster is related to amylolysin synthesis. MALDI-TOF and LC-MS analysis on purified amylolysin demonstrated that this latter corresponds to a novel lantibiotic not described to date. The ability of amylolysin to interact in vitro with the lipid II, the carrier of peptidoglycan monomers across the cytoplasmic membrane and the presence of a unique modification gene suggest that the identified peptide belongs to the group B lantibiotic. Amylolysin immunity seems to be driven by only two AmlF and AmlE proteins, which is uncommon within the Bacillus genus.


Apart from mersacidin produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strains Y2 and HIL Y-85,544728, reports on the synthesis of type B-lantibiotic in this species are scarce. This study reports on a genetic and structural characterization of another representative of the type B lantibiotic in B. amyloliquefaciens.  相似文献   

Tropical coral reefs are subject to multiple pressures from both natural and anthropogenic sources. These pressures have caused widespread declines in reef health, resulting in the increased use of spatial management tools such as marine protected areas (MPAs). MPAs have proven generally effective if well designed and enforced, but there are limited long-term studies investigating how the presence of small-scale MPAs affects fish populations and reef communities. Using a 12-year time series, we found that small-scale (10–50 ha) community-managed MPAs along the Danajon Bank of the Philippines preserved average fish biomass within their boundaries over time relative to surrounding fished reefs. Unprotected areas are, however, showing significant long-term biomass decline. MPAs were also found to preserve more key trophic groups and larger-bodied commercially targeted reef fish families. Fish biomass of piscivore, scavenger and invertivore trophic groups inside individual MPAs is, however, still declining at a similar rate as outside. Surprisingly, long-term benthic cover and growth form composition were not significantly affected overall by MPA presence, despite the sporadic use of highly destructive dynamite fishing in this region. Coral cover has remained historically low (21–28%) throughout the study, following widespread bleaching mortality. While management tempered overall abundance declines, we found that irrespective of MPA presence, there was a generalised decline of both large- and small-bodied fish size groups across the study region, most steeply within the 20–30 cm length fish, and a shift towards proportionally higher abundances of small (5–10 cm) fish. This indicates a combination of over-exploitation, inadequate MPA size and coverage for larger fish, and the lingering effects of the 1998 bleaching event. Generalised shifts in body size and trophic structure reported here could lead to future reductions in fishery productivity and stability and will be further exacerbated unless broader fishery regulations and enforcement is instated.

This paper deals with silver sorption to Myxococcus xanthus biomass. The dry biomass of this microorganism is shown to be a good sorbent for the recovery of silver present at low solution concentrations. Between initial silver concentrations of 2 and 0.05 mM, the percentage of accumulation ranges from 8.12% to 75% of the total silver present in the solution. Transmission electron microscopy study of M. xanthus wet biomass after silver accumulation shows the sorption within the extracellular polysaccharide, on the cell wall, and in the cytoplasm. The presence of silver deposits in the cytoplasm indicates that at least two mechanisms are involved in silver sorption by this bacterium biomass. First, silver was bound to the cell surface and extracellular polysaccharide, and second, a silver intracellular deposition process took place. The higher amount of silver deposits in the extracellular polysaccharide, present abundantly in M. xanthus cells, explains the capacity of this bacterium to bind silver efficiently. The results obtained indicate that the removal of silver by M. xanthus from the diluted solutions could be used in recycling this valuable metal. One interesting observation of this investigation is the crystalline form, possibly as chlorargyrite, in which the silver deposits are found in the M. xanthus cells.  相似文献   
Cell entry of rotaviruses is a complex process, which involves sequential interactions with several cell surface molecules. Among the molecules implicated are gangliosides, glycosphingolipids with one or more sialic acid (SA) residues. The role of gangliosides in rotavirus cell entry was studied by silencing the expression of two key enzymes involved in their biosynthesis—the UDP-glucose:ceramide glucosyltransferase (UGCG), which transfers a glucose molecule to ceramide to produce glucosylceramide GlcCer, and the lactosyl ceramide-α-2,3–sialyl transferase 5 (GM3-s), which adds the first SA to lactoceramide-producing ganglioside GM3. Silencing the expression of both enzymes resulted in decreased ganglioside levels (as judged by GM1a detection). Four rotavirus strains tested (human Wa, simian RRV, porcine TFR-41, and bovine UK) showed a decreased infectivity in cells with impaired ganglioside synthesis; however, their replication after bypassing the entry step was not affected, confirming the importance of gangliosides for cell entry of the viruses. Interestingly, viral binding to the cell surface was not affected in cells with inhibited ganglioside synthesis, but the infectivity of all strains tested was inhibited by preincubation of gangliosides with virus prior to infection. These data suggest that rotaviruses can attach to cell surface in the absence of gangliosides but require them for productive cell entry, confirming their functional role during rotavirus cell entry.  相似文献   


Patients with hip fracture (HF), due to their characteristics, require a specific support. The Acute Orthogeriatric Unit (OGU) has been shown to be one of the most beneficial.


To evaluate the main variables of HF patients treated at an OGU and compare them with the previous referral model (RC).

Material and methods

A prospective observational study with retrospective control was conducted on 169 patients, split into two groups. In the RC group, patients were admitted to conventional trauma ward. In the OGU group, an early geriatric assessment was performed, and patients were simultaneously attended daily by the orthopaedic surgeon, nurse and geriatrician, and the surgery times, work load, discharge and destination, were planned in a weekly meeting with the rest of professionals.


A total of 71 patients were included in the RC group and 96 in the OGU group. The preoperative characteristics were similar, except for a slightly higher comorbidity in the OGU group. The OGU patients were operated on earlier (3.82±2.08 vs 4.61±2.5 days; P<.32), and overall hospital stay was reduced by 28% (11.84±4.04 vs 16.46±8.4 days; P<.001). The functional efficiency (Barthel Index at discharge-Barthel Index at admission/overall stay - stay before surgery) was higher in the OGU group (1.56±0.7 vs 2.61±1.1; P<.05). There were no differences in functional status, mortality or discharge location.


The OGU is a level of care that provides effective medical care in HF patients in general hospitals.  相似文献   
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