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The lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of a rough (R) and a smooth (S) strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola were analysed. The S-LPS revealed markedly more rhamnose and fucose, but less glucose, than the R-LPS. The presence of 3-O-methyl-rhamnose (acofriose) in the S-LPS was confirmed by cochromatography with authentic acofriose. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the S-LPS demonstrated a cluster of regularly spaced high molecular weight fractions, which was almost lacking in the R-LPS. The main fatty acids of the lipid A of both LPS species were 3-OH-10:0,3-OH-12:0,2-OH-12:0, and 12:0. Two N-linked diesters were demonstrated: 3-O(12:0)-12:0 and 3-O(2-OH-12:0)-12:0. S-LPS was subjected to mild hydrolysis and the degraded polysaccharide separated into three fractions by gel permeation chromatography on a Fractogel TSK HW-50 column. Fraction I, representing nearly only the O-specific side chain, consisted of rhamnose and fucose in a molar ratio of 4:1, with 4% of the rhamnose being 3-O-methylated (acofriose). Fraction II, representing mostly core material, was composed of glucose, rhamnose, heptose, glucosamine, galactosamine, alanine, and a still unidentified amino compound, in an approximate molar ratio of 3:1:1:1:1:1:1, and KDO. Fraction III consisted of released monomers and salts. The LPS was highly phosphorylated (3.28% phosphorus in the core fraction). The thus characterized composition of the LPS O-chain seems to be unique for the pathovar phaseolicola of P. syringae, although many similarities exist to other pathovars as well as to other bacterial species.Abbreviations LPS lipopolysacchairdes - GC/MS combined gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry - HVE high voltage electrophoresis - KDO 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate P.s. pv. phaseolicola is termed P. phaseolicola in the text  相似文献   
Abstract The membrane-bound hydrogenase was localized in cells of Alcaligenes eutrophus by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Post-embedding labeling performed on ultrathin sections revealed that the enzyme was located predominantly (80%) at the cell periphery in autotrophically and heterotrophically grown bacteria harvested from the exponential phase of growth. In the stationary growth phase, however, only 50% of the enzyme was found at the cell periphery; the remaining 50% was distributed over the cytoplasm. The relative amount of electron microscopic label per cell as seen by application of the protein A—gold technique was higher in cells grown autotrophically as compared to cells grown heterotrophically on fructose. Derepression of the enzyme was followed electron microscopically in a substrate-shift experiment (growth on fructose, followed by a shift to glycerol). Major amounts of the enzyme appeared to undergo a reattachment to the cytoplasmic membrane under these conditions, starting with a reduced location of the enzyme in the cytoplasm and an accumulation in cell areas close to the cytoplasmic membrane. These findings indicate that the 'membrane-bound' hydrogenase (i.e., that material enriched as membrane-bound enzyme according to the appropriate activity test) is not, in fact, membrane bound or membrane integrated but membrane associated. It may or may not interact with the cytoplasmic face of the cytoplasmic membrane, depending on the growth phase and conditions.  相似文献   
Lipid A analyses confirm not only the present taxa of the purple nonsulfur bacteria (formerly Rhodospirillaceae), but also phylogenetical relatedness of distinct phototrophic to distinct non-phototrophic bacteria, as was suggested by cataloguing 16S rRNA. For example, lipid A with ester-bound 3-OH-10:0 and the rare amide-linked 3-oxo-14:0 is common to the phototrophic Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rhodobacter sphaeroides and also to Paracoccus denitrificans and Thiobacillus versutus. 'Lipid ADAG' (lipid A with 2,3-diamino-D-glucose (DAG)) occurs in the phototrophic Rhodopseudomonas viridis and Rhodopseudomonas palustris and also in the related non-phototrophic species, e.g., Nitrobacter winogradskyi, Pseudomonas diminuta, or Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. The phylogenetically more coherent purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiaceae) uniformly contain D-mannose in their phosphate-free lipid A. Among the green bacteria, only the Chlorobiaceae but not the likewise chlorosome-containing Chloroflexaceae contain lipopolysaccharide. Lipid ADAG from R. viridis is a structural analogue of a biosynthetic precursor (lipid X) of enterobacterial lipid A. Lipid A synthase from Salmonella accepts not only lipid X but also the synthetic di-N-acyl-2,3-diamino-D-glucose analogue as substrate (Raetz, C.R.H., unpublished results). More and more naturally occurring lipid A's with both, 2,3-diaminoglucose and glucosamine ('mixed' lipid A, with 2,3-diaminoglucose or glucosamine dominating) are being found. Newly recognized lipid A and lipid ADAG types might offer the possibility of differentially stimulating desired biological activities in animals without also having the undesired endotoxic activities. The non-toxic lipid A from Rhodopseudomonas viridis for example is able to stimulate prostaglandin secretion in peritoneal macrophages and can be used as an antagonist to the endotoxic shock caused by Salmonella lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   
Stickleback males were implanted with Silastic capsules filled with 11-ketoandrostenedione or androstenedione at the end of the breeding season. 11-Ketoandrostenedione prevented the natural decline in secondary sexual characters and testes weight. It also completely inhibited the commencement of spermatogenesis, which normally takes place in late summer after having been quiescent during the breeding season. Androstenedione also exerted these effects, but to a lesser degree.  相似文献   
Biologic markers in ethylene oxide-exposed workers and controls   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ethylene oxide (EtO) is an alkylating agent and a model direct-acting mutagen and carcinogen. This study has evaluated a panel of biologic markers including EtO-hemoglobin adducts (EtO-Hb), sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs), micronuclei, chromosomal aberrations (CAs), DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) and an index of DNA repair (ratio of UDS to NA-AAF-DNA binding) in the peripheral blood cells of 34 workers at a sterilization unit of a large university hospital and 23 controls working in the university library. Comprehensive environmental histories were obtained on each subject including detailed occupational and smoking histories. Industrial hygiene data obtained prior to the study and personal monitoring during the 8 years preceding the study showed that workers were subject to low-level exposure near or below the current Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard of 1 ppm (TWA). Personal monitoring data obtained during 2 weeks prior to blood sampling were uniformly less than 0.3 ppm (TWA). After adjusting for smoking, EtO workplace exposure was significantly (p less than 0.001) associated with EtO-Hb (a carcinogen-protein adduct) and 2 measures of SCEs [the average number of SCEs/cell (SCE50) and the number of high frequency cells (SCEHFC)]. There was an apparent suppression of DNA repair capacity in EtO-exposed individuals as measured by the DNA repair index; i.e., the ratio of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) and NA-AAF-DNA binding (p less than 0.01). No association of DNA repair index with smoking was found. Another important finding of this study is the highly significant correlation between EtO-Hb adduct levels and SCEHFC (p less than 0.01) and SCEs (p less than 0.02) which provides evidence of a direct link between a marker of biologically effective dose and markers of genotoxic response. In contrast, micronuclei, CAs and SSBs were not significantly elevated in the workers. The activity of the u-isoenzyme of glutathione-S-transferase (GT) was measured as a possible genetic marker of susceptibility and a modulator of biomarker formation. However, possibly because of confounding by age, no significant relationships were found between GT and any of the exposure-related markers by ANOVA or among other independent variables by regression. This study demonstrates significant effects of low-level EtO exposure, independent of smoking history, near or below 1 ppm on multiple biomarkers and suggests that the current OSHA standard may not be adequately protective. Previously described effects of smoking on EtO-Hb adducts, SCEs and SCEHFC were also seen in this study.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
In some dioecious plant species, mates and/or females have large and presumably costly opposite-sex structures that are sterile. This is termed 'cryptic dioecy'. Several new cases of cryptic dioecy have recently been studied. They may give information about the minimal requirements for the evolution of separate sexes from hermaphroditism, because the most important differences contributing to the initial advantage of the breeding system have not been obscured by further developments. Reviewed in this light, cryptic dioecy can provide evidence on the role of reallocation of reproductive resources in the evolution of dioecy.  相似文献   
The methanogenic bacterium strain G?1 harbors a high-molecular-weight enzyme complex containing methyl coenzyme M methylreductase as revealed by immunoelectron microscopy. This complex consists of a spherelike, hollow head piece, in the wall of which a number of copies of the methyl coenzyme M methylreductase are located. It is named Rc (c indicates collector). Intimately bound to it is a group of additional subunits of unknown composition referred to as Rm (m indicates mediator). Electron microscopy of negatively stained samples indicated that Rm contains a functional pore or channel which connects the internal volume of Rc with the outside. The RcRm complex is named Rs (s indicates spherelike). This complex was often found detached from the inside of the cytoplasmic membrane when membrane vesicles were investigated. However, Rs was also seen attached to a third component of the complex located in the membrane, the attachment being mediated by Rm. This membrane part of the complex is designated Rt (t indicates translocator). It consists of subunits with unknown composition. When Rs is attached to the membrane, the pore in Rm appears to be plugged by Rt. This indicates that the internal volume in Rc is in contact, via the pore in Rm, with Rt. The RcRmRt complex is referred to as methanoreductosome. Functional implications of the structural organization of the methylreductase system are discussed in view of methane formation and the creation of a transmembrane proton gradient used by the cell for ATP synthesis.  相似文献   
Three fragments of the cDNA encoding human 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, all incorporating the majority of the catalytic domain of the protein, were subcloned into Escherichia coli expression vectors containing the pL promoter. The two larger expressed fragments (58 and 52 kDa) were soluble and had enzymatic activity, while the smallest (48 kDa) was insoluble. The two active fragments were purified by a combination of conventional techniques and affinity chromatography. A number of properties of the two enzymes were compared including specific activity, kinetic parameters, relative solubility, and cold lability. The 52-kDa enzyme was observed to change from a dimeric to monomeric form and to lose activity at 4 degrees C. In contrast, the 58-kDa enzyme was found to be much less cold labile, and was dimeric at both 20 and 4 degrees C. In order to resolve the number of subunits required to form an active site, the number of inhibitor binding sites for a known inhibitor was determined to be one per subunit in the 58-kDa enzyme.  相似文献   
The uptake of dibucaine into large unilamellar vesicles in response to proton gradients (delta pH; inside acidic) or membrane potentials (delta psi; inside negative) has been investigated. Dibucaine uptake in response to delta pH proceeds rapidly in a manner consistent with permeation of the neutral (deprotonated) form of the drug, reaching a Henderson-Hasselbach equilibrium where [dibucaine]in/[dibucaine]out = [H+]in/[H+]out and where the absolute amount of drug accumulated is sensitive to the buffering capacity of the interior environment. Under appropriate conditions, high absolute interior concentrations of the drug can be achieved (approximately 120 mM) in combination with high trapping efficiencies (in excess of 90%). Dibucaine uptake in response to delta psi proceeds more than an order of magnitude more slowly and cannot be directly attributed to uptake in response to the delta pH induced by delta psi. This induced delta pH is too small (less than or equal to 1.5 pH units) to account for the transmembrane dibucaine concentration gradients achieved and does not come to electrochemical equilibrium with delta psi. Results supporting the possibility that the charged (protonated) form of dibucaine can be accumulated in response to delta psi were obtained by employing a permanently positively charged dibucaine analogue (N-methyldibucaine). Further, the results suggest that delta psi-dependent uptake may depend on formation of a precipitate of the drug in the vesicle interior. The uptake of dibucaine into vesicles in response to ion gradients is of direct utility in drug delivery and controlled release applications and is related to processes of drug sequestration by cells and organelles in vivo.  相似文献   
The expression of human parathyroid hormone (hPTH) in Escherichia coli was optimized by variations of the spacing sequence between the ribosome-binding site (RBS) and the beginning of the gene (ATG) and by increasing the complementarity of the RBS to the 16 S rRNA. The expression level of 3 micrograms/liter increased more than 100-fold to 475 micrograms/liter as a direct consequence of modifications in the region 5' of the gene.  相似文献   
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