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Deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) is a critical enzyme for activation of anticancer nucleoside analogs. Its activity is controlled via Ser-74 phosphorylation. Here, we investigated which Ser/Thr phosphatase dephosphorylates Ser-74. In cells, the PP1/PP2A inhibitor okadaic acid increased both dCK activity and Ser-74 phosphorylation at concentrations reported to specifically target PP2A. In line with this, purified PP2A, but not PP1, dephosphorylated recombinant pSer-74-dCK. In cell lysates, the Ser-74-dCK phosphatase activity was found to be latent, Mn2+-activated, responsive to PP2A inhibitors, and diminished after PP2A-immunodepletion. Use of siRNAs allowed concluding definitively that PP2A constitutively dephosphorylates dCK in cells and negatively regulates its activity.  相似文献   
The effect of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on spontaneous and induced release of newly synthesized 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) was studied in the suprachiasmatic area (SCA) using a superfusion system. To test the possible modualtion by E2 on the interaction VIP-5-HT, the experiments were conducted on male, ovariectomized (OVX) and ovariectomized oestradiol implanted rats (OVX-E2). VIP (10?7 M) infused for 15 min caused an increase of 5-HT release from SCA of male and OVX. The positive effect of VIP on 5-HT release results partially from an inhibition of the reuptake of 5-HT: in male and OVX SCA, VIP inhibited the 3H-5-HT uptake by 40 to 50%. The infusion of VIP before a pulse of K+ (10-20-30-56 mM) leads to a potentialisation of the evoked release suggesting that VIP sensitized the presynaptic membrane to the process linking depolarization and release. When SCA taken from OVX-E2 were exposed to VIP, 5-HT uptake and consequently 5-HT release were unchanged. The present results suggest that the metabolism of 5-HT in the SCA is influenced by VIP and that this regulation may be modulated by E2. This interaction between E2, VIP and 5-HT at the SCA level may be involved in the regulation of phasic LH and prolactin surge.  相似文献   
Many choice situations require imagining potential outcomes, a capacity that was shown to involve memory brain regions such as the hippocampus. We reasoned that the quality of hippocampus-mediated simulation might therefore condition the subjective value assigned to imagined outcomes. We developed a novel paradigm to assess the impact of hippocampus structure and function on the propensity to favor imagined outcomes in the context of intertemporal choices. The ecological condition opposed immediate options presented as pictures (hence directly observable) to delayed options presented as texts (hence requiring mental stimulation). To avoid confounding simulation process with delay discounting, we compared this ecological condition to control conditions using the same temporal labels while keeping constant the presentation mode. Behavioral data showed that participants who imagined future options with greater details rated them as more likeable. Functional MRI data confirmed that hippocampus activity could account for subjects assigning higher values to simulated options. Structural MRI data suggested that grey matter density was a significant predictor of hippocampus activation, and therefore of the propensity to favor simulated options. Conversely, patients with hippocampus atrophy due to Alzheimer''s disease, but not patients with Fronto-Temporal Dementia, were less inclined to favor options that required mental simulation. We conclude that hippocampus-mediated simulation plays a critical role in providing the motivation to pursue goals that are not present to our senses.  相似文献   
Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) achieves subdiffraction axial sectioning by confining fluorophore excitation to a thin layer close to the cell/substrate boundary. However, it is often unknown how thin this light sheet actually is. Particularly in objective-type TIRFM, large deviations from the exponential intensity decay expected for pure evanescence have been reported. Nonevanescent excitation light diminishes the optical sectioning effect, reduces contrast, and renders TIRFM-image quantification uncertain. To identify the sources of this unwanted fluorescence excitation in deeper sample layers, we here combine azimuthal and polar beam scanning (spinning TIRF), atomic force microscopy, and wavefront analysis of beams passing through the objective periphery. Using a variety of intracellular fluorescent labels as well as negative staining experiments to measure cell-induced scattering, we find that azimuthal beam spinning produces TIRFM images that more accurately portray the real fluorophore distribution, but these images are still hampered by far-field excitation. Furthermore, although clearly measureable, cell-induced scattering is not the dominant source of far-field excitation light in objective-type TIRF, at least for most types of weakly scattering cells. It is the microscope illumination optical path that produces a large cell- and beam-angle invariant stray excitation that is insensitive to beam scanning. This instrument-induced glare is produced far from the sample plane, inside the microscope illumination optical path. We identify stray reflections and high-numerical aperture aberrations of the TIRF objective as one important source. This work is accompanied by a companion paper (Pt.2/2).  相似文献   
Prion and Alzheimer diseases are fatal neurodegenerative diseases caused by misfolding and aggregation of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) and the β-amyloid peptide, respectively. Soluble oligomeric species rather than large aggregates are now believed to be neurotoxic. PrPC undergoes three proteolytic cleavages as part of its natural life cycle, α-cleavage, β-cleavage, and ectodomain shedding. Recent evidences demonstrate that the resulting secreted PrPC molecules might represent natural inhibitors against soluble toxic species. In this mini-review, we summarize recent observations suggesting the potential benefit of using PrPC-derived molecules as therapeutic agents in prion and Alzheimer diseases.  相似文献   
  1. Investigations in nutritional ecology often require the identification of animal feeding patterns in natural conditions (what, where, and when do animals eat). Thus, methods are needed to trace not only individual resource uptake but also the relative use of different resources in a population or community.
  2. Recent biochemical developments allow predicting the use of sugar‐rich resources from insects in the field. Individual feeding status (feeding history, food sources) is inferred by comparing insect sugar profiles with those of individuals fed on controlled diets. Individual assignations are then used to predict the relative consumption of different resources at the population or community level. As both steps may generate error, accurate prediction rules are needed. However, research from other domains (e.g., protein‐marking studies) suggests that classical decision rules used for such tasks may sometimes induce bias.
  3. This study evaluated the performance of these rules and compared them to alternative methods on simulated, realistic datasets. It tested different methods for individual classification but also introduced methods for prevalence estimation, whose specific purpose is to estimate the relative frequency of different classes.
  4. Alternative methods substantially outperformed the traditional algorithms to predict insect individual feeding status and population class distribution (relative frequency of insects with different feeding status). This study provided a simple decision tool to choose a method according to dataset size, variance, and biochemical method used.
  5. Alternative methods should increase prediction confidence in future studies. Such approaches should easily be generalized to a wider range of systems.
High-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) is remarkably mobile in living cells, which reflects its ability to interact only transiently with both DNA and protein. This property is likely essential for HMGB1 nuclear activities. Nonetheless the weak interaction of HMGB1 with DNA and/or protein partners has also been a major limitation for investigating HMGB1 subnuclear localisation and for the identification of HMGB1 containing complexes by conventional biochemical approaches. In the present study, FRAP experiments demonstrated that DsRed-mediated oligomerization strongly reduces HMGB1 mobility due to an increased affinity for cellular chromatin. Moreover, oligomerized DsRed–HMGB1 exhibited a higher affinity for supercoiled DNA in vitro compared to its monomeric counterpart. These results indicate that DsRed-meditated oligomerization is prone to stabilize labile interactions involving HMGB1 both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation is a major cause of biodiversity loss, responsible for an alteration of intraspecific patterns of neutral genetic diversity and structure. Although neutral genetic variation can be informative for demographic inferences, it may be a poor predictor of adaptive genetic diversity and thus of the consequences of habitat fragmentation on selective evolutionary processes. In this context, we contrasted patterns of genetic diversity and structure of neutral loci (microsatellites) and immune genes (i.e., toll-like receptors) in an understorey bird species, the wedge-billed woodcreeper Glyphorynchus spirurus. The objectives were (1) to investigate forest fragmentation effects on population genetic diversity, (2) to disentangle the relative role of demography (genetic drift and migration) and selection, and (3) to assess whether immunogenetic patterns could be associated with variation of ectoparasite (i.e., ticks) pressures. Our results revealed an erosion of neutral genetic diversity and a substantial genetic differentiation among fragmented populations, resulting from a decrease in landscape connectivity and leading to the divergence of distinct genetic pools at a small spatial scale. Patterns of genetic diversity observed for TLR4 and TLR5 were concordant with neutral genetic patterns, whereas those observed for TLR3 and TLR21 were discordant. This result underlines that the dominant evolutionary force shaping immunogenetic diversity (genetic drift vs. selection) may be different depending on loci considered. Finally, tick prevalence was higher in fragmented environments. We discussed the hypothesis that pathogen selective pressures may contribute to maintain adaptive genetic diversity despite the negative demographic effect of habitat fragmentation on neutral genetic diversity.Subject terms: Tropical ecology, Genetic variation  相似文献   
The quest for signatures of selection using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data has proven efficient to uncover genes involved in conserved and/or adaptive molecular functions, but none of the statistical methods were designed to identify interacting alleles as targets of selective processes. Here, we propose a statistical test aimed at detecting epistatic selection, based on a linkage disequilibrium (LD) measure accounting for population structure and heterogeneous relatedness between individuals. SNP-based (Trv) and window-based (TcorPC1v) statistics fit a Student distribution, allowing to test the significance of correlation coefficients. As a proof of concept, we use SNP data from the Medicago truncatula symbiotic legume plant and uncover a previously unknown gene coadaptation between the MtSUNN (Super Numeric Nodule) receptor and the MtCLE02 (CLAVATA3-Like) signaling peptide. We also provide experimental evidence supporting a MtSUNN-dependent negative role of MtCLE02 in symbiotic root nodulation. Using human HGDP-CEPH SNP data, our new statistical test uncovers strong LD between SLC24A5 (skin pigmentation) and EDAR (hairs, teeth, sweat glands development) world-wide, which persists after correction for population structure and relatedness in Central South Asian populations. This result suggests that epistatic selection or coselection could have contributed to the phenotypic make-up in some human populations. Applying this approach to genome-wide SNP data will facilitate the identification of coadapted gene networks in model or non-model organisms.Subject terms: Population genetics, Epistasis, Rhizobial symbiosis  相似文献   
The contribution of different host cell transport systems in the intercellular movement of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) was investigated. To discriminate between primary infections and secondary infections associated with the virus intercellular movement, a gene cassette expressing GFP-HDEL was inserted adjacent to a TuMV infectious cassette expressing 6K2:mCherry, both within the T-DNA borders of the binary vector pCambia. In this system, both gene cassettes were delivered to the same cell by a single binary vector and primary infection foci emitted green and red fluorescence while secondarily infected cells emitted only red fluorescence. Intercellular movement was measured at 72 hours post infiltration and was estimated to proceed at an average rate of one cell being infected every three hours over an observation period of 17 hours. To determine if the secretory pathway were important for TuMV intercellular movement, chemical and protein inhibitors that blocked both early and late secretory pathways were used. Treatment with Brefeldin A or Concanamycin A or expression of ARF1 or RAB-E1d dominant negative mutants, all of which inhibit pre- or post-Golgi transport, reduced intercellular movement by the virus. These treatments, however, did not inhibit virus replication in primary infected cells. Pharmacological interference assays using Tyrphostin A23 or Wortmannin showed that endocytosis was not important for TuMV intercellular movement. Lack of co-localization by endocytosed FM4-64 and Ara7 (AtRabF2b) with TuMV-induced 6K2-tagged vesicles further supported this conclusion. Microfilament depolymerizing drugs and silencing expression of myosin XI-2 gene, but not myosin VIII genes, also inhibited TuMV intercellular movement. Expression of dominant negative myosin mutants confirmed the role played by myosin XI-2 as well as by myosin XI-K in TuMV intercellular movement. Using this dual gene cassette expression system and transport inhibitors, components of the secretory and actomyosin machinery were shown to be important for TuMV intercellular spread.  相似文献   
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