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Azospirillum brasilense was reisolated from associations with callus tissue cultures of sugarcane and compared with stock cultures of the inoculated bacterium and related strains. Although the reisolate had a growth rate similar to stock cultures, it exhibited a severalfold increase in maximum specific activity of nitrogenase. The reisolate and the parent culture had similar ultrastructure. The general ultrastructure of Azospirillum is described. The bacterium was capsulated when grown on nitrogen-free nutrient agar plates and on callus, but was not capsulated when growing in a subsurface zone in N-free semisolid nutrient agar, except rarely in aging cultures. Capsulation may be a protective mechanism against unfavorable pO2 under dinitrogen-fixing conditions. Pleomorphism occurred in capsulated forms, and the ultrastructure of these forms is described.  相似文献   
The entropy-driven polymerization of tobacco mosaic virus protein is favored by an increase in ionic strength, μ, and by a decrease in pH. The effect of ionic strength is interpreted in terms of salting-out and electrical work, a function of charge and, therefore, of pH as well as of μ. The extent of polymerization is measured in terms of a characteristic temperature, T1, corresponding to a characteristic value of the equilibrium constant, KcT1 is measured at an early stage in the polymerization process where the optical density increment from light scatter is 0.01. The theory developed encompassing both salting-out and electrical work terms relates 1T1 to μ approximately according to the equation, 1T1 = C + Bμ ? Aμ12, where C is the ratio of entropy to enthalpy, B is proportional to the salting-out constant divided by enthalpy, and Aμ12 depends upon the square of the charge and is proportional to the electrical work contribution divided by the enthalpy. Data in which μ varied from 0.025 to 0.150 at three pH values, 5.95, 6.35, and 6.50, were fitted to this equation and the parameters C, B, and A were evaluated. Experiments were also carried out at a constant μ of 0.10 at pH values in increments of 0.1 between 5.9 and 6.8. The theory predicts that, at constant μ, 1T1, corrected for the electrical work contribution, is a linear function of pH with a negative slope proportional to the number of hydrogen ions bound per protein unit during polymerization, divided by the enthalpy. The data obtained fit two straight lines with different slopes above and below pH 6.3. Independent experiments carried out by the method of Stevens and Loga show that the number of hydrogen ions bound per protein unit also differs above and below pH 6.3 and the ratio of these is the same as the ratio of the above mentioned slopes. The data, therefore, make it possible to evaluate the enthalpy to be 24.8 kcal/mol of associating A protein and, with this value, the parameters C, B, and A can be interpreted. Standard entropies range from 86 e.u. at pH 6.5 to 88.5 at pH 5.95 and the salting-out constant, KS, is 2.2 at all pH values studied. At μ = 0.10, the values of the electrical work contribution at pH 5.95, 6.35, and 6.50 are +0.298, +0.455, and +0.534 kcal/mol, respectively. Theoretical calculations from models predict values in agreement within a factor of less than two.  相似文献   
Variants of B 16-F 1 mouse melanoma cells selected for resistance to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) toxicity invitro were found to have undergone a stable surface change correlated both to lectin resistance and reduced metastasizing potential. The surface alteration, as indicated by the increased electrophoretic mobilities of several lactoperoxidase-iodinated cell surface proteins in SDS-PAGE, was restricted to polypeptides able to interact with WGA. The availability of lectin-resistant melanoma cell variants having altered metastasizing behavior provides a promising approach to studies of the role of specific cell surface components in the metastasizing process.  相似文献   
Alloantisera raised in highly inbred lines of chickens, 7(2) and 15I(5) , by reciprocal immunization with lymphocytes were shown by immunofluorescence to react with B cells, cells of the monocyte-macrophage series, and an unidentified population of mononuclear cells prevalent in the spleen and bone marrow. Variable immunogenicity of the 'Ia'(2) and 'Ia'(15) alloantigens was observed. The alloantigens detected by these sara could be redistributed on the B-cell surface independently of immunoglobulin determinants or previously recognized antigens encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (B locus), and were more resistant to proteolysis than slgM. Analysis of several inbred lines of chickens revealed an association between expression of these antigens and the B haplotype. Strains of the B(2) haplotype expressed the antigen detected by anti-7 2 and vice versa. These data suggest that the B-cell alloantigens detected are encoded by genes linked to the MHC and may be analogous to la antigens of mice and DR antigens of man. 'Ia' alleles were co dominantly expressed on lymphocytes of F(1) hybrids. During ontogeny 'a'(+) cells were first detected in the bursa at 10 days of incubation , 3 days before 'Ia'(+). IgM(+) cells could be detected. Both 'Ia'(+).IgM(+) and 'Ia'(+).IgM(-) populations of bursal cells increased in parallel until day 18, when plateau levels were reached. Development of 'Ia'(+).IgM(-) cells throughout the body was unaffected by bursectomy at hatching. Cell surface expression of 'Ia' antigens was apparently increased with B-Iymphocyte maturation and was detectable on most, but not all, mature plasma cells.  相似文献   
The thermodynamic functions of biopolymer hydration were investigated by multitemperature vapor pressure studies. Desorption measurements were performed that allowed determination of reversible isotherms in the hydration range of 0.1 to 0.3–0.5 g H2O/g dry polymer. These isotherms are accessible to thermodynamic interpretation and are relevant to the interaction of water with biopolymers in their solution conformation. The results obtained on a series of different biopolymers (lysozyme, α-chymotrypsin, apo-lactoferrin, and desoxyribonucleic acid), show the following common features of interest: (1) The differential excess enthalpies (ΔHe ) and entropies (ΔSe ) are negative, and exhibit pronounced anomalies in a well-defined low-humidity range (approx. 0.1 g H2O/g dry polymer). These initial extrema are interpretable by structural changes, induced in the native biopolymer structures by water removal below a critical degree of hydration. (2) The ΔHe and ΔSe terms exhibit statistically significant linear enthalpy–entropy compensation effects in all biopolymer–water systems investigated. The compensation temperatures \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \hat \beta = \overline {\Delta H} ^e /\overline {\Delta S} ^e $\end{document} are approximately identical for all biopolymers, ranging from 360 to 500 K. The compensation effects are attributable to phase transitions of water molecules between the bulk liquid and the inner-sphere hydration shell of native biopolymers. (3) The negative excess free energies (ΔGe ) decrease monotonically with increasing water content and are close to zero at 0.3 to 0.5 g H2O/g polymer. This result indicates that only transitions between the bulk liquid and the inner-sphere hydration shell are associated with significant net free energy effects. The outer-sphere hydration water is thermodynamically comparable to bulk water. The importance of the proportionality factor \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \hat \beta $\end{document} in the control of the free energy term is discussed.  相似文献   
In this article, we demonstrate that an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration may represent a specific common step(s) in the mechanism(s) of action of glutamate (Glu) and depolarizing agents on formation of inositol phosphates (IPs) in 8-day-old rat forebrain synaptoneurosomes. In fact, A23187, a Ca2+ ionophore, induces a dose-dependent accumulation of IPs, which is not additive with that evoked by Glu and K+ but is slightly synergistic with that induced by carbachol. In addition, Glu and K+ augment the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in synaptoneurosome preparations as measured by the fura-2 assay. The absence of external Ca2+ decreases basal and Glu-, and K(+)-stimulated formation of IPs. Cd2+ (100 microM) fully inhibits both Glu- and K(+)-evoked formation of IPs without affecting the carbachol-elicited response of IPs. Zn2+ inhibits Glu- and K(+)-stimulated accumulation of IPs (IC50 approximately 0.4 mM) but with a lower affinity than Cd2+ (IC50 approximately 0.035 mM). The organic Ca2+ channel blockers verapamil (10 microM), nifedipine (10 microM), omega-conotoxin (2 microM), and amiloride (10 microM) as well as the inorganic blockers Co2+ (100 microM) and La3+ (100 microM) block neither Glu- nor K(+)-evoked formation of IPs, a result suggesting that the opening of the L-, T-, N-, or P-type Ca2+ channels does not participate in these responses. All these data suggest that an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration resulting from an influx of Ca2+, sensitive to Cd2+ but not to other classical Ca2+ antagonists, may play a key role in the transduction mechanism activated by Glu or depolarizing agents.  相似文献   
In this study we have shown that NHS-biotin and I125-streptavidin can detect cuticular polypeptides of Ostertagia spp. The labelled polypeptide profile of intact nematodes is simple compared to the profile obtained by labelling homogenates. None of the major internal polypeptides are labelled and the subset of proteins labelled in intact nematodes appears to be mainly surface associated. The results presented here demonstrate that NHS-biotin may be used as a reagent for the analysis of surface polypeptides. The surface polypeptide profiles of the five major developmental stages (L1, L2, L3, L4 and adult) of Ostertagia circumcincta show a series of stage-specific molecules with no polypeptides common to all stages, indicating that the cuticle is a dynamic structure which changes throughout the life cycle. Similarity comparison of Ostertagia ostertagi L3 and L4 stage surface profiles showed that each stage is clearly distinct; comparison of these stages between the two species shows an overall similarity.  相似文献   
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