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ATP binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) mediates the cholesterol transport from cells to high-density lipoprotein (HDL), but the role of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the main protein constituent of HDL, in this process is not clear. To address this, we measured cholesterol efflux from HEK293 cells or J774 mouse macrophages overexpressing ABCG1 using as acceptors reconstituted HDL (rHDL) containing wild-type or various mutant apoA-I forms. It was found that ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux was severely reduced (by 89%) when using rHDL containing the carboxyl-terminal deletion mutant apoA-I[Δ(185–243)]. ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux was not affected or moderately decreased by rHDL containing amino-terminal deletion mutants and several mid-region deletion or point apoA-I mutants, and was restored to 69–99% of control by double deletion mutants apoA-I[Δ(1–41)Δ(185–243)] and apoA-I[Δ(1–59)Δ(185–243)]. These findings suggest that the central helices alone of apoA-I associated to rHDL can promote ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux. Further analysis showed that rHDL containing the carboxyl-terminal deletion mutant apoA-I[Δ(185–243)] only slightly reduced (by 22%) the ABCG1-mediated efflux of 7-ketocholesterol, indicating that depending on the sterol type, structural changes in rHDL-associated apoA-I affect differently the ABCG1-mediated efflux of cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol. Overall, our findings demonstrate that rHDL-associated apoA-I structural changes affect the capacity of rHDL to accept cellular cholesterol by an ABCG1-mediated process. The structure-function relationship seen here between rHDL-associated apoA-I mutants and ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux closely resembles that seen before in lipid-free apoA-I mutants and ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux, suggesting that both processes depend on the same structural determinants of apoA-I.  相似文献   
Pulses have constituted an important food source for prehistoric communities in the Old World, yet little is known as regards their processing for consumption through the archaeobotanical record. This paper provides an overview of archaeobotanical evidence for the use of pulses in prehistoric Greece based on two case studies from the north, and explores (a) their preparation for consumption, in particular their detoxification and (b) the consumption of pulses as a component of ordinary daily meals in prehistoric times, as well as those for special occasions, within a context of feasting and ritual. The paper examines charred remains of Vicia ervilia (bitter vetch) and Lathyrus sativus (grass pea) from early Bronze Age Agios Athanasios and late Neolithic Kremasti Koiladas, respectively, as the former provides a basis for a pilot exploration of pulse detoxification and the latter, due to its origin, offers a rare opportunity to discuss the context of consumption. In the pilot exploration of pulse seed preparation for consumption, the inner cotyledon morphology of modern V. ervilia seeds which were experimentally processed with water and pounding was examined macroscopically and through SEM micrographs. Preliminary observations suggest that intentional splitting of pulse seeds as part of processing for consumption as food may be recognisable in the archaeobotanical record. Processing with water may also be detected. The particular context of the Kremasti finds suggests that pulses, in this particular case L. sativus, may have constituted special foods for particular occasions, loaded with symbolic meaning.  相似文献   
NKCC1 and KCC2, related cation-chloride cotransporters (CCC), regulate cell volume and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic neurotranmission by modulating the intracellular concentration of chloride [Cl(-)]. These CCCs are oppositely regulated by serine-threonine phosphorylation, which activates NKCC1 but inhibits KCC2. The kinase(s) that performs this function in the nervous system are not known with certainty. WNK1 and WNK4, members of the WNK (with no lysine [K]) kinase family, either directly or via the downstream SPAK/OSR1 Ste20-type kinases, regulate the furosemide-sensitive NKCC2 and the thiazide-sensitive NCC, kidney-specific CCCs. What role the novel WNK2 kinase plays in this regulatory cascade, if any, is unknown. Here, we show that WNK2, unlike other WNKs, is not expressed in kidney; rather, it is a neuron-enriched kinase primarily expressed in neocortical pyramidal cells, thalamic relay cells, and cerebellar granule and Purkinje cells in both the developing and adult brain. Bumetanide-sensitive and Cl(-)-dependent (86)Rb(+) uptake assays in Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed that WNK2 promotes Cl(-) accumulation by reciprocally activating NKCC1 and inhibiting KCC2 in a kinase-dependent manner, effectively bypassing normal tonicity requirements for cotransporter regulation. TiO(2) enrichment and tandem mass spectrometry studies demonstrate WNK2 forms a protein complex in the mammalian brain with SPAK, a known phosphoregulator of NKCC1. In this complex, SPAK is phosphorylated at Ser-383, a consensus WNK recognition site. These findings suggest a role for WNK2 in the regulation of CCCs in the mammalian brain, with implications for both cell volume regulation and/or GABAergic signaling.  相似文献   
Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) produces 1 of 91 capsular polysaccharides (CPS) that define the serotype. The cps loci of 88 pneumococcal serotypes whose CPS is synthesized by the Wzy-dependent pathway were compared with each other and with additional streptococcal polysaccharide biosynthetic loci and were clustered according to the proportion of shared homology groups (HGs), weighted for the sequence similarities between the genes encoding the shared HGs. The cps loci of the 88 pneumococcal serotypes were distributed into eight major clusters and 21 subclusters. All serotypes within the same serogroup fell into the same major cluster, but in six cases, serotypes within the same serogroup were in different subclusters and, conversely, nine subclusters included completely different serotypes. The closely related cps loci within a subcluster were compared to the known CPS structures to relate gene content to structure. The Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus mitis polysaccharide biosynthetic loci clustered within the pneumococcal cps loci and were in a subcluster that also included the cps locus of pneumococcal serotype 21, whereas the Streptococcus agalactiae cps loci formed a single cluster that was not closely related to any of the pneumococcal cps clusters.  相似文献   
Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) and ABCA1 are structurally dissimilar cell surface proteins that play key roles in HDL metabolism. SR-BI is a receptor that binds HDL with high affinity and mediates both the selective lipid uptake of cholesteryl esters from lipid-rich HDL to cells and the efflux of unesterified cholesterol from cells to HDL. ABCA1 mediates the efflux of unesterified cholesterol and phospholipids from cells to lipid-poor apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I). The activities of ABCA1 and other ATP binding cassette superfamily members are inhibited by the drug glyburide, and SR-BI-mediated lipid transport is blocked by small molecule inhibitors called BLTs. Here, we show that one BLT, [1-(2-methoxy-phenyl)-3-naphthalen-2-yl-urea] (BLT-4), blocked ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux to lipid-poor apoA-I at a potency similar to that for its inhibition of SR-BI (IC(50) approximately 55-60 microM). Reciprocally, glyburide blocked SR-BI-mediated selective lipid uptake and efflux at a potency similar to that for its inhibition of ABCA1 (IC(50) approximately 275-300 microM). As is the case with BLTs, glyburide increased the apparent affinity of HDL binding to SR-BI. The reciprocal inhibition of SR-BI and ABCA1 by BLT-4 and glyburide raises the possibility that these proteins may share similar or common steps in their mechanisms of lipid transport.  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein E4 (apoE4) is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and has been associated with a variety of neuropathological processes. ApoE4 C-terminally truncated forms have been found in brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. Structural rearrangements in apoE4 are known to be key to its physiological functions. To understand the effect of C-terminal truncations on apoE4 lipid-free structure, we produced a series of recombinant apoE4 forms with progressive C-terminal deletions between residues 166 and 299. Circular dichroism measurements show a dramatic loss in helicity upon removal of the last 40 C-terminal residues, whereas further truncations of residues 203-259 lead to recovery of helical content. Further deletion of residues 186-202 leads to a small increase in helical content. Thermal denaturation indicated that removal of residues 260-299 leads to an increase in melting temperature but truncations down to residue 186 did not further affect the melting temperature. The progressive C-terminal truncations, however, gradually increased the cooperativity of thermal unfolding. Chemical denaturation of the apoE4 forms revealed a two-step process with a clear intermediate stage that is progressively lost as the C-terminus is truncated down to residue 230. Hydrophobic fluorescent probe binding suggested that regions 260-299 and 186-202 contain hydrophobic sites, the former being solvent accessible in the wild-type molecule and the latter being accessible only upon truncation. Taken together, our results show an important but complex role of apoE4 C-terminal segments in secondary structure stability and unfolding and suggest that interactions mediated by the C-terminal segments are important for the structural integrity and conformational changes of apoE4.  相似文献   
Many antibiotic peptides function by binding and inserting into membranes. Understanding this process provides an insight into the fundamentals of both membrane protein folding and antibiotic peptide function. For the first time, in this work, flow-aligned linear dichroism (LD) is used to study the folding of the antibiotic peptide gramicidin. LD provides insight into the combined processes of peptide folding and insertion and has the advantage over other similar techniques of being insensitive to off-membrane aggregation events. By combining LD data with conventional measurements of protein fluorescence and circular dichroism, the mechanism of gramicidin insertion is elucidated. The mechanism consists of five separately assignable steps that include formation of a water-insoluble gramicidin aggregate, dissociation from the aggregate, partitioning of peptide to the membrane surface, oligomerisation on the surface and concerted insertion and folding of the peptide to the double-helical form of gramicidin. Measurement of the rates of each step shows that although changes in the fluorescence signal cease 10 s after the initiation of the process, the insertion of the peptide into the membrane is actually not complete for a further 60 min. This last membrane insertion phase is only apparent by measurement of LD and circular dichroism signal changes. In summary, this study demonstrates the importance of multi-technique approaches, including LD, in studies of membrane protein folding.  相似文献   
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