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It was our goal to determine the location of the intermediate chain within the complex of cytoplasmic dynein by immunoelectron microscopy. To do so we generated two monoclonal antibodies (m74-1 and m74-2) specific for the intermediate chain. Both antibodies recognised the intermediate chain by sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis immunoblot and ELISA assays of native and denatured proteins. When sucrose density gradient-purified cytoplasmic dynein from bovine brain was incubated with the gold-conjugated monoclonal antibodies, m74-1 and m74-2, and examined by negative staining, the gold label was found opposite the globular heads at the base of the V-shaped stalk of the motor complex. The labelling of the intermediate chain is the first mapping of a component within cytoplasmic dynein. The identification of the intermediate chain at the base of the complex supports a possible docking function of the intermediate chain.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Mice with inactivated tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lymphotoxin alpha (LT alpha) genes have profound abnormalities of the immune system including lymphocytosis, lack of lymph nodes, undifferentiated spleen, hypoimmunoglobulinaemia, and defective Ig class switch. Here, we asked whether this phenotype is due to incompetent lymphohemopoietic progenitors or to a defective environment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Lethally irradiated TNF-LT alpha-deficient and wild-type mice received bone marrow cells from either TNF-LT alpha-deficient or wild-type mice. The reconstitution and transfer of the phenotype was followed by morphological and functional analyses. RESULTS: Bone marrow cells from wild-type mice restored the synthesis of TNF and LT alpha, corrected the splenic microarchitecture, normalized the lymphocyte counts in the circulation, and repopulated the lamina propria with IgA-producing plasma cells of TNF-LT alpha-deficient mice. Furthermore, the formation of germinal centers in the spleen and the defective Ig class switch in response to a T-cell dependent antigen was corrected, while no lymph nodes were formed. Conversely, the TNF-LT alpha phenotype could be transferred to wild-type mice by bone marrow transplantation after lethal irradiation. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that most TNF- and LT alpha-producing cells are bone marrow derived and radiosensitive, and that the immunodeficiency due to TNF-LT alpha deletion can be corrected to a large extent by normal bone marrow cell transplantation. The genotype of the donor bone marrow cells determines the functional and structural phenotype of the TNF-LT alpha-deficient adult murine host, with the exception of lymph node formation. These findings may have therapeutic implications for the restoration of genetically defined immunodeficiencies in humans.  相似文献   
Abstract. We describe an approach for developing a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) that accounts for transient changes in vegetation distribution over a decadal time scale. The DGVM structure is based on a linkage between an equilibrium global vegetation model and smaller scale ecosystem dynamics modules that simulate the rate of vegetation change. Vegetation change is classified into four basic types, based largely on the projected change in above-ground biomass of the vegetation. These four types of change are: (1) dieback of forest, shrubland or grassland; (2) successional replacement within forest, shrubland or grassland; (3) invasion of forest, shrubland or grassland; (4) change in tree/grass ratio. We then propose an approach in which the appropriate ecosystem dynamics module for each type of change is applied and the grid cells of the global model updated accordingly. An approach for accounting for fire, as an example of a disturbance which may strongly influence the rate and spatial pattern of forest dieback, is incorporated. We also discuss data needs for the development, calibration and validation of the model.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of brushing on the chilling tolerance and metabolism of nonstructural carbohydrates (soluble sugars and starch) in tomato leaves before, during and after a chilling stress. Tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Caruso) were cultivated either without mechanical stress application (control plants) or with daily brushing treatments for 15 days (brushed plants), prior to a 7-day chilling treatment (8/5°C day/night). Brushing resulted in shorter plants with a 34% reduction in leaf dry weight per area and a 59% reduction of soluble sugars and starch, on a dry weight basis. The sugar to starch ratio was not affected by brushing. A greater chilling tolerance in the brushed plants was demonstrated by the maintenance of a significantly higher PSII efficiency in brushed plants (42%) compared to that of the control plants (30%) after 7 days of chilling treatment, less visible damage to the leaf tissue, and a more rapid resumption of growth during 3 days of recovery as compared to control plants. During the chilling treatment levels of soluble sugars per leaf dry weight increased 15-fold in the brushed plants and 5-fold in control plants. In the present study we have demonstrated that brushing can increase chilling tolerance in tomato plants. The observed differences in chilling tolerance and concentration of soluble sugars in the leaves may indicate an involvement of soluble sugar levels in acclimation to chilling.  相似文献   
The chemical shift assignments and secondary structure of a murine–human chimera,MH35, of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a 180-residue protein of molecular mass 20 kDa,have been determined from multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectra acquired on auniformly 13C,15N-labelled sample. Secondary structure elements were defined on the basisof chemical shifts, NH-CH coupling constants, medium-range NOEs and the location ofslowly exchanging amide protons. The protein contains four -helices, the relativeorientations of which were determined on the basis of long-range, interhelical NOEs. The fourhelices are arranged in an up-up-down-down orientation, as found in other four-helical bundlecytokines. The overall topology of MH35-LIF is similar to that of the X-ray crystallographicstructure for murine LIF [Robinson et al. (1994) Cell, 77, 1101–1116]. Differencesbetween the X-ray structure and the solution structure are evident in the N-terminal tail, wherethe solution structure has a trans-Pro17 compared with the cis-Pro17 found in the crystalstructure and the small antiparallel -sheet encompassing residues in the N-terminus andCD loop in the crystal structure is less stable.  相似文献   
A computer program (BBReader) was developed which performs an inverse search in theBioMagResBank database. Given (cross) peak positions of a protein, the program searchesfor atoms with matching chemical shifts and suggests possible assignments for user-specifiedhomo- and heteronuclear one- to three-dimensional COSY- and NOESY-type experiments.It can handle 1H, 13C and 15N spectra. Distance information from PDB files can be utilizedfor filtering possible NOESY cross peak assignments.  相似文献   
Abstract: It is well documented that nerve growth factor (NGF) plays an important role in maintaining functions of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that cholinergic activity controls NGF levels in cholinoceptive neurons of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. To address that question, we used both cholinergic deafferentation of cerebral cortex and hippocampus by cholinergic immunolesion with 192IgG-saporin and chronic pharmacological treatment of sham-treated and immunolesioned rats with the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine and the cholinergic antagonist scopolamine. We observed an increase in NGF protein levels in the cortex and hippocampus after cholinergic immunolesions and also after muscarinic receptor blockade by chronic intracerebroventricular scopolamine infusion in sham-treated rats after 2 weeks. There was no further increase in the accumulation of NGF after scopolamine treatment of immunolesioned rats. Chronic infusion of pilocarpine had no effect on cortical and hippocampal NGF protein levels in sham-treated rats. In rats with cholinergic immunolesions, however, pilocarpine did prevent the lesion-induced accumulation of NGF. There was no effect of cholinergic lesion and drug treatment on cortical or hippocampal NGF mRNA levels, consistent with the importance of NGF retrograde transport as opposed to its de novo synthesis. This study provides strong evidence for the hypothesis that there is cholinergic control of cortical and hippocampal NGF protein but not mRNA levels in adult rats.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional protein crystals of the calcium pump protein of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from fast skeletal muscle were induced using Na3VO3 as first described by Dux and Martonosi. These crystals exhibit repeat rows 11 nm apart which contain discrete units with 7 nm repeats. Four different methods of sample preparation for electron microscopy, i.e., negative staining, freezedrying, freeze-fracturing, and thin-sectioning electron microscopy, each give complimentary repeat units. The SR-membrane crystals exhibit surface structure by the freeze-drying technique and row-like structures on the normally smooth outer face of normal SR. The formation of the membrane crystals is dependent on the pH and concentration of the vanadate. Only conditions favoring the presence of decavanadate yield crystals. At low concentrations and neutral pH, decavanadate is unstable and with time converts to smaller oligomers and the monomer. The presence of membrane crystals was correlated with the life span of the decavanadate. Membrane crystals were obtained in the SR membrane from fast twitch muscle from light and heavy SR, referable to longitudinal and terminal cisternae as well as from reconstituted SR. Canine cardiac SR did not crystallize under these conditions.Abbreviations Tris (tris[hydroxymethyl])aminomethane - TES (N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid), 2-(2-hydroxy-1-bis[hydroxymethyl]ethyl)aminoethanesulfonic acid - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - CPP calcium pump protein Dedicated to the memory of Prof. David E. Green, friend, mentor, and colleague.  相似文献   
A procedure is outlined for the isolation of three pure myocardial subcellular fractions by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. The purity of the sarcolemmal (SL) and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) fragments and mitochondria were documented by marker enzyme assays and SL purity by electronmicroscopy.  相似文献   
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