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Apoptosis plays an important role in eliminating UV-damaged keratinocytes, but its role in UV-induced immune suppression is not clear. Langerhans cells (LCs) may function as inducers of immune suppression. We have shown that LCs derived from mice deficient in the proapoptotic Bid (BH3-interacting death domain protein) gene (Bid KO) resist apoptosis and induce amplified immune responses. In this report, we examined responses in Bid KO mice to UVB exposure. Acute UV exposure led Bid KO mice to develop fewer apoptotic cells and retain a greater fraction of LCs in the epidermal layer of skin in comparison to wild-type mice. Bid KO mice were also markedly resistant to local and systemic UV tolerance induction to hapten sensitization and contact hypersensitivity responses. Elicitation responses and inflammation at skin sensitization sites in UV-treated Bid KO mice were equal to or greater than nonsuppressed control responses. In Bid KO mice, LCs accumulated in lymph nodes to greater numbers, demonstrated longer lifespans, and contained fewer DNA-damaged cells. These studies provide evidence that Bid activation is a critical upstream mediator in UV-induced keratinocyte and LC apoptosis and that its absence abrogates UV-induced immune tolerance.  相似文献   
The cosmopolitan presence of Ulva spp. is partly due to its great reproductive ability, but relatively little information is available for the radiation conditions triggering reproduction. In the present study, we investigated the effect of photon irradiance, photoperiod, and spectral qualities of light on growth and reproduction of Ulva pertusa.During 8-day culture of discs cut from marginal parts of the thallus of U. pertusa, the size of the thallus discs was greatest at 10 μmol m−2 s−1, while saturation of reproduction occurred at 30 μmol m−2 s−1. The minimum photon irradiance allowing growth and reproduction was 5 and 10 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively. Rapid increases in the size and subsequent initiation of sporulation were observed in samples transferred to saturating irradiance from 5 μmol m−2 s−1 or darkness for 9 days. When exposed to different photoperiods (8:16-, 12:12-, 16:8-h LD and continuous light regimes) combined with different photon irradiances (10 and 100 μmol m−2 s−1), U. pertusa thallus showed that the thallus size attained at the low irradiance was similar in daylengths longer than 12 h per day, while the surface area increased in parallel with increasing light duration at the high irradiance. The degree of sporulation at 10 μmol m−2 s−1 varied, ranging from no sporulation in 8:16-h LD to 80% in 16:8-h LD and continuous light. On the other hand, there was no remarkable difference in the degree of sporulation between the photoperiods except for slightly smaller percentage sporulation in 8:16-h LD at 100 μmol m−2 s−1.At 5 μmol m−2 s−1, the growth of U. pertusa was markedly lower in green than in blue or red light, but there was no sporulation in any spectral quality. The degree of sporulation at 20 μmol m−2 s−1 was almost twice as much in blue or red as in green light.The size of plants irradiated with 1.0 W m−2 of UV-B for 20-40 min increased by 18-21% relative to control, whereas higher UV irradiance caused inhibition of growth. There was a significantly lower incidence of sporulation in UV-B-irradiated plants with the degree of reduction being greater in those exposed to higher UV doses. The total biologically effective UV-B dose for 50% inhibition of sporulation was 0.085 Doseeff kJ m−2. The time required to achieve 50% inhibition would be longer than 13 h at depths below 1 m in Ahnin coastal waters. The vertical attenuation coefficient of PAR (λ=400-700 nm) and UV-B (λ=300-320 nm) in April 1998 at Ahnin on the eastern coast of Korea was 0.21 m−1 for KPAR and 0.54 m−1 for KUV-B. A large reduction of light quantity and rapid disappearance of blue wavelength occurred by shading from overlying thalli.Percentage inhibition of sporulation was only 14-18% at 150-200 μmol m−2 s−1 compared with 70% at 10 μmol m−2 s−1, when plants were incubated under different irradiances of PAR immediately after UV-B exposures.These different photoadaptive strategies for sporulation may in part account for the great ecological success of U. pertusa.  相似文献   
Soft water lakes possess a highly characteristic vegetation adapted to limitation of carbon. Based upon hydrology, vegetation and geographic distribution, boreal and Atlantic lake types can be distinguished. Reducing the input of nutrients or liming, or both, the stream or its catchment is generally sufficient to restore typical soft water vegetation of boreal soft water lakes. The vegetation of Atlantic soft water lakes is subject to many anthropogenic degradation processes. Therefore, spontaneous recovery in the near future is not expected and restoration is urgently required. Removal of nutrient-rich, anoxic, organic sediments is a prerequisite for restoration of these lakes. In acidified or acid-sensitive lakes, additional measures against acidification are required. Controlled supply of calcareous, nutrient-poor water is much better than direct liming. The effects of these restoration measures strongly depend on the detrimental effects of processes such as atmospheric deposition, drainage, catchment acidification, eutrophication and reduced colonisation rates.  相似文献   
Theoretical models suggest that subordinate competitors may rely on strong colonization ability and/or high persistence (e.g., the ability to resist invasion) as a strategy to coexist with competitively dominant species. While strong colonization ability among subordinate competitors has been widely documented, we know less about the role of persistence in facilitating species coexistence. In upland East Africa, four species of acacia-ants (Crematogaster sjostedti, C. mimosae, C. nigriceps, Tetraponera penzigi) compete for possession of Acacia drepanolobium host trees. Despite a strong dominance hierarchy, the four acacia-ant species coexist at fine spatial scales. Here we present evidence that T. penzigi, the least aggressive competitor, modifies host trees in two ways that reduce the probability of aggressive takeover by neighboring colonies. First, T. penzigi workers destroy virtually all leaf nectaries on their host trees. Second, T. penzigi workers create and maintain entryways into their swollen thorn domiciles that are too small to allow entry by their Crematogaster competitors. In a 2Ƕ factorial experiment, we manipulated nectar availability and swollen-thorn entryway size to determine the influence of these factors on the probability of aggressive displacement by a dominant competitor (C. mimosae) in staged conflicts. Addition of artificial nectaries and enlargement of swollen-thorn entryways on T. penzigi-occupied trees increased the probability of aggressive displacement of T. penzigi by C. mimosae from swollen thorns 14-fold and 8-fold, respectively. Further, empty saplings with nectaries destroyed by T. penzigi workers were colonized by half as many C. mimosae workers as saplings where nectaries were left intact. Our results demonstrate that T. penzigi's unusual strategy of nectary destruction and the maintenance of small entryways in swollen thorns produce priority effects, effectively reducing the probability that T. penzigi colonies will be displaced from host trees by more dominant competitors.  相似文献   
SiO(x)-like coatings were deposited on glass slides from a hexamethylsiloxane precursor by plasma-assisted CVD (PACVD). Surface energies (23.1-45.7 mJ m(-1)) were correlated with the degree of surface oxidation and hydrocarbon contents. Tapping mode AFM revealed a range of surface topologies with Ra values 1.55-3.16 nm and RMS roughness 1.96-4.11 nm. Settlement of spores of the green alga Ulva was significantly less, and detachment under shear significantly more on the lowest surface energy coatings. Removal of young plants (sporelings) of Ulva under shear was positively correlated with reducing the surface energy of the coatings. The most hydrophobic coatings also showed good performance against a freshwater bacterium, Pseudomonas fluorescens, significantly reducing initial attachment and biofilm formation, and reducing the adhesion strength of attached bacterial cells under shear. Taken together the results indicate potential for further investigation of these coatings for applications such as heat exchangers and optical instruments.  相似文献   
A series of dicationic diaryl ethers have been synthesized and evaluated for in vitro antibacterial activities, including drug resistant bacterial strains. Most of these compounds have shown potent antibacterial activities. Several compounds, such as piperidinyl and thiomorpholinyl compounds 9e and 9l, improved the antimicrobial selectivity and kept potent anti-MRSA and anti-VRE activity. The most potent bis-indole diphenyl ether 19 exhibited anti-MRSA MIC value of ?0.06 μg/mL and enhanced antimicrobial selectivity.  相似文献   
Homologous recombination within plastids directs plastid genome transformation for foreign gene expression and study of plastid gene function. Though transgenes are generally efficiently targeted to their desired insertion site, unintended homologous recombination events have been observed during plastid transformation. To understand the nature and abundance of these recombination events, we analyzed transplastomic tobacco lines derived from three different plastid transformation vectors utilizing two different loci for foreign gene insertion. Two unintended recombinant plastid DNA species were formed from each regulatory plastid DNA element included in the transformation vector. Some of these recombinant DNA species accumulated to as much as 10–60% of the amount of the desired integrated transgenic sequence in T0 plants. Some of the recombinant DNA species undergo further, “secondary” recombination events, resulting in an even greater number of recombinant plastid DNA species. The abundance of novel recombinant DNA species was higher in T0 plants than in T1 progeny, indicating that the ancillary recombination events described here may have the greatest impact during selection and regeneration of transformants. A line of transplastomic tobacco was identified containing an antibiotic resistance gene unlinked from the intended transgene insertion as a result of an unintended recombination event, indicating that the homologous recombination events described here may hinder efficient recovery of plastid transformants containing the desired transgene. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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