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P D Barker  M R Mauk  A G Mauk 《Biochemistry》1991,30(9):2377-2383
The proton titration curves of yeast iso-1-ferricytochrome c and selected point mutants of this protein have been determined between pH 3 and 11 at 10 and 25 degrees C with a computer-controlled titration system. Initial titration of the wild-type protein to acidic pH followed by subsequent titrations to alkaline and then acidic pH demonstrates hysteresis, with one more group (28.7) titrating between pH 11 and 3 than originally titrated (27.7) between pH 3 and 11. Initial titration to alkaline pH, however, resulted in observation of the same number of groups in both directions of titration (28.7 vs 28.6). At 10 degrees C, 7.5 fewer groups were found to titrate over the same range of pH. Titration curves obtained for six cytochrome c mutants modified at Arg-38, Phe-82, Tyr-48, and Tyr-67 were analyzed by subtraction of the corresponding titration curve for the wild-type protein to produce difference titration curves. In most cases, the effects of these mutations as revealed in the difference titration curves could be accounted for as either the result of introduction of an additional group titrating within this pH range, the result of a change in the pK of a titrating residue, and/or the result of a change in the pK for either the first acidic or the first alkaline protein conformational transition. In addition to demonstration of the electrostatic consequences of the mutations in cytochrome c studied here, this study establishes the general usefulness of precise proton titration curve analysis in the characterization of variant proteins produced through recombinant genetic techniques.  相似文献   
A water soluble carbodiimide, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC), has been used to crosslink horse heart cytochrome c and trypsin-solubilized bovine liver microsomal cytochrome b5. The reaction was conducted under a variety of solution conditions, and the products were purified by a combination of gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. Under all conditions of pH, ionic strength, EDC/protein ratio and reaction time that were studied, multiple 1:1 crosslinked complexes were observed with no evidence of a single, dominant species. Acetate, which is often used as a quencher of such reactions, was found to increase the complexity of the reaction products, presumably through EDC-promoted coupling to cytochrome c. Hydroxylamine treatment of the crosslinked complexes, a procedure frequently used to reverse EDC modification of tyrosyl residues, did not reduce the number of crosslinked components observed. The cytochrome b5 heme group was readily extracted from each of the 1:1 crosslinked complexes by standard techniques, so the crosslinking of heme propionate 7 with Lys79 of cytochrome c that might have been anticipated on the basis of molecular graphics modeling [Salemme, F.R. (1976) J. Mol. Biol. 102, 563-568] was not evident from this analysis. Analysis of HPLC tryptic peptide maps produced from crosslinked complexes revealed reduced specificity of trypsin in hydrolysis of EDC-crosslinked protein-protein complexes and unsatisfactory resolution of crosslinked or branched peptides. Nevertheless, it was possible to demonstrate that residues 52-72 of cytochrome b5, a region predicted to be critical to interaction with cytochrome b5 [Salemme, F.R. (1976) J. Mol. Biol. 102, 563-568] was absent from all peptide maps of 1:1 cytochrome c.cytochrome b5 complexes. Based on these results and a review of the literature involving EDC crosslinking of electron transfer proteins, we conclude that the techniques available for specific protein hydrolysis and separation of crosslinked peptides are not adequate to permit routine unambiguous identification of crosslinking sites in carbodiimide-crosslinked complexes.  相似文献   
The interactions of yeast iso-1 cytochrome c with bovine cytochrome c oxidase were studied using cytochrome c variants in which lysines of the binding domain were substituted by alanines. Resonance Raman spectra of the fully oxidized complexes of both proteins reveal structural changes of both the heme c and the hemes a and a3. The structural changes in cytochrome c are the same as those observed upon binding to phospholipid vesicles where the bound protein exists in two conformers, B1 and B2. Whereas the structure of B1 is the same as that of the unbound cytochrome c, the formation of B2 is associated with substantial alterations of the heme pocket. In cytochrome c oxidase, the structural changes in both hemes refer to more subtle perturbations of the immediate protein environment and may be a result of a conformational equilibrium involving two states. These changes are qualitatively different to those observed for cytochrome c oxidase upon poly-l-lysine binding. The resonance Raman spectra of the various cytochrome c/cytochrome c oxidase complexes were analyzed quantitatively. The spectroscopic studies were paralleled by steady-state kinetic measurements of the same protein combinations. The results of the spectra analysis and the kinetic studies were used to determine the stability of the complexes and the conformational equilibria B2/B1 for all cytochrome c variants. The complex stability decreases in the order: wild-type WT > J72K > K79A > K73A > K87A > J72A > K86A > K73A/K79A (where J is the natural trimethyl lysine). This order is not exhibited by the conformational equilibria. The electrostatic control of state B2 formation does not depend on individual intermolecular salt bridges, but on the charge distribution in a specific region of the front surface of cytochrome c that is defined by the lysyl residues at positions 72, 73 and 79. On the other hand, the conformational changes in cytochrome c oxidase were found to be independent of the identity of the bound cytochrome c variant. The maximum rate constants determined from steady-state kinetic measurements could be related to the conformational equilibria of the bound cytochrome c using a simple model that assumes that the conformational transitions are faster than product formation. Within this model, the data analysis leads to the conclusion that the interprotein electron transfer rate constant is around two times higher in state B2 than in B1. These results can be interpreted in terms of an increase of the driving force in state B2 as a result of the large negative shift of the reduction potential.  相似文献   
The implications for motor learning of the model developed in the previous article are analyzed using idealized Pavlovian eyelid conditioning trials, a simple example of cerebellar motor learning. Results suggest that changes in grPkj synapses produced by a training trial disrupt equilibrium and lead to subsequent changes in the opposite direction that restore equilibrium. We show that these opposing phases would make the net plasticity at each grPkj synapse proportional to the change in its activity during the training trial, as influenced by a factor that precludes plasticity when changes in activity are inconsistent. This yields an expression for the component of granule cell activity that supports learning, the across-trials consistency vector, the square of which determines the expected rate of learning. These results suggest that the equilibrium maintained by the cerebellar-olivary system must be disrupted in a specific and systematic manner to promote cerebellar-mediated motor learning.  相似文献   
Modeling studies suggest that electrons are transferred from cytochrome c to cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) with cytochrome c predominantly bound at a site facing the gamma-meso edge of the CcP prosthetic heme group (Poulos, T.L., and Kraut, J. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 10322-10330). As shown here, guaiacol and ferrocyanide are oxidized at a different site of CcP. Thus, the oxidations of cytochrome c and guaiacol are differentially inactivated by phenylhydrazine and sodium azide. The loss of guaiacol oxidation activity correlates with covalent binding of 1 equivalent of [14C]phenylhydrazine to the protein, whereas the slower loss of cytochrome c activity correlates with the appearance of a 428-nm absorbance maximum attributed to the formation of a sigma-phenyl-iron heme complex. The delta-meso-phenyl and 8-hydroxymethyl derivatives of heme are formed as minor products. Catalytic oxidation of azide to the azidyl radical results in inactivation of CcP and formation of delta-meso-azidoheme. Reconstitution of apo-CcP with delta-meso-azido-, -ethyl-, and -(2-phenylethyl)heme yields holoproteins that give compound I species with H2O2 and exhibit 80, 59, and 31%, respectively, of the control kcat value for cytochrome c oxidation but little or no guaiacol or ferrocyanide oxidizing activity. Conversely, CcP reconstituted with gamma-meso-ethylheme is fully active in the oxidation of guaiacol and ferrocyanide but only retains 27% of the cytochrome c oxidizing activity. These results indicate that guaiacol and ferrocyanide are primarily oxidized near the delta-meso-heme edge rather than, like cytochrome c, at a surface site facing the gamma-meso edge.  相似文献   
A 3-year field study was conducted to determine the influence of mode of application of the gibberellin-inhibitor paclobutrazol (PP333), [(2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4 triazol-1-yl)pentan-3-ol], on PP333 soil residue levels and vegetative growth retardation of 10-year-old Starkrimson Delicious (Malus Domestica Borkh.) spur-type apple trees. Treatments were applied in March, 1986 and consisted of foliar or soil sprays (200 ppm, 7 × applications at petal fall (+) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks) or a single soil drench (8.2 g A.I./tree) applied to the collar at petal fall. Foliar sprays were applied with and without a plastic ground cover to evaluate the influence of foliar runoff on the degree of soil absorption and its subsequent effect on vegetative growth. PP333 was extracted over a 3 year period (1986–88) from 400 cm2 soil patches located at the drip line of each tree, with the exception of soil drenches which were sampled near the collar. PP333 soil extracts were purified and quantitatively analyzed by HPLC. PP333 soil residue levels following foliar sprays were comparable to the soil spray treatment for each year and decreased at a rate of 50% per year from 1986–1988. Foliar sprays retarded terminal growth in the year of application, whereas the soil spray did not inhibit growth until the following year. PP333 residue levels were highest in the soil drench where growth retardation was evident in 1987 and 1988. The greatest carry-over effect occurred in the soil treatments, especially the soil drench application which resulted in the highest soil residue rates throughout the 3 year period.  相似文献   
Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to change the codon for cysteine-107 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochrome c to a threonine codon. The resulting protein is active in vivo, is methylated as in the wild-type protein and has optical properties indistinguishable from those of the wild-type protein. The threonine-107 iso-1-cytochrome c demonstrated fully reversible electrochemical behaviour and a mid-point reduction potential of 272 mV versus NHE. In addition, this mutant does not demonstrate a tendency to autoreduce or to dimerize as does the wild-type protein. These properties of the threonine-107 mutant establish that it will provide a useful background in which to make subsequent mutations for mechanistic and physical studies of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c.  相似文献   
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