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The SRO7/SOP1 encoded tumor suppressor homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for maintenance of ion homeostasis in cells exposed to NaCl stress. Here we show that the NaCl sensitivity of the sro7Delta mutant is due to defective sorting of Ena1p, the main sodium pump in yeast. On exposure of sro7Delta mutants to NaCl stress, Ena1p fails to be targeted to the cell surface, but is instead routed to the vacuole for degradation via the multivesicular endosome pathway. SRO7-deficient mutants accumulate post-Golgi vesicles at high salinity, in agreement with a previously described role for Sro7p in late exocytosis. However, Ena1p is not sorted into these post-Golgi vesicles, in contrast to what is observed for the vesicles that accumulate when exocytosis is blocked in sec6-4 mutants at high salinity. These observations imply that Sro7p has a previously unrecognized role for sorting of specific proteins into the exocytic pathway. Screening for multicopy suppressors identified RSN1, encoding a transmembrane protein of unknown function. Overexpression of RSN1 restores NaCl tolerance of sro7Delta mutants by retargeting Ena1p to the plasma membrane. We propose a model in which blocked exocytic sorting in sro7Delta mutants, gives rise to quality control-mediated routing of Ena1p to the vacuole.  相似文献   
The processes leading to systemic dissemination of the obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii remain unelucidated. In vitro studies on human and murine dendritic cells (DC) revealed that active invasion of DC by Toxoplasma induces a state of hypermotility in DC, enabling transmigration of infected DC across endothelial cell monolayers in the absence of chemotactic stimuli. Infected DC exhibited upregulation of maturation markers and co-stimulatory molecules. While modulation of cell adhesion molecules CD11/CD18 was similar for Toxoplasma-infected DC and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-matured DC, Toxoplasma-infected DC did not exhibit upregulation of CD54/ICAM-1. Induction of host cell migration in vitro required live intracellular parasite(s) and was inhibited by uncoupling the Gi-protein signalling pathway with pertussis toxin, but did not depend on CCR5, CCR7 or Toll/interleukin-1 receptor signalling. When migration of Toxoplasma-infected DC was compared with migration of LPS-stimulated DC in vivo, similar or higher numbers of Toxoplasma-infected DC reached the mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen respectively. Adoptive transfer of Toxoplasma-infected DC resulted in more rapid dissemination of parasites to distant organs and in exacerbation of infection compared with inoculation with free parasites. Altogether, these findings show that Toxoplasma is able to subvert the regulation of host cell motility and likely exploits the host's natural pathways of cellular migration for parasite dissemination.  相似文献   
Based on the accumulation of genetic, climatic, and fossil evidence, a central theory in paleoanthropology stipulates that a demographic bottleneck coincided with the origin of our species Homo Sapiens. This theory proposes that anatomically modern humans--which were only present in Africa at the time--experienced a drastic bottleneck during the penultimate glacial age (130-190 kya) when a cold and dry climate prevailed. Two scenarios have been proposed to describe the bottleneck, which involve either a fragmentation of the range occupied by humans or the survival of one small group of humans. Here, we analyze DNA sequence data from 61 nuclear loci sequenced in three African populations using Approximate Bayesian Computation and numerical simulations. In contrast to the bottleneck theory, we show that a simple model without any bottleneck during the penultimate ice age has the greatest statistical support compared with bottleneck models. Although the proposed bottleneck is ancient, occurring at least 130 kya, we can discard the possibility that it did not leave detectable footprints in the DNA sequence data except if the bottleneck involves a less than a 3-fold reduction in population size. Finally, we confirm that a simple model without a bottleneck is able to reproduce the main features of the observed patterns of genetic variation. We conclude that models of Pleistocene refugium for modern human origins now require substantial revision.  相似文献   
The dingo (Canis lupus dingo) is an iconic animal in the native culture of Australia, but archaeological and molecular records indicate a relatively recent history on the continent. Studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) imply that the current dingo population was founded by a small population of already tamed dogs from Southeast Asia. However, the maternal genetic data might give a unilateral picture, and the gene pool has yet to be screened for paternal ancestry. We sequenced 14,437?bp of the Y-chromosome (Y-chr) from two dingoes and one New Guinea Singing Dog (NGSD). This positioned dingo and NGSD within the domestic dog Y-chr phylogeny, and produced one haplotype not detected before. With this data, we characterized 47 male dingoes in 30 Y-chr single-nucleotide polymorphism sites using protease-mediated allele-specific extension technology. Only two haplotypes, H3 and H60, were found among the dingoes, at frequencies of 68.1 and 31.9?%, respectively, compared to 27 haplotypes previously established in the domestic dog. While H3 is common among Southeast Asian dogs, H60 was specifically found in dingoes and the NGSD, but was related to Southeast Asian dog Y-chr haplotypes. H3 and H60 were observed exclusively in the western and eastern parts of Australia, respectively, but had a common range in Southeast. Thus, the Y-chr diversity was very low, similar to previous observations for d-loop mtDNA. Overall genetic evidence suggests a very restricted introduction of the first dingoes into Australia, possibly from New Guinea. This study further confirms the dingo as an isolated feral dog.  相似文献   
The Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana 1852) is widely distributed throughout the Southern Ocean, where it provides a key link between primary producers and upper trophic levels and supports a major commercial fishery. Despite its ecological and commercial importance, genetic population structure of the Antarctic krill remains poorly described. In an attempt to illuminate genetic markers for future population and phylogenetic analysis, five E. superba mitogenomes, from samples collected west of the Antarctic Peninsula, were sequenced using new 454 next-generation sequencing techniques. The sequences, of lengths between 13,310 and 13,326 base pairs, were then analyzed in the context of two previously-published near-complete sequences. Sequences revealed relatively well-conserved partial mitochondrial genomes which included complete sequences for 11 of 13 protein-coding genes, 16 of 23 tRNAs, and the large ribosomal subunit. Partial sequences were also recovered for cox1 and the small ribosomal subunit. Sequence analysis suggested that the cox2, nad5, and nad6 genes would be the best candidates for future population genetics analyses, due to their high number of variable sites. Future work to reveal the noncoding control region remains.  相似文献   
Here, we describe the draft genome sequence of Vibrio fischeri SR5, a squid symbiotic isolate from Sepiola robusta in the Mediterranean Sea. This 4.3-Mbp genome sequence represents the first V. fischeri genome from an S. robusta symbiont and the first from outside the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
In the late stages of the global dispersal of dogs, dingoes appear in the Australian archaeological record 3500 years BP, and dogs were one of three domesticates brought with the colonization of Polynesia, but the introduction routes to this region remain unknown. This also relates to questions about human history, such as to what extent the Polynesian culture was introduced with the Austronesian expansion from Taiwan or adopted en route, and whether pre-Neolithic Australia was culturally influenced by the surrounding Neolithic world. We investigate these questions by mapping the distribution of the mtDNA founder haplotypes for dingoes (A29) and ancient Polynesian dogs (Arc1 and Arc2) in samples across Southern East Asia (n = 424) and Island Southeast Asia (n = 219). All three haplotypes were found in South China, Mainland Southeast Asia and Indonesia but absent in Taiwan and the Philippines, and the mtDNA diversity among dingoes indicates an introduction to Australia 4600-18 300 years BP. These results suggest that Australian dingoes and Polynesian dogs originate from dogs introduced to Indonesia via Mainland Southeast Asia before the Neolithic, and not from Taiwan together with the Austronesian expansion. This underscores the complex origins of Polynesian culture and the isolation from Neolithic influence of the pre-Neolithic Australian culture.  相似文献   


The human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes produces an endoglycosidase, EndoS that hydrolyzes the chitobiose core of the asparagine-linked glycan on the heavy chain of human IgG. IgG-binding to Fc gamma receptors (FcγR) on leukocytes triggers effector functions including phagocytosis, oxidative burst and the release of inflammatory mediators. The interactions between FcγR and the Fc domain of IgG depend on the IgG glycosylation state.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we show for the first time that EndoS hydrolyzes the heavy chain glycan of all four human IgG subclasses (IgG1-4), in purified form and in a plasma environment. An inactive form of EndoS, obtained by site-directed mutagenesis, binds IgG with high affinity, in contrast to wild type EndoS that only transiently interacts with IgG, as shown by Slot-blotting and surface plasmon resonance technology. Furthermore, EndoS hydrolysis of the IgG glycan influences the binding of IgG to immobilized soluble FcγR and to an erythroleukemic cell line, K562, expressing FcγRIIa. Incubation of whole blood with EndoS results in a dramatic decrease of IgG binding to activated monocytes as analyzed by flow cytometry. Moreover, the IgG bound to K562 cells dissociates when cells are treated with EndoS. Likewise, IgG bound to immobilized FcγRIIa and subsequently treated with EndoS, dissociates from the receptor as analyzed by surface plasmon resonance and Western blot.


We provide novel information about bacterial enzymatic modulation of the IgG/FcγR interaction that emphasizes the importance of glycosylation for antibody effector functions. Moreover, EndoS could be used as a biochemical tool for specific IgG N-glycan hydrolysis and IgG purification/detection, or as a potential immunosuppressing agent for treatment of antibody-mediated pathological processes.  相似文献   
Omission of extracellular Ca(2+) for 15 min from the incubation medium of cultured hippocampal slices stimulated the efflux of glutathione, phosphoethanolamine, hypotaurine, and taurine. The efflux was reduced by several blockers of gap junctions, i.e. carbenoxolone, flufenamic acid, and endothelin-1, and by the connexin43 hemichannel blocking peptide Gap26 but was unchanged by the P2X(7) receptor inhibitor oxidized ATP, a pannexin1 hemichannel blocking peptide and an inactive analogue of carbenoxolone. Pretreatment of the slices with the neurotoxin N-methyl-d -aspartate left the efflux by Ca(2+) omission unchanged, indicating that the stimulated efflux primarily originated from glia. Elevated glutamate efflux was detected when Ca(2+) omission was combined with the glutamate uptake blocker l-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylate and when both Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) were omitted from the medium. Omission of Ca(2+) for 15 min alone did not induce delayed toxicity, but in combination with blocked glutamate uptake, significant cell death was observed 24 h later. Our results indicate that omission of extracellular Ca(2+) stimulates efflux of glutathione and specific amino acids including glutamate via opening of glial hemichannels. This type of efflux may have protective functions via glutathione efflux but can aggravate toxicity in situations when glutamate reuptake is impaired, such as following a stroke.  相似文献   
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