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Mice deficient in α-sarcoglycan (Sgca-null mice) develop progressive muscular dystrophy and serve as a model for human limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2D. Sgca-null mice suffer a more severe myopathy than that of mdx mice, the model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This is the opposite of what is observed in humans and the reason for this is unknown. In an attempt to understand the cellular basis of this severe muscular dystrophy, we isolated clonal populations of myogenic progenitor cells (MPCs), the resident postnatal muscle progenitors of dystrophic and wild-type mice. MPCs from Sgca-null mice generated much smaller clones than MPCs from wild-type or mdx dystrophic mice. Impaired proliferation of Sgca-null myogenic precursors was confirmed by single fiber analysis and this difference correlated with Sgca expression during MPC proliferation. In the absence of dystrophin and associated proteins, which are only expressed after differentiation, SGCA complexes with and stabilizes FGFR1. Deficiency of Sgca leads to an absence of FGFR1 expression at the membrane and impaired MPC proliferation in response to bFGF. The low proliferation rate of Sgca-null MPCs was rescued by transduction with Sgca-expressing lentiviral vectors. When transplanted into dystrophic muscle, Sgca-null MPCs exhibited reduced engraftment. The reduced proliferative ability of Sgca-null MPCs explains, at least in part, the severity of this muscular dystrophy and also why wild-type donor progenitor cells engraft efficiently and consequently ameliorate disease.  相似文献   
Resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene), a polyphenolic natural product, shows chemopreventive properties against several cancers, heart diseases, inflammation, and viral infections. Epstein Barr virus (EBV), a γ-herpesvirus, contributes to the development of several human cancers including Burkitt's lymphoma (BL). In this study, we asked whether treatment with resveratrol would affect the viability of EBV-positive BL cells displaying different forms of latency. We report here that resveratrol, regardless of EBV status, induces caspase-dependent apoptosis by arresting cell-cycle progression in G(1) phase. However, resveratrol strongly induced apoptosis in EBV(-) and latency I EBV(+) cells, whereas latency II and latency III EBV(+) BL cells showed a survival advantage that increased with the extent of the pattern of viral gene expression. Resveratrol-induced cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis occurred in association with induction of p38 MAPK phosphorylation and suppression of ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Moreover, NF-κB DNA-binding activity was inhibited in all BL lines except EBV(+) latency III cells. LMP1 oncogene, which is expressed in latency III phenotype, is involved with the higher resistance to the antiproliferative effect of resveratrol because siRNA-mediated inhibition of LMP1 greatly increased the sensitivity of latency III BL cells as well as that of lymphoblastoid cell lines to the polyphenol. We propose that a combined resveratrol/siRNA strategy may be a novel approach for the treatment of EBV-associated B-cell malignancies in which the viral pattern of gene expression has been defined.  相似文献   
The ability of Azospirillum brasilense Cd to colonize the niche occupied by 3 bacterial strains previously isolated from sorghum rhizosphere was studied by means of the Biolog system. The isolates were identified by different methods as strains belonging to Pseudomonas putida, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Klebsiella terrigena species. Several C sources, also chosen among the constituents of sorghum root exudates, were used to evaluate the metabolic profiles of Azospirillum and the sorghum rhizobacteria. Azospirillum brasilense Cd exploited the same class of C compounds as the sorghum rhizobacteria and overlapped in their niche requirements. Since structure and functioning of a microbial community are largely affected by the flow rate of nutrient supply, the competitive behavior of A. brasilense Cd was studied in a chemostat mixed culture under C-limited conditions using disodium succinate as C source. Only at high growth rates, i.e., when the C source was highly supplied, A. brasilense Cd appeared to be a good competitor and it became the dominant species, whereas at low growth rates, it was outnumbered by the other species. However, the coexistence of all the strains was always maintained, thus suggesting that interactions other than competition or a potential cross-feeding might occur within the mixed culture.  相似文献   
We have employed echistatin, a 5.4 kDa snake venom disintegrin, as a model protein to investigate the paradox that small ligand-mimetics can bind to the resting alphaIIbbeta3 integrin while adhesive macromolecules cannot. We characterized the interactions between purified human alphaIIbbeta3 and two recombinant echistatin variants: rEch (1-49) M28L, chosen for its selectivity toward beta3-integrins, and rEch (1-40) M28L, a carboxy-terminal truncation mutant. While both contain an RGD integrin targeting sequence, only rEch (1-49) M28L was an effective inhibitor of alphaIIbbeta3 function. Electron microscopy of rotary shadowed specimens yielded a variety of alphaIIbbeta3 conformers ranging from compact, spherical particles (maximum dimension 22 nm) to the classical "head with two tails" forms (32 nm). The population of larger particles (42-56 nm) increased from 17% to 28% in the presence of rEch (1-49) M28L, indicative of ligand-induced oligomerization. Sedimentation velocity measurements demonstrated that both full length and truncated echistatin perturbed alphaIIbbeta3's solution structure, yielding slower-sedimenting open conformers. Dynamic light scattering showed that rEch (1-49) M28L protected alphaIIbbeta3 from thermal aggregation, raising its transition mid-point from 46 degrees C to 69 degrees C; a smaller shift resulted with rEch (1-40) M28L. Sedimentation equilibrium demonstrated that both echistatin ligands induced substantial alphaIIbbeta3 dimerization. van't Hoff analysis revealed a pattern of entropy/enthalpy compensation similar to tirofiban, a small RGD ligand-mimetic that binds tightly to alphaIIbbeta3, but yields smaller conformational perturbations than echistatin. We propose that echistatin may serve as a paradigm for understanding multidomain adhesive macromolecules because its ability to modulate alphaIIbbeta3's structure resides on an RGD loop, while full disintegrin activity requires an auxiliary site that includes the carboxy-terminal nine amino acid residues.  相似文献   
The human telomerase ribonucleoprotein particle (RNP) shares with box H/ACA small Cajal body (sca)RNPs and small nucleolar (sno)RNPs the proteins dyskerin, hGar1, hNhp2, and hNop10. How dyskerin, hGar1, hNhp2, and hNop10 assemble with box H/ACA scaRNAs, snoRNAs, and the RNA component of telomerase (hTR) in vivo remains unknown. In yeast, Naf1p interacts with H/ACA snoRNP proteins and may promote assembly of Cbf5p (the yeast ortholog of dyskerin) with nascent pre-snoRNAs. Here we show that the human HsQ96HR8 protein, thereafter termed hNaf1, can functionally replace endogenous Naf1p in yeast. HeLa hNaf1 associates with dyskerin and hNop10 as well as box H/ACA scaRNAs, snoRNAs, and hTR. Reduction of hNaf1 steady-state levels by RNAi significantly lowers accumulation of these components of box H/ACA scaRNP, snoRNP, and telomerase. hNaf1 is found predominantly in numerous discrete foci in the nucleoplasm and fails to accumulate within Cajal bodies or nucleoli. Altogether, these results suggest that hNaf1 intervenes in early assembly steps of human box H/ACA RNPs, including telomerase.  相似文献   
Beta-keratins constitute most of the corneous material of carapace and plastron of turtles. The production of beta-keratin in the epidermis of a turtle and tortoise (criptodirians) and of a species of pleurodiran turtle was studied after injection of tritiated proline during the growth of carapace, plastron and claws. Growth mainly occurs near hinge regions along the margins of scutes and along most of the claws (growing regions). Proline incorporation occurs mainly in the growing centers, and is more specifically associated with beta-keratin synthesis. Proline-labeled bands of protein at 12-14 kDa and 25-27 kDa, and 37 kDa, in the molecular weight range of beta-keratins, were isolated from the soft epidermis of turtles 3 h after injection of the labeled amino acid. After extraction of epidermal proteins, an antibody directed against a chicken beta-keratin was used for immunoblotting. Bands of beta-keratin at 15-17 kDa, 22-24 kDa, and 36-38 kDa appear in all species. Beta-keratin is present in the growing and compact stratum corneum of the hard (shell) and soft (limbs, neck and tail) epidermis. This was confirmed using a specific antibody against a turtle beta-keratin band of 15-16 kDa. The latter antibody recognized epidermal protein bands in the range of 15-16 kDa and 29-33 kDa, and labels beta-keratin filaments. This result indicates that different forms of beta-keratins are produced from low molecular weight precursors or that larger aggregate form during protein preparation. The present study shows that beta-keratin is abundant in the scaled epidermis of tortoise but also in the soft epidermis of pleurodiran and cryptodiran turtles, indicating that this form of hard keratin is constitutively expressed in the epidermis of chelonians.  相似文献   
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